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খনন [ khanana ] n digging; excavation. খনন করা v. to dig; to excavate. ̃যন্ত্র n. a digging tool. খননীয় a. that which can be or is to be dug or excavated.

খনি [ khani ] n a mine, a quarry.

খনিজ [ khanija ] a mineral. খনিজ লবণ rock salt. খনিজ সম্পদ mineral resources.

খনিত [ khanita ] a dug, excavated.

খনিত্র [ khanitra ] n a spud; a small weeding tool; a pick-axe; a crowbar.

খন্তা [ khantā ] n a spud.

খন্দ1 [ khanda1 ] n a ditch; a pit; a piece of low land.

খন্দ2 [ khanda2 ] n crop (রবিখন্দ). ̃কার, খোন্দকার n. a producer of crops, a farmer; a (Mus lim) title of honour awarded to wealthy farmers.

খপ [ khapa ] int expressing quickness, haste, sud denness (খপ করে). খপ খপ int. express ing quickly or suddenly one after an other; quickly, hastily.

খপাত্ [ khapāt ] int expressing quickness or sud denness.

খপুষ্প [ khapuṣpa ] n a mare's nest, a fiddlestick; moonshine.

খপোত [ khapōta ] n an aeroplane, an airship.

খপ্পর [ khappara ] n clutches, grip; a trap; pantile; a roof of pantile, a pantile shed. খপ্পরে পড়া v. to get into the clutches or snares of.

খবর [ khabara ] n news, tidings; report, informa tion; intelligence. খবর করা v. to inquire about; to communicate with (either personally or through letters). খবর জানা v. to have information; to be in the know; to get intelligence or news. খবর নেওয়া same as খবর করা । খবর পাওয়া v. to get news (of); to be informed (of); to come to know or learn. খবর রাখা same as খবর জানা । খবরের কাগজ a news paper. খবরাখবর n. pl. all sorts of news or information. খবরাখবর করা v. to keep oneself in intimate contact with, to keep oneself well-informed about, to keep in constant touch with, to enquire after a person etc. off and on.

খবরদার [ khabaradāra ] int expressing: take care, be ware, be on guard, watch out, halt for safety. খবরদারি n. caution; cautious ness; act of looking after; careful atten dance; care, custody, guardianship (ছেলেটি তার খবরদারিতে আছে); manage ment (তার খবরদারিতে সংসার চলে).

খবিশ [ khabiśa ] a unholy; dirty, nasty. ☐ n. an evil spirit, a ghost; a dirty or slovenly per son.

খমধ্য [ khamadhya ] n (astr. & geog.) the zenith.

খয়রা2 [ khaẏarā2 ] n a species of very small fish.

খয়রাত [ khaẏarāta ] n bounty; charity, almsgiving; alms, a charitable gift or donation. খয়রাত করা v. to give in charity; to give as alms. খয়রাতি a. charitable; gratuitous.

খয়ের [ khaẏēra ] n catechu.

খয়ের খাঁ [ khaẏēra khā ] n (also a.) a yes-man, a flat terer, a bootlicker.

খয়েরি [ khaẏēri ] a of the colour of catechu, dark brown, dark tan.

খর [ khara ] a sharp, keen (খর তরবারি); severe, fierce (খর রৌদ্র); strong, violent (খরবায়ু); very quick or fast (খর বেগ); harsh, rough (খর বাক্য); (of water) saltish, salty, saline, hard. খর জল hard water. ̃জালি n. salt obtained by sun ning something instead of boiling it. ̃তর compar. of খর । ̃দশন a. sharp toothed. ̃দৃষ্টি a. keen-sighted, hawk eyed. ̃ধার, ̃শান a. very sharp. ̃স্রোত a. having a strong current. ☐ n. a strong current. fem. খরস্রোতা । ̃স্পর্শ a. rough to the touch.

খরখর [ kharakhara ] int expressing a grating noise or sensation (খরখর করে ঘষা); quickness or celerity (খরখর করে চলা). খরখর করা v. to make a grating noise, to grate; to give a grating sensation; to move or talk rapidly; to move fussily. খরখরে a. that which makes a grating noise or gives a grating sensation; rough, not smooth; restless; moving fussily.

খরগোশ [ kharagōśa ] n the hare; the rabbit.

খরজ [ kharaja ] n (mus.) the first note of the gamut. See ষড়্জ ।

খরমুজ, খরমুজা, খরবুজ, খরবুজা [ kharamuja, kharamujā, kharabuja, kharabujā ] n the melon, the musk-melon.

খররা [ khararā ] n alt. spell. of খড়রা ।

খরশুলা, খরশোলা [ kharaśulā, kharaśōlā ] n a kind of small fish.

খরা [ kharā ] n sunshine, the sun; summer; drought. ☐ a. strongly fried; over-fried. ̃নো v. to fry hard; to overfry; to overbake.

খরিদ [ kharida ] n buying, purchase. খরিদ করা v. to buy, to purchase. ̃দার, খরিদ্দার n. a buyer, a purchaser, a customer. ̃বিক্রি n. buying and selling. ̃মূল্য n. cost price. খরিদা a. obtained by purchase; bought; purchased.

খরিফ [ kharipha ] n autumnal harvest or crop.

খরোষ্ঠী [ kharōṣṭhī ] n an ancient language of the north-west frontier of India; its script or style of writing, Kharosthi.

খর্জূর [ kharjūra ] n the date-palm; its fruit, the date.

খর্পর [ kharpara ] n a piece of broken earthenware, a potsherd; a skull of a dead person; the skull; an almsdish, a beggar's bowl; a thief; a sly rogue, a knave; a sharper, a cheat.

খর্ব1 [ kharba1 ] a short, not tall (খর্বকায়); reduced, decreased, diminished (তেজ খর্ব হওয়া); thwarted, curved, restrained, foiled (গতি খর্ব করা); lowered, humbled (গর্ব খর্ব হওয়া). খর্ব করা v. to reduce, to de crease, to diminish; to thwart, to curve, to restrain, to foil; to lower, to humble. ̃কায় a. of short stature, short, small, diminutive. ̃তা n. shortness. খর্বাকৃতি same as খর্বকায় । খর্বীকৃত a. reduced, de creased, diminished; thwarted, curved, restrained, foiled; lowered, humbled.

খর্ব2 [ kharba2 ] n. & a ten thousand million or ten billion.

খল1 [ khala1 ] n a small boat-shaped gallipot for pounding medicine, mortar. ̃নুড়ি, ̃নোড়া n. pl. this gallipot or mortar and a pestle.

খল2 [ khala2 ] a malicious, envious; dissimulat ing, hypocritical; crooked; cruel; base, mean. ̃তা n. malice, envy; malicious ness; dissimulation, hypocrisy; crook edness; cruelty; baseness, meanness. ̃নায়ক n. a villain. প্রকৃতি, ̃স্বভাব a. of a malicious or crooked nature. খলোক্তি n. a crooked or insidious utterance.

খলখল [ khalakhala ] int expressing the metallic noise of sweet laughter. খলখল করা v. to laugh loudly with a sweet metallic noise. খলখলে a. loud and giving out a sweet metallic noise.

খলপা [ khalapā ] n a coarse bamboo mat; a granary made of bamboo mats. খলপা দিয়ে মো়ড়া v. to cover with coarse bamboo mat ting. খলপার বেড়া a fencing of bamboo mats.

খলি [ khali ] n oilcake; earwax, cerumen.

খলিত [ khalita ] a bald.

খলিন [ khalina ] n a bridle; rein; curb-bit of a bridle.

খলিফা [ khaliphā ] n a caliph, a khalif; a master arti san, master tailor; a tailor; (dero.) one who plays the big boss. ̃গিরি n. ca liphate; the profession of an artisan or a tailor. খলিফার রাজ্য বা শাসন বা আমল বা পদ caliphate.

খালিশা [ khāliśā ] n a species of fish akin to but smaller than the anabas.

খসখস1, খশখশ [ khasakhasa1, khaśakhaśa ] n a species of grass used in making fans; cuscus, khuskhus.

খসখস2 [ khasakhasa2 ] int expressing a rustling sound.

খসখসে [ khasakhasē ] a not smooth, rough (to the touch).

খসড়া [ khasaḍ়ā ] n a preliminary sketch, a draft; a manuscript. খসড়া করা v. to make a draft.

খসম [ khasama ] n (mus.) husband.

খসা [ khasā ] v to become detached, to come away (খিল খসা); to come off (দেওয়াল থেকে চুনবালি খসা); to fall off, to be shed (গাছ থেকে পাতা খসা); to become loose (কোমরের কাপড় খসা); to become dishevelled (খোঁপা খসা); to drop off (মালা থেকে ফুল খসা); to get out of po sition accidentally, to slip (হাত থেকে খসে পড়া); to come out, to be uttered (মুখ থেকে কথা খসা); to be spent esp. unnecessarily, to be spent or lost (টাকা খসা); (sarcas.) to die (বুড়ো এবার খসবে); to flee, to escape (চোরটা খসেছে); to depart immediately (অনেক জ্বালিয়েছ, এখন খসে পড়ো). ̃নো v. to de tach, to cause to come away; to cause to come off; to cause to fall off, to shed; to loosen; to dishevel; to cause to drop off; to cause to slip (away or out); to cause to come out, to cause to utter; to cause to be spent or lost.

খাই1 [ khāi1 ] n a hole, a pit; a ditch, a trench (গড়খাই); a moat; depth (গর্তটার দু-হাত খাই).

খাই2 [ khāi2 ] v (pr. & 1st. per.) eat. □ n. eating (খাই-খরচ); desire for food, appetite (যতই খাক, ওর খাই মেটে না ।) খাই-খরচ see খরচ । খাই-খাই n. constant or strong desire for food. খাই-খাই করা v. to feel or express a strong desire for food; to be extremely hungry; to feel strong hun ger constantly; to be insatiably hungry. খাই-খালাসি a. usufructuary. খাইখালাসি সম্পত্তি n. property in usufructuary mortgage. খাইয়ে a. able to eat much, voracious, gourmand, gluttonous; given to or fond of eating well, fond of choice dishes. খাইয়ে লোক a gourmand, a glutton; a gourmet, an epicure; a belly-god, a voracious eater.

খাওন [ khāōna ] n act or manner of eating.

খাওয়া [ khāōẏā ] v to eat; to drink (জল খাওয়া); to take or enjoy (চা খাওয়া, ওষুধ খাওয়া, হাওয়া খাওয়া); to smoke (সিগারেট খাওয়া); to chew (পান খাওয়া); to accept or take (ঘুষ খাওয়া); to take or receive, to suffer (মার খাওয়া, কিল খাওয়া); to cause to lose, to cause to be dismissed from (চাকরি খাওয়া); to spoil or ruin (মাথা খাওয়া); to consume or absorb (লণ্ঠনটা খুব তেল খায়); to eat away, to wear away, to corrode. ☐ a. eaten or drunk or taken or smoked or chewed completely or incompletely (পাখিতে খাওয়া ফল); used by one whilst eating or drinking and yet unwashed (খাওয়া থালা); partly eaten away or worn away or corroded. কিল খাওয়া v. to receive a blow; to be buffeted. কুরে খাওয়া v. to scrape or gnaw away, to eat away. গালি খাওয়া v. to be rebuked or rated. চরিত্র খাওয়া n. character-assassination. বকুনি খাওয়া v. to be rebuked or abused or reprimanded, to be taken to task. খাওয়া খাওয়ি n. mutual entertainment at tables; mutual feasting; (idiom.) mutual quar relling (খাওয়া-খাওয়ি করা). খাওয়া-দাওয়া n. eating and drinking. খাওয়া-দাওয়া করা v. to eat and drink. খাওয়ানো v. to feed; to cause to eat or drink or take or smoke or chew; to cause to accept (ঘুষ খাওয়ানো); to cause to receive or suffer (মার খাওয়ানো); to cause to spoil or ruin (মাথা খাওয়ানো); to cause to consume or absorb (তেল খাওয়ানো); to cause to be eaten or worn away; to cause to be cor roded.

খাঁই [ khām̐i ] n desire, craving; avidity, greed; de mand (বরের বাপের বেজায় খাঁই).

খাঁকতি [ khān̐kati ] n want; shortage; (pop.) avidity, greed, demand.

খাঁকার, খাঁকারি, খাঁকরি [ khān̐kāra, khān̐kāri, khān̐kari ] n the noise of clear ing one's throat, a hawking noise. খাঁকার দেওয়া v. to hawk.