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গর্জন2 [ garjana2 ] n a species of tall tree, Diptero carpus turbinatus, the garjan. ̃তেল n. juice of garjan used in varnishing idols etc.

গর্জমান [ garjamāna ] a engaged in or in a state of roar ing, roaring, rumbling, howling, thun dering.

গর্জানো [ garjānō ] v to roar, to rumble, to howl, to thunder. গর্জানি n. roaring, rumbling, howling, thundering.

গর্জিত [ garjita ] a sounded or resounded loudly.

গর্ত [ garta ] n a hole, a slot, a cavity, a crevice, a cavern, a pit, a cave. গর্ত করা v. to make a hole; to dig a hole. গর্ত ভরাট করা to fill a hole.

গর্দভ [ gardabha ] n the ass; (in reproof or taunts) an utter fool. fem. গর্দভী । গর্দভ রাগিণী n. (ridi.) the intolerably harsh voice of a bad singer.

গর্দা [ gardā ] n soil, dirt, filth.

গর্দান [ gardāna ] n the neck or the throat; the part of the body above the shoulders; the head. গর্দান দেওয়া v. to sentence to death by beheading; to behead; to sacrifice one's own head. গর্দান নেওয়া v. to be head. গর্দানি n. holding by the neck and pushing one out.

গর্ব [ garba ] n pride; conceit; vanity; boasting, bragging; an object of pride or glory (রবীন্দ্রনাথ ভারতের গর্ব, এই ছবিখানি তার গর্ব) গর্ব করা v. to pride (in); to boast, to brag. ̃শূন্য a. free from pride; modest; unpretentious. গর্বিত, গর্বী a. proud; con ceited; vain, vainglorious; boastful, braggart. fem. গর্বিতা, গর্বিণী । গর্ব্বোজ্জ্বল a. radiant with pride or glory. গর্বোদ্ধত a. arrogant and vainglorious.

গর্ভ [ garbha ] n inner part; interior, inside (নারকেলের গর্ভ, ভূগর্ভ); bed, bottom (নদীগর্ভ); hollow, pit (খনিগর্ভ); womb (গর্ভে ধারণ); a spathe (of a plant); em bryo, foetus (গর্ভধারণ); pregnancy, conception (গর্ভলক্ষণ); belly (পেয়ারাগুলো সব ছেলেদের গর্ভে গেছে); (fig.) undue ap propriation (এ টাকা মহাজনের গর্ভে যাবে). গর্ভ হওয়া v. to be in the family way; to become pregnant. ̃কটি a. perigynous. ̃কাল n. gestation. ̃কেশর n. the pistil (of a flower). গর্ভকেশরের অগ্রভাগ a stigma. ̃কোষ n. the uterus, seed-ves sel. ̃গৃহ n. a lying-in room; a small room or compartment within a larger one often in a temple to house the idol (cp. an anteroom). ̃চ্যুত a. miscarried (in birth); fallen from the womb. ̃চ্যুতি n. miscarriage. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born of the womb (of). ̃তন্তু, ̃দন্ড n. (bot.) a style. ̃দাস n. a son of a slave woman (such a son is bound to slavery by birth); one's son by one's slave-woman ̃ধারণ n. conception. ̃গর্ভধারণ করা v. to conceive, to become pregnant, to be with child or in the family way. গর্ভে ধারণ act of bearing in one's womb; ges tation. ̃ধারিণী n. mother. ̃নাড়ি n. um bilical cord. ̃নাশ n. same as গর্ভপাত । ̃নিঃসৃত a. one who or that which has come out of the womb (of); extricated from the womb (of). গর্ভনিঃসৃত হওয়া v. to come out of the womb (of). ̃পত্র n. (bot.) a carpel. ̃পরিশ্রব, ̃ফুল n. pla centa. ̃পাত n. miscarriage, abortion. ̃পাত করা v. to cause abortion (esp. il legally). গর্ভপাত হওয়া v. to have abor tion, to miscarry. ̃বতী a. pregnant, with child, in the family way. গর্ভবতী হওয়া v. (of women) to become preg nant, to conceive; (of beasts) to be gravid or big with young. ̃বাস a. the period of gestation or act of living in one's mother's womb. গর্ভবাস করা v. to be in one's mother's womb. to live in one's mother's womb. ̃বেদনা, ̃ব্যথা same as গর্ভযন্ত্রণা । ̃মাস n. the first month of conception. ̃মুণ্ড n. (bot.) a stigma. ̃মোচন n. delivery of a child. গর্ভমোচন করা v. to be delivered of a child. ̃যন্ত্রণা, ̃যাতনা n. throes of labour, travail, labour-pain; (fig.) ex cessive pain or labour. গর্ভযন্ত্রণা ভোগ করা v. (lit. & fig.) to be in travail, to be in labour. ˜লক্ষণ n. sign of pregnancy. ̃শীর্ষ a. (bot.) epigynous. ̃সংক্রমণ, ̃সঞ্চার n. appearance of the embryo in the womb; conception. গর্ভসঞ্চার হওয়া v. to become pregnant, to be with child. ̃স্হ a. lying in the womb; of the womb. ̃স্হলী n. the womb; the uterus. ̃স্রাব n. miscarriage in childbirth, abortion; (vul.—in abuse or contempt) a bastard, a wastrel, a good-for-nothing fellow. গর্ভস্রাব হওয়া v. to miscarry.

গর্ভাগার [ garbhāgāra ] n a lying-in room; a small room or compartment within a larger one (cp. ante-room).

গর্ভাঙ্ক [ garbhāṅka ] n a scene (of a drama).

গর্ভাধান [ garbhādhāna ] n a ceremony on attainment of puberty by a married girl; act of mak ing one pregnant, impregnation or fer tilization (of the womb).

গর্ভাশয় [ garbhāśaẏa ] n the uterus, the ovary. গর্ভাশয় প্রদাহ n. ovaritis.

গর্ভিণী [ garbhiṇī ] a pregnant. ☐ n. a pregnant woman.

গর্ভোত্পাদন [ garbhōtpādana ] n making one pregnant, im pregnation or fertilization (of the womb.)

গর্হণ, গর্হণা, গর্হা [ garhaṇa, garhaṇā, garhā ] n condemnation, censure, blame, accusation; reproach, reproof.

গর্হিত [ garhita ] a utterly condemned or censured; abominable, detestable; vile. গর্হিত কাজ an atrocious or odious or heinous act.

গর্হ্য [ garhya ] a condemnable, blameworthy; re proachable; detestable.

গল [ gala ] n the throat; the neck. ̃কম্বল n. a dewlap. ̃গণ্ড n. goitre. ̃গ্রহ n. an un desirable burden hanging from one's throat; (fig.) an undesirable dependant who willy-nilly has to be supported and cannot be got rid of. ̃দাহ n. in flammation of the throat, sore-throat, laryngitis, quinsy. ̃দেশ n. the region of the throat, the throat. ̃নালি n. the gullet, the oesophagus, the larynx, the wind-pipe. ̃বদ্ধ n. a neckerchief, a muffler; a neckband, a collar (of a dog etc.). ̃বস্ত্র a. having a piece of cloth round one's neck (to indicate humility). ̃বস্ত্র হওয়া v. to put a piece of cloth round one's neck (in humble submis sion). ̃ভঙ্গ n. morbid hoarseness of voice, sore-throat. ̃ভঙ্গ হওয়া v. to be come hoarse of voice. ̃রন্ধ্র n. the cav ity of the throat. ̃রজ্জু n. a halter. ̃রসগ্রন্হি n. the adenoids. ̃লগ্ন a. clung to one's neck. ̃লগ্নীকৃতবাস same as গলবস্ত্র (a). ̃হস্ত n. act of holding by the neck or throat and pushing one out. গলহস্ত দেওয়া v. to hold by the neck or throat and push one out.

গলগল [ galagala ] int expressing the sound of quick and profuse pouring out or coming out of liquid matter.

গলত্, গলতি1 [ galat, galati1 ] a in a melting state; drip ping; secreting morbid matter (গলত্কুষ্ঠ). গলত্কুষ্ঠ n. ulcerous leprosy secreting morbid matter.

গলতি2 [ galati2 ] n a mistake, an error; a shortcoming, a defect.

গলদ [ galada ] n an error; a defect; a failing, an omission; a fault. গলদ থাকা v. to be er roneous or defective or faulty. গলদ হওয়া v. to commit an error or fault; to be faulty or erroneous through inad vertence or incapacity.

গলদ্ঘর্ম [ galadgharma ] a perspiring copiously, welter ing in sweat, (lit.) melting in sweat. গলদ্ঘর্ম হওয়া v. to perspire copiously, to welter in sweat.

গলদশ্রু [ galadaśru ] a with tears flowing from the eyes or rolling down the cheeks (গলদশ্রুলোচন). গলদশ্রুলোচনে adv. with tearful eyes.

গলদা, গলদা-চিংড়ি [ galadā, galadā-ciṇḍ়i ] n the lobster.

গলন [ galana ] n act of being melted, melting; act of passing through; act of being over whelmed; softening; act of bursting open and secreting morbid matter. গলনাঙ্ক n. melting-point.

গলা1 [ galā1 ] v to melt (বরফ গলা); to pass or slip through; (fig.) to be tight-fisted (হাত দিয়ে জল গলে না); to pass through or enter (ঘরের মধ্যে গলে যাওয়া); to soften (মন গলা); to be overwhelmed (স্হেহে গলা); to burst open and secrete morbid matter (ফোড়া গলা); to decom pose (মৃতদেহটা গলে গেছে, পচে গলে যাওয়া). ☐ a. melted; worn out; softened overmuch; that which has burst open and is secreting morbid matter; decomposed; rotten. গলানো v. to (cause to) melt; to (cause to) pass through; to (cause to) soften; to overwhelm; to put on easily or lightly (জুতোটা পায়ে গলিয়ে নাও); to cause to burst open and se crete morbid matter; to decompose. ☐ a. melted. গলা গলা a. excessively softened or soft (গলা গলা ভাত).

গলা2 [ galā2 ] n the throat; the neck; the Adam's apple; voice (তার গলা পাচ্ছি, গানের গলা); strength of voice (খেয়াল গাইতে হলে গলা থাকা চাই) গলা কাটা). গলা v. to cut one's throat. গলা চাপা v. to restrain one's voice; to throttle. গলা ছাড়া v. to remove restraint from one's voice (whilst singing, lamenting, calling etc.) গলা টেপা v. to throttle. গলা টিপলে দুধ বেরোয় (lit.—of a person) so young that milk comes out of the mouth when the throat is pressed; (fig.) very young or inexperienced (cp. greenhorn). গলা ধরা, গলা বসা, গলা ভাঙা v. to be hoarse. গলায় গাথাঁ same as গলায় পড়া । গলায় দড়ি (in curses) damn! hang! গলায় পড়া v. to come upon one as an undesirable bur den. গলায় লাগা v. to feel an uneasy sen sation or pain in the throat, to have choking in the throat preventing easy passage of food; to cause irritation or inflammation of the larynx. গলার কাঁটা a fishbone stuck in one's throat; (fig.) a bothersome burden. গলার জোর strength of voice. গলার থলি (anat.) the pouch in the gullet or the crop. গলার ব্যথা throat-pain, inflammation of the throat, throatsore, quinsy. একগলা, গলা পর্যল্ত a. reaching up to the neck, reaching up to the chin. ভারী গলা grave or deep voice. ̃কাটা a. exorbitant, cut-throat (price etc.) (গলাকাটা দাম). ☐ n. one who de mands an exorbitant price (cp. a cut throat). ̃খাঁকারি n. act of clearing one's throat noisily, act of hawking. গলাখাঁকারি দেওয়া v. to hawk. গলা খুসখুসুনি n. itching sensation in the throat. ̃গলি a. very intimate; close; matey; bosom; side by side. ☐ adv. very intimately; closely; cheek by jowl. ☐ n. close inti macy; closeness. ̃গলি করা v. to be in timate with; to make free with; to hug. গলাধঃকরণ n. act of swallowing or gulp ing; act of eating or drinking. গলাধঃকরণ করা v. to swallow, to gulp; to eat or drink; (fig.) to brook, to endure (অপমান গলাধঃকরণ করা). ̃ধাক্কা n. catching by the neck and driving one out. গলাধাক্কা দেওয়া v. to catch by the neck and drive one out. ̃বন্ধ n. a neckerchief; a com forter; muffler. ̃বাজি n. shouting (usu. continuous); (ridi.) oration; bragging; bullying. গলাবাজি করা v. to shout (usu. continuously); (ridi.) to deliver a lec ture, to harangue; to brag; to bully. গলাবাজি করে জেতা to shout others down. গলায় গলায় a. very close, intimate, hand in glove (গলায় গলায় ভাব). ☐ adv. neck and neck, side by side; up to the throat; up to the brim; very closely, inti mately.

গলাসি [ galāsi ] n the neck-rope of an animal.

গলি [ gali ] n a narrow street, a lane; a corridor. কানা গলি a blind alley, a cul-de-sac. ̃ঘুঁজি n. pl. different narrow passages and concealed corners; lanes and by lanes; (fig.) secret regions or parts. nook and corner (মনের গলিঘুঁজি).

গলিজ [ galija ] a extremely dirty or filthy; full of stench; rotten; decomposed; abomi nable (গলিজ ব্যাপার).

গলিত [ galita ] a melted (গলিত লোহা); liquid, liq uefied (গলিত অশ্রু); worn out, decrepit, old and infirm (গলিতনখদন্ত); decom posed (গলিত শবদেহ); secreting mor bid matter (গলিত কুষ্ঠ). গলিত কুষ্ঠ same as গলত্কুষ্ঠ (see গলত্).

গলুই [ galui ] n either of the tapering parts at the front and the back of a boat or ship, the prow or the stern.

গল্প [ galpa ] n a story; a tale; a fable; an anec dote; a fantastic or fictitious narrative, a fib; gossip; chit-chat. গল্প করা v. to gossip; to chat; to speak of (সে বিলাতের সম্বন্ধে গল্প করছে); to tell fantastic or fic titious tales about (নে আর তোর বাহাদুরির গল্প করিস না). গল্প পড়া v. to read out a story or anecdote. গল্প ফাঁদা v. to spin or invent or fabricate a story. গল্প বলা v. to tell a tale. গল্প লেখা v. to write stories or tales. গল্প শোনা v. to hear a tale or anec dote. ̃কার n. a storywriter; a story teller. ̃গুজব করা v. to gossip, to chat. গল্প বলিয়ে n. a tale-teller; a raconteur (fem. a raconteuse). গল্প-সল্প same as গল্পগুজব । গল্পে a. gossipy; talkative.

গস্ত [ gasta ] n act of walking or travelling, ambulation; act of purchasing goods (esp. for a retail shop) by ambulating in a (wholesale) market, shopping. গস্ত করা v. to purchase goods (esp. for a re tail shop) by ambulating in a (whole sale) market, to shop.

গস্তানি [ gastāni ] n a harlot, a prostitute, a whore.

গহন [ gahana ] a dense; not easily accessible; dif ficult to comprehend. ☐ n. a part or re gion not easily accessible (মনের গহনে).

গহনা1 [ gahanā1 ] n (formal) an ornament. ̃গাটি, ̃পত্র n. pl. ornaments and other valu ables.

গহনা2, গহনার নৌকা [ gahanā2, gahanāra naukā ] n a boat that runs regularly with passengers from stage to stage, a stage-boat.

গহিন [ gahina ] a deep; not easily accessible; far advanced (গহিন রাতে = at dead of the night).

গহ্বর [ gahbara ] n a hole; a cavity; a pit.

-গা1 [ -gā1 ] fem of গ2 (নিম্নগা).

গা2 [ 2 ] int a meaningless term or expletive used in conversation (হ্যাঁ গা মেয়ে, বল কি গা).

গা3 [ 3 ] n (mus.) the third note in the natural scale, E.

গা4 [ 4 ] n the body (গায়ের জোর); the surface of the body, the skin (খসখসে গা); sen sibility, sensitiveness (অপমান গায়ে না লাগা); attention, heed, interest, will ingness (কাজে গা নেই). গা করা v. to set one's mind (to); to pay heed (to); to take interest (in). গা কাঁপা v. to shudder in fear; to shiver. গা কেমন করা, গা কেমন-কেমন করা v. to be stricken with nausea, to feel uneasy or have nausea; to feel indisposed; to be stricken with fear. ̃-গতর n. the whole body. ̃-গরম n. state of having or running a tem perature. গা গরম হওয়া v. to have one's body warmed up; to have a tempera ture, to run a temperature; to become feverish. গা গুলানো v. to be stricken with nausea, to have nausea, to feel queasy. গা ঘামানো v. to toil (esp. ear nestly); (of an athlete, performer, etc.) prepare for a contest, performance, etc. by practising, warm up. গা ঘেঁষা v. to get very close to; to try to be intimate with. গা জুড়ানো v. to soothe, to gratify, to please; to refresh. -জুড়ানো a. sooth ing; pleasant; refreshing (গা-জুড়ানো বাতাস). ̃-জোরি n. application or show ing of undue force. গা জ্বালা করা v. to have burning sensation in the body; (fig.) to be malicious or spiteful; to be jealous; to grudge; to be displeased; to get angry. গা ঝাড়া দেওয়া v. to shake one's body. গা ঝাড়া দিয়ে ওঠা v. (lit.) to get up after shaking one's body; (fig.) to become active again with an effort, to shake off inertia. গা ঝিমঝিম করা v. to feel dizzy. গা ঢাকা দেওয়া v. to go into hiding, to abscond. গা ঢেলে দেওয়া v. to lie down; to relax one's efforts and let things have their own course; to join (in a work) wholeheartedly. গা তোলা v. to get up. গা দেওয়া same as গা করা । গা পেতে নেওয়া v. to invite (punishment, in sult etc.) upon oneself. গা বমি-বমি করা same as গা গুলানো । গা মাটি-মাটি করা v. to feel like lying down in idleness. গা ম্যাজম্যাজ করা v. to feel uneasy, to feel out of sorts; to feel sluggish. গায়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া v. to have horripilation; to have one's hair stand on end, to have goose flesh. গায়ে গায়ে very close, closely situ ated, standing very close; side by side; clinging together. গায়ে থুতু দেওয়া v. to spit upon one's face; (fig.) to detest ex tremely, to abhor, to abominate. গায়ে দেওয়া v. to wear, to put on. গায়ে পড়ে of ficiously; uninvitedly. গায়ে ফুঁ দিয়ে বেড়ানো v. (fig.) to move about avoiding toil and responsibility. গায়ে ফোসকা পড়া v. (fig.) to fret with pain or malice or jealousy; to be over-sensitive. গায়ে মাংস (বা মাস) লাগা v. to grow fat, to gain flesh, to put on flesh or weight. গায়ে পড়া a. officious; talking or doing something unsolicitedly. গায়ে মাখা v. (fig.) to pay heed to, to care for. গায়ে হলুদ n. the Hindu ceremony of be smearing the bridegroom and the bride with a paste of turmeric and then bathing them on the eve of their wedding. গায়ে হাত তোলা v. to beat, to lay hands on. গায়ের জোরে by brute force, by physical force. গায়ের জ্বালা burning sen sation of the body; (fig.) malice, spite, jealousy, hatred, anger, displeasure. গায়ের ঝাল ঝাড়া বা মেটানো v. to vent one's grudge (against another), to vent one's spleen. গা জ্বালা same as গায়ের জ্বালা । গা-সওয়া, গা-সহা a. accustomed (to an evil) by repeated suffering (from it).

গাই, গাইগোরু [ gāi, gāigōru ] n the cow.

গাইয়ে [ gāiẏē ] a one who is adept in singing; one who sings. ☐ n. a singer.

গাওন [ gāōna ] n act of singing. গাওনা n. the sing ing or a call for singing of a profes sional singer; a demonstration of sing ing by a professional singer. গাওনা দেওয়া v. to arrange for demonstration of a professional singer's singing.

গাওয়া1 [ gāōẏā1 ] n a witness.

গাওয়া2 [ gāōẏā2 ] a made of cowmilk (গাওয়া ঘি).

গাওয়া3 [ gāōẏā3 ] v to sing; to chant; to sing in praise; to praise. ☐ a. that has been sung (গাওয়া গান). ̃নো v. to cause to sing.

গাং [ ] n (coll.) a river, a stream. ̃চিল n. a river-gull, seagull. ̃শালিক n. the bank myna.

গাঁ [ ] n a village; a hamlet. গাঁয়ে মানে না আপনি মোড়ল a self-styled leader.

গাঁই [ gām̐i ] n a classification of Brahmins ac cording to their original village home.

গাঁইগুঁই [ gām̐igum̐i ] int expressing imaginary sound of indirect unwillingness. গাঁইগুঁই করা v. to show or express one's unwillingness usu. by gestures or suggestion, to de mur.

গাঁইতি [ gām̐iti ] n a pickaxe.

গাঁক-গাঁক, গাঁ-গাঁ [ gān̐ka-gān̐ka, gā-n̐gā ] int expressing the bel lowing sound as of an angry bull. গাঁক গাঁক করা, গাঁ-গাঁ করা v. to bellow.

গাঁজ, গাঁজলা [ gān̐ja, gān̐jalā ] n froth, scum; yeast, leaven. গাঁজন n. fermentation; putrefaction.

গাঁজা1 [ gān̐jā1 ] v to be fermented; to come up in froth, to be frothy; to be putrefied.

গাঁজা2 [ gān̐jā2 ] n the female flowering tops of In dian hemp. Cannabis sativa, ganja; (loos.) hemp, marijuana (coll.) a cock and-bull story. গাঁজা খাওয়া v. to smoke ganja.

গাঁজাখুরি [ gān̐jākhuri ] a absurd, incredible, cock-and-bull (গাঁজাখুরি গল্প).

গাঁজাখোর [ gān̐jākhōra ] a given to smoking ganja. ☐ n. a ganja-smoker, a ganja addict.

গাঁজানো [ gān̐jānō ] v to ferment, to leaven; to pu trefy. ☐ a. fermented, leavened, putre fied. গেঁজে ওঠা same as গাঁজানো ।

গাঁট [ gān̐ṭa ] n a knot; a joint (esp. of bones); a knuckle; a knob; a node; a large bundle, a bale; a rim of the loincloth round one's waist where money is kept concealed. গাঁট কাটা v. (fig.) to cut the rim of one's loincloth and steal one's money, to pick one's pocket. ̃কাটা n. a cutpurse, a pickpocket. ̃ছড়া n. the Hindu custom of tying a corner of the bride's sari (শাড়ি) with a corner of the bridegroom's scarf at wedding. গাঁটছড়া বাঁধা v. (lit.) to tie a corner of the bride's sari (শাড়ি) with a corner of the bridegroom's scarf at wedding; (fig.) to marry; (fig.) to unite inseparably. ̃বন্দি a. baled, packed in a bale, made into a bale. গাঁট বাঁধা v. to tie up in a bale or in a large bundle. গাঁটে বাঁধা v. to keep (esp. money) concealed in the rim of one's loincloth. গাঁটের কড়ি (fig.) one's own money.

গাঁটরি, গাঁটুরি [ gān̐ṭari, gān̐ṭuri ] n a bundle.

গাঁতি1 [ gān̐ti1 ] n a small holding to tenanted land.

গাঁতি2 [ gān̐ti2 ] n a pickaxe.

গাঁথন [ gān̐thana ] n act of stringing (as a garland); composition (ছন্দে গাঁথন); construction; act of laying (bricks, stones etc. for constructing a building).

গাঁথনি [ gān̐thani ] n manner of laying bricks, stones, etc. in construction of buildings; brick work, stonework, mudwork; construc tion; stringing together (ফুলের গাঁথনি); (fig.) structure of sentences or verse. কাঁচা গাঁথনি mudwork. পাকা গাঁথনি brick work or stonework, masonry.