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1 [ ai1 ] n the ninth vowel of the Bengali al phabet.

ঐকতান [ aikatāna ] n concert; a common chord.

ঐকবাক্য [ aikabākya ] n similarity in utterance or state ment; concurrence; one voice, unanim ity.

ঐকমত্য [ aikamatya ] n agreement in opinion; con cord; unanimity; consensus.

ঐকাগ্র্য [ aikāgrya ] n same as একাগ্রতা (see একাগ্র).

ঐকান্তিক [ aikāntika ] a profound, intense; earnest (ঐকান্তিক চেষ্টা); absorbedly employed, single-minded. fem. ঐকান্তিকী । ঐকান্তিকতা n. profundity, intensity; earnestness; sincerity; absorbing employment; single-mindedness. ঐকান্তিকে adv. in private.

ঐকার [ aikāra ] n the symbol 'ৈ affixed to a con sonant whilst adding ঐ--sound to it. ঐকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঐ or ঐ--sound. ঐকারান্ত a. (of words) end ing in ঐ or ঐ-sound.

ঐকাহিক [ aikāhika ] a ephemeral; (of fever) tertian.

ঐকিক নিয়ম [ aikika niẏama ] n (arith.) the unitary method.

ঐক্য [ aikya ] n unity, union; concord; agreement. ̃বদ্ধ a. united, combined. ̃সাধন n. act of establishing unity or concord or agree ment (between or amongst). ঐক্যসাধন করা v. to establish unity or concord or agree ment (between or amongst.) ঐক্যাভাব n. lack of unity or integration.

ঐক্ষব [ aikṣaba ] a of or produced from sugarcane.

ঐচ্ছিক [ aicchika ] a optional; elective; voluntary; volitional; arbitrary.

ঐছন [ aichana ] alt spell. of অইছন ।

ঐতরেয় [ aitarēẏa ] n a branch of the Rig Veda.

ঐতিহাসিক [ aitihāsika ] a historical, historic; versed in history. ☐ n. historian. ̃তা n. historic ity.

ঐতিহ্য [ aitihya ] n a tale or belief or custom or practice transmitted orally or handed down from generation to generation, tradition; cultural heritage; hereditary culture. ̃গত, ঐতিহ্যিক a. traditional. ঐতিহ্যাগত a. handed down by tradition.

ঐন্দ্র [ aindra ] a of or relating to Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

ঐন্দ্রজালিক [ aindrajālika ] a of or like or wrought by magic, magical; skilled in magic. ☐ n. a magician, a conjuror, a juggler.

ঐন্দ্রিয়, ঐন্দ্রিয়ক [ aindriẏa, aindriẏaka ] a of sense organs; directly perceptible by senses; perceptible; sen suous; sensual.

ঐন্দ্রিলা [ aindrilā ] n wife of demon Vritra.

ঐরাবত [ airābata ] n (myth.) an elephant on which Indra (ইন্দ্র) rides.

ঐরূপ [ airūpa ] a. & adv like that. ☐ n. one like that.

ঐশ, ঐশিক, ঐশ্বর, ঐশ্বরিক [ aiśa, aiśika, aiśbara, aiśbarika ] a pertaining to or done by God; divine; heavenly. fem. ঐশী ।

ঐশ্বর্য [ aiśbarya ] n wealth, riches; splendour; mag nificence; glory; Godhead; godhead; divinity; supremacy; overlordship, majesty; supernatural power obtained through asceticism; divine grace; unc tion. ̃গর্ব, ̃মদ n. purse-pride; inso lence from wealth. ̃গর্বিত, ̃মত্ত, ̃মদোন্মত্ত a. purse-proud; insolent from wealth, arrogant through wealth. fem. ̃গর্বিতা, ̃মত্তা, ̃মদোন্মত্তা । ̃বান, ̃মণ্ডিত, ̃শালী a. wealthy, opulent, affluent, rich; full of glory, glorious; majestic; possessed of supernatural power ob tained through asceticism; bestowed with divine grace. fem. ̃বতী, ̃মণ্ডিতা, ̃শালিনী ।

ঐষ্টিক [ aiṣṭika ] a relating to oblation or sacrifice, ceremonial.

ঐহলৌকিক, ঐহিক [ aihalaukika, aihika ] a of this world or life; temporal; worldly (ঐহিক সুখ).