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উপস্কৃত [ upaskṛta ] a supplemented; collected; beau tified; embellished, decorated; dressed, toileted.

উপস্ত্রী [ upastrī ] n a concubine, a mistress.

উপস্হ [ upasha ] a proximate, in the vicinity of; neared; situated or lying on the top (of). ☐ n. the male or female genitals, the penis or the vagina. ̃নিগ্রহ n. con trol of sex appetite or sexual desire; continence.

উপস্হাপক [ upashāpaka ] a bringing in, ushering; pro posing, moving, introducing; submit ting (a petition etc.). ☐ n. an usher; a proposer, a mover, an introducer; one who submits (a petition etc.).

উপস্হাপন [ upashāpana ] n bringing in or ushering; pro posing or moving or introducing; act of submitting, submission. উপস্হাপন করা v. to bring in, to usher; to propose, to move, to raise, to introduce; to submit. উপস্হাপিত n. brought in; proposed or moved; introduced; placed; submitted.

উপস্হাপিকা [ upashāpikā ] fem of উপস্হাপক ।

উপস্হিত [ upashita ] a arrived or assembled in the place in question; present; now exist ing, current; impending. উপস্হিত করা v. to bring in, to usher; to propose or in troduce. উপস্হিত থাকা v. to be present; to exist, to be current. উপস্হিত হওয়া v. to put in or make an appearance, to ap pear, to come, to arrive; to assemble; to be present; to be current. ̃বক্তা n. one who can deliver an extempore speech, an extemporizer. ̃বুদ্ধি n. pres ence of mind, ready wit. ☐ a. ready witted. উপস্হিতি n. arrival; assemblage; presence; attendance; existence at present, currency. উপস্হিতি-নিবন্ধ n. an attendance register.

উপস্পর্শক [ upasparśaka ] n a sub-tangent.

উপস্বত্ব [ upasbatba ] n income or profit from landed property, business firm etc.; revenue.

উপহত [ upahata ] a hurt; wounded; attacked; over whelmed.

উপহসিত [ upahasita ] a ridiculed, taunted, laughed at, mocked.

উপহার [ upahāra ] n a presentation; a complimen tary gift, a present. উপহার দেওয়া v. to offer as a present.

উপহাস [ upahāsa ] n ridicule, taunt; a joke; con tempt. উপহাস করা v. to ridicule or taunt, to laugh at, to mock, to jeer; to crack a joke; to treat with contempt. উপহাসাস্পদ n. an object of ridicule or taunt, a ridiculous person; a laughing stock; a laughable person; a contempt ible person. উপহাস্য a. ridiculous, fit to be taunted or jeered at; laughable; con temptible.

উপহৃত [ upahṛta ] n given or offered as present, presented; given or offered; collected.

উপহ্রদ [ upahrada ] n a lagoon.

উপাংশু [ upāṃśu ] a lonely; deserted.

উপাক্ষ [ upākṣa ] n (geog.) a minor axis; spectacles.

উপাখ্যান [ upākhyāna ] n a story; a tale; a fable; a fairy tale; a narrative; an episode; an anec dote.

উপাগত [ upāgata ] a arrived within the approaches of, neared; present; current; existing; one who has or that which has been obtained or attained.

উপাগম [ upāgama ] n approaching or nearing, ap proach; presence; act of obtaining, ob tainment; attainment.

উপাঙ্গ [ upāṅga ] n an accessory limb; a part of a limb; an excrescence; a text regarded as a part of or accessory of the Vedas; an epilogue or appendix. উপাঙ্গ-প্রদাহ n. appendicitis.

উপাচার্য [ upācārya ] n (of a university) a vice-chan cellor.

উপাত্ত [ upātta ] a accepted; admitted, supposed (for the sake of argument), earned, ob tained. ☐ n. (log. etc.) a datum.

উপাদান [ upādāna ] n a (raw) material, an ingredient; a constituent. উপাদান কারণ the material cause.

উপাদেয় [ upādēẏa ] a pleasant, delightful; enjoyable; tasteful, delicious, dainty, pleasant to eat. ̃তা n. pleasantness, delightful ness; enjoyableness; tastefulness, deli ciousness, daintiness.

উপাধান [ upādhāna ] n a pillow.

উপাধি [ upādhi ] n a title; an academic degree or appellation given to the recipient of a degree; a designation; a surname; a quality or property that distinguishes an individual from the class, a denota tion. ̃ক, ̃ধারী a. titled; a degree holder. ̃পত্র n. a diploma, an academic certificate.

উপাধ্যক্ষ [ upādhyakṣa ] n a vice-principal.

উপাধ্যায় [ upādhyāẏa ] n surname or title of an upcountry Brahmin; a professor or reader; a teacher; an instructor; a pro fessional teacher or reader of the Vedas. উপাধ্যায়া, উপাধ্যায়ী n. fem. a fe male professor or reader; a lady teacher; an instructress. উপাধ্যায়ী, উপাধ্যায়ানী n. fem. the wife of a profes sor or reader or instructor or of a pro fessional teacher of the Vedas.

উপানত্ [ upānat ] n (rarely in use) shoe, boot, slip per. ̃কার n. a shoe-maker.

উপান্ত [ upānta ] n outskirts; an approach; vicinity; border, extremity; any penultimate or post-ultimate object. উপান্ত্য a. lying in the outskirts; penultimate. উপান্ত্য টীকা n. marginal note. উপান্ত্য বর্ণ (gr.) the penultimate letter of a word.

উপাবর্তন [ upābartana ] n returning or retreating; a turn ing round; rotation, act of whirling.

উপাবৃত্ত [ upābṛtta ] a returned, retreated; turned round; rotated, whirled.

উপায় [ upāẏa ] n a means, a way, an expedient; a method (অঙ্ক কষার উপায়); a contriv ance, a device; income, earnings (উপায় কত ?); a remedy (রোগের উপায়); a measure; a means to relieve or help, support (বিধবার উপায়). উপায় করা v. to devise means or method; to earn; to remedy; to devise means to relieve or help, to find a support for.

উপায়-উপকরণ [ upāẏa-upakaraṇa ] n. pl ways and means.

উপায়ক্ষম [ upāẏakṣama ] a capable of earning.

উপায়জ্ঞ [ upāẏajña ] a able to find out means; re sourceful.

উপায়ন [ upāẏana ] n a present, a complimentary gift; a reward.

উপায়বিহীন, উপায়হীন [ upāẏabihīna, upāẏahīna ] a resourceless; hav ing no means; helpless.

উপায়ান্তর [ upāẏāntara ] n an alternative means; an al ternative. ̃হীন a. left without an alter native, having no alternative.

উপায়ী [ upāẏī ] n one who earns (esp. money), earning.

উপারম্ভ [ upārambha ] n beginning; outset; start.

উপার্জক [ upārjaka ] a one who earns (esp. money). ☐ n. a money-earner; an earner.

উপার্জন [ upārjana ] n earning (esp. money); win ning; gaining or obtaining; acquire ment; earning, income (উপার্জন কত?) উপার্জন করা v. to earn; to win; to gain, to obtain. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of earning. ̃রত, ̃শীল a. engaged in earning.

উপার্জিত [ upārjita ] a earned; won; gained, obtained, acquired.

উপার্থন [ upārthana ] n canvassing votes; canvassing.

উপালম্ভ [ upālambha ] n reproof, reproach; censure, reprimand. উপালব্ধ a. reproved, re proached, censured.

উপাশ্রয় [ upāśraẏa ] a fit to be a shelter. ☐ n. one who takes shelter; a refugee; taking shelter; resorting to. উপাশ্রিত a. taken or given shelter; protected.

উপাসক [ upāsaka ] a engaged in worshipping or adoring or praying; devoted (to); en gaged in religious meditation; engaged in serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admiring. ☐ n. a worshipper, an adorer; one who prays; a devotee; one who meditates; a servant, a flatterer; an admirer.

উপাসঙ্গ [ upāsaṅga ] n a thing or an object always ready to hand; a quiver.

উপাসন, উপাসনা [ upāsana, upāsanā ] n worship; adoration; prayer; devotion; religious meditation; act of serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in re turn; admiration; solicitation. উপাসনা করা v. to worship; to adore; to pray; to be devoted to; to be engaged in reli gious meditation, to meditate.

উপাসিকা [ upāsikā ] fem of উপাসক ।

উপাসিত [ upāsita ] a worshipped; adored; medi tated; served in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admired; solic ited.

উপাস্হি [ upāshi ] n a cartilage.

উপাস্য [ upāsya ] a worthy of being worshipped, adorable; warranting devotion; worthy of being meditated upon; worthy of being served or flattered; warranting admiration or deep attachment or ad diction.

উপাহার [ upāhāra ] n a light repast, tiffin, snack.

উপাহৃত [ upāhṛta ] a collected; brought; imagined; fancied.

উপুড় [ upuḍ় ] a lying with face on the ground, prostrate. উপুড় হওয়া v. to prostrate; to turn turtle.

উপুড়হস্ত [ upuḍ়hasta ] a open-handed, munificent, generous; ready to pay off (debts etc.). উপুড়হস্ত না করা v. to be reluctant to pay or (esp.) to repay; not to pay off a debt.

উপেক্ষক [ upēkṣaka ] a & n. one who disregards or rejects or neglects; one who attaches no importance to; one who treats with contempt or indifference or inatten tion; one who ignores or overlooks.

উপেক্ষা, উপেক্ষণ [ upēkṣā, upēkṣaṇa ] n disregard; rejection; neglect; contempt; indifference, heed lessness, inattention. উপেক্ষা করা v. to disregard; to reject; to neglect; to at tach no importance to; to treat with in difference or inattention; to pay no at tention or heed to, to take no care of; to ignore; to overlook. উপেক্ষণীয় a. neg ligible; contemptible; not deserving any notice; ignorable.

উপেক্ষিত [ upēkṣita ] a disregarded; rejected; ne glected; treated with indifference or in attention; unheeded; uncared for; ig nored; overlooked. fem. উপেক্ষিতা ।

উপেত [ upēta ] a endowed with, invested with, possessed of (e.g. গুণোপেত) having or possessing qualities, qualified).

উপোদ্ঘাত [ upōdghāta ] n beginning, start; a presage; a preface; a prologue, an introduction.

উপোস [ upōsa ] n abstinence from food, fasting, fast. উপোস করা v. to fast; to go without food. উপোসি a. fasting, going or gone without food; hungry. উপোসিত a. going without food, fasting.

উপ্ত [ upta ] a (of seeds) sown, sowed. উপ্তি n. act of sowing.

উবরানো [ ubarānō ] v to be surplus.

উবা [ ubā ] v to evaporate; to vanish; to disap pear.

উবু [ ubu ] a seated on one's heels, squatted; high, elevated. উবু হওয়া v. to sit on one's heels, to squat.

উভ1 [ ubha1 ] pro both. ̃চর a. amphibious, am phibian. উভচর প্রানী an amphibian. উভচর প্রানীবর্গ the amphibia. ̃বল n. am bivalence. ☐ a. ambivalent. ̃লিঙ্গ a. (bio. & zoo.) androgynous, bisexual; (gr.) of common gender. ☐ n. an an drogynous creature; (gr.) common gen der or a word in this gender.

উভ2 [ ubha2 ] a high; loud; upturned (উভলেজ). ̃রড়ে adv. (obs.) at a high speed, with breakneck speed. ̃রায় adv. at the top of one's voice. ̃রোল n. tumultuous noise. ̃লেজ a. having one's tail turned up.

উভয় [ ubhaẏa ] pro two persons or things, two; both. ☐ a. both. ̃ত adv. on or from or for both or either directions or sides or parties. উভয়তোমুখ । a. facing or looking both ways; double-faced. fem. উভয়তোমুখী । ̃ত্র adv. on or from or for both persons or parties or sides or di rections. ̃থা adv. in both ways or methods. ̃পার্শ্ব n. both sides. ̃লিঙ্গ a. (zoo. & bio.) hermaphroditi (al.) □ n. a hermaphrodite. ̃সংকট n. a dilemma.

উভয়ার্থ [ ubhaẏārtha ] a ambiguous, equivocal, having both or dual meanings.

উমদা [ umadā ] a wealthy, rich; excellent; bril liant.

উমর [ umara ] n age.

উমরাহ, উমরা [ umarāha, umarā ] n (Mus.) a very rich man; a nobleman.

উমা [ umā ] n the name of the wife of Shiva (শিব).

উমানো [ umānō ] v to heat; to agitate. ☐ n. mea sure, weight; quantity.

উমাপতি, উমাশংকর [ umāpati, umāśaṅkara ] n Shiva (শিব) the hus band of Uma (উমা).

উমেদ [ umēda ] n hope, desire; expectation. উমেদার a. cherishing a hope, desirous, expect ant. ☐ n. a candidate (for a job etc.). উমেদারি n. soliciting for a job etc.; offer ing oneself as a candidate; candidature.

উর, উরঃ [ ura, urḥ ] n the bosom, the breast; the chest. উরঃফলক n. a sternum, a breast bone.

উরগ, উরঙ্গ, উরঙ্গম [ uraga, uraṅga, uraṅgama ] n a reptile; a serpent; a snake. fem. উরগী, উরঙ্গী, উরঙ্গমী ।

উরজ [ uraja ] n either of the two mammary glands in a woman, the female breast.

উরমাল [ uramāla ] n a handkerchief; a thigh-plate (esp. of a horse).

উরশ্ছদ [ uraśchada ] n a piece of armour for the breast, a breastplate.

উরস [ urasa ] n the breast, the bosom; the chest.

উরুত [ uruta ] n thigh.

উরোগামী [ urōgāmī ] a crawling.

উরোজ [ urōja ] a born of or produced from the breast. ☐ n. either of the two mam mary glands in women, the female breast.

উর্দি [ urdi ] n a distinctive garb for members of a body; a uniform.

উর্দু [ urdu ] n the Urdu language, Urdu. ̃নবিশ n. one who is proficient in or professes to know Urdu.

উর্বর [ urbara ] a fertile, productive; prolific. fem. উর্বরা । উর্বর করা v. to make fertile, to fertilize. ̃তা n. fertility, productivity. ̃তাসাধন n. fertilization.

উর্বরমস্তিষ্ক [ urbaramastiṣka ] a fertile-brained, ingenious. উর্বর মস্তিষ্ক n. fertile brain, resourceful ness, ingenuity.

উর্বশী [ urbaśī ] n the name of the chief dancer of heaven celebrated for her ageless youth and undying beauty.

উর্বী [ urbī ] n the earth (esp. when personified as the mother of all created beings), Mother Earth. ̃ধর n. a mountain. ̃রুহ n. a tree; a plant.

উল [ ula ] n wool.

উলকি [ ulaki ] n a design marked on the skin by puncturing with a needle and inserting pigment; tattoo, a tatu. উলকি আঁকা v. to tattoo, to tatu. ̃-আঁকা a. tattooed.

উলঙ্গ [ ulaṅga ] n naked, nude; bare; uncovered; unsheathed (উলঙ্গ অসি); candid, frank (উলঙ্গ পরান). fem. উলঙ্গা, উলঙ্গিনী ।

উলটকম্বল [ ulaṭakambala ] n a medicinal herb, abroma angusta.

উলটি1 [ ulaṭi1 ] n see উলটা ।

উলটি2 [ ulaṭi2 ] adv (poet.) having turned upside down.

উলস [ ulasa ] n (poet.) delight, joy; gladness; hi larity; merriment.

উলসা [ ulasā ] v to be delighted or gladdened.

উলসিত [ ulasita ] a (poet.) delighted, gladdened.

উলু1 [ ulu1 ] n a sound made by Hindu women. by moving their tongues within their mouths on any festive occasion. (also উলু উলু, উলুধ্বনি)

উলু2 [ ulu2 ] n a kind of reedy grass (usu. উলুখড়). ̃খাগড়া. n. a variety of reed; (fig.) an in significant or indigent person; (fig.) an innocent or common person or citizen. উলুবনে মুক্তো ছড়ানো (fig.) to cast pearls before a swine. রাজায় রাজায় যুদ্ধ হয় উলুখাগড়ার (বা উলুখড়ের) প্রাণ যায় (fig.) kings with one another vie and the inno cent people die.

উলুক [ uluka ] n the owl. fem. উলুকী ।

উলেমা [ ulēmā ] n a Muslim scholar or learned man, an ulema.

উল্কা [ ulkā ] n an aerolite or aerolith, a shooting star, a meteor; a spark, a scintilla; a torch. ̃পাত n. the fall of a meteor to the earth. ̃পিণ্ড n. meteorite; a meteor. ̃মুখী n. the fox; ignis-fatuus, will -o' the -wisp; a woman whose face is ever ruddy with anger; a fire-vomiting re male ghoul.

উল্লঙ্ঘন [ ullaṅghana ] n act of crossing by leaping or vaulting over, act of leaping or vault ing or vaulting over; transgression, violation, in fringement, disobedience. উল্লঙ্ঘন করা v. to cross by leaping or vaulting over, to leap or vault over; to transgress, to violate, to infringe, to disobey, উল্লঙ্ঘনীয় same as উল্লঙ্ঘ্য ।

উল্লঙ্ঘিত [ ullaṅghita ] a crossed by leaping or vaulting over; transgressed, violated infringed, disobeyed.

উল্লঙ্ঘ্য [ ullaṅghya ] a that which can be or is to be leapt over or trasgressed or violated or infringed or disobeyed.

উল্লম্ফন, উল্লম্ফ [ ullamphana, ullampha ] n act of jumping or leaping or springing or bounding or skipping; a jump, a leap, a spring; a spell of skipping or frisking.

উল্লম্ব [ ullamba ] a vertical ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃ছেদ n. (geom.) a vertical section. ̃তল n. (geom.) a ver tical plane. ̃ভাবে adv. vertically.

উল্লাসিত [ ullāsita ] a delighted, gladdened; exulted; exultant; jovial, jubilant, hilarious, fem. উল্লাসিতা ।

উল্লাস [ ullāsa ] n delight, gladness; exultation; joy, joviality, jubilation, hilarity; (of books) a chapter. উল্লাস করা v. to ex press joy, to exult, to jubilate, উল্লাসী same as উল্লসিত । fem. উল্লাসিনী ।

উল্লিখিত [ ullikhita ] a written above; above-men tioned; alluded to.

উল্লুক [ ulluka ] n the gibbon, a south-east Asian anthropoid ape; a term of abuse.

উল্লেখ [ ullēkha ] n mention; reference; (rhet;) all sion. উল্লেখ করা v. to mention; to refer to; to allude to. ̃ন a. act of mention ing; act of referring to or alluding to. ̃নীয়, উল্লেখ্য a. mentionable, worth mention; that which is to be men tioned. ̃যোগ্য n. mentionable, worth mention. উল্লোল n. a billow; a breaker. ☐ a. dan gling.

উশখুশ [ uśakhuśa ] n. int expression of or expressing restlessness or fidgetiness. উশখুশ করা v. to become restless with eagerness or inquisitiveness; to fidget. উশখুশানি n. fidgetiness, fidgets.

উশীর [ uśīra ] n aromatic root of a variety of grass, cuscus.

উশুল [ uśula ] n requited; avengement; realisation (of a claim, bill, dues etc.). উশুল করা v. to avenge (a wrong); to realize (a claim or a bill or dues).

উশো [ uśō ] n a mason's wooden tool for plaining or smoothing.

উষসী1 [ uṣasī1 ] a. fem of the morning or dawn; glowing in the light of dawn; ex tremely beautiful. ☐ n. dawn (esp. when personified).

উষসী2 [ uṣasī2 ] n close of the day; evening.

উষ্ট্র [ uṣṭra ] n the camel. fem. উষ্ট্রী । ̃চালক n a camel-drive, a cameleer.

উষ্ণ [ uṣṇa ] n heat; warmth; the sun or the sum mer (উষ্ণপ্রধান, উষ্ণকাল); anger, passion. ☐ a. hot; warm; heated; passionate, an gry. ̃কাল n. summer, hot or warm weather. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. heat, warmth; bad temper; temperature. ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃স্বভাব a. ill-tempered, irritable, irascible, easily provoked to anger. ☐ n. hot temper. ̃ প্রধান a. torrid; tropical. ̃প্রধান অঞ্চল same as উষ্ণাঞ্চল । ̃প্রস্রবণ n. a hot spring, a geyser. ̃বীর্য a. invigorating, stimulating; excitative, excitatory. ̃মণ্ডল same as উষ্ণাঞ্চল । ̃স্নান n. hotbath.

উষ্ণাঞ্চল [ uṣṇāñcala ] n (geog.) the torrid zone.

উষ্ণীষ [ uṣṇīṣa ] n a turban, a headgear; a coronet, a diadem. ̃কমল n. the lotus on the scalp according to the Buddhist scrip tures. ̃ধারী a. turbaned; coroneted, diademed.

উষ্ণোদক [ uṣṇōdaka ] n hot or warm water.

উষ্ম, উষ্মা [ uṣma, uṣmā ] n heat; warmth; anger, rage, passion; huff; excitement; summer; temperature. উষ্ম হওয়া v. to become heated or warm; to get angry or huffy. উষ্মা প্রকাশ করা v. to vent one's anger or huff. উষ্মবর্ণ n. (gr.) any of the aspi rates. উষ্মমাপক n. a thermometer. উষ্মস্বেদ n. vapour bath. উষ্মাগম n. the hot season, summer. উষ্মান্বিত a. an gered, angry.

উসকানো [ usakānō ] v to raise or draw up (the wick of a lamp); (usu. dero.) to excite, to in stigate; to open (a boil etc.) by pierc ing. উসকানি n. excitation, instigation.

উসকোখুসকো [ usakōkhusakō ] a dry and lean; untrimmed; untidy and slovenly; dishevelled; (of hair) ungreased and unkempt.

উস্তম-পুস্তম, উস্তম-ফুস্তম [ ustama-pustama, ustama-phustama ] n extreme annoy ance. উস্তম-পুস্তম করা, উস্তম-ফুস্তম করা v. to tease or annoy beyond measure.

উহা [ uhā ] pro that (person or thing); it. উহার a. its. উহারা pro. pl. they. উহাদের a. their, theirs.

উহু [ uhu ] int expressing pain etc., oh.

উহ্যমান [ uhyamāna ] a in the state of being pulled or drawn or brought or borne.