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চুম্বন [ cumbana ] n kissing; a kiss. চুম্বন করা v. to kiss.

চুম্বিত [ cumbita ] a kissed; touched; contiguous.

চুম্বী [ cumbī ] a (sfx.) kissing; touching; contigu ous; scraping (গগনচুম্বী).

চুয়া [ cuẏā ] n a kind of condensed perfume.

চুয়াত্তর [ cuẏāttara ] n. & a seventy-four.

চুয়ানো [ cuẏānō ] v to fall in drops, to exude, to ooze; to distil. ☐ a. fallen or falling in drops, exuded or exuding, oozed or oozing; distilled. চুয়ানি n. oozing; exu dation.

চুয়ান্ন [ cuẏānna ] n. & a fifty-four.

চুয়াল্লিশ [ cuẏālliśa ] n. & a forty-four.

চুর [ cura ] n powder, dust (লোহাচুর). ☐ a. stupe fied, dazed (নেশায় চুর); pulverized; crumbled; destroyed ('যশ অর্থ মান স্বার্থ সকলি করেছ চুর').

চুরমার [ curamāra ] a broken or crumbled or shattered to pieces; utterly destroyed.

চুরাশি [ curāśi ] n. & a eighty-four.

চুরি [ curi ] n an instance or act of stealing, pil ferage, theft. চুরি করা v. to steal, to pil fer; to lift. চুরি হওয়া v. to be stolen. ̃চামারি n. pilferage, filching; unfair and shameful act or means; stealth. চুরি করে by means of stealing; by stealth, stealthily.

চুরুট [ curuṭa ] n a cigar not pointed at either end, a cheroot; a cigar. চুরুট খাওয়া v. to smoke a cheroot or cigar. চুরুটিকা n. a small cheroot or cigar, cigarette.

চুল [ cula ] n hair (of the head). চুল এলানো v. to dishevel hair. চুল খোলা v. to undo or undress hair. চুল বাঁধা v. to dress hair; to do up or put up hair. চুলের গোছা a tuft of hair. চুলের গোড়া the root of hair. একচুল a. amounting to the turning of a hair; hair's breadth. ☐ adv. by a hair's breadth. ̃চেরা a. hair-splitting. চুল-চেরা বিচারে by judgement resting on subtle arguments and fine distinctions. চুল চেরা বিচার করা বা প্রভেদ করা v. to split hair. ̃পরিমাণ a. hair-breadth.

চুলকনা, চুলকনি [ culakanā, culakani ] n itches, scabbies; an itching sensation, itching; (sarcas.) un due curiosity, or interest.

চুলকানো [ culakānō ] v to itch; to be stricken with a desire for scratching. পিঠ চুলকানো v. (sarcas.) to be desirous of being beaten or flogged. মুখ চুলকানো, জিভ চুলকানো v. (hum.) to be desirous of speaking or of opening one's mouth. হাত চুলকানো v. (hum.) to be desirous of beating or flogging.

চুলবুল [ culabula ] int expressing restlessness. চুলবুল করা v. (sarcas.) to be restless. পিঠ চুলবুল করা v. to itch for having a beating or flogging. মুখ চুলবুল করা v. (hum.) to itch for opening one's mouth, to itch for talking. হাত চুলবুল করা v. (hum.) to have an itch to beat or flog. চুলবুলে a. restless. চুলবুলানি n. restlessness.

চুল্লি [ culli ] n an oven; a furnace; a stove; a pyre.

চুষা, চোষা [ cuṣā, cōṣā ] v to suck. ☐ a. sucked (বাদুড়েচোষা ফল); sucking (রক্তচোষা). চুষানো, চোষানো. a. to cause to suck.

চুষি [ cuṣi ] n an artificial nipple or pap. (also চুষিকাঠি). ̃পিঠে n. a kind of semi-liquid dish of sweetmeat.

চূড়া [ cūḍ়ā ] n top, summit (বৃক্ষচূড়া, পর্বতচূড়া); a peak; a pinnacle (মন্দিরের চূড়া); a dia dem, a crown, a coronet; the solemn ceremony of shaving one's head leav ing a tuft of hair uncut; (cp.) tonsuring (also চূড়াকরণ, চূড়াকর্ম); a tuft of hair thus left out uncut (চূড়া বাঁধা). চূড়ান্ত n. the acme or extreme; conclusion, deci sion; finality. ☐ a. extreme; conclu sive, decisive; final. ̃মণি n. a jewel for a diadem or crown; a title awarded to some scholars; (fig.) the best or chief man. ̃মণিযোগ n. a conjunction of plan ets regarded as holy by Hindus.

চূত [ cūta ] n (for.) the mango tree; the mango. ̃ম়ঞ্জরি n. mango-bud.

চূর্ণ [ cūrṇa ] n powder, dust; lime; coloured pow der thrown at one another on the holi (হোলি) festival. ☐ a. pulverized, pow dered; broken; fractured (অস্হি চূর্ণ হওয়া); utterly destroyed (আশা চূর্ণ হওয়া.). ̃কার n. a manufacturer of lime (by trade or caste). ̃কুন্তল n. forelock; a ringlet. ̃ন n. pulverization; act of breaking; act of fracturing; utter de struction. ̃নীয় a. pulverizable; break able; frangible; easily fractured; de structible; that which is to be pulver ized or broken or destroyed. ̃বিচূর্ণ a. broken to pieces, broken to smithereens; utterly pulverized; utterly destroyed. চূর্ণিত, চূর্ণীকৃত, চুর্ণীভূত a. pul verized, powdered; broken; fractured; utterly destroyed.

চূষণীয় [ cūṣaṇīẏa ] a that which is to be or can be sucked.

চূষিত [ cūṣita ] a sucked.

চেঁচাড়ি [ cēn̐cāḍ়i ] n a slip or lath of bamboo.

চেঁচানি [ cēn̐cāni ] n same as চেঁচামেচি ।

চেঁচানো [ cēn̐cānō ] v to shout; to scream; to yell; (dero.) to talk or read or sing or lecture loudly. চেঁচিয়ে adv. loudly, in a loud voice.

চেঁচামেচি [ cēn̐cāmēci ] n a confused loud noise, hulla baloo, hue and cry. চেঁচামেচি করা v. to make a hullabaloo; to clamour, to raise a hue and cry.

চেঁচেপুঁছে [ cēn̐cēpun̐chē ] adv by licking a plate or dish or any similar object dry; by licking up entirely.

চেক1 [ cēka1 ] n a pattern of cross lines forming small squares, a check; a piece of checked cloth. ☐ a. checked, check ered, chequered. চেক-কাটা a. checked, checkered, chequered.

চেক2 [ cēka2 ] n a bank-cheque, a cheque. চেক কাটা v. to write out a cheque, to draw a cheque. চেক ভাঙ্গানো v. to cash a cheque. (ব্যাঙ্ক কর্তৃক) চেকে টাকা না দেওয়া v. to dishonour a cheque, to bounce. ̃দাখিলা n. a descriptive rent-receipt (given by a landowner containing the particulars about the land and its tenancy). ̃বই n. a cheque-book. ̃মুড়ি n. the counterfoil of a descriptive rent receipt.

চেঙ্গমুড়ী, চেঙ্গমুড়ি [ cēṅgamuḍ়ī, cēṅgamuḍ়i ] a (usu. fem.) having an extremely small head (চেঙ্গমুড়ী কাণী).

চেটী, চেটিকা, চেড়ী [ cēṭī, cēṭikā, cēḍ়ī ] n. fem a maid-servant; a female attendant or follower; (myth.) a female guard of Lanka, a female guard, a guardswoman. masc. চেট, চেটক, চেড় a man-servant, a servant; a follower or attendant; a guard, a guardsman.

চেটো [ cēṭō ] n the palm (of the hand); the sole (of the foot).

চেতঃ [ cētḥ ] n the mind; the heart; mental pow ers, cognition; mental attitude, mental ity; animus.

চেতক [ cētaka ] a one who or that which gives consciousness or knowledge; enlight ening; animating.

চেতন [ cētana ] a conscious; sensible; having knowledge, knowing, enlightened; ani mated; living. ☐ n. consciousness; sen sibility; conscience; knowledge, en lightenment, light; animation; a living being, an animate creature; the soul (cp. Latin anima or animus). চেতন পদার্থ an animate object.

চেতনা [ cētanā ] n consciousness; sensibility; sen sation; feeling; perception; conscience; knowledge; cognition; good sense (পাপিষ্ঠের চেতনা হওয়া); animation, life. চেতনা থাকা v. to have consciousness or sensibility or sensation; to be conscious or aware of; to have animation. চেতনা জাগানো v. to instil consciousness or awaken sensation; to give knowledge; to make one conscious of a fault etc. চেতনা পাওয়া v. to regain consciousness; to come back to senses; to become con scious of a fault etc. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. un conscious, insensible; impercipient, in sensitive. চেতনা হারানো v. to lose con sciousness; to swoon, to faint.

চেতা [ cētā ] v to regain consciousness; to be come conscious; to become active. চেতানো v. to bring to consciousness; to make conscious; to warn; to make ac tive, to animate, to stimulate; to tease, to irritate.

চেতাবনি [ cētābani ] n a warning.

চেন [ cēna ] n a chain.

চেপটা [ cēpaṭā ] a flat (চেপটা নাক); flattened (usu. by pressure.) ̃নো v. to make flat, to flatten. ☐ a. flattened.

চেয় [ cēẏa ] a that which is to be or should be plucked or culled or collected.

চেয়ার [ cēẏāra ] n a chair. ̃ম্যান n. a chairman.

চেয়ে [ cēẏē ] con than.

চেরাগ [ cērāga ] n (Mus.) a lamp (usu. a small and cheap one). চেরাগি n. a piece of rentfree land granted for bearing the cost of burning lamps regularly in the tomb of a Muslim saint.

চেল [ cēla ] n loincloth; garment, raiment.

চেলা1 [ cēlā1 ] n a kind of very small silvery fish.

চেলা2 [ cēlā2 ] n a disciple, a follower, a chela. ̃গিরি n. discipleship. যেমন গুরু তেমনি চেলা like master, like man.

চেলা3, চেলাকাঠ [ cēlā3, cēlākāṭha ] n a chopped log of wood.

চেলানো [ cēlānō ] v to chop or cause to chop (as with an axe).

চেলি, চেলিকা [ cēli, cēlikā ] n a kind of silk cloth or loincloth usu. worn in religious festi vals.

চেলো [ cēlō ] n a violincello, a cello.

চেষ্টক [ cēṣṭaka ] a one who endeavours, endea vouring, trying; one who seeks; enter prising.

চেষ্টন [ cēṣṭana ] n act of endeavouring or trying; act of seeking.

চেষ্টমান [ cēṣṭamāna ] a engaged in endeavouring or seeking or procuring.

চেষ্টা [ cēṣṭā ] n an instance or act of trying, an endeavour, an attempt; an effort; an enterprise; act of seeking চেষ্ট করা, চেষ্টা পাওয়া v. to try, to endeavour; to at tempt; to seek. ̃চরিত্র n. continuous or careful effort or efforts. ̃ন্বিত same as চেষ্টমান । ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. effortless; unen terprising; inactive; idle.

চেষ্টিতব্য [ cēṣṭitabya ] a worth attempting, endeavouring.

চেহারা [ cēhārā ] n appearance; countenance; form, figure, shape. চেহারা দেখানো v. to show oneself in, to present oneself, to ap pear; to appear as, to seem (to be), to look.

চৈতন [ caitana ] n a tuft of uncut hair on the head maintained esp. by a Brahmin.

চৈতন্য [ caitanya ] n consciousness; sensibility; sen sation; feeling; perception; conscience; knowledge; cognition; good sense; ani mation, life; awakening; watchfulness; (chiefly sarcas.) a tuft of uncut hair on the head maintained by Hindus esp. by a Brahmin. চৈতন্য থাকা v. to have con sciousness or sensibility or sensation; to be conscious or aware (of); to have animation. চৈতন্য জাগানো v. to instil with consciousness of sensation; to give knowledge; to make one con scious of a fault etc. চৈতন্য পাওয়া v. to regain consciousness; to come back to one's senses; to become conscious of a fault etc.; to earn knowledge. চৈতন্য হারানো v. to lose consciousness; to swoon, to faint.

চৈতন্যোদয় [ caitanyōdaẏa ] n dawning of consciousness; spiritual awakening; coming to one's senses, regaining consciousness.

চৈতালি [ caitāli ] n the crop of the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); rent or revenue to be paid in the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); vernal breeze; emotion or passion ex perienced during the spring, vernal emotion or passion. ☐ a. grown in or relating to the month of চৈত্র ।

চৈতি [ caiti ] a of the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র).

চৈত্ত, চৈত্তিক [ caitta, caittika ] a mental.

চৈত্য1 [ caitya1 ] n a place of worship or sacrifice; a Buddhist monastery or shrine or monu ment esp. one containing one or more relics of Gautama Buddha.

চৈত্য2 [ caitya2 ] a relating to a (funeral) pyre. ☐ n. a tree near a cemetery to be wor shipped by Jainas (জৈন).

চৈত্র [ caitra ] n the last month of the Bengali year (from the middle of March to the middle of April.) ̃সংক্রান্তি n. the last day of the month of Chaitra.

চৈন, চৈনিক [ caina, cainika ] a Chinese (চৈনিক সংস্কৃতি).

চোঁ [ ] int expressing: the noise of swishing movement or of sucking quickly in one breath. চোঁ করে adv. very quickly; with a swishing movement, boltingly; in one breath. চোঁচা adv. (also a.) straight ahead and with utmost speed. চোঁচা দৌড় মারা v. to dart or bolt straight ahead, to scamper off. চোঁ চোঁ করে adv. very quickly; swish ingly; quickly and breathlessly (চোঁ চোঁ করে দুধ খাওয়া).

চোঁচ [ cōn̐ca ] n slender but finely pointed fibre of wood, bamboo etc.

চোক [ cōka ] n (obs.) one-fourth of a kahan (কাহন); one-fourth of anything; a sym bol indicating one-fourth.

চোকলা [ cōkalā ] n rind or skin of fruits and veg etables; husk of corn; a flake or slice.

চোখ [ cōkha ] n the eye. চোখ ওঠা v. to be afflicted with ophthalmia or inflammation of the eye. চোখ গালা v. to force out the eyeballs with fingers, to gouge. চোখ ঝলসানো v. to dazzle the eye, to dazzle; to be dazzled. চোখ টাটানো v. to have pain in one's eyes; (fig.) to be stricken with jealousy, to envy. চোখ টেপা, চোখ ঠারা v. to inctitate, to wink (at); to wink sig nificantly. চোখ দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye on. চোখ ধাঁধানো same as চোখ ঝলসানো । চোখ পাকানো v. to goggle in anger, to roll one's eyes; to frown. চোখ পিটপিট করা v. to blink; to wink. চোখ ফোটা v. (of young birds) to have eyes opened for the first time; (fig.) to be enlightened (esp. sud denly). চোখ বুজে থাকা v. (fig.) to refuse to take notice of, to close eyes to, to connive at. চোখ বোজা v. to close or shut eyes; (fig.) to die. চোখ রাঙ্গানো, চোখ লাল করা v. (lit.) to redden one's eyes; (fig.) to look with angry eyes. চোখ রাখা v. to keep a watch (on), to keep an eye (on). চোখে আঙুল দিয়ে দেখানো v. to show or demonstrate or prove beyond doubt. চোখে চোখে রাখা v. to keep always an eye on; to keep under continuous observa tion or constant watch or surveillance. চোখে জল আসা v. to have tears in one's eyes, to feel like weeping. চোখে ধুলো দেওয়া v. (fig.) to throw dust in one's eyes, to hoodwink. চোখে-মুখে কথা বলা v. to talk smartly and cleverly; to display one's gift of the gab; to talk overmuch in order to conceal something; to talk too much; to prattle. চোখের আড়ালে out of sight; unobservedly; at one's back. চোখের উপরে before ones eyes. চোখের জল a tear-drop, tear. চোখের জল ফেলা v. to weep, to shed tears. চোখের তারা pupil of the eye. চোখের দেখা act of seeing only and nothing else; seeing only for a mo ment. চোখের নেশা a fascination of the eye, a strong desire of seeing only and nothing else. চোখের পাতা eyelid. চোখের বালি a mote in one's eye; (fig.) an eyesore. চোখের ভুল illusion; optical illusion. চোখের মণি n. the pupil of the eye; (fig.) a darling, a very dear person. চোখের মাথা খাওয়া (in abuses) to be lack ing in ability to see, to fail to take notice (of), to be unobservant. চোখে সরষে ফুল দেখা (fig.) to be dazed (esp. being stricken with fear); to find everything falling to ruin. কটা চোখ brown eyes (as those of a cat). রাঙা চোখ, লাল চোখ eyes reddened with anger or intoxication. সাদা চোখ natural (that is not intoxicated or otherwise affected) vision, plain eyes; চোখখাকি, চোখখাগি a. fem. (in abuses) blind.