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উটকো [ uṭakō ] a unknown (উটকো লোক); unbe lievable, preposterous, queer (উটকো গল্প); unexpected (উটকো ব্যাপার); inci dental (উটকো খরচা); unnecessary, causeless (উটকো ঝামেলা); insincere (উটকো সোহাগ); frivolous, flippant (উটকো মেয়ে); given to slipping away frequently from one's husband's house (উটকো বউ).

উটজ [ uṭaja ] n a hut thatched with straw, tree leaves etc; a thatched hut. ̃শিল্প n. cot tage-industry.

উটপাখি [ uṭapākhi ] n the ostrich.

উঠতি [ uṭhati ] n rise, growth, development, flourish, increase. ☐ a. rising, growing, developing, flourishing, thriving, in creasing. উঠতি অবস্হা flourishing stage. উঠতি পড়তি n. rise and fall; (comm.) boom and slump, fluctuation. উঠতি বয়স adolescence. উঠতির মুখ the first stage or beginning of rise or flourish or pros perity.

উঠন [ uṭhana ] n act of swelling; act of getting up or climbing or ascending or rising.

উঠন্ত [ uṭhanta ] a rising; growing. উঠন্ত মুলো পত্তনে চেনা যায় (fig.) morning shows the day.

উঠবন্দি [ uṭhabandi ] n a temporary or periodical lease of agricultural land. ̃চাষ n. shifting cultivation.

উঠানো [ uṭhānō ] v to cause to ascend or climb; to lift; to heave, to haul up; to pick up; to raise; to cause to mount or ride; to ex tract or cause to be extracted (দাঁত উঠানো); to pluck or cause to be plucked; to promote (ক্লাসে উঠানো); to build or construct; to remove (রং উঠানো); to collect (চাঁদা উঠানো); to cause to enter (কানে উঠানো); to abolish (পূজাপাট উঠানো); to close down (দোকান উঠানো); to bring to an end (আড্ডা উঠানো); to include (তালিকায় উঠানো); to mention (নাম উঠানো); to evict, to eject (প্রজা বা ভাড়াটে উঠানো).

উঠিত [ uṭhita ] a (of land) developed for agricul ture or habitation.

উঠতে বসতে [ uṭhatē basatē ] adv every now and then, fre quently, at every step.

উড়তি [ uḍ়ti ] a flying; (of rumour, news etc. esp. such as are untrue) passing from man to man, current.

উড়নচণ্ডী, উড়নচণ্ডে [ uḍ়nacaṇḍī, uḍ়nacaṇḍē ] a possessing the habit of a spendthrift, wasteful, extravagant, squandering. ☐ n. a spendthrift, an ex travagant man, a squanderer.

উড়ন্ত [ uḍ়nta ] a moving through or in the air, fly ing, fluttering (উড়ন্ত নিশান).