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উপলব্ধি [ upalabdhi ] n feeling, perception; understand ing, realization, cognition; attainment, acquirement; (loos.) appreciation; (psy.) sense-perception. উপলব্ধি করা v. to feel, to perceive; to understand, to realize, to cognize, to learn; to attain, to obtain, to acquire; (loos.) to appreciate.

উপলভ্য [ upalabhya ] a knowable, cognizable; attain able; capable of being accomplished; that which is to be learnt or attained or accomplished.

উপলিপ্ত [ upalipta ] a besmeared, bedaubed; anointed; plastered; (bot. & bio.) accreted.

উপলেপ [ upalēpa ] n smearing or anointing or plas tering; an ointment; a plaster; (bot. & bio.) accretion. ˜ন n. smearing or anointing or plastering.

উপশম [ upaśama ] n relief; alleviation; abatement, subsidence; cessation; intermission; re pression of one's own senses. উপশম করা v. to relieve; to alleviate, to allay; to mitigate; to abate, to cause to sub side or cease or intermit; to repress one's own senses. উপশম হওয়া v. to be relieved; to be alleviated or mitigated; to abate, to subside; to cease; to inter mit; (of one's senses) to be repressed. ̃ক a. relieving; alleviating, allaying, mitigating; causing abatement or sub sidence or cessation or intermission; causing repression of one's senses. ̃নীয় a. that which is to be or can be relieved or alleviated or allayed or mitigated or abated or made to cease or made to intermit or repressed. উপশমিত a. relieved; alleviated, mitigated, al layed; abated, subsided; ceased; inter mitted; (of one's senses) repressed.

উপশয় [ upaśaẏa ] n lying down.

উপশাখা [ upaśākhā ] n a sub-branch; a section.

উপশিরা [ upaśirā ] n a thin or delicate vein; a sub sidiary vein.

উপশিষ্য [ upaśiṣya ] n a minor disciple; a disciple of a disciple.

উপশুল্ক [ upaśulka ] n a toll. উপশুল্ক সংগ্রাহক n. a toll collector.

উপশোভিত [ upaśōbhita ] a adorned, beautified, decked.

উপশ্রেণি [ upaśrēṇi ] n a sub-class.

উপসংহার [ upasaṃhāra ] n conclusion; termination, close, end; concluding part or remarks; closing part. উপসংহার করা v. to con clude; to terminate, to close, to end.

উপসংহৃত [ upasaṃhṛta ] a concluded; terminated, closed, ended. উপসংহৃতি n. conclusion; termina tion.

উপ-সচিব [ upa-saciba ] n deputy secretary.

উপ-সভাপতি [ upa-sabhāpati ] n vice-chairman.

উপসমিতি [ upasamiti ] n a sub-committee.

উপসর্গ [ upasarga ] n any of the accompanying com plaints of a disease; morbidity; a symptom (esp. of a disease); a trouble, a disturbance; an impediment, an ob stacle; a calamity; (gr.) a prefix.

উপসাগর [ upasāgara ] n a bay, a gulf. উপসাগরীয় স্রোত n. a gulf-stream.

উপসেক [ upasēka ] n act of alleviating or abating by sprinkling with water.

উপসেচন [ upasēcana ] n act of sprinkling water upon; act of wetting.

উপসেবক [ upasēbaka ] a in the practice of enjoying or worshipping; having attachment (to); addicted (to); given to adultery, adul terous. ☐ n. an enjoyer; a worshipper; one who has attachment (to); an ad dict; an adulterer.

উপসেবন [ upasēbana ] n act of enjoying, enjoyment; worship; attachment; addiction.

উপসেবা [ upasēbā ] n enjoying, enjoyment; attach ment; worshipping; worship; addic tion; occupation of a servant or em ployee, service.

উপসেবিত [ upasēbita ] a enjoyed; worshipped; treated with attachment, fawned upon; taken or tasted as an addiction; (of a wife) enjoyed by a man other than one's hus band; served.

উপসেবী [ upasēbī ] a in the practice of enjoying or worshipping; having attachment (to); addicted (to); given to adultery, adul terous; serving, in the service (of); at tending upon.

উপস্কার [ upaskāra ] n materials; positing of some new quality; care; cleansing; (gr.) introduc tion of words in order to complete the sense of an incomplete sentence.