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দুরারোগ্য [ durārōgya ] a difficult to cure. দুরারোগ্য ব্যাধি an incurable disease.

দুরারোহ [ durārōha ] a difficult to climb; having a very steep ascent.

দুরাশয় [ durāśaẏa ] n evil design or purpose. ☐ a. having an evil design or purpose; wicked; evil-minded.

দুরাসদ [ durāsada ] a difficult to capture or subdue; turbulent; difficult to obtain or pro cure, not easily available or attainable; difficult to comprehend or cognize; hard to bear or suffer.

দুরি [ duri ] n the two of playing-cards or dice, the deuce.

দুরিত [ durita ] n a sin; harm. ☐ a. sinning, sinful; wicked.

দুরুক্তি [ durukti ] n harsh or rude words; revilement, filthy language, abuse.

দুরুচ্চার, দুরুচ্চার্য [ duruccāra, duruccārya ] a difficult to pronounce or utter, break-jaw; obscene; unspeak able. দুরচ্চার শব্দ, দুরুচ্চার্য শব্দ a word hard to pronounce or utter, (sl.) a jaw breaker.

দুরূহ [ durūha ] a difficult, hard; stiff; incapable of being solved by arguments; difficult to know or cognize or comprehend; ab struse. ̃তা n. difficulty in understand ing; stiffness; abstruseness.

দুর্গ [ durga ] n a fort; a fortress; a castle; a strong hold; a tower; a fortification. ̃পতি same as দুর্গেশ । ̃প্রাকার n. a rampart.

দুর্গত [ durgata ] a stricken with adversity or dan ger; poverty-stricken, indigent; dis tressed, afflicted; miserable, wretched.

দুর্গতি [ durgati ] n adversity; danger, poverty, indi gence; distress, affliction; misery, wretchedness; condemnation to hell; hell. ̃নাশিনী n. (fem.) one who dispels distress, misery etc. (দুর্গতিনাশিনী দুর্গা).

দুর্গন্ধ [ durgandha ] n an offensive smell, a bad odour. ☐ a. ill-smelling; fetid, smelly, stink ing. দুর্গন্ধী a. ill-smelling; fetid.

দুর্গম [ durgama ] a difficult of access or approach, not easily passable; inaccessible; im penetrable; difficult to know or cognize or comprehend.

দুর্গস্হ [ durgasha ] a staying within a fort.

দুর্গা [ durgā ] n Goddess Durga also called Shakti (শক্তি) or Force; the wife of Shiva (শিব)—she is the chief of female deities and a slayer of demons, and she pre sides over prosperity, victory, and fame of mankind.

দুর্গা-টুনটুনি [ durgā-ṭunaṭuni ] n the sunbird.

দুর্গাপূজা [ durgāpūjā ] n the worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); the annual festival of worship ping Durga (it comes off in autumn).

দুর্গেশ [ durgēśa ] n a governor or captain or master or owner of a fort; a castellan. ̃নন্দিনী n. a castellan's daughter.

দুর্গ্রহ1 [ durgraha1 ] n (astrol.) a malicious or ill-bod ing star.

দুর্গ্রহ2 [ durgraha2 ] a difficult to take or capture or know or comprehend.

দুর্ঘট [ durghaṭa ] a unlikely to happen; of rare occur rence.

দুর্ঘটনা [ durghaṭanā ] n a mishap; an accident; (loos.) a calamitous incident, a calamity.

দুর্জন [ durjana ] a wicked; villainous; roguish. দুর্জন ব্যক্তি n. a wicked person; a villain; a rogue.

দুর্জয় [ durjaẏa ] a difficult to conquer or subdue; invincible; turbulent.

দুর্জ্ঞে য় [ durjñē ẏa ] a difficult to know or learn or cognize or comprehend; abstruse. ̃তা n. abstruseness; incomprehensibility, unknowableness.

দুর্দম, দুর্দমনীয়, দুর্দম্য [ durdama, durdamanīẏa, durdamya ] a difficult to subdue or put down or tame; turbulent; unruly.

দুর্দশা [ durdaśā ] n adversity; misery; bad state; di lapidated state. ̃গ্রস্ত, ̃পন্ন a. stricken with adversity; miserable, wretched; fallen into a bad state; dilapidated.

দুর্দান্ত [ durdānta ] a hard to subdue or tame; turbu lent; unruly; (coll.) severe (দুর্দান্ত গরম); terrible, in a great measure; very fine (দুর্দান্ত খেলা, দুর্দান্ত ছবি).

দুর্দিন [ durdina ] n a difficult time, hard or trouble some times; a time of danger; evil days, a time of adversity or distress; a day of foul weather. দুর্দিনের বন্ধু, দুর্দিনের সহায় a friend or patron in adversity.

দুর্দৈব [ durdaiba ] n ill-luck, misfortune; a mishap.