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কেঠো2 [ kēṭhō2 ] n a wooden vessel or trough. ☐ a. made of wood, wooden; (fig.) rough (কেঠো চেহারা).

কেডস [ kēḍasa ] n keds (trade name of the canvas shoes by US Rubber Co.) plimsoll, a rubber-soled sports shoe made of canvas.

কেড়ি, কেড়িপোকা [ kēḍ়i, kēḍ়ipōkā ] n a small insect usu. found in long-stored rice.

কেতক, কেতকী [ kētaka, kētakī ] n the screwpine flower or its tree.

কেতন [ kētana ] n a flag, a banner, a standard; colours.

কেতলি [ kētali ] a var of কেটলি ।

কেতা [ kētā ] n a bundle (এক কেতা কাগজ); a lot (এক কেতা মাল); manner, custom (আধুনিক কেতা); fashion (কেতাদুরস্ত)

কেতাদুরস্ত, কেতাদোরস্ত [ kētādurasta, kētādōrasta ] a fashionable; one who is conversant with and observes rules of etiquette and fashion.

কেতাব [ kētāba ] n a book. ̃কীট n. (lit. & fig.) a book-worm. কেতাবি a. bookish. কেতাবি বিদ্যা bookishness; learning acquired from books only; book learning.

কেতু [ kētu ] n (astrol. & myth.) the descending node, the dragon's tail; a flag, a banner, a standard.

কেদার [ kēdāra ] n a holy place for Hindus on the Himalayas; a name of Shiva (শিব); a piece of agricultural land, a field, a garden; a ridge round a piece of agri cultural land; a ridge round the foot of a tree for watering. ̃নাথ n. Shiva (শিব).

কেদারা1 [ kēdārā1 ] n a chair.

কেদারা2 [ kēdārā2 ] n an Indian musical mode.

কেন [ kēna ] adv why. ☐ n. one of the books of the Upanishads. ̃না conj. because, since.

কেনা [ kēnā ] v to buy, to purchase. ☐ a. bought, purchased. ☐ n. buying, purchase. ̃কাটা n. purchases, marketing, shop ping. কেনাকাটা করা v. to make pur chases, to shop. কেনা দর cost price. ̃গোলাম a slave. ̃নো v. to cause to buy. ̃-বেচা n. buying and selling; trad ing; brokery. কেনা-বেচা করা v. to buy and sell; to trade (in); to act as a (pro fessional) broker.

কেন্দ্র [ kēndra ] n the centre (of or as of a circle); the principal place or station; (astrol.) the fourth or the seventh or the tenth house from the birth-house in the zo diac. ̃গত a. lying in or entered into the centre; central; (phys.) centric. ̃বিন্দু n. the centre; the central place; the headquarters. ̃বিমুখ, কেন্দ্রাতিগ, কেন্দ্রাপসারী a. (sc.) centrifugal. ̃শাসিত a. centrally administered. ̃স্হল n. the centre; the principal place or station, the headquarters. কেন্দ্রাভিগ, কেন্দ্রাভিগামী, কেন্দ্রাভিকর্ষী, কেন্দ্রাভিমুখ a. (sc.) centrip etal. কেন্দ্রিত a. lying or placed or drawn in the centre; (sc.) centric. কেন্দ্রী a. cen tral; (sc.) centric. কেন্দ্রীয় a. cen (কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার). কেন্দ্রীভূত a. centralized; lying in or brought into the centre; re duced to the centre.

কেন্নো, কেন্নুই, কেন্নাই [ kēnnō, kēnnui, kēnnāi ] n a centipede, an ear wig.

কেবল [ kēbala ] a (theo. & phil.) sole, without a second, absolute, one and only one (কেবলপুরুষ); pure, unpolluted (কেবলাত্মা); only (ঈশ্বরই কেবল সহায়); unchanging, just (কেবল একই কথা); in cessant; unmixed. ☐ adv. just, just now (কেবল এসেছি); incessantly (কেবল হাসছে). ̃ই adv. continuously, inces santly; only.

কেবলরাম [ kēbalarāma ] n a dull-witted man, a dunce; a clumsy fellow; a weakling.

কেবল-হাসি [ kēbala-hāsi ] a given to laughing overmuch or always.

কেবলা-চৈতন্য, কেবলা-চৈতন [ kēbalā-caitanya, kēbalā-caitana ] a dull-witted.

কেবলাত্মা [ kēbalātmā ] a pure-souled. ☐ n. God.

কেবিন [ kēbina ] n a cabin.

কেমন [ kēmana ] adv how, of or in what sort or manner. ☐ a. of a sort (কেমন বোকের মতো); anxious, perturbed (মন কেমন করা); excellent, fine (কেমন মজা). কেমন করে how. কেমন-কেমন a. suspicious; (of health or mind) inexplicable; dubious; doubtful. কেমন-কেমন করা v. not to feel well or all right, to feel sick (শরীর কেমন-কেমন করা); to be in an alarming or dying condition (রোগী কেমন-কেমন করছে); to become anxious or per turbed (মন কেমন-কেমন করছে). কেমন কেমন ঠেকা v. to appear as suspicious or dubious or doubtful; to smell of some thing sinister. ̃তরো a. peculiar; of what sort. কেমন যেন a. not appearing to be quite well; suspicious, dubious, doubtful; to some extent, somewhat. কেমনে (poet.) adv. how.

কেমবিস [ kēmabisa ] n canvas.

কেমব্রিক [ kēmabrika ] n cambric, a kind of white cot ton fabric.

কেমিকেল, কেমিক্যাল [ kēmikēla, kēmikyāla ] n a chemical. ☐ a. made of chemicals, chemical.

কেয়া1 [ kēẏā1 ] n the screwpine flower or its tree.

কেয়া2 [ kēẏā2 ] a how fine, excellent (কেয়া মজা).

কেয়াকাঁদি [ kēẏākān̐di ] n a cluster of screwpine flow ers.

কেয়াবাত [ kēẏābāta ] int bravo.

কেয়ামত [ kēẏāmata ] n the Day of (final) Resurrec tion or Judgement (according to the Is lamic faith).

কেয়ার [ kēẏāra ] n care. কেয়ার করা v. to care. কেয়ারে adv. in or under the care of.

কেয়ারি [ kēẏāri ] n a well-laid flower-bed or plea sure garden encircled with a ridge; careful dressing (চুলের কেয়ারি). কেয়ারি করা a. well-laid and encircled with a ridge (কেয়ারি-করা বাগান); carefully parted or dressed (কেয়ারি-করা চুল). কেয়ারি করা v. to beautify (a garden) by careful maintenance; to dress (hair) carefully.

কেয়ূর [ kēẏūra ] n an ornament for the arm, an armlet.

কেরল [ kērala ] n Kerala, a south-Indian state; an inhabitant of Kerala (কেরল).

কেরাঞ্চি [ kērāñci ] n a kind of covered bullock cart for carrying passengers, a hackery; an inferior kind of horse-carriage for pas sengers.

কেরানি [ kērāni ] n an office-clerk, a clerk. ̃গিরি n. clerkship. মাছিমারা কেরানি a. clerk or copyist who does his routine business or daily score or duty without using his discretion; an incompetent or unintelli gent worker.

কেরামতি [ kērāmati ] n skill, efficiency; power; a glo rious feat.

কেরায়া [ kērāẏā ] n the price paid for use of any thing, hire; freight; rent.

কেরাসিন, কেরোসিন [ kērāsina, kērōsina ] n kerosene.

কেলানো [ kēlānō ] v (vul. & dero.) to exhibit, to show, to display (দাঁত কেলানো); (sl.) to take off the skin. দাঁত কেলানো v. (vul. & dero.) to simper.

কেলাস2 [ kēlāsa2 ] n crystal. কেলাসন n. crystalliza tion. কেলাসিত a. crystallized. কেলাসিত করা v. to crystallize. ̃বিদ্যা n. crystal lography. কেলাসিত শীলা n. crystalline rock.

কেলি [ kēli ] n amorous sport (কেলিকুঞ্জ); sport; amusement. ̃কদম্ব n. (myth.) the kadamba (কদম্ব) tree under which the amorous sports of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) were held. ̃গৃহ n. a house for pleasure and pastime.

কেলে [ kēlē ] a (vul.) dark-skinned; dark-com plexioned. black; blackened. কেলে কার্তিক see কার্তিক । কেলে ভূত see ভূত । কেলে হাঁড়ি see হাঁড়ি ।

কেলেঙ্কারি [ kēlēṅkāri ] n a scandal; infamy; disgrace, disrepute; a scandalous affair or act. ̃জনক a. scandalous; disgraceful; infa mous.

কেল্লা [ kēllā ] n a fortress, a fort, a stronghold; a castle. ̃দার n. the governor or master of a fort or fortress; a castellan. কেল্লা ফতে করা v. to capture or take a fort or fortress; (fig.) to realize one's end, to achieve one's goal. কেল্লা মাত করা v. to capture a fort or fortress; (in chess) to kill the opponent's castle or to check mate the opponent by moving one's castle(s); (fig.) to realize one's end, to achieve one's goal, to carry the day.

কেশ [ kēśa ] n hair. ̃কর্তন n. haircut.কেশকর্তন করা v. to cut one's hair; to have a hair cut. ̃কলাপ, ̃গুচ্ছ, ̃দাম, ̃পাশ n. a lock or tuft of hair; a tress. ̃কীট n. a louse. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. act of seizing by the hair. ̃তৈল n. hair-oil. ̃প্রসাধন, ̃বিন্যাস n. hairdressing; act of combing and plaiting hair; tressing hair; act of putting up hair. কেশপ্রসাধন করা, কেশবিন্যাস করা v. to dress one's hair; to comb and plait one's hair; to tress one's hair; to put up one's hair. ̃বতী a. fem. one with long and beautiful hair. ☐ n. a woman having long and beautiful hair. ̃বন্ধ, ̃বন্ধনী n. hair-band. ̃বর্ধন n. the growth of one's hair. ̃মুণ্ডন n. act of shaving one's head; tonsuring. কেশমুণ্ডন করা v. to shave one's head; to tonsure. ̃সংস্কার same as কেশপ্রসাধন । ̃স্পর্শ n. touching one's hair; (fig.) act of doing the least harm to. কেশস্পর্শ করা v. to touch one's hair; (fig.) to do one the least harm, to harm in the least. ̃হীন a. with the scalp wholly hairless, bald.

কেশব [ kēśaba ] n a name of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

কেশর [ kēśara ] n (bot.) a pollen-tube, a stamen; mane (of lions, horses). কেশরী n. the lion. ☐ in comp. (used as a sfx.) the chief or best one (বীরকেশরী = the chief amongst the heroes, a lion of heroes etc.).

কেশাকর্ষণ [ kēśākarṣaṇa ] n pulling one by the hair, pull ing one's hair. কেশাকর্ষণ করা v. to pull one's hair; to pull one by the hair.

কেশাকেশি [ kēśākēśi ] n pulling each other by the hair in a scuffle. কেশাকেশি করা v. to pull each other by the hair in a scuffle.

কেশাগ্র [ kēśāgra ] n the tip of the hair. কেশাগ্র স্পর্শ করা v. to touch the tip of one's hair. কেশাগ্র স্পর্শ করতে না পারা v. to fail to touch the tip of one's hair; (fig.) to fail to do even the least harm (to).

কেশী [ kēśī ] a possessing long or fine or dense hair; hairy. ☐ n. (myth.) a giant killed by Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). fem. a. কেশিনী ।

কেশুর [ kēśura ] n a kind of bulbous plant.

কেস [ kēsa ] n a law-suit; an incident (মজার কেস); a patient (টাইফয়েড কেস); a client or a brief (উকিলটি কেস পান না); a chest or a packing-box (এক কেস মদ), a case.

কৈছে [ kaichē ] adv (poet. & obs.) how.

কৈতব [ kaitaba ] n chicane, deceit, dissimulation; falsehood; flattery; gambling; fraud. ̃বাদ n. act of telling lies; lying; flat tery. ̃বাদী a. given to telling lies.

কৈন্দ্রিক [ kaindrika ] a central; centric.

কৈফিয়ত [ kaiphiẏata ] n what is said to account for something, a cause shown, an explana tion. কৈফিয়ত কাটা v. to try to clear up a charge rather impertinently; (book keeping) to explain the difference be tween the debit and the credit side of an accounts book. কৈফিয়ত চাওয়া v. to bring to account, to call to account, to demand an explanation, to take to task. কৈফিয়ত দেওয়া v. to give an explanation.

কৈবর্ত [ kaibarta ] n a caste amongst the Hindus (originally they were fishermen and peasants); a member of this caste.

কৈবল্য [ kaibalya ] n (phil. & theo.) soleness, state of being one and only one, absoluteness; identification of one's soul with the Absolute, merging of one's soul with the Absolute; salvation of the soul; re lease from the world or the influence of nature, eternal emancipation, nir vana. ̃দায়িনী a. & n. fem. one who emancipates or redeems the soul eter nally, one who gives salvation. □ n. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) or Kali কালী

কৈলাসনাথ [ kailāsanātha ] n the lord of the Kailasa mountain; an appellation of Shiva শিব

কৈলাসবাসিনী [ kailāsabāsinī ] a. & n. fem one who resides on the Kailasa mountain. ☐ n. fem. an appellation of the Goddess Durga (দুর্গা)

কৈশিক [ kaiśika ] a capillary. ̃তা n. capillarity.

কৈশোর [ kaiśōra ] n early youth; adolescence. ̃ক a. of early youth, relating to adoles cence. কৈশোর-প্রেম n. calf-love; roman tic love or attachment or infatuation among adolescents.