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কো2 [ 2 ] pro who.

কোঁ [ ] int expressing a groaning sound.

কোঁক [ kōn̐ka ] n the abdomen, the belly; one of the sides of the belly; the womb.

কোঁকড়া [ kōn̐kaḍ়ā ] a curled, curling, curly, wavy.

কোঁচ2 [ kōn̐ca2 ] n a wrinkle, a fold.

কোঁচ3 [ kōn̐ca3 ] n a kind of small harpoon for catching fish.

কোঁচড় [ kōn̐caḍ় ] n the lap of one's loincloth. কোঁচড় পাতা v. to hold out the lap of one's loin cloth (in order to receive something).

কোঁচবক [ kōn̐cabaka ] n the little heron.

কোঁচা [ kōn̐cā ] n the plaited end of the loincloth tucked at the front of the wearer. কোঁচা দুলিয়ে বেড়ানো to pass time idly shunning responsibility; to indulge in ludicrous foppishness. বাইরে কোঁচার পত্তন ভিতরে ছুঁচোর কেত্তন the ludicrous attempt of dressing oneself elegantly when one has no means of obtaining one's liveli hood; a tawdry outside is the badge of poverty.

কোঁড়, কোঁড়া [ kōn̐ḍ়, kōn̐ḍ়ā ] n a young shoot of a plant esp. of bamboo, cane etc.

কোঁত, কোঁথ [ kōn̐ta, kōn̐tha ] n act of straining esp. to evacuate one's bowels, straining one self as during defecation, tenesmus. কোঁত পাড়া v. same as কোঁথা ।

কোঁতকা [ kōn̐takā ] n a cudgel, a club.

কোঁথা [ kōn̐thā ] v to strain oneself as during def ecation.

কোঁদন [ kōn̐dana ] n coll. form of কুঁদন ।

কোঁস্তা [ kōm̐stā ] n a scrubbing brush.

কোক [ kōka ] n coke.

কোকনদ [ kōkanada ] n the red lotus.

কোকিল [ kōkila ] n the cuckoo. fem. কোকিলা । কণ্ঠ a. as sweet-voiced as the cuckoo. fem. ̃কণ্ঠী । কোকিলাসন n. a sitting posture ac cording to the yoga (যোগ) system. কোকিলেক্ষু n. a reddish variety of sugar cane.

কোকেন [ kōkēna ] n cocaine.

কোকো [ kōkō ] n cocoa.

কোঙর, কোঙার [ kōṅara, kōṅāra ] n (obs.) a son.

কোচ [ kōca ] n a caste amongst Hindus (origi nally they were fishermen); a member of this caste; an aboriginal tribe of Cochbehar; one of this tribe.

কোচওয়ান [ kōcōẏāna ] n a coachman.

কোচবাক্স [ kōcabāksa ] n a coach-box.

কোচিনী [ kōcinī ] fem of কোচ ।

কোজাগর [ kōjāgara ] n the day of the fullmoon in the month of Ashwin-Kartik (আশ্বিন-কার্তিক) when goddess Lakshmi is worshipped. কোজাগরী a. of or on or during this day; performed on this day.

কোট1 [ kōṭa1 ] n a coat.

কোট2 [ kōṭa2 ] n a fort, a fortress (রাজকোট); a town, a city (পাঠানকোট); control, power, jurisdiction (কোটে পাওয়া); one's area (নিজের কোটে থাকা); bounds (কোটের বাইরে যওয়া); position, resolve, claim (কোট বজায় রাখা) ।

কোটনা2 [ kōṭanā2 ] n (masc. of কুটনী) a procurer, a pander. ̃গিরি, ̃মি n. the profession of a pander, procuring; act of whispering malicious reports against a person.

কোটর [ kōṭara ] n a crevice or hollow (বৃক্ষকোটর); a socket (অক্ষিকোটর); a hole; a very small (and usu. dark) room. ̃গত a. hollow, sunken.

কোটা1 [ kōṭā1 ] v to cut into pieces (as fish or vegetables), to dress; to grind, to pound; to husk or make flat by thrash ing under a foot-driven molar (চাল কোটা, চিঁড়ে কোটা). ̃নো v. to cause to cut into pieces, to cause to dress; to cause to grind or pound; to cause to husk.

কোটা2 [ kōṭā2 ] v to strike (against), to dash (against) (দেওয়ালে মাথা কোটা).