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কাছ [ kācha ] n proximity, nearness; vicinity, neighbourhood; approach, presence; reach. ̃ছাড়া a. away from one; sepa rated.

কাছটি [ kāchaṭi ] n a loincloth worn as tightly as a suspensor. কাছটি করা v. to pull up one's loin-cloth, (cp.) to pull up one's socks.

কাছা1 [ kāchā1 ] n a piece of new and unbleached cloth worn round the neck by a Hindu mourning the loss of any of his parents or a similar person.

কাছা2 [ kāchā2 ] n the part of the loincloth which the wearer tucks behind him at the waist. ̃আলগা, ̃খোলা a. uncareful, ne glectful, careless, heedless. ̃ধরা a. cringing; parasitical. কাছা ধরা v. to cringe; to hang on as a parasite.

কাছাকাছি [ kāchākāchi ] adv near, close to; nearly, ap proximately; about; almost. ☐ a. adja cent, situated or placed near.

কাছানো [ kāchānō ] v to draw near; to approach; to step up; to impend, to become immi nent.

কাছারি [ kāchāri ] n a court of justice, a law court; a magistrate's court, a kachhari, a cutcherry; an office; a zamindar's (জমিদারের) or a feudal lord's court and office.

কাছি [ kāchi ] n cable, hawser; thick rope or cord.

কাছিম [ kāchima ] n the tortoise, the turtle. কাছিমের খোলা n. tortoise-shell.

কাছে [ kāchē ] adv. & prep near to, in the vicinity of, in the neighbourhood of, beside; in presence of; within the reach of (হাতের কাছে). কাছে-কাছে adv. keeping always or mostly close to. কাছে-পিঠে same as কাছাকাছি ।

কাজ [ kāja ] n work, action; a deed, an act; a job, an employment, a service (কাজ থেকে বরখাস্ত); occupation, profession, trade; duty, task (রাজার কাজ প্রজাপালন); practice, habit (আড্ডা দেওয়াই তার কাজ); need, necessity, use (কথায় কাজ কী); motive, business (কী কাজে এসেছ); out come, result, good result, success (ওষুধে কাজ হয়েছে); artistry (ছবিতে রঙের কাজ). কাজ আদায় করা v. to see that one works properly, to make one work properly; to get a work or task done; to wheedle a thing out of another, to wangle (by persuasion, trickery etc.). কাজও নেই কামাইও নেই always busy with nothing, ever busy with nothing; ever busy with trifles or with useless work; fussy. কাজ করা v. to work; to serve; to be effective. কাজ চলা, কাজ চলে যাওয়া v. & n. to be worth working, to be work able; to do (এতে তোমার কাজ চলবে ?? will it do?). কাজ দেওয়া v. to give em ployment; to entrust with a work or job, to allocate or allot duties to; to be effective (ওষুধটায় কাজ দিয়েছে); to give service (ঘড়িটা ভাল কাজ দিচ্ছে). কাজ দেখা v. to examine a work done; to su pervise a work; to look for an employ ment or job; (coll.) to be effective (এতে কাজ দেখবে). কাজ দেখানো v. to try to dis play ostentatiously that one is busy, to be fussily active; to show off; to prove one's worth through work. কাজ বাগানো v. to manage to achieve one's end, to manage to obtain. কাজ বাঁচানো v. to see that one does not lose one's job. কাজ বাজানো v. (usu. dero.—by an insincere worker) to be on duty neglectfully. কাজ হাসিল করা v. to have one's object ful filled; to have one's object achieved. কাজের কথা useful talk; the main point of a talk; talk about work. কাজের কাজি the right man for a work. কাজের জিনিস useful or valuable thing. কাজের বার use less, out of order; worthless; disabled. কাজের বেলায় কাজি কাজ ফুরোলে পাজি (fig.) ingratitude is the law of the world. কাজের লোক n. an employee; a servant, an active or useful or competent per son.

কাজকর্ম [ kājakarma ] n. pl activities; occupations.

কাজরি [ kājari ] n an Indian folk-dance or its ac companying music.

কাজল [ kājala ] n lamp-black; collyrium. ☐ a. as black as collyrium. ̃লতা n. a vessel shaped like a pair of hollow scissors for preparing collyrium. চোখের কাজল চুরি করা (fig.) to steal something under one's very nose; to bamboozle, to fox.