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ওজোগুণ [ ōjōguṇa ] n (rhet.) ornateness and vigour of style.

ওজোন [ ōjōna ] n ozone.

ওঝা [ ōjhā ] n a quack professing to have (su pernatural) power of curing snakebites and other morbidities; an exorcist.

ওটকানো, উটকানো [ ōṭakānō, uṭakānō ] v search clumsily and hastily; look for something hurriedly; rummage.

ওটকিশতি, ওটকিস্তি [ ōṭakiśati, ōṭakisti ] n (in chess) a position in which if a particular piece or chess man is moved, the player in question gets a check, and if not moved, that piece or chessman is taken by the ad versary.

ওটা [ ōṭā ] pro (coll. & dero.) that, it, he, she.

ওঠবস, ওঠবোস [ ōṭhabasa, ōṭhabōsa ] n act of sitting down and standing up alternately and repeatedly (as a punishment or physical exercise).

ওঠা [ ōṭhā ] v to rise; to get up; to climb or ascend (গাছে ওঠা, পাহাড়ে ওঠা); to get in (গাড়িতে ওঠা). See also the older form উঠা ।

ওডিকোলন [ ōḍikōlana ] n eau-de-cologne, a perfume made from water and alcohol.

ওড্র [ ōḍra ] n old name of Orissa.

ওড়না [ ōḍ়nā ] n a piece of thin cloth worn usu ally as a modesty scarf by women.

ওড়ব [ ōḍ়ba ] n an Indian musical mode which is expressed by five principal notes.

ওড়ম্বা [ ōḍ়mbā ] n a spendthrift.

ওড়া [ ōḍ়ā ] v to fly, to move through or in the air; to flutter; to go up in the air. For other uses see উড়া ।

ওড়িয়া [ ōḍ়iẏā ] n a native of Orissa; the language of Orissa. ☐ a. of Orissa or its people.

ওড়িশা [ ōḍ়iśā ] n Orissa. ওড়িশি a. of or pertaining to Orissa. ☐ n. an Indian style of clas sical dance that originated in Orissa.

ওত [ ōta ] n lying in wait to attack by surprise, an ambush, an ambuscade. ওত পাতা, ওত পেতে থাকা v. to lie in wait, to am bush, to ambuscade.

ওতপ্রোত [ ōtaprōta ] a diffused, pervading; insepara bly mixed up; thorough. ̃ভাবে adv. in separably, inextricably.

ওদন [ ōdana ] n food; meal; rice; boiled rice.

ওধার [ ōdhāra ] n that side or extremity or region.

ওপার [ ōpāra ] n the other side or bank (of a river, etc.).

ওফ [ ōpha ] int expressing amazement, anger, regret, pain, disgust etc.; oh.

ওমা [ ōmā ] int expressing: surprise; fear etc.

ওয়াক [ ōẏāka ] int expressing an involuntary sound made whilst vomiting. ওয়াক তোলা v. to make this sound; to expecto rate; to hiccup, to retch.

ওয়াকফ [ ōẏākapha ] n charitable grant for Muslim re ligious purpose or in service of God. ̃নামা n. a grant providing for this gift. ওয়াকিফ, ওয়াকিব a. conversant, familiar, acquainted, knowing; informed; expe rienced. ওয়াকিফহাল, ওয়াকিবহাল a. con versant with the situation; well-informed of the situation.

ওয়াজিব [ ōẏājiba ] a just, proper, right; necessary, essential.

ওয়াদা [ ōẏādā ] n a point of time by or within which something is promised to be paid or given or done; promise. ওয়াদা দেওয়া v. to set a time-limit.

ওয়াপস [ ōẏāpasa ] n act of giving back, return. ওয়াপস করা v. to give back, to return.

ওয়ারিশ [ ōẏāriśa ] n an heir or heiress. ওয়ারিশান n. pl. heirs or heiresses.

ওয়ারেন্ট [ ōẏārēnṭa ] n warrant, a written order giving official authority for arrest etc.

-ওয়ালা2 [ -ōẏālā2 ] sfx denoting: a trader, a seller, a practitioner, an owner, one in posses sion of or endowed with etc., -er, -or, ist. fem. ওয়ালি, উলি ।

ওয়াস্তা [ ōẏāstā ] n act of attaching importance; se rious attention, heed, care; depen dence; sake (কীসের ওয়াস্তে). ওয়াস্তা করা, ওয়াস্তা রাখা v. to care (for), to heed, to pay attention (to); to attach importance (to); to depend (upon).

ওয়াহাবি [ ōẏāhābi ] n a follower of Abdul Wahab; a Muslim religious reformer; a group of Muslim socio-religious reformers.

ওর1 [ ōra1 ] n end, limit (' দুঃখের নাহি ওর ').

ওর2 [ ōra2 ] pro. a his; its.

ওরফে [ ōraphē ] adv. & n called otherwise, alias.

ওরসা [ ōrasā ] a wet, moist.

ওরাং ওটাং, ওরাং উটাং [ ōrā ṃōṭā, ṃōrā ṃuṭā ] n orang-utan (orang-outang), an ape originally of Sumatra and Borneo.

ওরে [ ōrē ] pro coll. & poet. form of ওকে । int. used in addressing or apostrophizing.

ওল [ ōla ] n an edible bulbous plant akin to arum or turnip. যেমন বুনো ওল তেমনি বাঘা তেঁতুল (fig.) measure for measure.

ওলকপি [ ōlakapi ] n a kohlrabi; (loos.) a turnip.

ওলন1 [ ōlana1 ] n a coming down, descent.

ওলন2 [ ōlana2 ] n a plumb-line, a plummet (also ওলনদড়ি). ☐ a. vertical.

ওলন্দাজ [ ōlandāja ] a Dutch. ☐ a. a Hollander, a Dutch; the Dutch language.

ওলা2, ওলানো1 [ ōlā2, ōlānō1 ] v (dial.) to take down, to bring down.

ওলাইচণ্ডী [ ōlāicaṇḍī ] n the goddess of cholera.

ওলাইবিবি [ ōlāibibi ] n the name given by the Mus lims to ওলাইচণ্ডী ।

ওলাওঠা [ ōlāōṭhā ] n cholera.

ওলান [ ōlāna ] n udder (of cattle etc.)

ওলো [ ōlō ] int used by (usu. village) women in addressing one another, hullo.

ওষধি, ওষধী [ ōṣadhi, ōṣadhī ] n a plant that dies after bear ing fruit but for once.

ওষধিনাথ, ওষধিপতি [ ōṣadhinātha, ōṣadhipati ] n the moon.

ওষধিশালা [ ōṣadhiśālā ] n herbarium.

ওষ্ঠ [ ōṣṭha ] n (lit.) the upper lip; any of the lips. ̃পল্লব n. lips as attractive and soft as young shoots. ̃পুট n. a cavity formed by contracting both the lips. ̃ব্রণ n. a boil on the lip. ওষ্ঠাকার a. shaped like lips; (bot.) labiate. ওষ্ঠাগত a. that which has neared the lips in order to come out. ওষ্ঠাগতপ্রাণ a. about to die; ex tremely embarrassed or peeved or irri tated. ওষ্ঠাধর n. pl. the two lips-upper and lower. ওষ্ঠ্য a. (gr.) pronounced by the lips, labial. ☐ n. (gr.) a labial letter.

ওস [ ōsa ] n dew.

ওসার [ ōsāra ] n breadth, width; also dial. variant of ওয়াড় ।

ওস্তাগর [ ōstāgara ] n a very efficient or chief artisan or tailor, a master artisan or tailor.

ওস্তাদ [ ōstāda ] n a trainer, a music-master or music-teacher; a master artist or artisan. ☐ a. skilled, expert. ওস্তাদি n. efficiency, skill, mastery; cleverness; an attempt to parade one's skill or mastery, bravado; uncalled-for act of coming forward to help; officiousness. ☐ a. pertaining to a trainer or music-master or master artist or master artisan. ওস্তাদি করা v. to try to parade one's skill or mastery; to come forward uncalled-for to help; to be offi cious.

ওহে [ ōhē ] int used in addressing or apostro phizing, hullo, hey.

ওহো [ ōhō ] int expressing: recollection, amazement, regret etc., ah.