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কাঁড়ি [ kān̐ḍ়i ] n a heap.

কাঁথা [ kān̐thā ] n a cotton wrapper or patched cloth or bedsheet made of patchwork.

কাঁদন, কাঁদনি [ kān̐dana, kān̐dani ] n (usu. dero.) act or a spell of weeping; (usu. dero.) lamentation or complaint; humble and importunate solicitation. কাঁদুনি গাওয়া v. to solicit humbly and importunately; to lament or complain.

কাঁদা [ kān̐dā ] v to weep, to shed tears. ̃কাটি, ̃কাটা n. repeated or continuous weep ing; lamentation; humble and importu nate solicitation. কাঁদাকাটি করা v. to weep bitterly; to lament; to solicit humbly and importunately. কাঁদানে same as কাঁদানো (a.) কাঁদানো v. to cause to weep. কেঁদে হাট করা, কেঁদেকেটে হাট করা v. to attract a crowd of people by loud lamentation or wailing.

কাঁদানো [ kān̐dānō ] v to make lachrymose, to make one weep. ☐ a. making lachrymose, one who or that which makes one weeping. কাঁদানো গ্যাস tear-gas.

কাঁদি [ kān̐di ] n a cluster (কলার কাঁদি). কাঁদি-কাঁদি কলা v. to grow in cluster.

কাঁদুনে [ kān̐dunē ] a given to weeping, lachrymose; causing tears. কাঁদুনে সুর a mournful or piteous note.

কাঁদোকাঁদো [ kān̐dōkān̐dō ] a about to weep; about to shed tears; tearful.

কাঁধ [ kān̐dha ] n the shoulder; the neck. কাঁধ ঝাঁকানো v. to shrug, to shrug one's shoulder. কাঁধ দেওয়া, কাঁধ লাগানো v. to volunteer to shoul der a burden; to come forward to assist or cooperate. কাঁধ বদলানো v. to transfer a burden to another's shoulder or to one's other shoulder when feeling fatigued. কাঁধে করা, কাঁধে নেওয়া v. to place and carry upon one's shoulder, to bear upon one's shoulder, to shoulder. কাঁধের হাড় n. the scapula. কার কাঁধে দশটা মাধা who has the rashness to risk his head ? who'll dare? কাঁধাকাঁধি n. state of being carried or borne on shoulders of more than one person at a time. ☐ adv. being borne upon the shoulders of more than one person at a time; side by side, cheek by jowl.

কাঁপই [ kām̐pi ] v (poet. & obs.) tremble or trembles, shudder or shudders, shiver or shivers, shake or shakes, quake or quakes.

কাঁপন [ kām̐pana ] n trembling, tremble; shudder; shiver; shake; quake, tremor; vibration; palpitation. কাঁপন ধরা v. to be stricken with trembling or shudder or shiver.

কাঁপা [ kām̐pā ] v to tremble; to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to quake; to quiver; to vi brate; to palpitate (হৃদয় কাঁপা). কাঁপানো v. to set trembling, to send trembling, to tremble; to cause to shudder, to shiver; to shake; to quake; to cause to quiver; to vibrate; to set palpitating, to palpi tate. ☐ a. tremulour (কাঁপানো স্বর). কেঁপে ওঠা v. to start (as in fear); to be startled.

কাঁসর [ kām̐sara ] n a dish of bell metal (alloy of copper and tin) used as a musical in strument.

কাঁসা [ kām̐sā ] n bell metal. কাঁসারি n. a brazier.

কাঁসি [ kām̐si ] n a dish of bell metal used as a kitchen utensil or amusical instru ment.

কাক [ kāka ] n the crow. fem. কাকী the female crow. ̃চক্ষু a. as transparent as a crow's eyes, (cp.) crystal-clear. ̃জোত্স্না n. dim or faint moonlight. ̃তন্দ্রা, ̃নিদ্রা n. wary nap or slumber. ̃তাড়ুয়া n. the scarecrow. ̃তালীয় a. (of two or more incidents) coincidental and seemingly related to one another as cause and ef fect; coincidental; successive but not causally connected. কাকতালীয় ন্যায় post hoc ergo propter hoc (after it, so be cause of it—a fallacious reasoning). ̃পক্ষ n. a lovelock. ̃পদ n. quotation marks (" "); a caret (^). ̃পুচ্ছ n. the cuckoo. ̃ফল n. the margosa-tree, the nim. ̃বন্ধ্যা n. a woman who becomes pregnant but once. ̃ভেজা n. & v. get ting or to get completely drenched (usu. in rainwater). ˜ভোর n. very early morning. ̃শীর্ষ n. a species of flower tree yielding flowers looking like ducks. ̃স্নান n. brief and careless bath. কাকের ছা বকের ছা extremely bad and il legible handwriting.

কাকলি, কাকলী [ kākali, kākalī ] n a low sweet and indis tinct murmur or chirping.

কা-কা [ kā-kā ] n. & int caw. কা-কা করা v. to caw.

কাকা [ kākā ] n younger brother of one's father, an uncle. fem. কাকি the wife of an uncle, an aunt. ̃সংক্রান্ত, ̃বিষয়ক a. avuncular; of an uncle.

কাকাতুয়া [ kākātuẏā ] n the cockatoo.

কাকিনী [ kākinī ] n. fem (facet.) the female crow.

কাকু2 [ kāku2 ] n voice turned hoarse; supplica tion; regret; request; solicitation; (rhet.) a figure of speech depending on the tone of voice akin to erotesis; em phasis of tone.

কাকুতি [ kākuti ] n anything uttered in supplication or regret; importunate request or solici tation. কাকুতি-মিনতি n. earnest entreaty, supplication; repeated importunate re quest or solicitation. কাকুতি-মিনতি করা v. to request or solicit importunately and repeatedly.

কাকুত্স্হ, কাকুত্স্হ্য [ kākutsha, kākutshya ] n a descendant of King Kakootstha (ককুত্স্হ) or Puranjaya (পুরঞ্জয়). ☐ a. descending from Kakootstha or Puranjaya.

কাকুবাদ [ kākubāda ] n importunate request or solici tation, supplication or humble prayer.

কাকূক্তি [ kākūkti ] n anything said in supplication; (rhet.) a figure of speech depending on the tone of voice akin to erotesis.

কাকোদর [ kākōdara ] a the snake.

কাক্ষিক [ kākṣika ] a intrapetiolar.

কাগজ [ kāgaja ] n paper; newspaper; records; a document; a promissory bond. কোম্পানির কাগজ stocks, government se curities or bonds. খবরের কাগজ a news paper. স্বচ্ছ কাগজ tracing paper. কাগজে কলমে adv. in writing or in print, in black and white; only theoretically, on paper. ̃চাপা n. a paper-weight. ̃পত্র n. pl. documents, papers. কাগজি a. of pa per; of newspaper; having a papery or very thin covering. ☐ n. a paper-manu facturer; a paper dealer. কাগজি মুদ্রা pa per money. কাগজের মণ্ড paper pulp.

কাগাবগা [ kāgābagā ] a destitute, wretched, aban doned; inconsistent, haphazard. ☐ n. such a person or thing.

কাঙাল [ kāṅāla ] a poor, indigent; destitute; hum bly praying for; meanly hankering af ter, piteously eager to have (যশের কাঙাল, সন্তানের কাঙাল); wistful (কাঙাল নয়ন); suffering, miserable; earning one's livelihood by begging. ☐ n. an indigent man; a humble petitioner; a suffering or miserable man; a begger. fem. কাঙালিনি । ̃পনা n. (usu. dero.) beg gary; supplication. কাঙালি same as কাঙাল । কাঙালি বিদায় n. distribution of alms to the poor or beggars. কাঙালি বিদায় করা v. to distribute alms to the poor or beggars. কাঙালি ভোজন n. feed ing of the poor or beggars.

কাচ [ kāca ] n glass; crystal, quartz; pebble, a lens (চশমার কাচ). কাচিক a. glassy, hya line.

কাচকুপি [ kācakupi ] n a funnel made of glass, a glass funnel.

কাচঘর [ kācaghara ] n a glass-house.

কাচতুল্য [ kācatulya ] a glasslike, hyaline; transparent.

কাচদণ্ড [ kācadaṇḍa ] n a glass-rod.

কাচন [ kācana ] n act of washing clothes etc. by rinsing and thrashing.

কাচনল [ kācanala ] n glass cylinder, glass tube.

কাচপাত্র [ kācapātra ] n glass bowl, glass vessel.

কাচমণি [ kācamaṇi ] n quartz, crystal.

কাচা [ kācā ] v to wash by rinsing and thrashing (as clothes etc.). ☐ a. thus washed. কাচানো v. to cause to wash by rinsing and thrashing; to get thus washed. ☐ a. thus washed.

কাচ্চাবাচ্চা [ kāccābāccā ] n. pl infants, young children, little ones, (sl.) kiddies.