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জ্ঞানাত্মক [ jñānātmaka ] a pertaining to or consisting of knowledge.

জ্ঞানানুশীলন, জ্ঞানাভ্যাস [ jñānānuśīlana, jñānābhyāsa ] n cultivation of knowledge. জ্ঞানানুশীলন করা, জ্ঞানাভ্যাস করা v. to cultivate knowledge.

জ্ঞানার্জন [ jñānārjana ] n acquirement or acquisition of knowledge. জ্ঞানার্জন করা v. to acquire knowledge. ̃স্পৃহা n. desire to acquire knowledge.

জ্ঞানী [ jñānī ] a wise; learned; experienced.

জ্ঞানেন্দ্রিয় [ jñānēndriẏa ] n sense-organ (that is, eyes, ears, the nose, the tongue and the skin).

জ্ঞানোদয় [ jñānōdaẏa ] n the first infusion of knowl edge, the dawning of knowledge.

জ্ঞানোন্নতি [ jñānōnnati ] n the development or progress of knowledge.

জ্ঞাপক [ jñāpaka ] a intimating; informing; express ing, indicative, signifying (অর্থজ্ঞাপক দুঃখজ্ঞাপক); announcing, notifying (আজ্ঞাজ্ঞাপক); communicating, circulat ing (সংবাদজ্ঞাপক).

জ্ঞাপন [ jñāpana ] n act of informing or intimating, information, intimation; act of express ing or indicating or signifying, expres sion, indication, signification; an nouncement, notification: communica tion, circulation. জ্ঞাপন করা v. to inform, to intimate; to express, to indicate, to signify, to mean; to announce, to notify, to apprise; to communicate, to circu late. ̃পত্র n. a bulletin. ̃যোগ্য a. that which is fit for communication, to be communicated. জ্ঞাপনীয় a. that which is to be or can be informed or intimated or indicated or expressed or signified or meant or announced or notified or ap prised or communicated or circulated.

জ্ঞাপয়িতা [ jñāpaẏitā ] a. & n one who or (rare) that which informs or intimates or indicates or expresses or signifies or announces or notifies or apprises or communi cates or circulates. fem. জ্ঞাপয়িত্রী ।

জ্ঞাপিত [ jñāpita ] a that which has been informed or intimated or indicated or expressed or signified or announced or notified or apprised or communicated or circu lated or made known.

জ্বর [ jbara ] n fever; temperature (জ্বর কত ?); af fected or feverish state. জ্বর ছাড়া v. to have a remission of fever. জ্বর জ্বর ভাব feverishness. জ্বর দেখা v. to take tempera ture. জ্বর হওয়া v. to get fever; to run a temperature. জ্বরে পড়া v. to be stricken with fever, to be laid up with fever. জ্বরে ভোগা v. to suffer from fever. ̃ঘ্ন, ̃নাশক a. febrifugal, antipyretic. ̃জ্বালা n. fever and other allied ailments, fever and at tendant symptoms. ̃ঠুটো n. feverblister. ̃বিকার n. high fever attended with de lirium; (loos.) typhoid fever. ̃বোধ, ̃ভাব n. same as জ্বরজ্বর ভাব ।

জ্বরাতিসার [ jbarātisāra ] n fever attended with acute diarrhœa or dysentery.

জ্বরান্তক [ jbarāntaka ] a febrifugal, antipyretic.

জ্বরিত [ jbarita ] a stricken with fever; running a temperature.

জ্বরোজ্বরো [ jbarōjbarō ] a febrile, feverish.

জ্বলজ্বল [ jbalajbala ] int expressing: shining or glar ing or blazing or sparkling state. জ্বলজ্বল করা v. to shine, to glare, to blaze; to sparkle. জ্বলজ্বলে a. shining, glaring, blazing; sparkling.

জ্বলত্ [ jbalat ] a burning, flaming, blazing, glow ing; sparkling.

জ্বলতহিঁ [ jbalatahi ] v (poet. & obs.) is or are burning or flaming or (fig.) suffering extremely.

জ্বলদগ্নি [ jbaladagni ] n blazing fire.

জ্বলদর্চি [ jbaladarci ] a having the glow and radiance of blazing fire, glowing, radiant, incandes cent. ☐ n. blazing fire, burning flame.

জ্বলন [ jbalana ] n act or state of burning or flaming or blazing or glaring or glowing or sparkling or (fig.) extreme suffering or smarting. জ্বলনাঙ্ক n. flash-point, igni tion temperature.

জ্বলা [ jbalā ] v to be enkindled (বাতি জ্বলা); to take fire, to fire up (উনুন জ্বলা); to burn, to be in flame, to flame up; to shine; to glow; to blaze, to flare; to sparkle (চোখ জ্বলা); to give or feel a burning sensation, to smart (ঘা জ্বলা, হৃদয় জ্বলা). ক্রোধে জ্বলে ওঠা to fly into a towering rage, to flare up.

জ্বলানো [ jbalānō ] v to kindle or ignite.

জ্বলিত [ jbalita ] a enkindled, ignited; burning; burnt up; (fig.) enlightened; (fig.) ex posed, revealed.

জ্বাল [ jbāla ] n heat of fire; flame; act of boiling on fire (দুধের জ্বাল); firewood, fuel (জ্বাল ঠেলা). জ্বাল দেওয়া v. to boil on fire; to put firewood or fuel (into a burning oven).

জ্বালা1 [ jbālā1 ] n a flame, a blaze; burning sensa tion or pain (জ্বালা করা). জ্বালা দেওয়া v. to give trouble to, to bother; to torture. সংসারের জ্বালাযন্ত্রণা trials and tribulations of life, irritants of workaday world, an noyances and vexations of life. সব জ্বালাযন্ত্রণার অবসান হওয়া to get rid of all troubles and worries (esp. by dying).

জ্বালা2 [ jbālā2 ] v to light, to kindle, to ignite.

জ্বালানি [ jbālāni ] n firewood, fuel. ☐ a. used as or fit for use as fuel.

জ্বালানী2 [ jbālānī2 ] fem of জ্বালানে ।

জ্বালানে [ jbālānē ] a irritating, annoying, pestering; vexatious; smarting, mortifying; one who or that which burns or sets fire to; (fig.) quarrelsome, factious (ঘরজ্বালানে).

জ্বালানো [ jbālānō ] v to kindle, to ignite, to light (উনুন জ্বালানো, বাতি জ্বালানো); to set fire to, to set on fire (ঘর জ্বালানো); to burn (মড়া জ্বালানো); to irriate, to vex, to pes ter, to annoy (দুষ্টু ছেলেটা মাকে জ্বালায়); to smart, to mortify (হৃদয় জ্বালানো); (rare) to enlighten.

জ্বালামালিনী [ jbālāmālinī ] n a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

জ্বালামুখ [ jbālāmukha ] n the mouth of a volcano, a crater.

জ্বালিত [ jbālita ] a ignited, enkindled, lighted; in flamed; mortified.

জ্যা [ jyā ] n a bowstring; (geom.) a chord, a sine; the earth. ধনুকে জ্যা পরানো to string a bow.

জ্যাকেট [ jyākēṭa ] n a jacket.

জ্যানির্ঘোষ [ jyānirghōṣa ] n the twang of a bow.

জ্যামিতি [ jyāmiti ] n geometry. জ্যামিতিক a. geo metrical. জ্যামিতিবিদ a. versed in geom etry. ☐ n. a geometrician.

জ্যামুক্ত [ jyāmukta ] a loosened or flung from the bow.

জ্যারোপণ [ jyārōpaṇa ] n act of stringing a bow.

জ্যালজ্যাল [ jyālajyāla ] int expressing: the loose weave of fabric. জ্যালজ্যাল করা v. to look to be with loose weave. জ্যালজেলে a. loosely woven (জ্যালজেলে কাপড়).

জ্যেষ্ঠ [ jyēṣṭha ] a eldest (জ্যেষ্ঠ পুত্র); elder (ওই ভাইটি আমার জ্যেষ্ঠ); older, senior (বয়োজ্যেষ্ঠ); highest (জ্যেষ্ঠবর্ণ). ☐ n. el dest brother or the elder brother. ̃তাত n. an elder brother of one's father. জ্যেষ্ঠা a. fem. of জ্যেষ্ঠ ।n. the eighteenth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars accord ing to Hindu astronomy. জ্যেষ্ঠাধিকার n. primogeniture. জ্যেষ্ঠাশ্রম v. the second stage of human life as enjoined by Hindu scriptures; the life of a house holder.

জ্যেষ্ঠী [ jyēṣṭhī ] n the common lizard found fre quently in dwelling-houses.

জ্যৈষ্ঠ [ jyaiṣṭha ] n second month of the Bengali cal endar (from the middle of May to the middle of June).

জ্যোত্স্না [ jyōtsnā ] n moonlight. ̃ময় a. moonlit. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রাত্রি n. a moonlit night.

জ্যোতি [ jyōti ] n light; lustre, glow; a star or planet; the sun; sight (চোখের জ্যোতি হারানো). জ্যোতির্বিদ্যা, জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান n. as tronomy; astrology. জ্যোতির্বিদ, জ্যোতির্বেত্তা a. versed in astronomy or astrology. ☐ n. an astronomer; an astrologer. জ্যোতির্মণ্ডল n. the luminous or celestial sphere, the (astronomical) zodiac; stars and planets collectively. জ্যোতির্ময় a. lu minous, radiant, bright. fem. জ্যোতির্ময়ী । জ্যোতিঃশাস্ত্র n. astronomy. জ্যোতিশ্চক্র n. the (astronomical or astrological) zodiac; a halo. জ্যোতিঃস্রোত n. a stream of (heav enly or divine) light.

জ্যোতিষ [ jyōtiṣa ] n astronomy; astrology. জ্যোতিষিক a. astronomical; astrological. জ্যোতিষী a. versed in astronomy or astrology. ☐ n. an astronomer; an astrologer.

জ্যোতিষ্ক [ jyōtiṣka ] n any of the stars or planets, a lu minary. ̃মণ্ডল n. the celestial sphere, the zodiac, luminaries collectively.

জ্যোতিষ্মতী [ jyōtiṣmatī ] fem of জ্যোতিষ্মান ।

জ্যোতিষ্মত্তা [ jyōtiṣmattā ] n luminosity, brightness.

জ্যোতিষ্মান [ jyōtiṣmāna ] a luminous, shining, lustrous, bright. fem. জ্যোতিষ্মতী ।