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খোঁড়ানো2 [ khōn̐ḍ়ānō2 ] v to limp, to hobble.

খোঁপা [ khōm̐pā ] n hair dressed in a rounded mass, a bun, chignon. খোঁপা খোলা v. to un loose or undress a bun, to undo or un fasten a coiffure; to cause dishevel ment. খোঁপা বাঁধা v. to dress or put up hair in a bun. আলগা খোঁপা a hanging bun; a loose bun, a bun not tied with cords.

খোঁয়াড় [ khōm̐ẏāḍ় ] n a cattle-shed, a cowshed, a cowhouse; a sheepfold; a pound for stray cattle, a pinfold. খোঁয়াড়ে আটকানো, খোঁয়াড়ে পোরা v. to put into or enclose in a cattleshed; to pound, to impound; to pinfold.

খোক্কস [ khōkkasa ] n (in fairy tales) a terrible an thropophagous demon.

খোজা [ khōjā ] n (mas. & fem.) a eunuch; a sexu ally powerless person, an impotent person. ☐ a. castrated; gelded; impo tent; খোজা-করা পশু a gelding. খোজা-প্রহরী n. a eunuch guarding a harem. খোজা করা v. to castrate, to emasculate; to geld.

খোট্টা [ khōṭṭā ] n (contem. or ridi.) a Hindustani, an upcountry man (of India). fem. খোট্টানি ।

খোদ [ khōda ] a in person (সে খোদ); real, actual (খোদ-কর্তা). খোদ-কর্তা n. the real master; the master himself, the master in per son.

খোদকার [ khōdakāra ] n an engraver; a carver. খোদকারি n. engraving; carving; interference in other's work.

খোদা2 [ khōdā2 ] n (Mus.) God. খোদার উপর খোদকারি (fig. & sarcas.) an attempt to teach God how to create; to overdo. খোদার খাসি (ridi.) a corpulent man, a roly poly.

খোদাই [ khōdāi ] n engraving; carving. খোদাই করা v. to engrave; to carve. খোদানো v. & n. en graving; carving.

খোদা-ই-খিদ্মদ্গার [ khōdā-i-khidmadgāra ] n (self-dedicated) ser vant of God., freedom-fighter under 'Frontier Gandhi' Abdul Gaffur Khan.

খোদাবন্দ [ khōdābanda ] n (voc.) My Lord; Your Maj esty; Sire; Master; Sir.

খোদিত [ khōdita ] a engraved.

খোনা [ khōnā ] a pronounced or spoken with breath passing through the nose, nasal. ☐ n. a person speaking through the nose. খোনা সুরে বলা to speak through the nose.

খোপ, খোপর [ khōpa, khōpara ] n a small hole (পায়রার খোপ), a cell; a recess, a niche.

খোয়া1 [ khōẏā1 ] n solidified milk or cream (also খোয়া-ক্ষীর); a broken stone, macadam. খোয়া দিয়ে বাঁধানো v. to macadamize, to pave with stone chips, to cobble. খোয়া বাঁধানো রাস্তা cobbled streets.

খোয়া2 [ khōẏā2 ] a lost; wasted; stolen. খোয়া যাওয়া v. to be lost or wasted or stolen. খোয়ানো v. to lost; to waste.

খোয়াব [ khōẏāba ] n a dream; a daydream; (fig.) a false fancy, an illusion.

খোয়ার [ khōẏāra ] n misery; distress; harm; humilia tion; insult; punishment; condemna tion; reproof; blame. খোয়ার হওয়া v. to be stricken with misery or distress; to suffer harm or humiliation or insult; to be punished or condemned or reproved or blamed.

খোয়ারি [ khōẏāri ] n tiredness or depression that strikes in when drunkenness is over. খোয়ারি ভাঙা v. to drink a little in order to remove post-drunken depression.

খোর [ khōra ] sfx indicating: one who eats (মছলিখোর); one who is addicted to (গাঁজাখোর, নেশাখোর).