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দুগ্ধ [ dugdha ] n milk; juice; latex (উদ্ভিজ্জ দুগ্ধ). ̃জ, ̃জাত a. produced from milk. দুগ্ধাজাত দ্রব্য a milk-product. ̃পাত্র, ̃ভাণ্ড n. a milk-pail; a milk-trough. ̃পোষ্য a. liv ing on one's mother's milk, suckling; (rare and often hum.) living on milk (esp. on cow's milk). দুগ্ধপোষ্য শিশু a child at the breast, a suckling. ̃ফেননিভ a. as white and soft as the froth of milk, (cp.) milk-white. ̃বতী a. giving milk; milch. দুগ্ধবতী গাভি a milch cow. ̃বত্ a. milk-like, milky. ̃বিক্রেতা n. a milk-man, a milk-seller. ̃শর্করা n. lac tose.

দুড়দুড়, দুড়দাড় [ duḍ়duḍ়, duḍ়dāḍ় ] int expressing: noise of heavy and hurried footsteps or of the rumbling of cloud; rapid and audible palpitation of the heart (esp. caused by fright etc.).

দুধ [ dudha ] n milk; juice (নারকেলের দুধ); latex (গাছের দুধ) দুধ কেটে গেছে same as দুধ ছানা হয়ে গেছে । দুধ খাওয়া v. to drink milk; to draw the breast, to suck. দুধ খাওয়ানো v. to cause to drink milk; to give suck (to), to suckle. দুধ ছাড়ানো v. to wean (a baby from the habit of sucking or lactation). দুধ ছানা হয়ে গেছে, দুধ ছিড়ে গেছে v. (the) milk has turned sour or curdled. দুধ তোলা v. to vomit or spew milk after drinking it (as by a child). দুধ দেওয়া v. to give or yield milk; to give suck (to), to suckle. দুধ দোওয়া v. to milk. দুধের ছেলে an infant boy, a suckling. দুধের মেয়ে an infant girl, a suckling. দুধের সর a thin layer or film that collects on boiled milk, milk film. দুধের সাধ ঘোলে মেটানো (fig.) to console oneself with a base substitute, to satisfy oneself with a glass of grog when the bottle of champagne is be yond one's reach. দুধ-কলা দিয়ে কালসাপ পোষা (fig.) to fatten one's mortal en emy, to nourish a viper in one's breast. দুধ-কুসুম্ভা n. a kind of milkshake mixed with a paste of hemp-leaves. দুধ-রুটি n. milk-sop. দুধে-জলে মেশা v. to get mixed or blended completely; (fig.) to be compromised thoroughly. দুধে-দাঁত, দুধের দাঁত n. a milk tooth; milk dentition. দুধে ভাতে থাকা v. to live in affluence, to en joy loaves and fishes, to have one's bread buttered on both sides.

দুন [ duna ] n (mus.) double quick measure; act of playing a musical instrument or singing doubly quick.

দুনা [ dunā ] a double, twice.

দুনি [ duni ] n a long canoe-shaped bucket for bailing out water.

দুনিয়া [ duniẏā ] n the earth, the world; the uni verse. ̃দার a. worldly; worldly minded; self-seeking; having vested interest. ̃দারি n. worldliness; worldly mindedness; act of seeking self-interest; worldly life.

দুন্দুভি [ dundubhi ] n a large war-trumpet or kettle drum of ancient India.

দুপ্ [ dup ] int expressing : a thudding noise. দুপ্ দাপ্ দুপ্ দুপ্ int. expressing : repeated thudding noise or romping.

দুপুর [ dupura ] n midday, noon. দুপুর রাত midnight. দুপুর রাতে adv. at dead of night, far into the night.

দুম্ [ dum ] int expressing : a banging or boom ing or thudding noise. দুম্ করে with a thud. দুম্দুম্, দুমাদুম int. expressing : re peated banging or booming of thud ding noise.

দুমড়ানো [ dumaḍ়ānō ] v to fold or twist by pressure. ☐ a. thus folded or twisted.

দুম্বা [ dumbā ] n a kind of fat sheep having a short tail.

দুয়ার [ duẏāra ] n a door, a gate. দুয়ারি n. a door keeper, a gateman. দুয়ারে বাঁধা হাতি (lit.) keeping or owning an elephant; (fig.) exceptionally affluent or wealthy.

দুয়ো1 [ duẏō1 ] int fie, boo. দুয়ো দেওয়া v. to cry fie upon, to boo, to hoot.

দুয়ো2 [ duẏō2 ] a unfortunate; wretched; (only fem.) neglected by one's husband. ̃রানি n. a queen neglected by her royal hus band who is infatuated by his other wife or wives.