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চোখল [ cōkhala ] a having eyes; clever and smart.

চোখা [ cōkhā ] a cutting or piercing or pointed, sharp (চোখা বাণ); severe, pungent, cut ting (চোখা কথা); clever and smart, in telligent, all-round (চোখা লোক); genu ine, pure (চোখা মাল).

চোখাচোখি, চোখাচুখি [ cōkhācōkhi, cōkhācukhi ] n act of seeing or meeting or facing one another.

চোখালো [ cōkhālō ] a tasting rich (চোখালো রান্না); clever and smart, all-round (চোখালো লোক); sharp (চোখালো বাণ); pungent (চোখালো কথা).

চোখো [ cōkhō ] a. comp having an eye or eyes or vision, -eyed, -sighted (একচোখা).

চোগা [ cōgā ] n a loose outer garment (resem bling a surplice)

চোঙ, চোঙা [ cōṅa, cōṅā ] n a tube or pipe (usu. a fat one); a barrel; a spout.

চোট [ cōṭa ] n a stroke, a blow, a shock (লাঠির চোট); a wound; force, strength, strain, virtue (কথার চোট, হাসির চোট); anger, rage (চোট দেখানো); stretch, time (এক চোটে). চোট করা v. to bully, to blus ter, to threaten noisily, to thunder; to express anger (often futile anger) nois ily. চোট খাওয়া v. to receive a shock or wound or bite; (coll.) to be cheated. চোট দেওয়া v. to give a shock; to hurt; to wound; to bite; (coll.) to cheat, to de ceive. চোট হওয়া v. to be robbed, to lose. এক চোটে adv. at one stroke, at one and the same time, simultaneously.

চোটপাট [ cōṭapāṭa ] n an instance or act of scolding, bullying or blustering. চোটপাট করা v. to bluster, to bully; to browbeat, to re prove, to scold.

চোটা [ cōṭā ] n a system of lending money at an exorbitant interest, usury. চোটায় খাটানো to lay out (money) under this system.

চোটানো [ cōṭānō ] v to strike; to strike or cleave or cut off with an axe or any similar tool; to cause to be bitten.

চোতা [ cōtā ] a worthless, useless (চোতা লোক, চোতা কাগজ).

চোনা [ cōnā ] n urine of cattle esp. of the cow. চোনানো v. (of the cow etc.) to pass urine, to urinate. এক গামলা দুধে একফোঁটা চোনা a fly in the ointment; a small de fect that spoils the total substance.

চোপ1 [ cōpa1 ] int hush! silence!

চোপ2 [ cōpa2 ] n a stroke of a weapon (esp. of a heavy and sharp weapon). এক চোপে with one stroke.

চোপদার [ cōpadāra ] n a mace-bearer; an usher.

চোপরও [ cōparō ] int hush! silence! keep quiet! shut up!

চোপা [ cōpā ] n (dero.) the face (পোড়াচোপা); se vere scolding (চোপা করা); a rude re ply, a repartee or retort. চোপা করা v. to scold severely; to reply rudely, to re tort. চোপা ভাঙা v. to thrash one's face. পোড়াচোপা (lit.) a burnt face; (fig.) an ugly or ill-omened face; (fig.) the face of a disgraceful person, a disgraceful face.

চোপানো [ cōpānō ] v to strike or chop with a weapon (esp. with a heavy weapon). ☐ a. struck or chopped thus.

চোয়াড় [ cōẏāḍ় ] n an unmannerly or rude person; a rough, a rowdy. ☐ a. unmannerly; rude; rough (চোয়াড় লোক, চোয়াড় চেহারা). চোয়াড়ে same as চোয়াড় (a.).

চোয়াল [ cōẏāla ] n the jawbone; the jaw, the chap. চোয়াল-ধরা রোগ n. lockjaw. চোয়াল-বসা a. chap-fallen, jaw-fallen. চোয়াল-ভাঙা a. (fig.) hard to pronounce, jaw-breaking. চোয়াল-ভাঙা শব্দ a jaw-breaker.

চোর [ cōra ] n a thief; a pilferer; a stealthy man. ̃কাঁটা n. a kind of prickly thistle that sticks fast to the clothes of a passer-by, bur, burr. ̃কুঠুরি n. a secret chamber; a secret recess or cupboard in the wall of a room. চোর-চোর খেলা a game of hide and-seek in which some children act as policemen and the rest as thieves. চোরছ্যাঁচড় n. pl. thieves and swindlers. চোরে চোরে মাসতুতো ভাই (fig.—dero.) birds of the same feather (flock to gether). চোরের ধন বাটপাড়ে খায় (fig.) ill earned money has to be lost for noth ing. চোরের মার বড় গলা (fig.) an inveter ate sinner is always the loudest in de nunciation.

চোরা1 [ cōrā1 ] n a thief; a deceiver. চোরা না শোনে ধর্মের কাহিনি (fig.) Satan turns a deaf ear to the teachings of scriptures, good counsel to a rogue bears no fruit.

চোরা2 [ cōrā2 ] a stolen (চোরা টাকা); secret, hid den, concealed (চোর গর্ত); furtive (চোর চাহনি); unlawful, black (চোরা কারবার, চোরাবাজার); secret, unseen (চোরা আঘাত). ই a. stolen (চোরাই মাল); unlawful, black (চোরাই কারবার). ̃গর্ত a pitfall. ̃গলি a narrow (and usu. blind) lane. ̃গোপ্তা a. clandestine. ̃চালান n. smuggling. ̃চালানদার n. a smuggler. ̃চাহনি, ̃চাউনি n. a furtive or secret or stealthy look. ̃দরজা n. a secret door. ̃পথ n. a secret path or way. ̃বাজার black market. ̃বালি n. quicksand. ̃মার a stealthy or surreptitious blow.

চোরিত [ cōrita ] a stolen.

চোল1 [ cōla1 ] n a dynasty in ancient India; the kingdom of the Cholas (চোল).

চোল2 [ cōla2 ] n a bodice, a corset, a modesty vest, a skirt.

চোলক [ cōlaka ] n a shield.

চোলাই [ cōlāi ] n (now rare) act of falling or let ting fall in drops, oozing, exudation; distillation; (loos.) act of brewing (মদ চোলাই); anything (esp. wine) distilled or brewed (চোলাই খাওয়া). চোলাই করা v. to distil; (loos.) to brew.

চোষ চোষন [ cōṣa cōṣana ] n suction. চোষক a. sucking. চোষ-কাগজ n. blotting-paper. চোষনীয়, চোষ্য a. that which can be or is to be sucked.

চোস্ত [ cōsta ] a level, even; smooth; straight; fine, elegant (চোস্ত ইংরেজি); scrupu lously correct and smart (চোস্ত আদবকায়দা); tight-fitting (চোস্ত পাজামা); decent (চোস্ত পোশাক-পরিচ্ছদ).

চৌ [ cau ] a (used as pfx.) four, quadri-. চৌকাঠ n. a rectilineal doorframe; a door-sill. ̃কোনা a. quadrangular; square. ̃খণ্ডি n. a fourlegged cot or stool. ̃খুপি n. a square; a check. ☐ a. containing squares or checks, check. ̃গুণ, ̃গুণা a. quadruple, fourfold. ̃ঘুড়ি n. a carriage or chaise and four. ̃চাকা, ̃চাক্কা a. four-wheeled. ̃চালা n. a hut (usu. a thatch) with a roof having four distinct parts. ̃চির a. split in four; split in smithereens; split in pieces. ̃ঠা n. the fourth day of a month. ☐ a. (of days of a month) fourth. ̃তালা a. four-sto reyed. ☐ n. the third floor. ̃তারা n. a kind of four-stringed musical instru ment, a tetrachord. ̃তাল n. an Indian musical measure. ̃তালা n. same as চৌতাল । a. four-storeyed. চৌত্রিশ n. & a. thirty-four. ˜দিক, (poet.) ̃দিশ n. the four quarters or sides; all sides. ̃দিকে adv. on all sides. ̃দোল, ̃দোলা n. a kind of litter carried by four bearers. ̃পদী n. a variety of four-footed versifi cation. (cp.) tetrameter; a quatrain. ☐ a. four-footed, tetrametrical. ̃পর n. whole day or night, twelve hours. ☐ a. incessant, continuing always; entire, whole (চৌপর দিন). ̃পল a. quadrangu lar; square. ̃পায়া n. a four-legged cot or stool. ☐ a. four-legged. ̃মাথা, ̃রাস্তা n. a junction of four roads or a point where two roads intersect, a crossroad. ̃ষট্টি n. & a. sixty-four. ˜ষট্টি কলা sixty-four branches of fine arts.

চৌকস [ caukasa ] a expert in everything, having all round proficiency; expert, dexterous, dextrous; careful; clever; cunning.

চৌকি [ cauki ] n a four-legged wooden cot or stool; a watch-box or outpost (esp. one situated at a crossroad); act of guard ing, watch (চৌকি দেওয়া); an outpost for collecting revenue and taxes, a toll-sta tion, a toll-booth, a toll-house, a choky. চৌকি দেওয়া v. to guard, to watch. ̃দার n. a watchman, a guard, a sentinel; a village watchman, a chowkidar; a bailiff who collects rev enue. ̃দারি n. the office or pay of a watchman or chowkidar or revenue bailiff. ☐ a. relating to a watchman or chowkidar or revenue bailiff.

চৌকো [ caukō ] a rectangular, rectilineal; square. ☐ n. a playing-card with four pips.

চৌগোঁপ্পা [ caugōm̐ppā ] a having one's beard parted in two at the middle of the chin and turned up.

চৌচাপট, চৌচাপড় [ caucāpaṭa, caucāpaḍ় ] n the surrounding ex panse or land. চৌচাপটে, চৌচাপড়ে adv. exerting one's utmost strength or power; in full swing.

চৌথ [ cautha ] n one-fourth; (hist.) one-fourth of the total annual crop or the value thereof exacted as revenue by Maratha rulers from their subjects or from states subjugated by them.

চৌধুরানি [ caudhurāni ] fem of চৌধুরী ।

চৌধুরী [ caudhurī ] n a feudatory prince; one of a class of generals; the chief merchant of a city or of a central market, a mer chant-prince; a village headman; a foreman of labourers, a gangsman; a title of honour; a surname.

চৌপট [ caupaṭa ] a level, flat; destroyed; baffled, foiled.

চৌপালা [ caupālā ] n a large-sized palanquin.

চৌবাচ্চা [ caubāccā ] n a rectangular water-reservoir, a storage tank for water etc.

চৌবে [ caubē ] n one of a class of upcountry brahmins (descended from those who were versed in all the four Vedas); (dero.) a porter, a doorkeeper, a jani tor.

চৌম্বক [ caumbaka ] a capable of attracting; relating to magnet or magnetism; magnetic. চৌম্বক আকর্ষণ (phys.) magnetic attraction. চৌম্বক উত্তর (phys.) magnetic north. ̃গ্রাহিতা n. (phys.) magnetic suscepti bility. চৌম্বক পর্বত a magnetic rock. চৌম্বক প্রস্তর magnet, lodestone. চৌম্বক শলাকা (phys.) a magnetic needle.

চৌরস [ caurasa ] a spacious, roomy; wide; level, flat; levelled, flattened; rectangular.

চৌর্য [ caurya ] n act or an instance of stealing, theft. ̃বৃত্তি n. the profession or prac tice of stealing. চৌর্যোন্মাদ n. (med.) kleptomania. চৌর্যোম্নাদগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তি a klepto maniac.

চৌহদ্দি [ cauhaddi ] n (lit.) boundary lines on four sides; (pop.) boundary, periphery, pe rimeter; a specified area; jurisdiction. চৌহদ্দি করা, চৌহদ্দি ঠিক করা v. to de limit.

চ্যাং [ cyā ] n a species of small river fish with very soft flesh.

চ্যাংড়া [ cyāṇḍ়ā ] a young and flippant; flippant. ☐ n. a flippant youth. ̃মি n. flippancy; sauciness.

চ্যাংদোলা [ cyāndōlā ] n carrying as a dead body (by grasping one's arms and legs). চ্যাংমুড়ি a. (usu. fem.) having an extremely small head.

চ্যাটাং চ্যাটাং [ cyāṭā ñcyāṭā ] a (of words) insolent and rude; high-flying and rude.

চ্যাটালো [ cyāṭālō ] a flat (চ্যাটালো পা). চ্যাটালো করা বা হওয়া v. to make or become flat; to flat ten.

চ্যাপটা [ cyāpaṭā ] a flat; flattened; (of a nose) snub.

চ্যুত [ cyuta ] a got detached, dislocated, dis lodged, come away, shed (বৃক্ষচ্যুত); fallen or slipped (হস্তচ্যুত); dismissed or removed (পদচ্যুত, রাজ্যচ্যুত); strayed (পথচ্যুত); (bot.) deviated; off the fair way; failing; fallen, false to one's vow or religion (ব্রতচ্যুত, ধর্মচ্যুত). চ্যুতি n. de tachment, dislocation, dislodgment, coming away, shedding; fall or slip; dismissal or removal; straying; (bot.) deviation; failing; (geog.) a fault. চ্যুতিভ্রম n. (bot.) deviation-error.