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1 [ tha1 ] n the seventeenth letter of the Bengali alphabet.

2 [ tha2 ] a stupefied or dumbfounded and mo tionless, confounded or amazed or flab bergasted (থ হওয়া).

থই [ thi ] n the bottom (of rivers, ponds, lakes etc.); limit (of sorrow, misery etc.); a shelter. থই না পাওয়া to be out of depth.

থইথই [ thithi ] int expressing: vast expanse of any liquid (জল থইথই করছে).

থক [ thaka ] int expressing: the sound of spitting phlegm (থক করে থুতু ফেলা).

থকথক [ thakathaka ] int expressing: clayeyness or splashed state (কাদা থকথক করছে); stickiness (আঠা থকথক করছে); a raw wound exposed to view (often filled with morbid matter) (ঘা থকথক করছে); compact sliminess (পোকাগুলো থকথক করছে). থকথকে a. clayey; sticky, viscid, viscous; exposed to view and often con taining morbid matter; slimy.

থকা [ thakā ] v (owing to hard labour) to be run down or exhausted; to be out of breath, to pant; to come to a stop in a state of exhaustion. থকিত a. stopped on ac count of exhaustion (থকিত পায়ের চলা).

থতমত [ thatamata ] int expressing: embarrassment; stammering with perplexity. থতমত খাওয়া v. to be embarrassed; to be dis concerted; to stammer with perplexity.

থপ [ thapa ] int expressing: a thudding noise. থপথপ int. expressing: repeated thud ding noise. থপথপে a. giving out a thud ding noise (থপথপে চলন).

থপাস [ thapāsa ] int expressing: a sound louder than থপ ।

থমকানো [ thamakānō ] v to come to a stop suddenly; to be taken aback.

থমকি [ thamaki ] v. imp stopping suddenly. থমকি থমকি adv. stopping at every step.

থমথম [ thamathama ] int expressing: dreadful depth, si lence and darkness (রাত থমথম করছে); swollenness with morbid humour or passion or glumness (মুখ থমথম করছে); filled with rain or overcast with cloud (আকাশ থমথম করছে); filled with dread ful uncertainty or suspense (সারা দেশ থমথম করছে). থমথমে a. dreadfully gloomy and dark; dreadfully still; swol len with morbid humour or passion or glumness; filled with rain or overcast with cloud; filled with dreadful uncer tainty or suspense.

থর [ thara ] n a layer, a stratum, a tier. থরে-থরে, থরে-বিথরে adv. in layers or strata or tiers one upon another, stratifyingly.

থরথর [ tharathara ] int expressing violent, trembling or shaking (থরথর দেহ, কাঁপে থরথর). থরথর করা v. to tremble or quake violently. থরথরানি n. violent trembling or quaking.

থরহরি [ tharahari ] a. & adv trembling violently esp. with fear.

থলথল [ thalathala ] int expressing: lax fleshiness or flabbiness. থলথল করা v. (usu. of lax flesh of a flabby person) to hang loosely. থলথলে a. fleshy or flabby but lax.

থলো [ thalō ] n a cluster, a bunch. থলো থলো in bunches or clusters; clustering.

থস্থস্, থসথস [ thasthas, thasathasa ] in expressing: moistness or wetness and looseness. থস্থস্ করা v. to be moist and loose. থস্থসে a. moist or wet and loose.

-থা1 [ -thā1 ] in. comp a place (হেথা, এথা).

-থা2 [ -thā2 ] in. comp a manner or way or means or kind (অন্যথা, সর্বথা).

থাক [ thāka ] n a tier, a layer; a group.

থাকবন্দি [ thākabandi ] a tiered, stacked in layers one above another, stratified; kept in sepa rate groups.

থাকবস্তি [ thākabasti ] n determination of the periphery, boundary etc. of land; cadastral survey.

থাকা [ thākā ] v to live, to dwell (ওরা ওখানে থাকে); to stay, to be at (ঘরে থাকা); to remain, to be in (পালিয়ে থাকা); to pass time (কষ্টে থাকা); to have (টাকা থাকা); to be in possession (টাকা চিরকাল থাকে না); to ex ist (ঈশ্বর চিরকাল আছেন ও থাকবেন); to last esp. permanently (এ রং থাকবে না); to be alive (বাপ থাকতে তোমার টাকার ভাবনা নেই); to be present (আমি সেখানে থাকলে এটা ঘটত না); to be saved or preserved (এ যুদ্ধে প্রাণ থাকবে না); to be maintained or observed or kept (কথা থাকা); to re main unimpaired or intact (জাত থাকা, ধর্ম থাকা, সতীত্ব থাকা); to be retained (মনে থাকা); to lag behind, to straggle (সবাই যখন গেল, তখন আমি আর থাকি কেন); to be involved, to take part in (আমি কিছুতে থাকি না); to be accustomed to (সে সকালে চা খেয়ে থাকে); to continue (চলতে থাকা); to associate with, to accompany (লক্ষ্মণ রামের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে থাকত); (vul.) to have illicit connection with; to be left off or out (ও কথা থাক). থাকাথাকি n. stay; exist ence; act of staying and not staying.

থাকে-থাকে [ thākē-thākē ] adv in tiers, in rows.

থান1 [ thāna1 ] n a holy place (বাবার থান); proxim ity, presence ('ধর্মথানে পাইব মুকতি').

থান2 [ thāna2 ] a whole, unbroken (থান ইট); with out coloured border or edge (থান ধুতি). ☐ n. an entire sheet of woven fabric (জামার থান); a loincloth without any coloured border or edge.

থানকুনি [ thānakuni ] n variety of edible herb Hydrocotyle asiatica.

থানা [ thānā ] n stationing or encamping (থানা দেওয়া); assemblage or encampment ('চারিভিতে কটকের থানা'); a station or out post (পুলিশের থানা); a police station (থানায় পুলিশ নেই). থানা দেওয়া v. to be stationed for attacking (রামলক্ষ্মণ সসৈন্য লঙ্কাপুরী বেষ্টন করে থানা দিলেন). ̃দার n. an officer in charge of a police station or an outpost. থানা-পুলিশ করা v. to go repeatedly to the police sta tion for obtaining police help.

থাপড়, থাপড়া, থাপ্পড়, থাব়ড়া [ thāpaḍ়, thāpaḍ়ā, thāppaḍ়, thāb়ḍ়ā ] n a slap with the open palm of the hand. থাপড় মারা, থাপড়ানো, থাবড়ানো v. to slap.

থাবড়ি [ thābaḍ়i ] n a squatting posture; an instance or act of squatting. থাবড়ি খাওয়া, থাবড়ি খেয়ে, বসা v. to squat, to sit on one's buttocks.

থাবা [ thābā ] n the paw; (facet.) a man's palm; a palmful, a handful (এক থাবা চিনি). থাবা দেওয়া থাবা মারা, থাবানো v. to (try to) seize or snatch with the paw; to paw; (facet.) to (try to) seize or snatch with the palm of the hand.

থাম [ thāma ] n a pillar, a post, a column.

থামা [ thāmā ] v to stop; to come to a stop; to halt, to pause; to stop doing or taking (অনেক বলেছ, এবার থামো); to forbear or desist; to be calmed or appeased (রাগ থেমেছে, টাকা না পেলে পাওনাদাররা থামবে না); to cease (বৃষ্টি থামা); to abate, to have re mission (জ্বর থামা).

থামানো [ thāmānō ] v to cause to stop, to stop; to stop (one) doing or talking; to cause to for bear or desist; to calm or appease; to cause to cease; to abate; to check or pre vent.

থামাল [ thāmāla ] n (arch.) plinth.

থারি [ thāri ] n (poet.) a small plate or platter, or salver.

থার্মোমিটার, থার্মমিটার [ thārmōmiṭāra, thārmamiṭāra ] n a thermometer.

থালি [ thāli ] n a small plate or platter or salver.

থাসা [ thāsā ] v to press down; to knead; to stuff or ram esp. forcibly.

থিতানো [ thitānō ] v to sink down to the bottom, to settle; to subside; (fig.) to be calmed or quietened or to become weakened (আন্দোলন থিতানো).

থিয়েটার [ thiẏēṭāra ] n a theatre. থিয়েটার করা v. to act on the stage; to stage a play. ̃ওয়ালা n. a proprietor or manager of a theatre; a stage actor. ̃ওয়ালি n. a stage actress. থিয়েটারি a. stagey; theatrical.

থু, থুঃ [ thu, thuḥ ] int expressing: noise of spitting roughly; fie (তাকে থুঃ).

থুক [ thuka ] int expressing: noise of spitting. ☐ n. spittle (থুক ফেলা). থুকদানি, থুকদান n. a spitoon.

থুড়থুড় [ thuḍ়thuḍ় ] int expressing: constant trembling or inability to stand steady owing to old age, decrepitude or weakness; decrepi tude. থুড়থুড়ে a. trembling constantly or unable to stand steady owing to old age, decrepitude or weakness; decrepit.

থুড়া [ thuḍ়ā ] v to mince, to chop fine; to thrash or rebuke severely.

থুড়ি [ thuḍ়i ] int expressing: withdrawal or retrac tion of a word uttered or of an action done by mistake; sorry.

থুত্কার [ thutkāra ] n act of spitting; act of making the sound of spitting; (fig.) act of crying shame upon.

থুতনি, থুতি [ thutani, thuti ] n the chin.

থুতু [ thutu ] n spittle; saliva. থুতু দেওয়া v. to spit (upon or at). থুতু ফেলা v. to spit.

থুপ [ thupa ] n a heap, a pile, a stack. থুপ করা v. to heap, to pile, to stack.

থুপি [ thupi ] n a small heap or pile or bunch or cluster.

থুবড়া1 [ thubaḍ়ā1 ] a unmarried though advanced in years. fem. থুবড়ি । থুবড়া লোক an old bachelor. থুবড়ি (or থুবড়া) মেয়ে an old maid or spinster.

থুবড়া2 [ thubaḍ়ā2 ] a very old; decrepit. fem. থুবড়ি ।

থুবড়ানো [ thubaḍ়ānō ] v to fall flat on one's face (মুখ থুবড়ে পড়া).

থেঁতো [ thēn̐tō ] a pounded; smashed; bruised; mauled. থেঁতো করা v. to crush to a pulp. থেঁতা, থেঁতানো, থেঁতলানো v. to pound; to smash; to bruise; to make soft and shape less by repeated pounding; to maul. ☐ a. pounded; smashed; bruised; mauled.

থেকে [ thēkē ] prep from (বাড়ি থেকে, তার কাছ থেকে); since (সেই সময় থেকে); than, of, to (রামের থেকে শ্যাম বড়ো).

থেবড়া [ thēbaḍ়ā ] a flat; snub. থেবড়া নাক a snub-nose. থেবড়া করা, থেবড়ানো v. to flatten.

থেলো [ thēlō ] a having a large roundish water con tainer made of a coconut-shell (থেলো হুঁকো).

থোওয়া, থোয়া [ thōōẏā, thōẏā ] v (dial.) to place, to put, to keep; to lay down; to deposit. ☐ a. placed, put, kept; laid down; deposited. থোওয়ানো, থোয়ানো v. to cause to place or put or keep or lay down or deposit.

থোঁতা1 [ thōn̐tā1 ] a smashed; rendered toothless or blunt (মুখ থোঁতা করা). মুখ থোঁতা করে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to render powerless, to take the venom out of, to extract the fang of, to discomfit.

থোঁতা2 [ thōn̐tā2 ] n the chin (থোঁতা ভেঙে দেওয়া). ☐ a. having a chin; heavy and blunt (থোঁতা মুখ). থোঁতা মুখ ভোঁতা করা (fig.) to put an end to one's tall talk, to put out of coun tenance, to discomfit; to humble one's pride, to make one lick the dust.

থোক [ thōka ] n a net amount; an aggregate, a to tal, a lump; an instalment, an item (থোকে থোকে); a bundle; a bunch. ☐ a. net, lump, total (থোক লাভ, থোক টাকা).

থোকা [ thōkā ] n a bunch, a cluster; a bundle. থোকা বাঁধা v. (i. & t.) to gather or collect in bunches or bundles. থোকায় থোকায় in bunches or bundles.

থোকে [ thōkē ] adv in a lump. থোকে বিক্রয় disposal or sale on a wholesale basis.

থোড় [ thōḍ় ] n the spathe of a banana tree before it shoots from the stem; an ear of paddy corn about to be sprouted. থোড়-বড়ি-খাড়া hackneyed monotony; monotonous rep etition or lack of variety, truism.

থোড়া2 [ thōḍ়ā2 ] a a little; a few.

থোড়াই [ thōḍ়āi ] adv not much, but little. থোড়াই কেয়ার করা not to care a fig or a straw for; (sl.) not to care a damn.

থোতনা [ thōtanā ] n (dero.) a large and heavy and odd-looking chin.

থোপ [ thōpa ] n a bunch, a cluster, a tuft (থোপ থোপ ঘাস = tufts of grass).

থোপনা2 [ thōpanā2 ] n a large tuft or bunch or cluster.

থোপা [ thōpā ] n a bunch, a cluster, a tuft.

থোর, থোরি [ thōra, thōri ] a (obs. & poet.) little or few.