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দার্শনিক [ dārśanika ] a versed in philosophy; philo sophical; metaphysical; thoughtful. ☐ n. a philosopher; a metaphysician; a thoughtful man. ̃তা n. philosophical character or quality or attitude; (often sarcas.) thoughtfulness. ̃তত্ত্ব n. doc trines or principles or tenets of phi losophy.

দাল [ dāla ] n pigeon-pea, pulse, lentils, dal.

দালপুরি [ dālapuri ] n a kind of thin discoid bread fried in clarified butter or oil and stuffed with a paste of pigeon-pea.

দালান [ dālāna ] n a brick-built or stone-built building; a corridor of a building; a brick-built or stone-built platform or room or hall built permanently (পূজার দালান). ̃কোঠা n. a brick-built or stone built house.

দালাল [ dālāla ] n a broker, a cambist; an agent; a commission agent; a go-between; a tout; (sarcas.) a supporter or helper (ধনতন্ত্রের দালাল). দালালি n. brokerage, an agent's commission; brokery, commis sion agency; the act of business of a go-between or a tout.

দাশ [ dāśa ] n a fisherman; one belonging to the fishing caste.

দাশী [ dāśī ] fem of দাশ ।

দাস [ dāsa ] n a servant, an attendant; a slave (দাসব্যবসায়); a fisherman by caste (দাসজাতি); a Shudra (শূদ্র); a non Aryan; a victim or a minion (অবস্হার দাস); a humble man or a dependant (হুজুর দাসের প্রতি দয়া করুন) fem দাসী । ̃খত n. a written bond of slavery. ̃ত্ব n. servitude; slavery; state of being a victim, bondage, dependence. দাসত্ব করা v. to be slave of, to serve as a slave. ̃ত্ব প্রথা n. the institution of ownership of slaves, slavery. দাসত্ববন্ধন, দাসত্বশৃঙ্খলা n. the bonds of slavery. দাসত্বশৃঙ্খল মোচন n. emancipation or freedom from bond age. দাসত্ববৃত্তি n. slavery. দাসত্বে আবদ্ধ en slaved, in bondage. ̃দাসী n. pl. ser vants male and female, man-servants and maid-servants. ̃প্রথা same as দাসত্বপ্রথা । ̃ব্যবসায় n. slave-trade. ̃মনোবৃত্তি, ̃মনোভাব n. slave mentality; servility. দাসানুদাস n. a slave of one's slave, a very humble servant or dependant. দাসীপুত্র n. one's son born of his maid-servant; an illegitimate son. দাসীবৃত্তি, দাসীত্ব n. profession of or ser vice as a maid or maid-servant.

দাসেয় [ dāsēẏa ] a born of a slave-girl (usu. by her master). ☐ n. a son of a slave-girl and (usu.) her master.

দাস্ত [ dāsta ] n evacuation of the bowels, motion purgation; faeces, stool; loose motion; diarrhoea.

দাস্য [ dāsya ] n state of being a servant; servi tude; servility; act of considering one self as the servant of one's god. ̃বৃত্তি n. servitude; servility; service.

দাহ [ dāha ] n burning, conflagration, combus tion (গৃহদাহ); cremation (শবদাহ); se vere or scorching heat (দিনের দাহ); in flammation (রোগের দাহ); affliction (অন্তর্দাহ). দাহক a. burning; cremating; scorching; inflammatory; afflicting, distressing. fem. দাহিকা । ̃ক্রিয়া n. cre mation. ̃ন n. act of burning; crema tion; act of scorching; inflammation; affliction. ̃ভূমি n. burning or crema tion ground. দাহিকাশক্তি n. the power of burning; burning capacity. দাহী same as দাহক ।

দাহ্য [ dāhya ] a inflammable; combustible; that which is fit to be burned. দাহ্য পদার্থ combustible substance.

দিক1, দিকদারি [ dika1, dikadāri ] n vexation, annoyance, ir ritation. দিক করা, দিকদারি করা v. to vex, to annoy, to irritate; to pester.

দিক2 [ dika2 ] n any one of the ten quarters of the globe; a point of the compass (উত্তর দিক); a direction (বাড়ির দিক); an end or side (চার দিক); a part or portion. (বাড়ির ভিতরের দিক); a region or quar ters (এ দিকে কেউ আসেনি); an extremity or end or side (ভারতের তিন দিকে সমুদ্র); a party or side (তিনি আমার দিকে). দিকে দিকে in all directions; everywhere. দশ দিক n. north, north-east, east, south east, south, south-west, west, north west, above, under; these ten quarters of the globe collectively. ̃চক্র, ̃চক্রবাল n. the horizon. ̃পতি, ̃পাল n. any one of the deities presiding over the ten quarters of the globe; (fig.) a very powerful and prominent man. ̃শূল n. (astrol.) a day extremely unfavourable to a journey in a particular direction. ̃স্হিতি n. (bot.) orientation.

দিগংশ [ digaṃśa ] n azimuth.

দিগ্গজ [ diggaja ] n (myth.) any one of the eight ce lestial elephants guarding the quarters of the globe; (chiefly iron.) a very eru dite or prominent or capable man; a portentous idiot. ☐ a. (chiefly iron.) very erudite or vastly learned or prominent or capable (দিগ্গজ পন্ডিত, দিগ্গজ উকিল, দিগ্গজ ছেলে).

দিগ্জ্ঞান [ digjñāna ] n knowledge of ascertaining the points of the compass; (fig.) minimum knowledge, common sense.

দিগ্দর্শন [ digdarśana ] n visualization or ascertainment of the points of the compass; experi ence; (act of giving) a general review or hints. দিগ্দর্শন করা v. to visualize or ascertain a point of the compass; to ex perience; to give a general review or hints. দিগ্দর্শন-যন্ত্র n. a compass; a mariner's compass. দিগ্দর্শী a. capable of or engaged in visualizing or ascertain ing the points of the compass; experi enced; giving a general review or hints. ☐ n. a compass; a mariner's com pass.

দিগ্দিগন্ত [ digdiganta ] n all quarters or directions of the globe; all regions or places. দিগ্ দিগন্তর n. different quarters or direc tions of the globe; different regions or places. দিগ্দিগন্তে, দিগ্দিগন্তরে adv. every where, far and near, far and wide.

দিগন্ত [ diganta ] n the horizon. ̃প্রসারী, ̃বিস্তৃত ̃ব্যাপী a. extending or stretching to or as far as the horizon; extending or stretching endlessly.

দিগন্তর [ digantara ] n the distance or space between two points of the compass or two di rections; another direction or another point of the compass. দিগন্তরে adv. to or in another direction or another point of the compass, beyond this direction or point of the compass; beyond the hori zon, in or to another region. দিগন্তরাল n. the space or distance between two quarters of the globe; the sky. দিগন্তরালে adv. beyond the horizon.

দিগ্ভ্রম, দিগ্ভ্রান্তি [ digbhrama, digbhrānti ] a an error in ascertainment of the right direction; failure in ascertaining the points of the compass. দিগ্ভ্রান্ত a. one who has failed to ascertain the right direction; gone astray; one who has failed to ascertain the points of the compass; perplexed, puzzled; bewildered.

দিগম্বর । [ digambara . ] a one who has the quarters of the globe as his sole clothing; naked, nude. ☐ n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব); quarters of the globe imagined as a loincloth. দিগম্বরী a. fem. of দিগম্বর ।n. an appellation of Goddess Kali (কালী).

দিগ্ধ [ digdha ] a smeared (with); steeped (in); mixed (with). fem. দিগ্ধা ।

দিগ্বলয় [ digbalaẏa ] n the horizon.

দিগ্বিজয় [ digbijaẏa ] n conquest of (all the quarters of) the world (by armed invasion or by any good quality such as learning, lit erary talent etc.), world-conquest. দিগ্বিজয় করা v. to conquer the whole world. দিগ্বিজয়ী a. world conquering. ☐ n. a world-conquerer.

দিগ্বিদিক [ digbidika ] n all quarters; all regions or places; what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. দিগ্বিদিক জ্ঞান n. knowledge of ascertaining the points of the compass; power of dis crimination between right and wrong; common sense; mental balance, com posure or calmness of mind (আতঙ্কে দিগ্বিদিকজ্ঞানশূন্য).