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ধৃষ্ট [ dhṛṣṭa ] a arrogant, haughty, insolent; imper tinent, audacious, saucy, pert, (coll.) cheeky; talkative; garrulous; impudent. shameless; lascivious, lewd. fem. ধৃষ্টা । ̃তা n. arrogance, insolence, imperti nence, audacity, sauciness, pertness; (coll.) cheek, talkativeness, garrulity; impudence, shamelessness; lascivious ness; lewdness.

ধৃষ্য [ dhṛṣya ] a assailable; subduable.

ধেইধেই [ dhēidhēi ] n the style or cue-words of the 'tandab' (তান্ডব) dance, the dance of extensive annihilation; a wild dance or movement.

ধেড়ানো [ dhēḍ়ānō ] v to soil clothes by failing to re tain motion of stool or urine; (fig.) to make a mess of; to bungle.

ধেড়ে1 [ dhēḍ়ē1 ] n the otter.

ধেড়ে2 [ dhēḍ়ē2 ] a (use. dero.) grown-up; big.

ধেনু [ dhēnu ] n a cow that has recently calved; a milch cow. ̃পাল n. a herd of cows.

ধেনো [ dhēnō ] a produced from paddy (ধেনো মদ); paddy-growing (ধেনো চাষা); yielding paddy (ধেনো জমি); paddy-like (ধেনো গন্ধ); resembling a paddy-growing peasant, boorish, clodhopping (ধেনো বুদ্ধি). ☐ n. an inferior wine prepared from paddy, rice-grog.

ধেয় [ dhēẏa ] a worth holding or taking; accept able, knowable, cognizable.

ধেয়ানো [ dhēẏānō ] v (poet. or coll.) to meditate, to reflect; to recollect.

ধৈবত [ dhaibata ] n (mus.) the sixth note of the gamut.

ধৈর্য [ dhairya ] n patience, fortitude; endurance; forbearance; composure (মনের ধৈর্য); (Vaishnava phil.) disinterestedness, in difference, apathy. ধৈর্য ধরা v. to have patience. ধৈর্য রক্ষা করা v. to forbear or endure; to contain oneself; to keep calm; to have patience. অসীম ধৈর্য end less patience, the patience of Job. ̃চ্যুত a. out of patience; impatient; failing to contain oneself. ̃চ্যুতি n. loss of pa tience; impatience. ̃ধারণ n. act of keeping patient, act of containing one self; forbearance. ̃বান, ̃শালী, ̃শীল a. patient; enduring; forbearing. fem. ̃বতী, ̃শালিনী, ̃শীলা । ̃শীলতা n. pa tience; endurance; calmness. ̃হারা same as ̃চ্যুত । ̃রহিত, ̃হীন a. lacking patience, devoid of patience; impa tient; out of patience; fretting; restless. fem. ̃হীনা । ̃হীনতা n. impatience; im petuosity, restlessness. ধৈর্যাবলম্বন same as ধৈর্যধারণ ।

ধোঁকা1 [ dhōn̐kā1 ] v to pant or gasp for breath; to palpitate, to throb.

ধোঁকা2 [ dhōn̐kā2 ] n a kind of pie-curry prepared with pulped pigeon-pea.

ধোঁকা3 [ dhōn̐kā3 ] n doubt, suspicion (ধোঁকায় পড়া); bewilderment, puzzle (ধোঁকা লাগা); hoax, hoodwink, deception, dodge (ধোঁকা দেওয়া). ধোঁকা দেওয়া v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge. ধোঁকা লাগা v. to have doubt or hesitancy; to be dazed or bewildered or puzzled. ধোঁকায় পড়া v. to be in doubt or suspi cion, to be in a fix or dilemma; to be non-plussed. ̃বাজ a. given to hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodg ing. ̃বাজি n. practice of hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodging. ধোঁকাবাজি করা v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge; to practise hoax ing or hoodwinking or deception or dodging.

ধোঁয়া [ dhōm̐ẏā ] n smoke; fume; vapour, steam; gas; (loos.) mist, fog; (fig.) anything intangible or obscure. ধোঁয়া ওড়ানো v. (facet. or dero.) to smoke tobacco. ধোঁয়া ছাড়া v. to emit smoke; to puff tobacco smoke. বুদ্ধির গোড়ায় ধোঁয়া দেওয়া v. to (try to) awaken one's dormant intelligence or devise plans by means of smoking tobacco. ধোঁয়াটে a. smoke-like; smoky; vapoury; (loos.) misty, foggy; (fig.) in tangible; unintelligible; woolly, con fused; obscure.

ধোঁয়াপথ [ dhōm̐ẏāpatha ] n chimney.

ধোকড় [ dhōkaḍ় ] n rag; coarse cloth; a sack. কথার ধোকড় a chatter-box. মাকড় মারলে ধোকড় হয় (lit.) a spider when killed becomes a piece of rag; (fig.) what is a mortal sin for others is a venial offence for one's own self.

ধোবিখানা [ dhōbikhānā ] n the washerman's house, the laundry.

ধোয়া [ dhōẏā ] v to wash; to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to wash and bleach; (of rivers) to inundate. ☐ a. washed; cleansed or scrubbed or scoured with water; washed and bleached. ধোয়ানি n. water or other liquids with which something has been washed; alluvial deposit; dregs. ধোয়ানো v. to cause to wash; to cause to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to cause to wash and bleach. ধোয়া-পাকলা n. act of washing and scrubbing or scouring.

ধোলাই [ dhōlāi ] n act of washing; act of washing and bleaching; (fig.) sound beating (ধোলাই দেওয়া). ☐ a. washed; washed and bleached.

ধোসা1 [ dhōsā1 ] n a kind of coarse woollen wrap per.

ধোসা2 [ dhōsā2 ] n a thin chapati-like South Indian food.

ধৌত [ dhauta ] a washed; cleansed or scrubbed or scoured with water; washed and bleached; inundated. ধৌত করা v. to wash, to clean.

ধৌতি [ dhauti ] n washing and cleaning; a method of cleaning entrails or intestines with water (a practice in হঠযোগ).

ধ্বংস [ dhbaṃsa ] n destruction; annihilation; wreck, wreckage; ruin; death; act of killing, slaughter (শত্রুধ্বংস); loss; obliteration, effacement (শরীর ধ্বংস); waste or squandering (অর্থধ্বংস); undeserving consumption (অন্নধ্বংস); demolition, devastation (গৃহধ্বংস, রাজ্যধ্বংস, নগরধ্বংস); depravation or corruption (চরিত্র ধ্বংস, ধ্বংসের পথ). স্মৃতি ধ্বংস n. loss of memory; amnesia. ধ্বংস করা v. to destory; to annihilate; to ruin; to kill, to slay; to obliterate or efface; to impair; to waste, to squander; to con sume undeservingly; to demolish or devastate; to deprave, to corrupt. ধ্বংস হওয়া v. to be destroyed or annihilated, to perish; to be ruined; to die; to be killed or slaughtered; to be lost; to be obliterated or effaced; to be impaired; to be wasted or squandered; to be con sumed undeservingly; to be demol ished or devastated; to be depraved or corrupted. ধ্বংসক a. one who or that which destroys or annihilates or ruins or kills or slays or obliterates or effaces or impairs or wastes or squanders or consumes undeservingly or demol ishes or devastates or depraves or cor rupts. ধ্বংসন same as ধ্বংস । ̃নীয় a. de structible; perishable. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. de stroyed; annihilated; wrecked, ruined; dead, gone to one's death; killed, slaughtered; obliterated, effaced; lost; impaired; wasted, squandered; demol ished, fallen, devastated; depraved, corrupted. ̃মুখ n. jaws or verge of de struction or annihilation or wreck or ruin or death or impairment or fall or demolition or devastation or demoral ization or corruption. ̃লীলা n. the sport of destruction or annihilation or wreckage or ruining or killing or demolition or devastation. ̃স্তূপ n. a pile of ruins, wreckage, debris.

ধ্বংসাবশেষ [ dhbaṃsābaśēṣa ] n ruins; remains; wreckage; relics.

ধ্বংসিত [ dhbaṃsita ] a destroyed; annihilated; perished; wrecked, ruined; killed; impaired; wasted, squandered; undeservingly con sumed; demolished, fallen, devastated.

ধ্বংসী [ dhbaṃsī ] a destroying, annihilating; ruining; wrecking; killing, obliterating; impair ing; uselessly spending, squandering, wasting, consuming undeservingly; de molishing; devastating; depraving, cor rupting; destructible, perishable; decay ing.

ধ্বংসোন্মুখ [ dhbaṃsōnmukha ] a about to fall into a ruined state, about to go to rack and ruin, on the point of destruction.

ধব্জ [ dhabja ] n a flag, a banner, a standard, an ensign; the penis. ̃ক n. a flag, a stan dard. ☐ a. (bot.) vexillary. ̃দন্ড n. a flag-staff. ̃পট n. the bunting of a flag. ̃-বজ্রাঙ্কুশ n. three marks resembling a flag, a thunder and a goad imprinted on the sole of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); (astrol.) a birth-mark indicating the chance of be coming a king. ̃বাহক n. a standard bearer; (mil.) an ensign. ̃বাহী a. carry ing a flag or standard. ̃ভঙ্গ n. (of males) loss of sexual power, impo tence, impotency. ☐ n. an impotent person.

ধ্বজা [ dhbajā ] n a flag, a banner, a standard, an ensign; (sarcas. & dero.) simulacrum; a pretender (বিদ্যার ধ্বজা); (bot.) a vexil lum. ̃ধারী a. bearing a standard; (sarcas.) one who keeps a tuft of hair uncut on one's crown as a mark of one's holiness or piety; (sarcas.) hypo critically upholding or defending (ধর্মের ধ্বজাধারী).

ধ্বজী [ dhbajī ] a bearing a standard; (sarcas.) hypocritically upholding or defending (ধর্মধ্বজী).

ধ্বনন [ dhbanana ] n act of making a suppressed noise (esp. a vocal one); humming; act of sounding or ringing or playing (as a musical instrument etc.); (rhet.) sug gestion.

ধ্বনি [ dhbani ] n sound; noise; report; note, tone; voice; (rhet.) a suggestion. ̃কাব্য n. (rhet.) poetry that suggests a meaning beyond the stated meaning. ধ্বনিত a. sounded; rung or played; voiced; in the process of being sounded or rung or played or voiced; (rhet.) suggested. ধ্বনিত করা v. to sound; to ring; to play; to voice. ̃তত্ত্ব n. phonetics; phonology. ̃পরিবর্তন n. change of sound, sound change. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. phonetics; phonol ogy; the science of sound. ̃বৃত্তি n. (rhet.) onomatopoeia. ̃ভোট n. a vote of voice. ̃মাধুর্য n. sweetness of sound. ̃রেখা n. the mark of sound-wave; sound-line; line of vibration.

ধ্বন্যাত্মক [ dhbanyātmaka ] a (rhet.) onomatopoeic.

ধ্বস্ত [ dhbasta ] a destroyed; annihilated; perished; wrecked, ruined; impaired, run down; devastated; demolished; fallen; van quished.

ধ্বান্ত [ dhbānta ] n darkness, gloom. ধ্বান্তারি n. the sun (esp. when personified), (cp.) Sol.

ধ্যাত [ dhyāta ] a meditated upon; recollected; re membered. ধ্যাতব্য a. deserving or fit to be meditated upon or recollected or re membered. ধ্যাতা a. & n. one who meditates or recollects or remembers.

ধ্যান [ dhyāna ] n meditation; absorbing religious meditation; recollection; remembrance. ধ্যান করা v. to meditate (upon); to be ab sorbed in religious meditation; to recol lect; to remember. ̃গম্ভীর a. grave and silent on account of absorption in medi tation; consecrated or sanctified with holy meditation; solemnly absorbed in (spiritual) meditation ('ধ্যানগম্ভীর ঐ যে ভূধর'). ̃গম্য, ̃গোচর a. comprehensible or cognizable or attainable (only) through (deep) meditation. ̃জ্ঞান n. meditation and cognition, thought and feeling; (loos.) sole occupation or ab sorption. ̃তত্পর a. given to meditation; capable of being absorbed in medita tion. ̃ধারণা n. meditation and impres sion, thought and perception; idea; impression. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. meditative. ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption or break of meditation (esp. a spiritual one). ̃মগ্ন a. absorbed or en grossed in meditation. ̃রত, ̃স্হ a. en gaged in meditation.

ধ্যানী [ dhyānī ] a (also n.) one who is engaged in meditation; one who is capable of meditation.

ধ্রিয়মাণ [ dhriẏamāṇa ] a that which is being put on or worn or assumed or held or touched or caught.

ধ্রুপদ [ dhrupada ] n a style of Indian classical song. ধ্রুপদী a. & n. one who sings or is versed in singing dhrupad (ধ্রুপদ) songs. □ a. aristocratic; elevated; excellent; first rate. ধ্রুপদী সাহিত্য classical literature.

ধ্রুব [ dhruba ] n (myth.) a prince famous for his in comparable devotion to God Hari (হরি); the Pole Star, the Polaris, the North Star, the cynosure, ☐ a. sure, cer tain; fixed; firm, deep-seated (ধ্রুববিশ্বাস); constant; actual, real (ধ্রুব সত্য). ☐ adv. surely, certainly (সে ধ্রুব আসবে); for sure, for certain (ধ্রুব জোনো). ̃তা n. sure ness, surety, certainty; fixity; firmness; constancy; actuality, reality. ̃তারা, ̃নক্ষত্র n. the Pole Star, the North Star, the Polaris, the cynosure; the constant or firm goal or guide (জীবনের ধ্রুবতারা). ̃পদ n. a style of Indian classical song, dhrupad (ধ্রুপদ); a constant note ('যে ধ্রুবপদ দিয়েছ বাঁধি বিশ্বতানে'). ̃বিশ্বাস firm faith or belief or conviction. ̃রেখা n. (geog.) the equator, the equinoctial line. ̃লোক n. (myth.) a separate heaven cre ated for Dhruba (ধ্রুব) to live in after his ascension to heaven; Paradise. ̃সত্য n. an absolute truth, a confirmed truth. ☐ a. absolutely true.

ধ্রুবা [ dhrubā ] n burden or refrain (of a song).

ধ্রুবাক্ষ [ dhrubākṣa ] n (astr.) the Polar axis.

ধ্রুবাঙ্ক [ dhrubāṅka ] n (alg.) a constant quantity, a con stant.