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উদ্দিষ্ট [ uddiṣṭa ] a alluded (to); directed (towards); aimed (at); intended, desired; ad dressed (to); traced, found out. উদ্দিষ্ট অর্থ n. the desired meaning. উদ্দিষ্ট স্হান n. the desired place.

উদ্দীপক [ uddīpaka ] a enkindling; inciting; inspiring; incentive; encouraging; animating; manifesting; developing; provoking (হাস্যোদ্দীপক). উদ্দীপক বস্তু an incentive.

উদ্দীপন [ uddīpana ] n act of enkindling; incitation; act of inspiring or encouragement; animation; manifestation; develop ment.

উদ্দীপনা [ uddīpanā ] n incitement; an inspiration; an incentive; encouragement; animus; im petus; enthusiasm, exuberance. উদ্দীপনীয় a. that which should be or can be enkindled or incited or inspired or given an incentive or encouraged or animated or manifested or developed.

উদ্দীপিত [ uddīpita ] a enkindled, incited, excited; animated; manifested; developed. উদ্দীপিত করা v. to enkindle; to incite or excite; to animate; to manifest; to de velop.

উদ্দীপ্ত [ uddīpta ] a. inflamed, blazing, flared up; en- kindled; illuminated; incited, excited; animated; made or become violent; im- passioned; manifested. v to inflame, to flare up; to enkindle; to il lumine or illuminate; to incite or ex cite; to animate; to make violent or im passioned; to manifest.

উদ্দেশ [ uddēśa ] n aim, direction (উদ্দেশে বলা); search for (উদ্দেশ করা); trace (উদ্দেশ পাওয়া); intention, purpose (কী উদ্দেশে); information, news (উদ্দেশ নেওয়া); whereabouts or address (উদ্দেশ জানা নেই). উদ্দেশক a. aiming; directing; searching; intending; inquiring.

উদ্দেশ্য [ uddēśya ] a aimed (at); searched; intended; addressed, spoken to. ☐ n. an intention or purpose; a design; an object or end; a motive (বিনা উদ্দেশ্যে); (gr-to a sen tence) a subject. ̃মূলক a. (chiefly dero.) motivated. ̃হীন a. motiveless; purposeless; aimless.

উদ্ধত [ uddhata ] a rude; insolent; impudent; saucy; haughty, arrogant, bumptious, high and mighty; formidable; proud, vainglori ous, stuck-up; obstinate, headstrong.

উদ্ধরণ [ uddharaṇa ] n act of rescuing; act of lifting or reclaiming; quotation from a writing etc. ̃চিহ্ন n. quotation-marks (" ").

উদ্ধার [ uddhāra ] n rescue, deliverance (উদ্ধারলাভ); uplift, emancipation (পতিতোদ্ধার); rec lamation, development (লুপ্তোদ্ধার); re covery (স্বাস্হ্যোদ্ধার); removal esp. by extracting or lifting (কন্টকোদ্ধার, পঙ্কোদ্ধার); a quotation from a writing etc. উদ্ধার করা v. to rescue, to deliver; to uplift, to emancipate; to reclaim, to de velop; to recover; to remove (esp. by extracting or lifting); to quote from a writing etc.). ̃ক, ̃কর্তা, ̃কারী n. a res cuer, a deliverer, a saviour; an up lifter, an emancipator; a reclaimer; a recoverer; a remover; one who quotes. ̃কার্য n. rescue work; rescue operation. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) quotation marks, inverted commas (" " or ' '). উদ্ধার পাওয়া, উদ্ধার লাভ করা v. to be rid of an awkward or difficult situation; to be rescued; to be saved. ̃ভবন n. a rescue-home. উদ্ধারাশ্রম n. a home or camp for homeless or res cued persons; a rescue-home.

উদ্দৃত [ uddṛta ] a quoted (from a writing etc.). উদ্ধৃতাংশ a. passage quoted from a writing etc., an excerpt, an extract; উদ্ধৃতি n. that which is quoted; a quota tion (from a writing etc.)

উদ্ধৃতিচিহ্ন [ uddhṛticihna ] n quotation marks.

উদ্বন্ধন [ udbandhana ] n hanging by the halter (for kill ing or self-killing). ̃রজ্জু n. a halter for hanging, a hangmans's rope. উদ্বন্ধনে মরা v. to die by hanging.

উদ্ধমন [ uddhamana ] n vomiting or retching; disgorgement, ejection.

উদ্বর্ত [ udbarta ] n. & a surplus, excess.

উদ্বর্তন1 [ udbartana1 ] n upliftment, uplift; develop ment; progress; survival. যোগ্যতমের উদ্বর্তন survival of the fittest.

উদ্বর্তন2 [ udbartana2 ] n act of anointing with per fumes; perfume for anointing; mas sage.

উদ্বর্তিত [ udbartita ] a uplifted; developed; survived; anointed with perfumes; (of muscles, joints etc.) rubbed or kneaded.