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একাশি, একাশীতি [ ēkāśi, ēkāśīti ] a. & n eighty-one. একাশিতম a. eighty-first. fem. একাশিতমী ।

একাশ্রয়, একাশ্রিত [ ēkāśraẏa, ēkāśrita ] a depending on only one for help; deprived of any alternative. একাশ্রিত গুণ a simple attribute or predi cate; a quality subsisting in one person.

একাসন [ ēkāsana ] n one and the same seat. ☐ a. sit ting on one and the same seat; having no seat but one.

একাহ [ ēkāha ] n a period of one day.

একাহার [ ēkāhāra ] n only one meal daily. একাহারী a. taking but one meal daily.

একাহিক [ ēkāhika ] a to be accomplished within a day; happening or appearing daily; quotidian (একাহিক জ্বর); born or pro duced daily; living for a day only.

একি, একী [ ēki, ēkī ] int expressing: surprise, what's this, what.

একীকরণ [ ēkīkaraṇa ] n act of levelling or equalizing; equalization; unification, amalgam ation; act of mixing up together, mix ture; fusion.

একীকৃত [ ēkīkṛta ] a levelled, equalized; unified, amalgamated; mixed up together; fused.

একীভবন [ ēkībhabana ] n act of being levelled or equal ized or unified or amalgamated or mixed up together, equalization, unifi cation, amalgamation, mixture; fusion.

একীভাব [ ēkībhāba ] n unity; unification; state of be ing levelled or equalized; fusion.

একীভূত [ ēkībhūta ] a levelled, equalized, unified, amalgamated; mixed up together; fused.

একুন [ ēkuna ] n sum total. একুনে adv. in total; in all, altogether.

একুল-ওকুল [ ēkula-ōkula ] n (both.) the house of the husband and the house of the father (of a married woman); (both) the mortal world of life and world or life after death; this world and the next; both the courses; both the alternatives.

একুশ [ ēkuśa ] a. & n twenty-one. একুশে n. the twenty-first day of a month. ☐ a. (of days of a month) twenty-first.

একে [ ēkē ] pro one person (একে চায়, আরে পার); one thing ('ভাবে একে আর'); one. ☐ adv. on the one hand, in the first place (একে মূর্খ তায় অহংকারী).

একে-একে [ ēkē-ēkē ] adv one by one; one after an other; gradually (সে একে-একে সব ভুলেছে).

একেবারে [ ēkēbārē ] adv thoroughly, out and out. ☐ a. downright, thorough.

একেশ্বর [ ēkēśbara ] n only one God; the sole master. ̃বাদ n. (theol.) monotheism. ̃বাদী a. monotheistic. ☐ n. a monotheist.

একোদ্দিষ্ট [ ēkōddiṣṭa ] n the annual obsequial rites in respect of only one deceased person.

একোন [ ēkōna ] a short of or less by one. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. thirty-ninth. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ a. & n. thirty-nine. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. thirty-ninth. fem. একোনচত্তারিংশত্তমী । ̃নবতি a. & n. eighty-nine. ˜নবতিতম a. eighty-ninth. fem. ̃একোননবতিতমী । ̃পঞ্চাশ a. forty-ninth. ̃পঞ্চাশত্ a. & n. forty-nine. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. forty-ninth. fem. ̃একোনপঞ্চাশত্তমী । ̃ষষ্টি a. & n. fifty-nine. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. fifty-ninth. fem. ̃একোনষষ্টিতমী । ̃সপ্ততি a. & n. seventy-nine. fem. একোনসপ্ততিতমী । একোনাশীতি a. & n. seventy-nine. একোনাশীতিতম n. seventy-ninth. fem. একোনাশীতিতমী ।

এক্কা [ ēkkā ] n a light two-wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse (resembling a dog-cart).

এক্ষণ [ ēkṣaṇa ] n this moment. এক্ষণে adv. at this moment; at the present time, now; just now, immediately, at once.

এখতিয়ার [ ēkhatiẏāra ] n jurisdiction; purview; range; authority; right; control.

এখন [ ēkhana ] adv at this time, at this instant; now; at present; in modern times, nowadays; recently, currently; at last, after so long (এত বলার পর এখন খেয়াল হল); at some later time (আরে রাখ না, খাব এখন); (used in introducing a sen tence) and now (এখন সে ছিল ডাকাত). ☐ n. this time; present times. ̃ই, এখনি adv. at once. ̃ও, এখনো adv. till now; even in this state; even after this; not withstanding this; still. ̃কার a. of this time; of the present times; current, re cent. এখন-তখন a. & adv. very critical; on the point of death (এখন-তখন অবস্হা). এখন থেকে from now on. এখন পর্যন্ত till now.

এখান [ ēkhāna ] n this place; this world, this mortal world. ̃কার a. of this place or world এখানে adv. in or at this place, here.

এগনো [ ēganō ] v to advance, to go forward; to proceed, to go on; to progress; to ap proach. এগনো-পিছনো n. (lit.) going for ward and retreating; vacillation; irreso lution; indecision.

এগারো [ ēgārō ] a & n eleven. ̃ই n. the eleventh day of month. ☐ a. (of days of a month) eleventh.

এগিয়ে দেওয়া [ ēgiẏē dēōẏā ] v to go along with some body; to accompany up to a distance; to see off; push somebody forward (সামনে এগিয়ে দেওয়া).

এজমালি [ ējamāli ] a (of property) held by more than one; shared jointly; joint (এজমালি সম্পত্তি).

এজলাস [ ējalāsa ] n a sitting of a judicial court, the bench. ̃খানা n. court-room.

এজাহার [ ējāhāra ] n a statement about a crime given to the police; (loos.) deposition.

এজেন্ট [ ējēnṭa ] n a commercial representative, an authorized delegate, an agent.

এজেন্সি [ ējēnsi ] n agency.

এটর্নি [ ēṭarni ] n an attorney-at-law, an attorney.

এটা [ ēṭā ] pro (dero.) this thing or creature or person, it, this.

এটি [ ēṭi ] pro (affectionately) this thing or creature or person, it, this.

এডিটর, এডিটার [ ēḍiṭara, ēḍiṭāra ] n an editor of a newspa per, periodical etc. এডিটরি, এডিটারি n. act of editing, editorship.

এড়া [ ēḍ়ā ] v (arch.) to shoot or throw.

এড়ানো [ ēḍ়ānō ] v to avoid, to shun; to get rid of; to pass over, to omit; to disobey. এড়িয়ে যাওয়া same as এড়ানো; (of tongue) to fail to utter properly, to stutter, to stammer.

এড়ি [ ēḍ়i ] n heel. ̃তোলা জুতো high-heeled shoes.

এড়ো [ ēḍ়ō ] a slanting, leaning; crosswise.

এত [ ēta ] adv so much or so many; to such a great extent (এত করে); in such a great number. ̃ক্ষণ adv. so long; by this time. ̃গুলি a. so many; so much. এত তাড়াতাড়ি বা শীঘ্র so soon. এতদিকে in so many directions. এতবার so many times. এতরাতে so late at night.

এতত্ [ ētat ] pro this person or creature or thing, it. ☐ a. this. ̃কালীন a. of present times.

এতদতিরিক্ত [ ētadatirikta ] a besides this; more than this, in addition to this; over and above this.

এতদপেক্ষা [ ētadapēkṣā ] a. & adv than this.

এতদর্থে [ ētadarthē ] adv for this; for this reason; to this effect; implying this meaning.

এতদিন [ ētadina ] adv for or during or in so many days, so long. ☐ n. so many days. এতদিনে adv. after so many days, after so long.

এতদীয় [ ētadīẏa ] pro. a of this person or creature or thing, of this, its.

এতদুত্তরে [ ētaduttarē ] adv in reply to this, in answer to this.

এতদুদ্দেশ্যে [ ētaduddēśyē ] adv for this purpose, with this end in view.

এতদূর [ ētadūra ] adv so far. ☐ con. as far. ☐ int. what an audacity.

এতদ্দেশীয় [ ētaddēśīẏa ] a of or belonging to this place or country.

এতদ্দেশে [ ētaddēśē ] adv in this country.

এতদ্ব্যতীত, এতদ্ভিন্ন [ ētadbyatīta, ētadbhinna ] adv besides this, in ad dition to this; apart from this.

এতদ্রূপ [ ētadrūpa ] a like this; similar to this.

এতন্মধ্যে [ ētanmadhyē ] adv in the midst of it or these; in it or these; amongst these; in the meantime, meanwhile.

এতাদ়ৃশ [ ētād়ṛśa ] a like this; similar to this.

এতাবত্ [ ētābat ] a & adv so much or so many; thus far. এতাবত্ কাল so long.

এতিম [ ētima ] a having no means of livelihood, helpless; orphan. ̃খানা n. a refuge; an orphanage.

এতেক [ ētēka ] a (chiefly poet.) so much or so many.

এতেলা, এত্তেলা [ ētēlā, ēttēlā ] n news; information; no tice (বিনা এতেলায়). এতেলা করা to in form; to report.

এদিক [ ēdika ] n this side; this country or region or place; this party. এদিক-ওদিক, এদিক সেদিক n. this side and that; all quarters, all sides, all regions or places. ☐ adv. (to) this side and that; all around; here and there. এদিক-ওদিক করা, এদিক-সেদিক করা v. to vacillate, to waver; to misrep resent; to soften (an account) unduly, to mince matters; to defealcate; to bal ance (an account) by manipulation. এদিকে adv. in or to this side of country or region or place or party; in the meantime, meanwhile.

এদের [ ēdēra ] pro. a. pl their; of them or these.

এধার [ ēdhāra ] n this side. এধার-ওধার n. this side and that; all sides, all quarters. ☐ adv. (to) this side and that; all around; here and there. এধার-ওধার করা v. to vacillate, to waver; to misrepresent; to mince matters; to defalcate; to balance (an ac count) by manipulation.

এনকোর [ ēnakōra ] n. & int encore; applause. এনকোর দেওয়া v. to applaud, to encore.

এনট্রানস, এনট্রান্স [ ēnaṭrānasa, ēnaṭrānsa ] n entrance examination.

এনতার [ ēnatāra ] a innumerable, multitudinous, countless; profuse; endless; continu ous, continual, incessant. ☐ adv. innu merably, without number; immeasur ably, profusely; without end or break, incessantly, continuously.

এনভেলাপ [ ēnabhēlāpa ] n an envelope.

এন্ডি [ ēnḍi ] n a variety of silk (chiefly produced in Assam).

এ পর্যন্ত [ ē paryanta ] adv till now; thus far.

এপার [ ēpāra ] n this bank or shore; this side or ex tremity. এপার-ওপার করা v. to go across and come back; ferry over or across.

এপাশ [ ēpāśa ] n this side or edge. এপাশ-ওপাশ করা v. to toss or turn about restlessly and continuously (esp. in bed).

এপ্রিল [ ēprila ] n April.

এফ এ [ ēpha ē ] n the First Arts examination of a university, F.A. (no longer in vogue now).

এফিডেভিট [ ēphiḍēbhiṭa ] n an affidavit.

এবং [ ēba ] in comp like this, suchlike, such (এবংবিধ). con. and.

এবংবিধ [ ēbambidha ] a like this kind; of this kind; like this, suchlike, such.

এবমস্তু [ ēbamastu ] int be it so, amen.

এবড়ো-খেবড়ো [ ēbaḍ়ō-khēbaḍ়ō ] a rugged, rough; uneven.

এবাদত [ ēbādata ] n worship. ̃খানা n. a house of worship.

এবার [ ēbāra ] n this time; this year; this life. ☐ adv. on this occasion, at this time, this time; now; in this year, this year; in this life. ☐ int. how can you escape now? ̃কার a. of this time or year or life; present, current, this.

এবে [ ēbē ] adv (poet. obs.) this time; now; nowadays.

এবেলা [ ēbēlā ] n this part of the day; forenoon. ☐ adv. in this part of the day. এবেলা-ওবেলা adv. twice daily, in the forenoon and afternoon.

এম এ [ ēma ē ] n the Master of Arts examination of a university, M.A.; one who has passed the M.A. examination, an M.A.

এম এল এ [ ēma ēla ē ] n a Member of the Legislative Assembly, an MLA.

এম পি [ ēma pi ] n a Member of Parliament, an MP.

এমন [ ēmana ] a like this; suchlike; such; similar. ☐ pro. such a one (এমনটি আর পাবে না). ☐ adv. in such a way, to such an ex tent (এমন করে বলল, এমন বলল). ̃কী adv. even. ̃তরো a. like this; suchlike; such; similar. এমন সময়ে at this time; at such a time; then.

এমনি [ ēmani ] a & n same as এমন ।adv. in such a way, to such an extent; without any particular purpose (এমনি এলাম); empty-handed (কুটুমের বাড়ি এমনি যাওয়া); without cause (কেউ কাউকে এমনি মারে না, অসুখ এমনি হয় না); spontaneously (এমনি ফসল ফলে না). এমনি-এমনি adv. without cause; sponta neously.

এম বি [ ēma bi ] n (formerly) the degree examina tion in medicine (of a university), M.B.; one who holds this degree, an M.B. এম বি বি এস n. the bachelor's de gree in medicine.

এমুড়ো [ ēmuḍ়ō ] n this end. এমুড়ো ওমুড়ো adv. from this end to that; throughout the length of; from the beginning to the end; from head to foot; thoroughly.

এ যাত্রা [ ē yātrā ] adv this time.

এযাবত্, এযাবত্কাল [ ēyābat, ēyābatkāla ] adv till now. hitherto.

এয়ো, এয়ো-স্ত্রী [ ēẏō, ēẏō-strī ] n. fem a woman whose husband is alive. এয়োতি n. a woman whose husband is alive; a mark or marks borne on the person of a woman to indicate that her husband is alive. ☐ a. fem. having one's husband alive.

এর [ ēra ] pro. a his; its; of this.

এরকা [ ērakā ] n a variety of reed.

এরণ্ড [ ēraṇḍa ] n the castor-oil plant. এরণ্ড-তেল n. castor-oil. এরণ্ডা n. a variety of tree, the peepul.

এরা [ ērā ] pl of

এরূপ [ ērūpa ] a like this; suchlike; such; similar. ☐ pro. such a one (এরূপটি). ☐ adv. in such a manner, to such an extent (এরূপ ধমকাল). এরূপে adv. in this way or man ner, in such a way or manner, thus.

এরোপ্লেন [ ērōplēna ] n an aeroplane.

এলা [ ēlā ] n cardamom or its plant.

এলাকা [ ēlākā ] n area; jurisdiction; limit.

এলাচ [ ēlāca ] n cardamom or its plant.

এলানো [ ēlānō ] v to dishevel or be dishevelled, to loosen; to slacken; to relax; to lounge, to recline; (of paddy) to turn over and spread out. ☐ a. dishevelled, hanging loose; relaxing; lounging; re clining.

এলাহি [ ēlāhi ] a great, grand; pompous (এলাহিব্যাপার). ☐ n. (Mus.) God.

এলিয়ে দেওয়া [ ēliẏē dēōẏā ] v to make dishevelled or disorderly.

এলেবেলে [ ēlēbēlē ] a loose and unconnected; (fig.) incoherent; insignificant.

এলেম [ ēlēma ] n knowledge; learning; training; cleverness; craft; efficiency. ̃বাজ a. learned; clever; crafty; efficient.

এলো [ ēlō ] a dishevelled, ruffed (এলো চুল); hanging loosely (এলো খোঁপা); incoher ent or irrelevant, haphazard (এলো কথা); unrestrained (এলো রাশ); disor derly (এলো বাতাস). ̃কেশী n. fem. a woman with unkempt hair; an appella tion of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃থেলো. a. untied, untrimmed; unkempt, un dressed; dishevelled. ̃পাতাড়ি, ̃ধাবাড়ি a. without measure; unrestrained; un systematic; haphazard; disorderly; con tinuous. ☐ adv. without measure; with out restraint; unsystematically; haphaz ardly; in a disorderly manner; continu ously. এলোপাতাড়ি মার a beating or drub bing without measure, a thrashing. এলোপাতাড়ি লড়াই a scuffle, a confused fight. ̃মেলো a. dishevelled, ruffled; incoherent or irrelevant; disorderly; desultory. এলোমেলো বলা v. to talk inco herently or irrelevantly.

এলোপ্যাথি [ ēlōpyāthi ] n allopathy.

এশীয় [ ēśīẏa ] a Asian. ☐ n. an Asian.

এষণা, এষণ [ ēṣaṇā, ēṣaṇa ] n search; exploration; desire; longing. এষণীয় a. desirable; search able; explorable.

এষণী [ ēṣaṇī ] n a goldsmith's balance; (surg.) a probe.

এষা [ ēṣā ] n same as এষণা ।

এসপার-ওসপার [ ēsapāra-ōsapāra ] n a final decision or settlement (usu. ending in some loss); either good or bad consequence; either (complete) success or (utter) failure; either this or that.

এসরাজ, এসরার [ ēsarāja, ēsarāra ] n the esraj, a kind of stringed musical instrument having four principal strings and played with a bow.

এসেন্স [ ēsēnsa ] n essence.

এসে যাওয়া [ ēsē yāōẏā ] v to matter (much or little).

এস্টেট [ ēsṭēṭa ] n estate, landed property.

এহেন [ ēhēna ] a like this; such; suchlike; similar.