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কোর্ফা [ kōrphā ] a subleased, held by an undertenant. কোর্ফা জমি subleased land, the holding of an undertenant. কোর্ফা প্রজা, কোর্ফা রায়ত an undertenant, a sub tenant. কোর্ফা স্বত্ব undertenancy.

কোর্মা [ kōrmā ] n a kind of highly-spiced grilled curry of meat or fish or eggs.

কোল1 [ kōla1 ] n an aboriginal tribe of India; a member of this tribe.

কোল2 [ kōla2 ] n the fold of the body of a person sitting, the lap (কোলে বসা); the flank of a person standing; the middle (মাছের কোল); flank or side or brink or middle (নদীর কোলে); foot, vicinity or neighbourhood (পাহাড়ের কোল); bo som, heart, the inside (সমুদ্রের কোল); an embrace (কোল দেওয়া). কোল জুড়ানো v. (of a child) to give delight to one (usu. the mother) who takes it up on one's lap. কোল দেওয়া v. to embrace; (fig.) to welcome or give shelter. কোলে ওঠা v. to climb up to one's lap or flank. কোলে করা same as কোলে তোলা । কোলে চড়া same as কোলে ওঠা । কোলে তোলা v. to take up in one's arms or to lift to one's flank; to take (up) one one's lap. কোলে বসা v. to sit upon one's lap. কোলে নেওয়া same as কোলে তোলা । কোলে-পিঠে করে মানুষ করা v. to bring up with care and affection (as by the mother or nurse). কোলের সন্তান one's youngest child; a suckling, an infant, a nursling. ̃আঁকড়া a. tied to the mother's apron-strings, too much attached to or dependent on mother. ̃কুঁজো a. stooping sideways. ̃জুড়ানো a. (of a child) causing delight to one (usu. the mother) who takes it on one's lap. কোলজুড়ানো সন্তান a darling child. ̃পোঁছা a. (of a child) last-born. ̃বালিশ n. a bolster. ̃মোছা same as কোলপোঁছা ।

কোলন [ kōlana ] n (gr.) the colon (:).

কোলা [ kōlā ] n a large barrel or cask bulging in the middle; (dial.) a large field or meadow (কোলায় কোলায় চরা). ☐ a. cor pulent, fat, pot-bellied. কোলা-ব্যাং n. a large species of frog dwelling chiefly in a field.

কোলাকুলি [ kōlākuli ] n mutual embracing; warm greeting; (fig.—usu. iron.) alliance or mutual understanding (সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি). কোলাকুলি করা v. to embrace mutually; to greet (each other) warmly; (fig.—usu. iron.) to enter into an alli ance. সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি two shrewd persons read or try to read each other's mind well; close and even con test or competition between two shrewd persons.

কোলাহল [ kōlāhala ] n a loud confused noise or shout (as of many persons speaking loudly at the same time), an uproar, a tumult, din and bustle. কোলাহল করা v. to make a loud and confused noise. ̃পূর্ণ a. tumultuous, uproarious; clam orous; full of din and bustle.

কোষ [ kōṣa ] n a cover, a jacket, a sac (অণ্ডকোষ); a case, a sheath, a scabbard; a bladder (পিত্তকোষ); a store, a repertory, a fund, a treasury (রাজকোষ); a juicy division or section of a fruit containing the seed, a replum, a legume, a pod (কাঁঠালের কোষ); a receptacle, a con tainer, a box, a chest; a water-container (usu. made of copper) shaped like a ca noe used in religious worship by Hin dus; a silk-cocoon; (bio.) a cell; (phil. & theo.) any of the stages of ex istence of a created being (অন্নময় কোষ); a dictionary, a lexicon, a glos sary; the scrotum, the bag containing testicles; the palm of hand formed into a cup (এক কোষ জল). ̃কলা n. (bio.) a cellular tissue. ̃কাব্য n. an anthology of poems. ̃কার n. a lexicographer; a silk worm. ̃গঠন n. (bio.) cell-forma tion. ̃গ্রন্হ n. an encyclopedia; a dictio nary. ̃পাল n. a treasurer. ̃প্রাকার n. (bot.) a cellplate. ̃প্রচীর n. (bio.) a cell-wall. ̃বদ্ধ a. sheathed. ̃বদ্ধ করা v. to sheathe (one's sword etc.). ̃বৃদ্ধি n. hydrocele. ̃মুক্ত a. unsheathed, drawn. কোষমুক্ত করা v. to unsheathe or draw (one's sword etc.). কোষের একীকরণ (bot.) cell-fusion.

কোষা [ kōṣā ] n a small water-container (usu. made of copper) shaped like a canoe used in worship by Hindus; a small ca noe-shaped boat. কোষাকুষি n. a canoe shaped water container and a small ca noe-shaped spoon for taking water from a কোষা ।

কোষাগার [ kōṣāgāra ] n a treasury.

কোষাধ্যক্ষ [ kōṣādhyakṣa ] n a treasurer; a cashier.

কোষী [ kōṣī ] n a small canoe-shaped spoon (usu. made of copper) for taking up water out of a কোষা ।

কোষীয় [ kōṣīẏa ] a cellular.

কোষ্টা [ kōṣṭā ] n jute.

কোষ্ঠ [ kōṣṭha ] n a room, a compartment; the inner part of a (dwelling) house; a granary; the large bowel, the colon (কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা). কোষ্ঠ কঠিন হওয়া v. to have costive ness. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা v. to evacuate thoroughly. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার হওয়া v. to have bowels cleared; to have an easy or regular evacuation of one's bowels. ̃কাঠিন্য n. constipation, costiveness. ̃বদ্ধ a. constipated. কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ হওয়া v. to get constipated; to suffer from consti pation. ̃বদ্ধতা n. constipation. ̃শুদ্ধি n. thorough or easy evacuation or purging of one's bowels.

কোষ্ঠী [ kōṣṭhī ] n a horoscope, a nativity. কোষ্ঠী করা v. to cast one's horoscope. কোষ্ঠী গণনা করা v. to predict the future of one's life from one's horoscope. নষ্ট কোষ্ঠী উদ্ধার করা v. to cast one's horoscope from hypotheses or insufficient or uncertain data. ̃গত a. horoscopic. ̃গণক n. a horoscopist, an astrologer. ̃গণনা n. horoscopy.

কোলহ [ kōlaha ] n alcohol.

কোহিনুর [ kōhinura ] n the famous diamond called kohinoor; (fig.) a very costly thing; (fig.) one's most valuable treasure; (fig.) the best specimen or person.

কৌঁসুলি, কৌঁসিলি [ kaum̐suli, kaum̐sili ] n a counsel; a barrister or lawyer.

কৌচ [ kauca ] n a couch.

কৌণিক [ kauṇika ] a pertaining to an angle; angular; diagonal; aslant. ̃তা n. angularity. কৌণিক অবনতি (astr.) the angle of incli nation. কৌণিক ভরবেগ (mech.) the mo ment of momentum; (phys.) angular momentum.

কৌতুক [ kautuka ] n a fun; a joke, a jest; inquisitive ness; curiosity. কৌতুক করা v. to make fun (of), to crack a joke; to jest. ̃জনক a. funny; jocular; curious, queer; inter esting. ̃প্রিয় a. fond of fun or jokes. কৌতুকাবহ same as কৌতুকজনক । কৌতুকাবিষ্ট a. amused; curious. কৌতুকী a. funny, amusing; given to making fun or jokes; fond of amusements.

কৌতুহল [ kautuhala ] n inquisitiveness, curiosity. ̃জনক a. awakening curiosity, curious. ̃নিবৃত্তি n. satisfaction of curiosity. কৌতুহলী, কৌতুহলাক্রান্ত, কৌতুহলাবিষ্ট a. seized with curiosity; inspiring curios ity; curious. কৌতূহলোদ্দীপক a. that which rouses curiosity, inspiring or rousing curiosity.

কৌন্তেয় [ kauntēẏa ] n a son of Kunti (কুন্তী) of the Mahabharata.

কৌপ [ kaupa ] a of a draw-well. ☐ n. water of a well.

কৌপীন [ kaupīna ] n a small piece of loincloth worn after the fashion of a suspensor by In dian ascetics. ̃ধারী a. one who is wearing the loincloth. ☐ n. an ascetic.

কৌমার [ kaumāra ] n boyhood; bachelorhood, bachelordom; celibacy; virginity; an unmarried son. ☐ a. relating to a boy or a bachelor. ̃ব্রত n. the vow of celi bacy. ̃ভৃত্য, ̃ভৃত্যতন্ত্র n. (the Ayurvedic system of) midwifery and treatment of children's diseases. কৌমারী n. fem. an unmarried daughter; one's first wife; (myth.) one of the six nymphs who nursed Kartikeya (কার্তিকেয়).

কৌমার্য [ kaumārya ] n bachelorhood or virginity; celi bacy.

কৌমুদী [ kaumudī ] n moonlight, moonshine. ̃পতি n. the lord of moonlight; the moon.