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1 [ ta1 ] n the sixteenth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

তই [ ti ] n a kind of cooking pan without handle.

তইখন [ tikhana ] adv & con. (poet. & obs.) by that time, at once, at that time, then.

তঁহি [ tam̐hi ] adv (poet. & obs.) there; in that, in him, in her, in them. ☐ pro. (poet. & obs.) he, she, it, they.

তক [ taka ] prep (used chiefly as a sfx.) up to, till (শেষতক), as soon as (যাহাতক).

তকতক [ takataka ] int expressing: tidiness (ঘরখানা তকতক করছে); transparence (জল তকতক করছে); brightness or freshness (রংটা তকতক করছে). তকতকে. a. tidy, neat and clean; transparent; bright or fresh; in mint condition.

তকমা [ takamā ] n a distinctive dress or badge, liv ery; a medal. তকমা-আঁটা, তকমা-পরা a. wearing a livery or medal, liveried or medalled.

তকরার [ takarāra ] n an argument, a debate; an alter cation.

তকলি [ takali ] n a spindle or distaff (esp. a small or improvised one). তকলি কাটা v. to spin yarn.

তকলিফ [ takalipha ] n trouble; hardship; pain; suffer ing; difficulty.

তক্কেতক্কে [ takkētakkē ] adv cautiously and secretly, surreptitiously; in ambush, in wait.

তক্তপোশ [ taktapōśa ] n a plain rectangular cot with out any arrangement for hanging cur tains.

তক্তা [ taktā ] n a plank of wood; a piece of board; a flat and hard sheet of any thing. মেরে তক্তা বানানো (sl.) to flatten by beating or thrashing, to beat or thrash severely.

তক্তি [ takti ] n a small plank of wood, a tablet; a small piece of board; a small flat and hard sheet of anything; a hard and flat sweetmeat shaped like a tablet.

তক্রু [ takru ] n whey. ̃পিণ্ড n. posset.

তক্ষক [ takṣaka ] n a carpenter; a joiner; (myth.) a kind of strongly venomous winged snake; a kind of venomous chameleon.

তক্ষণ [ takṣaṇa ] n act of planing or carving wood; woodwork; carpentry; a (carpenter's) plane or vice. ̃শিল্প n. the art or craft of carpentry.

তক্ষণী [ takṣaṇī ] n carpenter's tool for shaping or trimming wood, a chisel, a plane.

তখ্ত [ takhta ] n throne (রাজতখ্ত). তখ্ত-তাউস n. peacock throne.

তখতনামা [ takhatanāmā ] a a kind of conveyance carried by men; a litter for use in marriage processions (cp. a palanquin).

তখন [ takhana ] adv (also conj.) at that time; in that age (তখন কলকাতায় ট্রাম ছিল না); then; and then; so; after that time; at last (চোর পালালে তখন গৃহস্হ সাবধান হল). ☐ n. that time or age (তখন থেকে). ̃ই, তখনি adv. just then; immediately, forthwith, at once, ̃ও adv. still then. ̃কার a. of that time or age. তখন থেকে adv. since then.

ত-খরচ [ ta-kharaca ] n incidental expenses.

তছনছ [ tachanacha ] a upset; destroyed; utterly spoiled; messed up; squandered.

তছরুপ [ tacharupa ] n embezzlement, defalcation. তছরুপ করা v. to embezzle, to defalcate. তহবিল তছরুপ করা v. to embezzle, to de falcate a fund.

তছু [ tachu ] pro. a (poet. & obs.) his or her.

তজ্জনিত [ tajjanita ] a caused by that; arising or arisen from that; grown or evolved out of that.

তজ্জন্য [ tajjanya ] adv for that; for that reason; be cause of that; for the sake of that.

তজ্জাত [ tajjāta ] a born of him or that; grown or arisen or evolved out of that; caused by that.

তজ্জাতীয় [ tajjātīẏa ] a of that class or kind or race.

তঞ্চক [ tañcaka ] a. & n one who or that which cheats or deceives or swindles. ̃তা n. cheat ing, deception, swindling, trickery.

তঞ্চন [ tañcana ] n contraction; clotting; (chem.) co agulation.

তঞ্চিত [ tañcita ] a contracted; clotted; coagulated, congealed.

তট [ taṭa ] n beach, shore, coast, bank; land (তটভাগ); region (কটিতট); a tract of level ground on the top of a mountain. ̃রেখা n. coastline.

তটস্হ1 [ taṭasha1 ] a confusedly worried and bus tling; very much frightened and eager to please; extremely perturbed.

তটস্হ2 [ taṭasha2 ] a lying on the shore or bank; coastal; disinterested, unbiased, impar tial. ('তটস্হ হইয়া বিচারিলে তরতম') fem. তটস্হা ।

তটিনী [ taṭinī ] n a river; a stream.

তড়কা [ taḍ়kā ] n a spasmodic fit (esp. of chil dren). convulsion, spasm.

তড়প, তরপ [ taḍ়pa, tarapa ] n one of a number of smaller strings in a stringed musical instrument which producs resonance.

তড়পানো [ taḍ়pānō ] v to jump; to brag menacingly; to bluster; to fret or fuss; to move vio lently or restlessly (দিল তড়পাচ্ছে). তরপানি n. act of jumping; act of brag ging menacingly; act of fretting or fussing; violent or restless movement.

তড়বড় [ taḍ়baḍ় ] int expressing: excessive hurry or rapidity. তড়বড়ানি n. excessive hurry, excessively rapid movement or speech. তড়বড়ানো v. to hurry excessively; to move or speak with excessive rapidity. তড়বড়ে a. excessively hurried or rapid; given to excessive hurry; given to moving or talking with excessive ra pidity.

তড়াক [ taḍ়āka ] int expressing: suddenness or quickness (তড়াক করে লাফানো).

তড়াগ [ taḍ়āga ] n a large (and deep) pond.

তড়িঘড়ি [ taḍ়ighaḍ়i ] adv very quickly or promptly; at once, forthwith.

তড়িচ্চালক [ taḍ়iccālaka ] a electromotive. তড়িচ্চালক বল electromotive force.

তড়িচ্চুম্বক [ taḍ়iccumbaka ] n electromagnet. তড়িচ্চুম্বকীয় a. electromagnetic.

তড়িত্ [ taḍ়it ] n lightning; electricity.

তড়িতালোক [ taḍ়itālōka ] n the glow or light of a light ning.

তড়িত্বান, তড়িদ্গর্ভ [ taḍ়itbāna, taḍ়idgarbha ] n thunder-cloud; cloud. ☐ a. emitting lightning; containing electricity, charged with electricity.

তড়িদ্দ্বার [ taḍ়iddbāra ] n an electrode.

তড়িদ্বিশ্লেষণ [ taḍ়idbiślēṣaṇa ] n electrolysis.

তড়িদ্বিশ্লেষ্য [ taḍ়idbiślēṣya ] a electrolyte.

তড়িদ্বীক্ষণ [ taḍ়idbīkṣaṇa ] n an electroscope.

তড়িম্ময় [ taḍ়immaẏa ] a charged with electricity.

তড়িল্লতা [ taḍ়illatā ] n a streak of lightning; light ning; a wave of electricity.

তণ়্ডুল [ taṇ়ḍula ] n rice. ̃কণা n. a grain of rice. ̃চূর্ণ n. powdered rice, rice-powder.

তত1 [ tata1 ] a extended, outspread; extensive; diffused. ☐ n. a stringed musical in strument. ̃যন্ত্র n. a stringed musical in strument.

তত2 [ tata2 ] adv. & con to that amount or num ber or extent or degree. ☐ adv. so much, so, up to expectation (বইখানা তত ভালো নয়). ☐ con. so, as. ☐ a. that much or so many (তত সময়, তত লোক). ̃ক্ষণ adv. up to or till or during or within that time. ̃ক্ষণে adv. by that time. ̃দিন adv. for so many days; for those days; up to or till or during so many or those days. ̃দিনে adv. same as ততক্ষণে । ̃হি, ̃হিঁ adv. (poet. & obs.) at that.

তত্ [ tat ] pro he, she, it; they; that; those. ̃কর্তৃক adv. by him or her or it. ̃কাল n. that time or period or age. ̃কালীন a. of or for or during that time or period or age; occurring or prevalent at that time or period or age. ̃কালে adv. at that time, then. ̃কালোচিত a. right or suitable for the occasion. ̃কৃত a. done by him or her or it. ̃ক্ষণাত্ adv. at once, immediately, forthwith. ̃ক্ষণে adv. at that moment; at or by that time. ̃পর adv. after that, thereafter. ☐ a. expert; skilful, adroit; zealous, earnest; eager; enterprising, endeavouring; careful; prompt. ̃পরতা n. expertness, skilful ness, adroitness; zeal, earnestness; ea gerness; enterprise; endeavour; care fulness, care; promptness, prompti tude. ̃পরায়ণ a. sincerely or zealously attached to or engaged in that thing or work. ̃পরে same as তত্পর (adv.). ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. after or behind that or him or her or it. ̃পুরুষ n. the Supreme Be ing, God; (gr.) a system of compound ing words (by this system the preced ing word loses its inflexion and the succeeding word becomes more prominent. e.g. রাজার পুত্র = রাজপুত্র). ̃পূর্বে adv. before that, prior to that. ̃সংক্রান্ত, ̃সম্বন্ধীয় a. relating to that, re garding that. ̃সত্ত্বেও adv. in spite of that; even then. ̃সদৃশ a. similar to that, like that. ̃সম a. same as that. তত্সম শব্দ (gr.) a Sanskrit word used in the unchanged form in Bengali. ̃স্হলাভিষিক্ত a. installed in his or her or its place. ̃স্বরূপ same as তত্সদৃশ ।

ততঃ [ tatḥ ] adv thereafter, then. ততঃ কিম্ what then? what next?

ততোধিক [ tatōdhika ] a more than that.

তত্তাবত্ [ tattābat ] pro. & a all that.

তত্তুল্য [ tattulya ] a similar to or equal to or like him or her or it.

তত্ত্ব [ tattba ] n real or essential nature, reality, es sence, (fundamental) truth (তত্ত্বদর্শী); God (তত্ত্বজ্ঞান); spiritual or philosophi cal or ontological knowledge (তত্ত্বকথা); knowledge or philosophy, principle (ধর্মতত্ত্ব); theory or doctrine; informa tion (তত্ত্ব পাওয়া); search, inquiry (তত্ত্ব নেওয়া); any of the twenty-four princi pal constituting elements according to the Sankhya philosophy; a present, a gift (পূজার তত্ত্ব, বিয়ের তত্ত্ব). তত্ত্ব কথা v. to inquire after; to search for or about or out; to send customary gifts to one re lated matrimonially. ̃কথা n. spiritual or philosophical knowledge or discus sion. ̃চিন্তা n. meditation on God; spiri tual meditation; philosophical or theo logical meditation. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. theo logical inquiry; inquiry about God; in quiry about reality or truth, philosophi cal inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. inquisitive about theological knowledge; inquiring about God or reality or truth. ̃জ্ঞ a. having knowledge about God or reality of truth; possessing theosophical or philosophical or spiritual knowledge. ☐ n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; the possessor of theological or philosophical or spiri tual knowledge. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about God; theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; knowledge about reality or truth. ̃জ্ঞানী a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; one who has theologi cal or spiritual or philosophical knowl edge. ̃তল্লাস, ̃তালাশ n. communica tion and exchange of customary gifts; seeking information about one's condi tion and whereabouts. ̃দর্শী a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or real ity or truth; one who has theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; wise or judicious (man). fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দর্শিতা n. possession of knowledge about God or reality or truth; posses sion of theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; wisdom or judiciousness. ̃নির্ণয়, ̃নিরুপণ n. ascertainment of truth; ascertainment of the true nature of a thing. ̃বিদ a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; one who has theo logical or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; one who is in the know of things. ̃বিদ্যা n. ontology. ̃বোধ n. per ception of truth.

তত্ত্বানুসন্ধান [ tattbānusandhāna ] n search for information; search for truth; search for knowledge about God or reality; investigation; research.

তত্ত্বানুসন্ধানী [ tattbānusandhānī ] a. & n one who or that which searches for information or truth or for knowledge about God or reality; one who or that which investigates or re searches.

তত্ত্বাবধান [ tattbābadhāna ] n act of taking care of or look ing after; supervision; guardianship or custody. তত্ত্বাবধান করা v. to take care of, to look after. তত্ত্বাবধানে রাখা v. to put un der care or guardianship or tutelage or custody of.

তত্ত্বাবধায়ক [ tattbābadhāẏaka ] n a caretaker; a curator; a guardian; a custodian. ☐ a. taking care of, looking after; having under one's own guardianship; having in custody.

তত্ত্বাবধারক [ tattbābadhāraka ] a. & n one who or that which ascertains truth or reality or actual state or information.

তত্ত্বাবধারণ [ tattbābadhāraṇa ] n ascertainment of truth or re ality or actual state or information.

তত্ত্বালোচনা [ tattbālōcanā ] n discussion about God or truth or reality; philosophical or onto logical or theological or spiritual dis cussion or discourse.

তত্ত্বীয় [ tattbīẏa ] a relating to truth or reality; relat ing to philosophical or ontological or theological or spiritual knowledge; theoretical.

তত্র [ tatra ] adv there, at that place. ☐ con. so (যত্র আয় তত্র ব্যয়). ̃ত্য, ̃স্হ a. of that place.

তত্রাচ, তত্রাপি [ tatrāca, tatrāpi ] adv (lit. but rare) even there; even in that case; in spite of that, notwithstanding, nevertheless, withal; still.

তথা [ tathā ] n that place. ☐ adv. at or in or to that place, there. ☐ adv. & con. so, like (যথা আয় তথা ব্যয়); and, and also or for the matter of that (সমগ্র বঙ্গদেশ তথা ভারতবর্ষ); moreover, further; even. ̃কথিত a. so-called. ̃কার a. of that place. ̃গত a. come or gone in that way. ☐ n. one who has attained Nir vana (নির্বাণ); an appellation of Gautama Buddha. ̃চ, ̃পি same as তত্রাচ । ̃বিধ a. of that kind or nature; such; similar. ̃ভূত a. of or in that state; passed into that state; produced or born or grown or evolved in that way. ̃য় adv. at or in or to that place. there. ̃স্তু int. so be it, amen.

তথি [ tathi ] adv (obs.) at or in or to that place, there; in or at or to that. ☐ n. that place (তথিমধ্যে). ☐ adv. & con. and; and also.

তথৈব [ tathaiba ] adv even in that manner or way. ☐ a. of that manner or way. ☐ n. that manner or way. ̃চ adv. just the same.

তথ্য [ tathya ] n actuality; actual state or affair; in formation; reality; truth; facts or data. ☐ a. real or true or unanimous or uni versal (তথ্যবচন). ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge of facts. ̃নিরুপণ, ̃নির্ণয় n. determination of truth; ascertainment of facts. ̃বাদী same as তথ্যভাষী । ̃বাহী a. informative. ̃ভাষী a. truthful. ̃ভিত্তিক a. based on facts; documented. সমৃদ্ধ a. well documented; informed; informative.

তথ্যানুসন্ধান [ tathyānusandhāna ] n search for truth or reality; search for information; investigation; research.

তদতিরিক্ত [ tadatirikta ] adv more than that; beyond that; over and above that; beside that, besides, moreover, further.

তদনন্তর [ tadanantara ] adv after that, thereafter.

তদনুগ, তদনুগামী, তদনুবর্তী [ tadanuga, tadanugāmī, tadanubartī ] a following him or her or that; like him or her or that; according to that.

তদনুপাতে [ tadanupātē ] adv in proportion to that, pro portionately.

তদনুযায়ী, তদনুরুপ [ tadanuyāẏī, tadanurupa ] a. & adv following or like that; according to that.

তদনুসারী [ tadanusārī ] a following or like that; accord ing to that. তদানুসারে adv. following or like that; according to that.

তদন্ত [ tadanta ] n investigation, inquiry. তদন্ত করা v. to investigate. ̃কারী n. one who in vestigates, an investigator.

তদন্য [ tadanya ] a apart from that; other than that; beside that.

তদবধি [ tadabadhi ] adv since then, from then on wards; (rare) till then.

তদবস্হ [ tadabasha ] a in that state or condition or po sition or posture.

তদবির [ tadabira ] n act of looking after or taking care of (শরীরের তদবির); act of looking after the interest of, act of taking steps so that a thing is properly managed or organized (মামলার তদবির); canvassing (চাকরির তদবির). তদবির করা v. to look af ter, to take care of; to look after the in terest of, to take steps for proper man agement or organization of; to canvass for.

তদর্থ [ tadartha ] adv for that; for the sake of that. ☐ n. the meaning of that. তদর্থক a. ad hoc. তদর্থে adv. for that; for the sake of that.

তদা [ tadā ] adv. & con at that time, in that age, then.

তদাকার [ tadākāra ] a of that shape or form.

তদাত্মা [ tadātmā ] a having the same soul as his or her; identical with him or her.

তদানীং [ tadānī ] adv at that time; in that age, in those days; then.

তদানীন্তন [ tadānīntana ] a of that time or age, the then (তদানীন্তন রাষ্ট্রপতি).

তদারক [ tadāraka ] n investigation (ডাকাতির তদারক); act of looking after or taking care of, care, management, superintendence (সম্পত্তির তদারক, স্বাস্হ্যের তদারক, কাজকর্মের তদারক). তদারক v. to in vestigate; to look after, to take care of, to manage, to superintend.

তদীয় [ tadīẏa ] a of him or her or it or that.

তদুপযোগী [ tadupayōgī ] a suitable to that, well-fitted for that, befitting that, right for that.

তদুপরি [ tadupari ] adv on or above him or her or it or that.

তদুপলক্ষে, তদুপলক্ষ্যে [ tadupalakṣē, tadupalakṣyē ] adv on that occa sion; on account of that; with that pur pose, with that end in view.

তদূর্ধ্বে [ tadūrdhbē ] adv above him or her or it or that; more than it or that.

তদেক [ tadēka ] a one identical with him or her or it or, that (তদেকচিত্ত); no other (তদেকশরণ).

তদ্গত [ tadgata ] a absorbed or engrossed in or en gaged wholly in him or her or it or that; intently engaged or attentive. ̃চিত্ত a. rapt in attention (to) or thought (of).

তদ্দণ্ডে [ taddaṇḍē ] adv at that very moment; imme diately, at once, forthwith.

তদ্দরুন [ taddaruna ] adv for that, because of that, on account of that, caused by that, for the sake of that, on that account.

তদ্দেশীয় [ taddēśīẏa ] a of or belonging to that coun try.

তদ্দ্বরা [ taddbarā ] pro. & adv by him or her or it or that.

তদ্বিত [ tadbita ] n (gr.) any of the inflexions or suffixes added to nouns, pronouns and adjectives to form derivatives, nominal inflexion.

তদ্বত্ [ tadbat ] a. & adv like or similar to or com parable to that or it or him or her.

তদ্বাচক [ tadbācaka ] a meaning or signifying that; in dicating that.

তদ্বিধ [ tadbidha ] a of that sort or kind.

তদ্বিধায় [ tadbidhāẏa ] adv on account of that, on that account.

তদ্বিষয়ক [ tadbiṣaẏaka ] a concerning him or her or it or that; concerning that subject. তদ্বিষয়ে adv. in or about or as regards him or her or it or that or that subject.

তদ্ব্যতিরিক্ত, তদ্ব্যতীত [ tadbyatirikta, tadbyatīta ] a. & adv beside or other than or without him or her or it or that; more than it or that.

তদ্ভব [ tadbhaba ] a born of or descended from or originating from or grown out of or evolved out of him or her or it or that. তদ্ভব শব্দ (gr.) a Bengali word derived from Sanskrit but used in a corrupted form.

তদ্ভাব [ tadbhāba ] n that or his or her or its state or condition or mental disposition or mood or nature or essential quality etc.; thoughts about him or her or it or that. তদ্ভাবাপন্ন a. having or in or under that or his or her or its state or condi tion etc. তদ্ভাবে adv. in that state or con dition; in that way or manner.

তদ্রুপ [ tadrupa ] a like or similar to that or it or him or her. ☐ adv. in that manner or way. তদ্রূপে same as তদ্রূপ (adv.)

তনখা [ tanakhā ] n wage, salary, remuneration.

তনয় [ tanaẏa ] n a son. fem. তনয়া a daughter.

তনিমা [ tanimā ] n graceful or delicate slimness (of the body); subtlety.

তনু, তনূ [ tanu, tanū ] n the body. ☐ a. gracefully or delicately slim and lovely (তনুদেহ); rarefied. ̃চ্ছদ n. an armour. ̃জ n. a son. fem. ̃জা a. daughter. ̃তা n. graceful or delicate slimness and loveliness; delicacy. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of dying, death, act of giving up the ghost. ̃ত্যাগ করা v. to die, to give up the ghost. ̃ত্র, ̃ত্রাণ n. an armour. ̃বাত n. (geog.) rar efied atmosphere. ̃মধ্যা n. a woman with a delicately slender waist. ̃রুচি n. physical beauty or grace. ̃রুহ n. hair (of the body and not of the head); a feather; a son or a daughter, an off spring. ̃করণ n. rarefaction; attenua tion; extenuation. ̃কৃত n. rarefied; attenuated; extenuated. তনূদ্ভব n. a son. fem. তনূদ্ভবা a daughter. তনূনপাত্ n. fire. তনূভবন n. act of being rarefied or attenuated or extenuated.

তন্তু [ tantu ] n thread, yarn, string; fibre; gut; handloom. ̃কীট n. the silkworm; the caterpillar. ̃নাভ n. a spider. ̃বায় n. a weaver (by trade or caste). ̃মূল n. fi brous root. ̃শালা n. weaver's work shop. ̃সার n. betel-nut tree. ☐ a. very lean and thin, emaciated.

তন্ত্র [ tantra ] n a scripture or service book or the system of the religious worship of Shaktas (শাক্ত); any scripture or service book or system or cult of religious worship; a religious order (শৈবতন্ত্র, সন্ন্যাসতন্ত্র); a section or branch of the Vedas (বেদ); a science (চিকিত্সাতন্ত্র); a system (সাধনাতন্ত্র); a system of govern ment (প্রজাতন্ত্র, রাজতন্ত্র); a doctrine (বস্তুতন্ত্র, জড়তন্ত্র); a decision; a chapter or section (পঞ্চতন্ত্র); any esoteric and mystical charm or means (মন্ত্রতন্ত্র); a handloom (তন্ত্রবায়); gut (পশুর তন্ত্র); a string (বীণাতন্ত্র). ̃ধার, ̃ধারক n. a Brah man who reads out excerpts from a service book for the priest to recite them. ̃বাপ n. a weaver (by trade or caste). ̃মন্ত্র n. charms and incanta tions. ̃শাস্ত্র n. scriptures; theory or sys tem contained in the scriptures. ̃সার n. a digest of religious service.

তন্ত্রী [ tantrī ] n the string or gut of a musical in strument; a stringed musical instru ment, a vina. ☐ a. stringed or having a gut or guts (তন্ত্রী বাদ্যযন্ত্র); belonging or relating to a religious order (শৈবতন্ত্রী).

তন্দুর [ tandura ] n a covered oven for baking bread.

তন্দ্রা [ tandrā ] n drowsiness; light sleep, siesta, nap. ̃গত, তন্দ্রাভিভূত a. seized or over whelmed with drowsiness, affected with drowsiness; sleeping, asleep. তন্দ্রাগত হওয়া, তন্দ্রাভিভূত হওয়া v. to fall asleep; to sleep; (rare) to drowse. ̃বেশ n. drowsiness; sleepiness; cat-nap. ̃লু a. drowsy; affected with drowsiness. ̃হীন a. sleepless. তন্দ্রিত a. drowsy; af fected with drowsiness; fallen asleep; sleeping.

তন্নতন্ন [ tannatanna ] a thorough (তন্নতন্ন খোজঁ). ☐ adv. searching thoroughly. তন্নতন্ন করা v. to ransack, to rummage, to comb; to rifle.

তন্নিবন্ধন [ tannibandhana ] adv for that; because of that; on account of that; for the sake of that.

তন্নিষ্ঠ [ tanniṣṭha ] a rapt in attention; very attentive and absorbed.

তন্মধ্যে [ tanmadhyē ] adv in him or her or it or that or them; in the midst of it; between or amongst them.

তন্মন, তন্মনা, তন্মনস্ক, তন্ময় [ tanmana, tanmanā, tanmanaska, tanmaẏa ] a absorbed in or engaged wholly in him or her or it or that; engrossed, rapt, intently engaged or attentive. তন্ময়তা n. absorbedness, raptness, intent attention.

তন্মাত্র [ tanmātra ] adv. & n only that; only to that extent or in that degree or measure.

তম্বঙ্গী, তম্বী [ tambaṅgī, tambī ] a. fem (of a woman) having a slim body.

তপতী [ tapatī ] n shadow (personified); the wife or the daughter of the sungod; the river Tapti.

তপন [ tapana ] n the sun. ̃তনয় n. Yama the god of death. ̃তনয়া n. the river Jamuna; the shami tree, Acacia suma. ̃তাপ n. sunrays; (scorching) sunlight.

তপনীয় [ tapanīẏa ] a worthy of being heated; that which is to be heated. ☐ n. gold.