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তাম্বুল [ tāmbula ] n betel-leaf; a preparation of be tel-leaves with lime, catechu, areca nut etc. which is chewed as a quid. ̃করঙ্ক n. a box to hold the aforesaid prepara tion of betel-leaves. ̃বল্লী n. a betel creeper or plant. ̃রাগ n. a red tint on the lips caused by the juice of the aforesaid preparation of betel-leaves as one chews it. তাম্বুলাকার a. cordate. তাম্বুলিক, তাম্বুলী n. a Hindu caste selling betel-leaves; a member of this caste.

তাম্র [ tāmra ] n copper. ☐ a. copper-coloured (তাম্রকেশ); made of copper (তাম্রপাত্র); like or of copper (তাম্রবর্ণ). ̃কার n. a coppersmith, a brazier. ̃কুণ্ডু n. a cop per pot. ̃গর্ভ n. sulphate of copper, copperas. ̃চূড় n. a cock. ̃পট্ট, ̃পত্র, ̃ফলক n. a copper plate. ̃পাত্র n. a copper vessel. ̃বর্ণ a. copper-coloured, coppery, copper, cupreous. ☐ n. the colour of copper. তাম্রবর্ণ আকাশ copper-coloured sky. ̃যুগ n. the Copper Age. ̃রুচি same as তাম্রবর্ণ (a.) ̃লিপি n. an in scription on a copper plate, a copper inscription. ̃শাসন n. a royal edict or inscription on a copper plate. ̃সার n. red sandalwood.

তাম্রকূট [ tāmrakūṭa ] n tobacco. ̃সেবন n. act of smok ing tobacco. ̃সেবী a. tobacco-smok ing. ☐ n. a tobacco-smoker, a smoker.

তাম্রাভ [ tāmrābha ] a copper-coloured, coppery, cop per, cupreous.

তাম্রাশ্ম [ tāmrāśma ] n ruby.

তায় [ tāẏa ] pro him or her; in him or her. ☐ adv. & con. over and above, on the top of, and moreover (একে রাত্রি তায় ঝড়).

তায়দাদ [ tāẏadāda ] n description of the confine or boundary of a plot of land.

তার2 [ tāra2 ] n taste, savour, savouriness.

তার3 [ tāra3 ] n act of going across, act of cross ing.

তার4 [ tāra4 ] a very loud (তারস্বর).

তার5 [ tāra5 ] n metal string, wire; funicle; a telegram, (coll.) a wire. তার করা v. to telegraph; (coll.) to wire. তার খাটানো v. to supply a building etc. with wire; to do wiring. তার পাওয়া v. to receive a telegram. তার পাঠানো v. to send a tele gram, to telegraph. তারের জাল wire net ting. তারের কাজ filigree work.

তারক [ tāraka ] a one who rescues or saves. ☐ n. a rescuer, a deliverer; a saviour; a helms man; a pilot; a boat, a raft. ̃নাথ n. a name of Shiva (শিব). ̃ব্রহ্ম n. ওঁ শ্রীরামরাম: these holy words.

তারকা1 [ tārakā1 ] fem of তারক (n).

তারকা2 [ tārakā2 ] n a star; the pupil of the eye; the star-mark, an asterisk *; prominent performer or an actor or actress espe cially of the film, a film-star (also চিত্রতারকা). ̃খচিত star-spangled. ̃চিহ্নিত a. marked with an asterisk. ̃মণ্ডিত a. star-spangled.

তারকায়িত [ tārakāẏita ] a starry, bedecked with stars; star-spangled; marked as a star per former or a film-star.

তারকারি [ tārakāri ] n the slayer of Taraka (তারক) the demon; an appellation of Kartikeya (কার্তিকেয়).

তারকিণী [ tārakiṇī ] a. fem starry. ☐ n. fem. the night.

তারকিত [ tārakita ] a having a star or stars, marked with a star, starred, starry.

তারকী [ tārakī ] a having a star or stars, starry.

তারঙ্গ [ tāraṅga ] a undulatory. ̃বাদ n. undulatory theory.

তারজালি [ tārajāli ] n fine mesh of wire, wire gauze.

তারণ [ tāraṇa ] a one who or that which rescues or takes across. ☐ n. a rescuer, a deliverer, a saviour; one who takes across; a ferryman.

তারণি [ tāraṇi ] n a boat, a raft, a vessel.

তারতম্য [ tāratamya ] n state of being more or less; difference; disparity; discrimination; comparison. তারতম্য করা v. to make more or less; to differentiate; to dis criminate; to compare.

তারপর [ tārapara ] adv after that, thereafter, then.

তারপলিন [ tārapalina ] n tarpaulin.

তারপিন [ tārapina ] n turpentine, terebinth.

তারবার্তা [ tārabārtā ] n a telegram, (coll.) a wire.

তারযন্ত্র [ tārayantra ] n a stringed musical instrument.

তারযোগে [ tārayōgē ] adv by telegraph, telegraphi cally, by wire.

তারল্য [ tāralya ] n liquidity, fluidity, wateriness; thinness; lack of concentration; melted or softened state; softness; fickleness, inconstancy.

তারসপ্তক [ tārasaptaka ] n the major E-scale.

তারস্বর [ tārasbara ] n a very loud voice. তারস্বরে adv. in a very loud voice.

তারা [ tārā ] v to rescue, to deliver. ☐ n. fem. one who rescues or delivers from worldly sufferings; a manifestation or name of goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (mus.) the major E-scale, (cp.) tenor; a star; an asterisk; the pupil of the eye. ̃কার a. stellate. ̃চন্দ্র, ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the lord or husband of stars; an appellation of the moon. ̃পতন, ̃পাত n. the fall of a meteor. ̃পথ n. the stellar course; the sky, the welkin. ̃বাতি n. a firework that emits starlike sparks. ̃মণ্ডল n. the stellar region or orbit; a constellation. ̃মাছ n. the starfish. ̃সম্বন্ধীয় a. stellar.

তারানা [ tārānā ] n a vocal style of Indian classical music like the Khayal but sung with meaningless words.

তারিকা [ tārikā ] fem of তারক (a.).

তারিখ [ tārikha ] n a statement of time or a day of a month, a date. তরিখ দেওয়া v. to date, to give a date. আগামী মাসের দোসরা তারিখে on the 2nd of the coming month, on the 2nd proximo. গত মাসের দোসরা তারিখে on the 2nd of the last month, on the 2nd ultimo. বর্তমান বা চলতি মাসের দোসরা তারিখে on the 2nd of the current month, on the 2nd instant. ̃হীন a. un dated.

তারিণী [ tāriṇī ] a. fem one who rescues or deliv ers. ☐ n. fem. an appellation of goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

তারিফ [ tāripha ] n praise, applause, plaudit, admi ration; appreciation; bravado. তারিফ করা v. to praise, to applaud, to admire; to appreciate, to speak highly of.

তারুণ্য [ tāruṇya ] n youth; juvenility; adolescence; freshness, newness; tenderness; imma turity.

তার্কিক [ tārkika ] a versed in or fond of argumenta tion or logic; (loos.) sophistical. ☐ a. a logician; one who is versed in or fond of agrumentation; (loos.) a sophist.

তার্পিন [ tārpina ] n turpentine, terebinth.

তাল2 [ tāla2 ] n a push or impact, pressure, weight, unexpected difficulty or dan ger (তাল সামলানো). তাল সামলানো v. to bear the weight or stand the impact of; to keep up one's composure or even ness of mind under trying circum stances.

তাল3 [ tāla3 ] n a span or its measure (সপ্ততাল = measuring seven spans).

তাল4 [ tāla4 ] n an imaginary goblin (তালবেতাল).

তাল5 [ tāla5 ] n a large lump or ball or clod. তাল করা v. to collect into a lump, to heap up, to amass. তালগোল পাকানো, তাল পাকানো v. to form into a confused (round) ball or lump; to make or be made a mess of, to bungle or be bungled. ̃গোল n. a confused round ball or lump; confusion. ̃তাল a. lumps of; a large amount of.

তাল6 [ tāla6 ] n the fanpalm or palmyra; its fruit; the juice or any preparation made of the juice of the palmyra-fruit (তাল খাওয়া, তাল দিয়ে ভাত মাখা). তাল পড়ছে v. palmyra-fruits are falling (from the tree); (facet.) heavy fisticuffs are being rained (upon). ̃ক্ষীর n. a sweetmeat prepared of the juice of the palmyra fruit. ̃চোঁচ, ̃বাতাসি n. the palm-swift bird. ̃নবমী n. the ninth day of the waxing moon of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র). ̃পাখা n. a fan made of a palmyra-leaf. ̃পাতা n. palmyra-leaf (this was formerly used in place of pa per to write upon). তালপাতার সেপাই (facet.) a cowardly and sickly or thin built man who introduces himself as a soldier. ̃পুকুর n. a pond surrounded on all sides by fanpalm trees. ̃বৃন্ত n. a stalk with leaves of a palmyra-tree; a fan made of this. ̃শাঁস n. the edible kernel of the stone of a palmyra-fruit.

তাল7 [ tāla7 ] n musical time or measure (গানের তাল); beating or keeping of musical time chiefly by clapping one's hands (তাল দেওয়া); act or an instance of slap ping one's arms or palms at the time of attacking (তাল ঠোকা). তাল কাটা v. to fail to maintain musical time or measure (সে বাজনায় বড় তাল কেটে ফেলে); to have a breach of musical time or mea sure (গানে তাল কেটেছে). ̃কানা a. lack ing in proper sense of musical time or measure; blind to the right way or method. ̃জ্ঞান n. sense of time or mea sure in music; sense of proportion; common sense. তাল ঠোকা v. (fig.) to give a call to fight (to see who is bet ter), to throw out challenge. তাল দেওয়া v. (mus.) to beat time; (fig.) to insti gate. তাল রাখা v. to maintain musical time. তাল রেখে চলা v. to keep pace with; to humour, to flatter; to keep in with a person's tastes and tempera ment. ̃মান n. musical measure and pitch. ̃মাফিক adv. at the right mo ment; in tune with circumstances. ঢিমা তাল see ঢিমা ।

তালব্য [ tālabya ] a palatal. ̃বর্ণ n. (gr.) a palatal letter.

তালা1 [ tālā1 ] n a padlock, a lock. তালা দেওয়া v. to lock. তালা লাগানো v. to lock; to fit with a lock.

তালা2 [ tālā2 ] n a storey or floor (of a building); a deck or tier (of a ship, an omnibus etc.).

তালা3 [ tālā3 ] n act of deafening temporarily. তালা লাগা v. to be deafened tempo rarily. তালা লাগানো v. to deafen tempo rarily.

তালাক [ tālāka ] n (mus.) divorce. তালাক দেওয়া v. to divorce. ̃নামা n. a deed of divorce ment.

তালি2 [ tāli2 ] n act of clapping (esp. one's hands). তালি দেওয়া v. to clap (esp. one's hands).

তালি3 [ tāli3 ] n a patch (as on torn clothes). তালি দেওয়া v. to patch.

তালি4 [ tāli4 ] n the fanpalm or palmyra; its fruit. ̃বন n. a palmyra-grove.

তালিকা [ tālikā ] n a list, a catalogue, an inven tory; a roster; a table.

তালিম [ tālima ] n instruction; teaching; training; education. তালিম দেওয়া v. to instruct; to teach; to train; to educate.

তালু [ tālu ] n the palate (of the mouth); the crown (of the head). ̃মূল n. the root of the palate.

তালুই [ tālui ] n the father-in-law or an uncle-in-law of one's brother or sister.

তালুক [ tāluka ] n a tract of proprietary land, a taluk; a landed estate. ̃দার n. the owner of a taluk, a talukdar; the owner of a landed estate, a landholder (esp. one who pays revenue not directly to the government. ̃দারি n. estate or rule or office of a talukdar or landholder. ☐ a. relating to a talukdar or a taluk.

তালেগোলে [ tālēgōlē ] adv in the confusion or disor der, in the confused state of things (তালেগোলে কলমটা হারিয়ে গেল).

তালেবর [ tālēbara ] a (chiefly facet.) claiming to be respectable and influential, wealthy and powerful.

তাস [ tāsa ] n playing card(s). তাস-খেলা n. card game. তাস খেলা, তাস পেটা v. to play cards. তাস দেওয়া, তাস বাঁটা v. to deal out cards. তাস ভাঁজা v. to shuffle cards. তাসের ঘর, তাসের বাড়ি (fig.) any con struction that may tumble down easily at any time; a house of cards. তাসের পিঠ a trick.

তাসা1 তাসানো [ tāsā1 tāsānō ] v to shuffle cards. ☐ a. shuffled.

তাসা2 [ tāsā2 ] n a kind of small drum or tabor.

তাস্কর্য [ tāskarya ] n the profession of a thief, steal ing, thievery; theft.

তিক্ত [ tikta ] n bitter taste, bitterness, a bitter substance, bitter. ☐ a. bitter; (fig.) un pleasant or acrimonious. ̃তা n. bitter ness; (fig.) unpleasantness or acrimoniousness.

তিগ্ম [ tigma ] a violent; hot, torrid; keen, sharp. ̃কর n. the sun; scorching sunrays.

তিঙন্ত [ tiṅanta ] a (Sans. gr.) declinable.

তিজেল [ tijēla ] n an almost semi-circular large clay dixie for cooking and other pur poses.

তিড়বিড় [ tiḍ়biḍ় ] int expressing restlessness. তিড়বিড়ানি n. restlessness. তিরবিড়ে a. restless, fickle.

তিড়িং, তিড়িক [ tiḍ়i, ntiḍ়ika ] int expressing: a sudden skip: তিড়িংতিড়িং, তিড়িংবিড়িং int. express ing: repeated skipping, তিড়িংতিড়িং করা v. to skip repeatedly, to cut a caper.

তিতকুটে [ titakuṭē ] a slightly bitter in taste.

তিতা2 [ titā2 ] v (obs.) to get wet or moistened (' তিতি অশ্রুনীরে '); to be embittered (' তিতায় তিতিল দে '). ☐ a. wet (স্নানান্তে তিতা বস্ত্র এড়িলেন). তিতানো v. to make wet, to wet. to moisten; to embitter.

তিতিক্ষা [ titikṣā ] n forbearance, patience; forgive ness. তিতিক্ষিত a. forborne; forgiven. তিতিক্ষু a. forbearing, patient; forgiving.

তিতির, তিত্তির [ titira, tittira ] n the Francoline partridge; the lapwing; the titlark.

তিতীর্ষু [ titīrṣu ] a desirous of going across or of being rescued.

তিথি [ tithi ] n (astr.) a lunar day. ̃কৃত্য n. ritu als to be performed on a particular lu nar day. ̃ক্ষয় n. the day on which the conjunction of three lunar days occurs; the newmoon. ̃সন্ধি n. the meeting of two lunar days.

তিন [ tina ] n. & a three. ̃কাল n. infancy youth and middle age. তিন কাল গিয়ে এককালে ঠেকা to be in the last quarter of one's life, (cp.) to have one foot in the grave. ̃গুণ adj. & adv. threefold, three times. ˜কুল one's father's line and mother's line and in-law's line. ̃সত্যি n. uttering 'true' or 'promise' three times by way of swearing. ̃সন্ধ্যা same as ত্রি সন্ধ্যা ।

তিন্তিড়ী, তিন্তিলী, তিন্তিড়, তিন্তিড়ীক [ tintiḍ়ī, tintilī, tintiḍ়, tintiḍ়īka ] n the tamarind (tree or its fruit).

তিন্দু, তিন্দুক [ tindu, tinduka ] n the mangosteen (tree or its fruit).

তিপ্পান্ন [ tippānna ] n. & a fifty-three.

তিব্বতি, তিব্বতীয় [ tibbati, tibbatīẏa ] a of Tibet, Tibetan. ☐ n. a Tibetan; the language of Tibet, Ti betan.

তিব্বত [ tibbata ] n Tibet.

তিমি [ timi ] n the whale (mas. the bull-whale, fem. the cow-whale). তিমিংগিল n. an imaginary puranic marine creature that was able to swallow a whale. ̃তৈল n. train-oil, train, whale-oil. তিমিধরা জহাজ বা নৌকা n. a whale-boat, a whaleman, a whaler. ̃শাবক n. a whale-calf, a calf whale. ̃শিকার n. whale-fishing, whaling, whalery. ̃শিকারি a. whale-fishing, whaling. ☐ n. a whale-fisher, a whaler.

তিমিত [ timita ] a wet, drenched; stand-still, mo tionless; dim, about to be extinguished.

তিমির [ timira ] n darkness, gloom; cataract of the eye, blindness. তিমির নাশ করা v. to dis pel or disperse darkness or gloom. ̃গর্ভ n. the dark interior. তিমিরাচ্ছন্ন a. beset or overcast with darkness. তিমিরাবগুণ্ঠিত a. veiled in darkness. তিমিরাবৃত a. covered with darkness.

তিয়াত্তর [ tiẏāttara ] n. & a seventy-three.

তির [ tira ] n an arrow, a dart, a shaft. তির ছোড়া v. to shoot an arrow. তির মারা v. to shoot with an arrow; to shoot an arrow. তিরের ডগা an arrow-head. ̃ধনুক n. bow and ar row. ̃ন্দাজ n. an archer. ̃বেগ n. darting speed. ̃বেগে adv. as quickly as an arrow, dartingly. তিরবেগে যাওয়া v. to dart.

তিরস্করণী, তিরস্করিণী [ tiraskaraṇī, tiraskariṇī ] n the art or power of becoming invisible; a screen; (fig.) an obstruction.

তিরস্কার [ tiraskāra ] n reproof, rebuke; reprimand; neglect, slight; reproach, censure, blame. তিরস্কার করা v. to reprove, to re buke, to take to task; to reprimand; to censure, to reproach, to blame; (rare) to neglect or slight.

তিরস্কৃত [ tiraskṛta ] a reproved, rebuked, taken to task; reprimanded; censured, re proached, blamed; neglected, slighted; screened off.

তিরাশি [ tirāśi ] n. & a eighty-three.

তিরি [ tiri ] n (of playing-cards) the cards with 'three' marked on it.

তিরোধান, তিরোভাব [ tirōdhāna, tirōbhāba ] n disappearance, exit; passing away; (of great persons) death. তিরোধান করা v. to disappear, to vanish; to pass away; to die.

তিরোভূত, তিরোহিত [ tirōbhūta, tirōhita ] a disappeared, van ished; passed away; (of great persons) passed out of the world, dead. fem. তিরোভূতা, তিরোহিতা ।

তির্যক [ tiryaka ] a oblique, zigzag, mazy (তির্যক রেখা); tortuous (তির্যক পথ); squint (তির্যক দৃষ্টি); sub-human, lower than human beings (তির্যক প্রাণী). তির্যক কম্পন transverse vibration. তির্যক কিরণ slant ing rays. ̃দৃষ্টি a. squint-eyed. ̃তরঙ্গ a transverse wave. ̃পন্ন a. (bot.) decus sate. ̃পাতন n. distillation. ̃ভাবে adv. obliquely; transversely; crookedly; awry. ̃সংঘাত n. (mech.) oblique im pact.

তির্যক্গতি [ tiryakgati ] a moving obliquely or tortu ously or awry. ☐ n. oblique movement.

তির্যগ্ যোনি [ tiryag yōni ] n any of the sub-human crea tures (such as, birds, beasts, insects etc.).

তিল [ tila ] n sesame, til; a very small blotch on the body (usu. a birth-mark); a very small coin or its value (=1/8 cowrie); an iota (এক তিল পরিমাণ). ☐ n. not even an iota, least ('তিল ঠাঁই আর নাহি রে '). ̃কাঞ্চন n. act of performing one's sraddha (শ্রাদ্ধ) ceremony only by offer ing handfuls of til and an iota of gold. ̃কল্ক, ̃কিট্ট n. oil-cake of sesamum. ̃কুট, ̃কুটো n. a sweetmeat or toffee made of powdered til. তিলকে তাল করা (fig.) to exaggerate beyond measure, to make a mountain of a mole-hill. তিল তিল করে little by little. ̃তুলসী n. til and basil (these are considered holy by Hindus, and one holds them in one's hand whilst taking a vow or offers them to a deity etc. as a mark of com plete submission). ̃তেল n. til-oil. ̃মাত্র, তিলার্ধ, একতিল n. even an iota. ☐ a. even an iota of, slightest. ☐ adv. even to the slightest amount or mea sure or degree, at all (তিলমাত্র বিশ্বাস করা); even for a moment (তিলমাত্র অপেক্ষা করা). তিলে তিলে same as তিল তিল ।

তিলক [ tilaka ] n a sectarian mark painted or im pressed on the forehead; an ornament (কুলের তিলক). ☐ a. serving as an orna ment, embellishing (কুলতিলক). তিলক কাটা v. to paint or print a sectarian mark (on one's body, generally on the forehead). তিলকছাপা,, (dial.) তিলক-ছাবা corruptions of তিলকসেবা । তিলক পরা same as তিলক কাটা. ̃মাটি, ̃মৃত্তিকা n. the holy clay of the Ganges and other holy places with which sectarian marks are painted. ̃সেবা n. daily painting of sectarian marks on the eight places of the body by Vaishnavas.

তিলকা [ tilakā ] n an innate mark resembling a sesame blossom on the body ('অলকা তিলকা ভালে ').

তিলকিত, তিলকী [ tilakita, tilakī ] a painted or imprinted or decorated with a sectarian mark or marks. fem. তিলকিতা, তিলকিনী ।

তিলাঞ্জলি [ tilāñjali ] n act of performing sraddha (শ্রাদ্ধ) ceremony by offering handfuls of sesame and water; (fig.) complete abandonment or estrangement ('তিলাঞ্জলি দিনু কুললাজে').

তিলানো [ tilānō ] v (ori. & rare) to grow fatty or oily; (sl.) to grow audacious.

তিলি [ tili ] n Hindu caste (originally dealing in oilseeds); member of this caste.