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দুরতিক্রমণ [ duratikramaṇa ] n act of going across or through with great difficulty. দুরতিক্রম, দুরতিক্রমণীয়, দুরতিক্রম্য a. very difficult to go across or through.

দুরত্যয় [ duratyaẏa ] a very difficult to go across or through.

দুরদুর [ duradura ] int expressing : palpitation of the heart caused esp. by fear; trembling. দুরুদুরু int. same as দুরদুরু ।a. palpitat ing; trembling; tremulous; fearful.

দুরদৃষ্ট [ duradṛṣṭa ] n ill luck, ill fate; misfortune. ☐ a. ill-fated, unfortunate; unlucky. ̃ক্রমে, ̃বশত adv. through misfortune, as ill luck would have it.

দুরধিগম, দুরধিগম্য [ duradhigama, duradhigamya ] a difficult to obtain, not easily available; not easily accessible, difficult of access; difficult to compre hend or learn, not easily knowable or cognizable; abstruse. fem. দুরধিগম্যা ।

দুরধ্যয় [ duradhyaẏa ] a hard-reading, difficult or hard to read.

দুরন্ত [ duranta ] a unmanageably restless or naughty (দুরন্ত শিশু); romping and mis chievous; terrible, awful (দুরন্ত ক্রোধ); not easily subdued, very powerful and ferocious (দুরন্ত শত্রু); extremely galling and hard to cure (দুরন্ত ব্যাধি); intoler ably hot (দুরন্ত রোদ্দুর); severe (দুরন্ত শীত); very strong (দুরন্ত ঝড়); very steep, difficult to go through or across (দুরন্ত পথ); very restless or billowy (দুরন্ত সমুদ্র). ̃পনা n. restlessness that is difficult to control; romping and mis chievous conduct or behaviour; uncon trollable naughtiness.

দুরন্বয় [ duranbaẏa ] n a mistake in syntax, a syntactic error.

দুরপনেয় [ durapanēẏa ] a difficult to remove or efface. not easily delible. দুরপনেয় কলঙ্ক indel ible stain or blemish or blot.

দুরবগাহ [ durabagāha ] a difficult to bathe in; difficult to enter; difficult of access; difficult to comprehend.

দুরবস্হ [ durabasha ] a fallen into a bad state; distressed; miserable, wretched; poverty-stricken, in straitened circumstances, indigent. দুরবস্হা bad or low state; distress; misery, wretchedness; poverty, indigence.

দুরভিগ্রহ [ durabhigraha ] a difficult to take or accept or apprehend; difficult to comprehend or know or cognize; abstruse.

দুরভিসন্ধি [ durabhisandhi ] n an evil design or purpose, a sinister motive. ̃মূলক a. stemming from a sinister motive, ill-motivated.

দুরমুশ [ duramuśa ] n a rammer for beating down earth etc.; act of beating down with a rammer; (fig. & sarcas. or hum.) a sound drubbing. দুরমুশ করা v. to beat down with a rammer; to drub soundly.

দুরস্ত [ durasta ] a free of errors, correct; corrected, amended (ভুল দুরস্ত হওয়া); well-ar ranged, orderly, spruce (বেশবাস দুরস্ত থাকা); in keeping with (কায়দাদুরস্ত); levelled (রাস্তা দুরস্ত হওয়া); corrected by drubbing (ছেলে দুরস্ত হওয়া). দুরস্ত করা v. to correct, to amend; to arrange properly, to put in order; to level; to correct by drubbing.

দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষা [ durākāṅkṣā ] n unrealizable longing or de sire, a cry for the moon; an ambition or aspiration. দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষ, দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষী a. having an unrealizable longing or desire, au daciously or inordinately ambitious; ambitious. fem. দুরাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী ।

দুরাক্রম, দুরাক্রম্য [ durākrama, durākramya ] a difficult to attack, not easily invaded.

দুরাগ্রহ [ durāgraha ] n desire for or interest in evil or difficult things; a wicked or difficult venture. ☐ a. desirous of or interested in evil or difficult things; indulging in or engaged in a wicked or difficult venture.

দুরাচরণীয় [ durācaraṇīẏa ] a very difficult to perform or accomplish.

দুরাচার [ durācāra ] a wicked; depraved; sinful; in dulging in nasty or foul or abominable practices. ☐ n. wickedness; depravity; sinfulness; a nasty or abominable prac tice. a. fem. দুরাচারিণী ।

দুরাত্মা [ durātmā ] a sinful; depraved; wicked; rogu ish or villainous; tyrannous, oppres sive.

দুরাধর্ষ [ durādharṣa ] a difficult to capture or subdue; unruly; turbulent.