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ধূ-ধূ [ dhū-dhū ] int expressing: state of burning or flaming strongly (ধূ-ধূ করে জ্বলা); desolateness or voidance (মন ধূ-ধূ করা); vast expanse (ধূ-ধূ মাঠ).

ধুন [ dhuna ] n a light classical musical note usu ally played on an instrument.

ধুনচি [ dhunaci ] n an incense burner, an incenser, a censer, a thurible.

ধুনন [ dhunana ] n act of shaking; a shake; act of sounding or playing (as a stringed mu sical instrument); act of cleaning cot ton by shredding it with a bow or cot ton-gin, ginning and carding (cotton, wool etc.).

ধুনা1 [ dhunā1 ] n resin; incense.

ধুনা2 [ dhunā2 ] v to clean cotton by shredding it with a bow or a cotton-gin; (sl.) to give a sound drubbing.

ধুনারি [ dhunāri ] n one who cleans cotton by shredding with a bow or cotton-gin, a cotton-cleaner.

ধুনি1 [ dhuni1 ] n a (sacrificial) fire enkindled by ascetics.

ধুনি2, ধুনী [ dhuni2, dhunī ] n (chiefly used as a sfx.) a river সুরধুনী.

ধুন্দুল [ dhundula ] n a kitchen-vegetable cylindrical and tapering at both ends.

ধুন্ধুমার [ dhundhumāra ] n a mythological king famous for his valour; uproar, tumult; a tumultu ous or terrible affair. ☐ a. tumultuous or terrible (ধুন্ধুমার কান্ড).

ধুপ1 [ dhupa1 ] n sunlight, the sun.

ধুপচি [ dhupaci ] n an incense-burner, an incenser, a censer, a thurible, an incensory.

ধুপছায়া [ dhupachāẏā ] n a mixture of blue and light vio let, peacock-blue; (loos.) light-and-shade colour; (loos.) chiaroscuro. ☐ a. peacock-blue; (loos.) light-and-shade; (loos.) chiaroscuro.

ধুম [ dhuma ] n overmuchness, abundance, excess, wantonness, redundance, surfeit (গঙ্গাস্নানের ধুম, বিলাসিতার ধুম, বক্তৃতার ধুম); éclat, pomp (এবার পুজোয় বড় ধুম). ☐ a. terrible, hard, thick (ধুম মারামারি).

ধুমড়ি [ dhumaḍ়i ] n. fem a corpulent (and usu. lazy) woman.

ধুমধাড়াক্কা [ dhumadhāḍ়ākkā ] n great or tumultuous éclat or pomp.

ধুমধাম [ dhumadhāma ] n thud; tumult; pomp, grand pag eantry.

ধুম্ব, ধুম্বা [ dhumba, dhumbā ] a tall and corpulent, hefty. fem. ধুম্বি ।

ধুরন্ধর [ dhurandhara ] a bearing the yoke; very expert or efficient or adroit; leading, chief. ☐ n. such a person.

ধুরা [ dhurā ] n the shaft of a vehicle, a thill; a yoke; an axle, an axle-tree; (fig.) bur den, load.

ধুল [ dhula ] n a measure of land (=1/2 কাঠা); (poet. or dial.) dust.

ধুলট [ dhulaṭa ] n a spell or act of wallowing in the dust in ecstasy caused by singing de votional song, post-hymnic ecstatic wallowing in the dust.

ধুস্তুর, ধুস্তূর [ dhustura, dhustūra ] n the thorn-apple, the datura. ধুস্তুরী, ধুস্তূরী a. daturic, atropinic.

ধূপ [ dhūpa ] n resin, incense. ̃কাঠি n. incense burner, incense stick. ধূপচি alt. spell of ধুপচি । ̃ধুনো n. incense; incensing. ধূপন n. act of perfuming or fumigating with incense, incensing.

ধূপায়িত, ধূপিত [ dhūpāẏita, dhūpita ] a perfumed or fumigated with incense, incensed.

ধূম [ dhūma ] n smoke, fume, vapour, steam, gas; (loos.) mist, fog. ̃কুন্ডলী n. a ring or coil of smoke. ̃কেতু n. a comet. ̃নালী, ̃পথ n. a pipe or conduit for the escape of smoke, fume, vapour etc, a chimney; a fumarole. ̃নির্গম, ̃নির্গমন n. escape of smoke, vapour, gas etc. ̃পান n. smok ing (cigars, cigarettes etc.). ধূমপান করা v. to smoke (cigarettes etc.). ̃পায়ী a. addicted to smoking. ☐ n. a smoker. ̃বিহীন a. same as ধূমহীন । ̃ময় a. full of or made of smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.; smoky, fumy, vapoury, gaseous; (loos.) misty, foggy. ধূমল n. the colour of smoke, the dark purple colour. ☐ a. smoke-coloured, dark purple. ̃হীন a. smokeless, free from vapour or smoke. ̃হীনতা n. smokelessness.

ধূমাকার [ dhūmākāra ] a shaped like or looking like smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.

ধূমাকীর্ণ, ধূমাচ্ছন্ন [ dhūmākīrṇa, dhūmācchanna ] a covered with or envel oped in smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.

ধূমায়মান [ dhūmāẏamāna ] a emitting smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.; fuming; smouldering.

ধূমায়িত, ধূমিত [ dhūmāẏita, dhūmita ] a full of or emitting smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.; fumi gated.

ধূমদ্গম [ dhūmadgama ] n discharge or emission of smoke, fume, gas etc.

ধূমদ্গার, ধূমোদ্গিরণ [ dhūmadgāra, dhūmōdgiraṇa ] n emission of smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc., ধূমোদ্গার করা v. to emit smoke, fume, vapour, gas etc.

ধূম্র [ dhūmra ] n. & a same as ধূমল (see ধূম). ☐ n. (inc.) smoke, fume, vapour, gas. ̃বর্ণ a. smoke-coloured, dark purple. ̃লোচন a. having dark purple eye.

ধূর্জটি [ dhūrjaṭi ] n a name of Shiva (শিব).

ধূর্ত [ dhūrta ] a sly; wily; knavish; deceitful. ☐ n. a trickster; a gamester; a knave; a cheat. ̃তা, ধূর্তামি n. slyness; wiliness; knavery; deception, deceit.

ধূসর [ dhūsara ] n the grey colour, the ash-colour. ☐ a. grey, ash-coloured, ashen, ashen grey, ashy. ধূসরাভ a. greyish. ধূপরিত a. made grey, greyed. ধূসরিমা n. greyness; the grey colour; greyishness.

ধৃত [ dhṛta ] a held; caught; arrested; taken; con tained (in); assumed; worn; (rare) quoted. ̃ব্রত a. one who has (firmly) taken a vow; determined, resolved. ধৃত হওয়া v. to be caught; to be arrested; to be apprehended.

ধৃতাত্মা [ dhṛtātmā ] a self-possessed. calm and col lected, not distracted.

ধৃতাস্ত্র [ dhṛtāstra ] a armed, in arms.

ধৃতি [ dhṛti ] n act of holding, catching, wearing, assuming, bearing or containing; con ception; impression; a notion; an idea; patience; self-possession; compla cence; satisfaction, content; persever ance, persistence. ̃বিন্দু n. a point of support. ̃মান a. patient; self-pos sessed; complacent; content; persever ing. ̃হোম n. a sacramental sacrifice done at a wedding.