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ঝ [ jh ] n the ninth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

ঝংকার [ jhaṅkāra ] n a jingling sound (as of the strings of a harp); a clattering sound (as of weapons); a humming sound (as of bees); (mus.) a sharp and loud sound, a blaze; a loud and sudden brawling or bullying sound. ঝংকার দেওয়া, (poet.) ঝংকারা v. to jingle; to clatter; to hum; (mus.) to twist into a sharp and loud sound, to blaze up; to burst out into brawling or bullying.

ঝংকৃত [ jhaṅkṛta ] a jingled; clattered; (mus.) twisted into a sharp and loud sound; burst into brawling or bullying. ঝংকৃতি n. jingle; clatter; hum; (mus.) a twist ing into a sharp and loud sound.

ঝকঝক, ঝকমক [ jhakajhaka, jhakamaka ] int expressing: sparkling or glistening state. ঝকঝক করা, ঝকমক করা, ঝকঝকানো, ঝকমকানো v. to sparkle, to glisten, to glitter; to shine brightly. ঝকঝকানি, ঝকমকানি n. sparkling or glis tening or glittering state. ঝকঝকে, ঝকমকে a. sparkling, glistening, glitter ing, brightly shining.

ঝকমারি [ jhakamāri ] n a folly (ঝকমারি করা); a mis take, a bloomer; a fault, an offence; a trouble (ঝকমারি সওয়া) ঝকমারির মাশুল দেওয়া to pay for one's mistake or folly.

ঝক্কি [ jhakki ] n a risk; troublesome burden or charge.

ঝগড়া [ jhagaḍ়ā ] n a quarrel, a brawl, a row; an alter cation; a dispute. ঝগড়া করা v. to quarrel; to altercate, to wrangle. ঝগড়া বাধানো v. to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel; have a dispute with, to set by the ears. ঝগড়া মেটানো v. to make up a quarrel, to settle a dispute. ̃ঝাঁটি n. (usu. pl.) trifling or peevish quarrel or altercation or dissen sion; quarrels. ̃টে a. quarrelsome, can tankerous; wrangling.

ঝঞ্ঝনা [ jhañjhanā ] n a clattering sound (অস্ত্রঝঞ্ঝনা); a clap of thunder; thunder ('ঝঞ্ঝনা পড়ুক তার মাথার উপর').

ঝঞ্ঝা [ jhañjhā ] n a rainstorm. ̃ক্ষুদ্ধ, ̃পীড়িত a. stricken by a rainstorm. ̃তা়ড়িত a. driven or blown by a rainstorm. ̃বর্ত n. a cyclone. ̃বাত, ̃বায়ু n. a stormy wind, a strong gale.

ঝঞ্ঝাট [ jhañjhāṭa ] n a trouble; a fix; a disturbance; a troublesome burden or worry or charge (ঝঞ্ঝাট পোহানো). ঝঞ্ঝাটে পড়া v. to be in a trouble, to get into a scrape; to get into a mess; to be in a fix. ঝঞ্ঝাট বাধানো, ঝঞ্ঝা়ট করা v. to create trouble or disturbance. ঝঞ্ঝাট পোহানো, ঝঞ্ঝাট সহা v. to bear a trouble or the stress or strain of a crisis.

ঝঞ্ঝাটে [ jhañjhāṭē ] a troublesome; disturbing.

ঝটপট2 [ jhaṭapaṭa2 ] int expressing: flapping or the noise of flapping. ঝটপট করা, ঝটপটানো v. to flap. ঝটপটানি n. act or noise of flapping.

ঝটকা, ঝটকানি [ jhaṭakā, jhaṭakāni ] n a sudden and forceful snatch or pull or jerk. ঝ়টকা মারা v. to snatch or pull or jerk or snatch sud denly and forcefully; to cut or kill by a blow or with one stroke.

ঝ়টাপটি [ jh়ṭāpaṭi ] n mutual hugging and clasping; fluttering or flapping of wings; scuffle, disorderly fight.

ঝ়টিকা [ jh়ṭikā ] n a storm; a strong gale. ̃বর্ত n. a whirlwind.

ঝ়টিতি [ jh়ṭiti ] adv quickly, hastily, hurriedly.

ঝ়ড় [ jh়ḍ় ] n a storm; a strong gale. ̃ঝ়াপটা n. the press or stress of a storm; (fig.) the press or stress of a danger or dangers. ̃তুফান n. tempest and high waves.

̃জল, ̃বৃষ্টি [ ̃jala, ̃bṛṣṭi ] n a rainstorm.

ঝড়তি-পড়তি [ jhaḍ়ti-paḍ়ti ] n clippings or other waste matters; remnants, scraps.

ঝ়ড়ো [ jh়ḍ়ō ] a stormy, tempestuous (ঝ়ড়ো হাওয়া); storm-beaten (ঝ়ড়ো কাক).

ঝ়ন [ jh়na ] int expressing: a clattering sound as of weapons or of striking a thin metal plate; the chink of coins. ঝ়নঝন int. ex pressing: repeated or continuous clat tering sound or chinking; jingle (as of coins); a strong dizzy sensation (মাথা ঝনঝন করা). ঝনঝনানো, ঝনঝন করা v. to clatter or cause to clatter; to chink or cause to chink; to be afflicted or to af flict with a strong dizzy sensation. ঝনঝনানি n. clatter; chink; a strong dizzy sensation.

ঝনকাঠ [ jhanakāṭha ] n the lintel; the upper wooden bar of the frame of a door.

ঝনত্কার [ jhanatkāra ] n a clattering sound as of weap ons; the chink of coins.

ঝনাত্ [ jhanāt ] int expressing a sound louder than ঝন ।

ঝপ [ jhapa ] int expressing the sound of diving or falling into water or air suddenly; a sudden splashing sound; quickness (ঝপ করে খাওয়া). ঝপঝপ int. expressing: the repeated or continuous sound of diving or falling into water or air or of sudden splashing; incessant pouring (ঝপঝপ বৃষ্টি); quickness (ঝপঝপ করে খাওয়া). ঝপাঝপ adv. very quickly (ঝপাঝপ খাওয়া); quickly one after another (ঝপাঝপ ডুব দেওয়া).

ঝপাত্ [ jhapāt ] int expressing the sound of diving or springing into water or of flinging down a heavy object.

ঝমঝম [ jhamajhama ] int expressing a loud jingling sound as of anklets; a loud pattering sound as of rain falling in torrents. ঝমঝম করা v. to jingle. ঝমরঝমর int. ex pressing a very loud jingling noise as of anklets. ঝমাঝম adv. with a loud jin gling noise (ঝমাঝম মল বাজে); noisily in torrents (ঝমঝম বৃষ্টি পড়ছে).

ঝম্প [ jhampa ] n a jump, a spring, a dive, a plunge. ঝম্প দেওয়া v. to jump, to spring, to plunge, to dive. ̃দান, ̃প্রদান n. act of jumping or springing or plunging or diving.

ঝরই [ jhari ] v (poet. & obs.) falls or fall, is or are shed, drops or drop, exudes or ex ude.

ঝরঝর [ jharajhara ] int expressing the state or sound of rapid and continuous falling in small drops of minute particles (ঝরঝর করে বৃষ্টি বা বালি পড়া, ঝরঝর করে কাঁদা). ☐ adv. in incessant flow or falling ('ঝরঝর বরিষে বারিধারা). ঝরঝরে a. neat and clean (ঝরেঝরে ঘর); neat (ঝরঝরে কাজ); neat. and legible (ঝরঝরে ছাপা, ঝরঝরে লেখা); refreshed or freed from morbidity (দেহটা ঝরঝরে লাগছে); freed from mois ture (ঝরঝরে ভাত); dilapidated (বাড়িখানার ঝরঝরে অবস্হা); in utter ruin. পরকাল ঝরঝরে করা v. to spoil one's life, to spoil one's future; to deprave utterly.

ঝরতি [ jharati ] n any negligible portion of things fallen out of a heap and passed over at the time of loading or carrying.

ঝরনা [ jharanā ] n a fountain, a waterfall, a cascade, a spring. ̃কলম n. a fountain-pen.

ঝরা [ jharā ] v to fall in drops; to ooze, to exude; to fall; to be shed (গাছের পাতা ঝরা); to cast off or moult (পাখির পালক ঝরা); to run (সর্দিতে নাক ঝরা). ঝরানো v. to cause to fall in drops; to cause to ooze or ex ude; to cause to fall; to shed; to cast off, to moult; to cause to run.

ঝরিত [ jharita ] a fallen in drops; oozed; exuded; fallen, shed; cast off, moulted; flowing ('নির্ঝরঝরিত বারিরাশি').

ঝরোকা [ jharōkā ] n a small window; a bay win dow; a latticed window.

ঝর্ঝর [ jharjhara ] n the sound of rapid fall as of a stream of water; a sieve, a colander; a cymbal, cymbals.

ঝর্ঝরিত [ jharjharita ] a full of the noise of rapid fall as of a stream of water; perforated in sev eral places.

ঝলকিত [ jhalakita ] a coruscated; flashed.

ঝলঝল [ jhalajhala ] int expressing the state of hang ing loosely. ঝলমলানি n. the glitter, the sparkle.