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ট [ ] n the eleventh consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

টইটম্বুর [ ṭiṭambura ] a swollen to the extreme; full to the brim; brimming, overfull, over flowing.

টং1 [ ṭa1 ] n a high platform for living or shooting from, a machan.

টং2 [ ṭa2 ] a about to burst (রেগে টং); thor oughly besotted, dead drunk (ম়দে টং).

টং3 [ ṭa3 ] int expressing: twang as of a bow string. টংটং int. expressing: repeated twangs. টংটং করে বেড়ানো to tramp idly; to while away time.

টক1 [ ṭaka1 ] a sour, acrid. ☐ n. sour taste, acrid ity; any sour-tasting pickle. টক লাগা to taste sour.

টক2 [ ṭaka2 ] int expressing: haste, quickness, promptness.

টক3 [ ṭaka3 ] int expressing: a light noise of rap ping or drumming.

টকটক1 [ ṭakaṭaka1 ] a sourish, acidulous.

টকটক2 [ ṭakaṭaka2 ] int expressing: deepness or brightness or gorgeousness or bril liance (লাল টকটক করছে) টকটকে a. & adv. deep, bright, gorgeous (টকটকে লাল, টকটকে চেহারা).

টকটক3 [ ṭakaṭaka3 ] int expressing: the ticking sound of a clock; the sound made by a carter in order to speed up the horse or ox, gee-gee.

টকা [ ṭakā ] v to turn sour; to become acid; to rot, to putrefy; to become irritated by being acidified (দাঁত টকা).

টকাটক1 [ ṭakāṭaka1 ] int. & adv very quickly or promptly.

টকাটক2 [ ṭakāṭaka2 ] int expressing a very light sound of rapping or drumming repeatedly. ☐ adv. making this sound.

টকানো [ ṭakānō ] v to cause to turn sour, to turn sour; to acidify; to cause to rot, to pu trefy; to irritate by acidifying (দাঁত টকানো).

টকাস [ ṭakāsa ] int expressing a light sound made by impact of two hard things (টকাস করে গাট্টা মারা); promptness or suddenness (টকাস করে বলে ফেলা).

টকো [ ṭakō ] a sour, acrid; sourish; acidulous.

টক্কর [ ṭakkara ] n a jolt; friction; collision, impact; competition, vying. টক্কর খাওয়া v. to stumble (against); to collide (with). টক্কর দেওয়া v. to compete or vie (with). টক্কর বাধানো v. to collide (with); to com pete (with); to set at strife (with), to set by the ears; to be in competition or strife (with). টক্কর লাগা v. to stumble (against); to come in collision (with); to be faced with competition (with), to be vying (with); to be in strife (with).

টগর [ ṭagara ] n a kind of small flower (usu. white), Tabernamontana coronaria.

টগবগ, টগবগাবগ [ ṭagabaga, ṭagabagābaga ] int expressing: bubbling noise made by water or any other liq uid when being boiled (টগবগ করে ফোটা); noise made by or as by hoofs of a horse when running (টগবগ করে চলা); fretting and fuming state (রাগে টগবগ করা = to seethe in anger); to boil with indignation.

টঙ্ক1 [ ṭaṅka1 ] n any weapon for cutting or hewing such as an axe or a sword or a scimitar; any tool for digging such as a spud; anger or bragging or arrogance (রোগা লোকের মুখে টঙ্ক).

টঙ্ক2 [ ṭaṅka2 ] n a coin; a rupee. ̃পতি n. (obs.) the superintendent of a mint, a mint-mas ter. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. numismatics. ̃শালা n. a mint.

টঙ্ক3 [ ṭaṅka3 ] a (dial.) strong, firm.

টঙ্কন [ ṭaṅkana ] n borax.

টঙ্কা [ ṭaṅkā ] n a rupee.

টঙ্কর [ ṭaṅkara ] n the twang of a bowstring; any similar sound (টাকার টঙ্কর).

টন [ ṭana ] int expressing a sharp metallic sound.

টনক [ ṭanaka ] n the seat of memory; remem brance, recollection. টনক নড়া v. to come to remember or recollect; to be aware of; to be alerted; to be ruffled; to see the gravity of.

টনটন [ ṭanaṭana ] int expressing: severe irritation or pain caused by tightness or tension or strain or overfulness or sharpness. টনটন করা v. to smart, to twinge, to feel acute or sharp pain. টনটনানি n. this irritation or pain; throbbing pain (as of an ab scess). টনটনে v. very sharp or sensitive; keenly alive, very much alive (টনটনে জ্ঞান).

টপ1 [ ṭapa1 ] int expressing the noise of falling of a drop of liquid. টপটপ int. express ing repetition of this noise.

টপ2 [ ṭapa2 ] int expressing quickness or promptness (টপ করে খেয়ে নাও). টপাটপ adv. promptly, quickly.

টপ3 [ ṭapa3 ] n a small concave mound.

টপকানো [ ṭapakānō ] v to leap over, to cross by leap ing over.

টপতোলা [ ṭapatōlā ] a shaped as a small concave mound.

টপাস [ ṭapāsa ] int expressing the noise of falling of a large drop of liquid.

টপ্পা [ ṭappā ] n a light classical variety of amo rous songs sung in a particular or spe cial or typical mode.

টব [ ṭaba ] n a tub.

টবর্গ [ ṭabarga ] n ট্ ঠ্ ড্ ঢ্ ণ্: these five consonants respectively, the ট-pentad.

টমটম [ ṭamaṭama ] n a tandem.

টম্যাটো [ ṭamyāṭō ] n the tomato.

টরেটক্কা [ ṭarēṭakkā ] n the code of the telegram; the peculiar noise of the telegraph.

টর্চ, টর্চলাইট [ ṭarca, ṭarcalāiṭa ] n a torch. টর্চের আলো torch light.

টর্নি [ ṭarni ] n one who supervises the legal af fairs of others; an attorney.

টলটল [ ṭalaṭala ] int expressing: crystal clearness or slight movement of any liquid. টলটলানি n. state of being or looking crystal clear; slight stir or movement; stagger; state of being on the verge of downfall or a crash. টলটলানো v. to look crystal clear; to move or stir slightly; to stagger; to be on the verge of down fall or a crash. টলটলায়মান a. staggering; on the verge of downfall or crash (টলটলায়মান সিংহাসন); (rare) looking crystal clear or stirring slightly. টলেটলে a. (of a liquid) crystal clear.

টলন [ ṭalana ] n dislocation; fall; stagger; bewil derment.

টলমল [ ṭalamala ] int expressing: restlessness or agitation, state of being on the verge of tumbling (সিংহাসন টলমল); shaking state ('ধরণী টলমল বীরদাপে'). overflow ing state (নদীজল টলমল). টলমলানি n. restlessness of agitation; state of being on the verge of tumbling; state of be ing shaken or quaking; overflowing state, overflow. টলমলানো v. to become restless or agitated; to be on the verge of tumbling; to be shaking, to quake; to be overflowing.

টলা [ ṭalā ] v to waver, to vacillate (মন টলা); to stagger, to totter (পা টলা); to shake, to quake (পৃথিবী টলা); to tumble, to be dislocated or displaced (সিংহাসন টলা, টলে পড়া); to be otherwise; to be re tracted (কথা টলা); to tend to defect (দলের লোক টলা). ☐ n. wavering, vacil lation; stagger, tottering; shake, quake, tumble, dislocation, displacement; change or retraction or non-compli ance; flinching. টলানো v. to cause to waver or vacillate; to cause to stagger or totter; to shake or quake; to cause to tumble, to dislocate or displace; to cause to retract, to cause to go back upon; to cause to flinch or defect.

টসকানো [ ṭasakānō ] v to be impaired or weakened or damaged (শরীর টসকানো); to be run down in health; to die (লোকটা টসকেছে); would bend rather than break (টসকায় তো মচকায় না). টসকানোর লোক নয় not the person to flinch or defect.

টসটস [ ṭasaṭasa ] int expressing: the noise of re peated fall of liquid drops (টসটস করে জল ঝরা); state of being overfull with (রসে টসটস); state of being flushed with cold (চোখ-মুখ টসটস করছে). টসটসে a. (over) filled with juice, juicy; flushed with cold or fever.

টহল [ ṭahala ] n ambulation; act of begging by wandering and singing; a round or beat (as of a watchman); act of going on one's round. টহল দেওয়া v. to ambulate, to tramp; to beg wandering and singing; to go on one's round, to patrol. ̃দার n. an ambulator, a tramper; an ambulating watchman. ̃দারি n. ambulation; act of keeping watch by ambulation.

-টা [ -ṭā ] sfx used in Bengali to serve the pur pose of the definite article, the (ছেলেটা, দুধটা).

টাইট [ ṭāiṭa ] a tight; fast; strict; close-fisted. টাইট দেওয়া v. (coll.) to tighten; (sl.) to take one to task.

টাইপ [ ṭāipa ] n a printing type, a type; a model or pattern, a kind, a type (নানা টাইপের লোক); a typical specimen, a type (নাটকের টাইপচরিত্র); typewriting (সে টাইপ জানে). টাইপ করা v. to typewrite, to type. টাইপ-করা a. typewritten, typed.

টাইম [ ṭāima ] n time. টাইম-বাঁধা, টাইম-ধরা a. regu lated by fixed intervals of time, punc tual; routine.

টাঁক [ ṭān̐ka ] n an aim; a greedy gaze; act of awaiting. টাঁক করা v. to aim at; to gaze greedily (at); to await.

টাঁকশাল [ ṭān̐kaśāla ] n a mint.

টাঁকা1 [ ṭān̐kā1 ] v to stitch, to tack, to sew (বোতাম টাঁকা); to put a tuck in, to tuck.

টাঁকা2 [ ṭān̐kā2 ] v to aim at; to prophesy or antici pate or guess beforehand or estimate; (now rare) to imprecate (মরণ টাঁকা).

টাঁস [ ṭām̐sa ] v to stiffen owing to the suspension of blood-circulation; (sl.) to be stone dead; (sl.) to die (বুড়োটা টেঁসেছে).

টাক1 [ ṭāka1 ] n baldness; a bald patch. ☐ a. bald, glabrous (টাক মাথা). টাক পড়া to become bald.

টাক2 [ ṭāka2 ] sfx about, nearly, approximately (সেরটাক, মাইলটাক).

টাকরা [ ṭākarā ] n the palate.

টাকা [ ṭākā ] n a rupee; money (টাকা করা); wealth (টাকার মানুষ). টাকা ওড়ানো v. to squander or fritter away money. টাকা করা v. to make money, to acquire money; to amass wealth. টাকা খাওয়া v. to accept bribe. টাকা ঢালা v. to spend or invest money. টাকা ভাঙানো v. to change a coin or a currency note. টাকা মারা v. to misappropriate money; to defalcate or embezzle. টাকার কুমির (dero.) a very rich man, a moneyed man. টাকার গরম pride of wealth. টাকার মুখ দেখা v. to be gin to earn or obtain money, to come to money; to begin to be solvent; to see good days. টাকার বাজার money market. টাকার মানুষ a moneyed man, a wealthy man. ̃ওয়ালা a. moneyed; wealthy, rich. ̃কড়ি, ̃পয়সা n. money; wealth. টাকার শ্রাদ্ধ squandering of money, pour ing money down the drain.

টাকু, টাকুয়া [ ṭāku, ṭākuẏā ] n a spindle, a reel.

টাঙা, টাঙ্গা [ ṭāṅā, ṭāṅgā ] n a light two-wheeled carriage drawn by a pony, (cp.) a gig.

টাঙানো [ ṭāṅānō ] v to hang up; to rig up (পাল টাঙানো, মশারি টাঙ্গানো). ☐ a. hanging.

টাঙি, টাঙ্গি [ ṭāṅi, ṭāṅgi ] n a battle-axe.

টাট2 [ ṭāṭa2 ] n a copper plate used in worship and prayer.

টাটকা [ ṭāṭakā ] a fresh, newly grown (টাটকা মাছ বা সবজি); not stale (টাটকা খাবার); new, recent (টাটকা খবর).

টা-টা [ ṭā-ṭā ] int. n goodbye (usu. to children).

টাটানো [ ṭāṭānō ] v to be inflamed. টাটানি n. inflam mation. চোখ টাটানো v. to be stricken with eyesore; (fig.) to be envious of.

টাটি1 [ ṭāṭi1 ] n a low and small earthen cup.

টাটি2 [ ṭāṭi2 ] n hempen matting, tat; a wall or roof or door made of tat.

টাট্টি [ ṭāṭṭi ] n excrement, stool, faeces; latrine, a privy.

টাট্টু [ ṭāṭṭu ] n the pony.

টান [ ṭāna ] n a pull or tug (জোর টান); attraction (স্নেহের টান); attachment, affection (ছেলের প্রতি টান); a drawing in, a pull (সিগারেটের টান); tightness, tension (গেরোটায় বেশ টান আছে); want, need, shortage, scarcity (পয়সার টান); de mand (বাজারে ভাল বইয়ের টান); diffi cult breathing, spasm (হাঁপানির টান); style of writing or painting, flourish (লেখায় সুন্দর টান); quick and rather in terwoven style of writing as of a vet eran writer (টানের লেখা); manner of speaking or pronouncing (কথার টান); provincialism or typical intonation (উচ্চারণে যশুরে টান); consumption (পোলাওতে খুব টান); stretch (এক টানে); current (নদীতে খুব টান); force (স্রোতের টান); contraction (শিরার টান); (math. & phys.) tension, strain. টান দেওয়া v. to pull, to tug; to give a pull; to draw in (as smoke); to snatch; to flourish; to pronounce or speak with provincial ac cent or intonation or in a peculiar man ner. টান ধরা v. to be in short supply, to run short (পয়সার টান ধরা); to contract (শিরায় টান ধরা); to have fits of spasm (হাঁপানির টান ধরা); to commence to dry up (ঘায়ে টান ধরা). টানটান a. fully stretched out (টানটান হয়ে শোওয়া); very tight or tense; full of vanity or arro gance (টানটান কথা). টান-টোন n. pl. strokes and flourishes (as in calligra phy or drawing). একটানে adv. in a single tug or pull; at a stretch.

টানা1 [ ṭānā1 ] n (in weaving) a warp; (of a chest or cabinet) a drawer. ̃পড়েন n. (lit. & fig.) warp and woof; (fig.) continuous coming and going; the inconvenience or trouble for continuously going back and forth.

টানা2 [ ṭānā2 ] v to pull, to tug; to drag (পা টেনে টেনে চলা); to draw (রেখা টানা); to at tract (মন টানা); to carry (মাল টানা); to move quickly (পা টেনে চলা); to be par tial to (ছেলের দিকে টানা); to stretch out (সুর টানা); to cut down expenditure (আয় কম হলে টেনে চলা); to smoke or drink (গাঁজা টানা, মদ টানা); to extract (রস টানা); to consume (খাইয়েরা খুব মিষ্টি টানছে); to sell (বাজারে মাল টানা). ☐ a. borne or drawn (ঘোড়ায়-টানা গাড়ি); op erated by pulling or dragging (টানা পাখা, টানা জাল); straight (টানা পথ); continuous (টানা তিন ঘন্টা); skimmed (টানা দুধ); wide, broad, large, big (টানা চোখ); drawn (কালি দিয়ে টানা লেখা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানা লেখা). গুণ টানা v. to tow. বইঠা টানা, দাঁড় টানা v. to row, to scull. টানা-জাল n. a drag-net. টানা়টানা a. broad, wide, large (টানাটানা চোখ); smelling of arrogance or vanity (টানাটানা কথা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানাটানা লেখা). টানাটানি n. mutual or continuous pulling or tugging or dragging; mutual or con tinuous attraction; act of dragging forc ibly; act of forcing; want, shortage, hardship (টানাটানির সংসার). টানাটানি করা v. to pull or tug or drag or attract mutu ally or continuously; to drag forcibly; to force; to cut down expenditure (টানাটানি করে সংসার চালানো). দড়ি-টানাটানি n. tug-of-war. টানা-হ্যাঁচড়া n. act of drag ging forcibly; act of forcing; continu ing or running on with difficulty; com ing and going frequently. একটানা a. continuous; lying at a stretch. দোটানা n. vacillation, wavering.

টাপুর-টুপুর [ ṭāpura-ṭupura ] int expressing a pattering noise as of rain falling.

টাবা [ ṭābā ] n a kind of lime, the citron.

টায়রা [ ṭāẏarā ] n an ornament for the head, a tiara.

টাল1 [ ṭāla1 ] n a heap (কাঠের টাল). টাল করা, টাল দেওয়া v. to heap.

টাল2 [ ṭāla2 ] n curvature (অস্ত্রখানায় একটু টাল আছে); inclination (ঘুড়িখানায় টাল আছে); dodge or stagger (টাল খেয়ে পড়া); im pact, collision, danger, crisis (টাল কাটানো); a difficult charge or task or crisis (টাল সামলানো); adulation or quibble (টাল দেওয়া); a capricious de mand (টাল করা). টাল করা v. to make a capricious demand. টাল কাটানো v. to get over a crisis. টাল খাওয়া v. to have a cur vature or inclination; to dodge or stag ger; to be faced with a crisis; (dial.) to worsen (রোগটা আবার টাল খেল). টাল দেওয়া v. to put in danger or in a crisis; to try to evade by means of adulation or quibble. টাল যাওয়া v. to pass through danger or a crisis. টাল সামলানো v. to get over or steer through a crisis or danger; to manage a difficult charge or task. টাল হওয়া v. to have a curvature or in clination, to bend or incline. ̃বাহানা n. quibble and false pretext. ̃মাটাল n. a great danger or crisis or turmoil.

টালনি [ ṭālani ] n inclination, bending ('চূড়ার টালনি বামেট).