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খোরা, খোরাই [ khōrā, khōrāi ] n a large cup without a handle, a goblet without a stem.

খোরাক [ khōrāka ] n food, provision; capacity for eating (তার খোরাক বেশি), appetite; ra tion of food. খোরাক-পোশাক n. food and clothing. খোরাকি n. cost of food (খোরাকি লাগে না); rations or ration-money (এ চাকরিতে খোরাকি মিলবে).

খোরাসানি [ khōrāsāni ] a of Khorasan (খোরাসান). ☐ n. a native of Khorasan.

খোল2 [ khōla2 ] n a cover; a case (বালিশের খোল); a shell (কচ্ছপের খোল); a skin (লাউয়ের খোল); a calabash; bark or spathe of trees (নারিকেল-সুপারির খোল); a hole, a hollow, a cavity, a crevice, a socket (চোখের খোল), a pit or fold (পেটের বা বুকের খোল), a hold (জাহাজের বা নৌকার খোল); a musical instrument of percus sion resembling a longish tomtom; the water-containing vase of a hookah. ̃করতাল n. the tomtom and cymbals. ি a. one who beats the afore-men tioned musical instrument of percus sion.

খোলক [ khōlaka ] n a hood for covering the whole body, a yashmak; a shell (of the crusta cean). কী a. crustacean. ☐ n. a crustacean.

খোলতাই [ khōlatāi ] n beautiful show, beauty; brightness. ☐ a. having a good show, showy; beautiful; bright.

খোলনলচে [ khōlanalacē ] n the bowl of burning tobacco and the pipe of a hookah. নলচে বদলানো (fig.) to change something so completely and thoroughly as to give it a new look.

খোলস [ khōlasa ] n an outer covering; a slough, a fell (সাপের খোলস); (sarcas.) garment. স ছাড়া v. (of snakes) to cast or slough off (i s) skin, to moult.

খোলসা [ khōlasā ] a clear, clean; plain; frank, can did; free (খোলসা মন); emptied, va cated. সা করা v. to open (মন খোলসা করা) to evacuate thoroughly (পেট খোলসা করা). সা করে বলা v. to speak clearly or point-blank or leaving no room for doubt; to be outspoken; to speak out without reserve, to open one's heart; to make a clean breast of. খোলসা a. open-hearted, frank, can did; above-board.

খোলা1 [ khōlā1 ] n (of fruits) skin (মোচার খোলা); an outer covering or a shell, a carapace (কাঁকড়ার খোলা, কচ্ছপের খোলা); (of trees) bark or spathe (কলাগাছের খোলা); a kind of frying-pan (ভাজনা-খোলা), pantile (খোলার চাল); a field (ধানখোলা); a place (হাটখোলা); an open place for manufacturing, a yard (ইটখোলা). ার ঘর a hut with a pantile shed.

খোলা2 [ khōlā2 ] v to open (দরজা খোলা); to expose or reveal, to open (মন খোলা); to unfas ten (গোরুর দড়ি খোলা); to set on a voy age or journey, to leave; to start or found (নতুন স্কুল খোলা); to open for day's work (এ দোকান বেলা দশটায় খুলবে); to resume work, to re-open (ছুটির পর আদালত খুলবে); to untie or undress (খোঁপা খোলা, চুল খোলা); to put off, to take off (জামা খোলা). ☐ a. open, unfastened; untied or undressed; unob structed, unhindered (খোলা পথ); frank, without reserve (খোলা মন). া বাজার (comm.) open market. াখুলি a. frank, categorical, candid, outspoken, unreserved (খোলাখুলি কথা). ☐ adv. frankly, categorically, point-blank, outspokenly, unreservedly. ানো v. to cause to open or unfasten; to cause to leave; to cause to start or found; to cause to open for day's work; to cause to re-open; to cause to untie or un dress; to cause to take off or put off.

খোলামকুচি [ khōlāmakuci ] n a broken piece of ceramic material potsherd; (fig.) a trifling ob ject.

খোশ [ khōśa ] a delightful, pleasant (খোশখবর); happy, cheerful (খোশমেজাজ); done by one's own self, voluntary. ̃কবালা n. (law) a deed of conveyance executed voluntarily by the proprietor himself. ̃খবর n. glad tidings; agreeable or pleasing news. ̃খেয়াল n. a fad, a crotchet; a caprice, a whim. ̃খোরাক n. dainty food, delicate dishes, table delicacies. ̃খোরাকি a. fond of dainty food; accustomed to taking dainty food. ̃গল্প n. a pleasant chat; an amus ing tale or story. ̃নবিশ n. a calligra pher; a good writer. ̃নাম n. reputation; fame; goodwill. ̃পোশাক n. fine dress; fancy dress. ̃পোশাকি a. fond of fine dress; foppish. বু same as বু । ̃মেজাজ n. cheerful or merry or self complacent mood.

খোশামোদ [ khōśāmōda ] n flattery, adulation. ামোদ করা v. to flatter, to adulate. ামোদে ভোলা v. to be moved with flattery. ামুদি, খোশামোদি n. flattery, adulation. ামুদে a. flattering, adulatory. ামুদে লোক a flatterer, a sycophant.

খোস [ khōsa ] n itches, scabies.

খোসা [ khōsā ] n skin (of fruits).

খ্যাংরা [ khyāṃrā ] n a broom or broomstick, a besom. ̃পেটা করা v. to beat or thrash with a broom, to strike with a broom.

খ্যাঁট [ khyān̐ṭa ] n (hum.) a feast.

খ্যাত [ khyāta ] a famous (খ্যাতনামা); called, named designated or known as (আর্যনামে খ্যাত জাতি). ̃নামা a. one whose name is well-known, famous, renowned, cel ebrated.

খ্যাতি [ khyāti ] n fame, renown; celebrity; (rare) a name or designation. াতিলাভ করা v. to be famous, to earn fame.

খ্যাপক [ khyāpaka ] a. & n one who or that which an nounces or proclaims or gives public ity.

খ্যাপন [ khyāpana ] n announcement; proclamation; publicity.

খ্রিস্ট [ khrisṭa ] a Christ. ̃ধর্ম n. Christianity. ̃পূর্ব a. B.C., Before Christ. িস্টান a. Chris tian. ☐ n. a Christian. িস্টানি n. man ners and customs of Christians; (dero.) imitation of Christians; (dero.) Europeanism; (vul.) Christianism or Christianity; (arch.) a Christian. িস্টাব্দ n. A. D., of the Christian era. িস্টীয় a. of Christ or of the Christian era; Chris tian.