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নকুলে [ nakulē ] a given to or expert in copying or mimicry.

নকুলেশ্বর, নকুলেশ্বর ভৈরব [ nakulēśbara, nakulēśbara bhairaba ] n an angry mani festation of Shiva (শিব).

নক্ত [ nakta ] n the night. ̃চর, ̃চারী, ̃ঞ্চারী a. ac tive by night; wandering by night; nocturnal; nightfaring, noctivagant. ☐ n. the rakshas; the bat; a thief, a bur glar; a person active by night, a night bird. নক্তান্ধ a. blind by night, nyctalopic. নক্তান্ধতা n. nyctalopia. Also রাত্র্যন্ধতা ।

নক্র [ nakra ] n the crocodile; the alligator. fem. নক্রা । ̃রাজ n. the shark.

নক্ষত্র [ nakṣatra ] n a star. ̃খচিত a. star-spangled, studded with stars, starry. ̃গতি n. speed as quick as of a shooting star, meteoric speed; tremendous speed. ☐ a. having such speed. ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the moon (esp. when personified). (cp.) Luna. ̃পাত n. fall of a meteor or meteorite; (fig.) death or downfall of a great man. ̃পুঞ্জ n. a group of stars, a constellation. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. the science of stars, astronomy. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an as tronomer, a star-gazer. ̃বেগ n. same as নক্ষত্রগতি (n.). ̃বেগে adv. with the speed of a shooting star, swiftly as a shooting star; with great speed. ̃মন্ডল, ̃লোক n. the stellar region, the sidereal system, the firmament, the sky. ̃মন্ডিত a. same as নক্ষত্রখচিত । নক্ষত্রালোক n. star-light. নক্ষত্রালোকিত a. starlit.

নখ [ nakha ] n a nail (of a finger or a toe); a talon, a claw (of a bird or a beast). নখ কাটা v. to cut or pare nails. নখ কাটা ছুরি বা কাঁচি বা নরুন n. a nail-cutter. ̃কুনি, ̃কোনি n. a painful ingrowing nail, whitlow. ̃দর্পন n. the esoteric power of reflecting unknown or distant things on the face of the nail; (fig.) the range of one's cognition (সমস্ত ব্যপার তার নখদর্পনে = the whole thing is within his command or grasp; the entire affair is at his finger-tips). নখর n. a talon, a claw (of a bird or beast); (facet.) a nail (of a man). ̃রঞ্জনী n. nail-polish. নখরাগ্র n. the tip of the claw. নখরাঘাত n. claw ing. নখরাঘাত করা v. to claw. ̃রেখা, ̃লেখা n. a mark caused by nail. ̃শূল n. whitlow.

নখাগ্র [ nakhāgra ] n the tip of a nail; the tip of the claw; the range of touch; (fig.) the range of perception or cognition. সমস্ত ব্যপার তার নখাগ্রে আছে same as সমস্ত ব্যাপার তার নখদর্পণে (see নখ).

নখাঘাত [ nakhāghāta ] n an instance or act of nailing or clawing. নখাঘাত করা v. to nail or claw.

নখানখি [ nakhānakhi ] n mutual nailing or clawing.

নখী1 [ nakhī1 ] a possessing claws, clawed. ☐ n. a clawed creature.

নখী2 [ nakhī2 ] n an aromatic substance that gives out a sweet smell when fried.

নগ [ naga ] n a mountain; a tree. ̃নদী n. a river issuing from a mountain, a mountain stream.

নগণ্য [ nagaṇya ] a negligible, insignificant; worth less, of no importance. নগণ্য মানুষ an insignificant man, a man of straw.

নগদ [ nagada ] n cash money or cash price, cash (নগদ দিয়ে কেনা, নগদ কত আছে ?). ☐ a. cash (নগদ টাকা বা দাম); (fig.) prompt, immediate, ready (নগদ জবাব). নগদ কারবার a cash transaction. নগদ বিক্রয় cash sale. নগদ বিদায় ready payment in cash of wages, charges, fees etc. on execution of the job undertaken; (loos.) ready payment in cash; (fig.) prompt or ready dismissal. নগদা a. cash (নগদা দাম); ready (নগদা কারবার); working for ready payment in cash (নগদা মজুর). নগদানগদি a. & adv. strictly on cash. নগদি n. an armed footman of a landowner etc. collecting rents, issuing summons etc., (cp.) a bailiff.

নগনন্দিনী [ naganandinī ] n a daughter of a mountain (esp. of the Himalayas); an appellation of goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

নগর [ nagara ] n a city; a town; a metropolis, a capital. fem. নগরী । ̃কীর্তন n. act of singing religious songs in procession through a city (or village); a song sung thus. ̃চত্বর n. a market-place of a city. ̃জীবন n. city-life, town-life, urban life. ̃দ্বার n. a gate of a city, a city gate. ̃পাল n. the Police chief of a city, the Commissioner of Police; a city magis trate; a city father, a town-councillor. ̃প্রান্ত same as নগরোপান্ত । ̃বাসী a. liv ing in a city or town, urban. ☐ n. a townsman (fem. a townswoman; pl. townsfolk, townspeople), a citizen, a townee. fem. নগরবাসিনী । ̃রক্ষক n. a metropolitan policeman; a city-guard. ̃রাষ্ট্র n. a city state. ̃সংকীর্তন same as নগরকীর্তন । ̃স্হ a. situated in or living in a town or city; of a town or city.

নগরাধ্যক্ষ [ nagarādhyakṣa ] n the governor or mayor or sheriff of a city or town; a city magis trate.

নগরীয় [ nagarīẏa ] a of a town or city, urban; civic.

নগরোপান্ত [ nagarōpānta ] n the outskirts or suburbs of a city or town.

নগাধিপ, নগাধিরাজ, নগেন্দ্র [ nagādhipa, nagādhirāja, nagēndra ] n the lord or king of mountains; appellations of the Himalayas.

নগুরে [ nagurē ] n a townman, one who lives in a town or a city; a townee. ☐ a. of one living in a town or a city.

নগ্ন [ nagna ] a without clothes, unclad, nude, na ked (নগ্নদেহ); uncovered, bare (নগ্নপদ, নগ্নশির); without spectacles, naked (নগ্নচক্ষু); without ornaments, bare (নগ্ন বাহু); clear, cloudless (নগ্ন আকাশ); un sheathed, naked (নগ্ন তরবারি = naked steel); obvious or unvarnished or plain or simple (নগ্ন সত্য). fem. নগ্না । নগ্ন সত্য naked truth, stark reality. ̃ক a. with out clothes, naked, nude. ☐ n. one of a class of Buddhist friars moving naked or very insufficiently clothed. ̃তা n. nakedness, nudity; bareness; obvious ness. নগ্নিকা a. fem. without clothes, na ked, nude. ☐ n. fem. a girl whose menses have not yet started; an infant girl. নগ্নীকরণ n. act of making naked, denudation; uncovering. নগ্নীকৃত a. made naked, denuded; uncovered. নগ্নীভবন n. act of becoming naked, denudation; act of becoming uncov ered.

নচেত্ [ nacēt ] con otherwise, else.

নচ্ছার [ nacchāra ] a abominable, hateful; wicked; nefarious; depraved; (in endearment or mild imprecations) naughty. ☐ n. such a person.

নজর [ najara ] n sight, vision (নজর খারাপ হওয়া); view (নজরে আসা); a look or glance (কুনজর); a malicious or evil look, evil eye or greedy eye (খাবারে নজর দেওয়া); ambition or aim (উঁচু নজর); outlook or mentality (ছোট নজর); attention, care (পড়াশোনায় নজর); act of looking after (ছেলেটার দিকে নজর রেখো); malicious observation or watch or surveillance (পুলিশের নজরে পড়া); opinion, notion (নেকনজর); good opinion or notion (কেরানিটি বড়কর্তার নজরে পড়েছে); (rare) a present or extra payment made to a dignitary or a superior at an interview (জমিদারের জন্য নজর); (rare) a bribe (দারোগাকে নজর দেওয়া). নজর করা v. to observe or mark closely; to catch sight of, to notice, to espy; to keep watch on; to strain one's eyes to see (নজর করে দেখা). নজর দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye at, to look maliciously at; to keep one's eye on, to watch (ছেলের দিকে নজর দিয়ো); to give an eye to, to attend to (এদিকে নজর দাও). নজর পড়া v. to have one's glance directed towards, to come to see. নজর রাখা v. to keep one's eye on, to watch. নজর লাগা v. to be affected with the evil eye (of). নজরে থাকা v. to be under observation or watch; to be in view. নজরে পড়া v. to catch sight of; to attract notice of; to win favour of, to be in the good books of, to be in good graces of. নজরে রাখা v. to keep under observation; to watch, to have one's eye on. নজরের দোষ defect of vision; malicious look; an evil eye. উঁচু নজর a lofty aim; noble outlook; magnanimity. কুনজর n. a malicious or lustful look, evil eye; disfavour; a base aim. ছোট নজর, নিচু নজর a base aim; narrow mindedness, pettiness. বড় নজর same as উঁচু নজর । সুনজর n. a favourable or kindly look or glance; favour. নজরবন্দি a. kept under observation and restraint by the police, kept under house-arrest, (loos.) home-interned.

নজরানা [ najarānā ] n a present or extra payment made to a dignitary or superior for a favour or grace; tribute.

নজির [ najira ] n a precedent, an example; a case law. নজির দেখানো v. to cite a case-law or a precedent. নজির রাখা v. to set an example. নজির হওয়া v. to be a prece dent (of). ̃স্বরুপ a. exemplary; precedental. ̃হীন, ̃বিহীন a. without a precedent; unexampled.

নঞ্তত্পুরুষ [ nañtatpuruṣa ] n (gr.) a system of forming compound words indicating dissimilar ity, absence, negation etc. নঞার্থক a. bearing a negative meaning, negative.

নট1 [ naṭa1 ] n one of a race of mixed blood. নটী fem. a female member of this race; a prostitute, a whore.

নট2 [ naṭa2 ] n a professional dancer, a ballet dancer; an actor. নটী fem. a dancing girl, a ballerina; an actress.

নট3 [ naṭa3 ] a profligate, lewd, licentious; mor ally perverted; wicked, vile.

নটকান [ naṭakāna ] n the anatto.

নটখট, নটখটি [ naṭakhaṭa, naṭakhaṭi ] n a slight trouble; a petty quarrel. নটখটে a. slightly troublesome; quarrelsome; difficult to deal with.

নটঘট, নটঘটি [ naṭaghaṭa, naṭaghaṭi ] n an amourette of petty love affair (esp. a scandalous one); a scandalous affair. নটঘটে a. consisting of an amourette or a scandalous affair.

নটনারায়ণ [ naṭanārāẏaṇa ] n an Indian musical mode.

নটবর1 [ naṭabara1 ] n an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

নটবর2 [ naṭabara2 ] n the best or chief dancer or ac tor.

নটরাজ [ naṭarāja ] n the best dancer; Shiva (শিব) esp. in a dancing state.

নটিনী [ naṭinī ] n. fem a dancing-girl, a ballerina; a prostitute, a whore.

নটে [ naṭē ] n a kind of pot-herb or spinach hav ing different species.

নড়চড় [ naḍ়caḍ় ] n movement; non-adherence; non-observance, non-compliance; de viation, violation; failing, ommission, modification, alteration. কথার নড়চড় breach or nonfulfilment of promise or pledge.

নড়ন [ naḍ়na ] n movement; shaking or stirring; shifting, removal; act of getting loose; distortion, deviation, alteration (কথার নড়ন). নড়নচড়ন same as নড়চড় । নট নড়নচড়ন নট কিচ্ছু children's catch phrase in a game with small marble or glass balls meaning no deviation from or alteration of the position of a ball (before it is hit and sent into the in tended hole).

নড়নড়, নড়বড়, নড়নড়ে, নড়বড়ে [ naḍ়naḍ়, naḍ়baḍ়, naḍ়naḍ়ē, naḍ়baḍ়ē ] a flaccid, limp; hanging very loose; tottering; un steady; unstable. নড়নড় করা, নড়বড় করা v. to be flaccid or limp; to hang very loosely (দাঁত নড়নড় করছে); to totter; to be unsteady or unstable.

নড়া1 [ naḍ়ā1 ] n (dero. & vul.) the hand or the arm.

নড়া2 [ naḍ়ā2 ] v to move; to shake, to stir; to shift, to remove; to get loose; to be come otherwise, to deviate, to be al tered. ☐ a. one who or that which has moved; shaken; shifted, removed; loosened; altered.

নড়চড়া [ naḍ়caḍ়ā ] n moving about; (casual) move ment; act of walking or pacing up and down, a stroll.

নড়ানো [ naḍ়ānō ] v to (cause to) move or shake or stir or shift or remove or loosen or alter.

নড়ি [ naḍ়i ] n a stick; (fig.) a support or prop (অন্ধের নড়ি).

নত [ nata ] a stooping, bent; bowed down, genuflected; directed downwards (নত দৃষ্টি); low, depressed (নত স্হান); low ered (উঁচু মাথা নত হওয়া); inclined; humble, meek (নতকন্ঠে); yielding, sub missive (বিজয়ীর কাছে নত). নত করা v. to stoop, to bend; to bow; to cause to genuflect; to direct downwards; to lower; to incline; to humble, to cause to yield or submit. নত হওয়া v. to stoop, to bend; to bow down, to genuflect; to be directed downwards; to incline; to become humble; to yield or submit (to). ̃জানু a. knelt down, genuflected. ̃তল n. (geom.) the plane of inclina tion. ̃নাস, ̃নাসিক a. flat-nosed, snub nosed, snub-nose. ̃মস্তক, ̃শির a. hav ing one's head bowed esp. in obei sance; stooping forward; having the head hanging down; (fig.) downcast or submissive or defeated or discomfited. ̃মুখ a. having one's face turned down wards, looking down; (fig.) abashed. fem. ̃মুখী ।

নতি [ nati ] n act or state of stooping or bowing or bending down; genuflection; act or state of being directed downwards; de pression; (esp. in geom.) inclination; (mech.) slope; (astr.) the dip of the ho rizon; humbleness, meekness; hum bling, yielding, submission. নতি স্বীকার করা v. to bow down, to yield, to sub mit.

নতুন [ natuna ] a new; novel; fresh; young; at the onset; new-born; newly bloomed; changed, transformed (সে এখন একেবারে নতুন লোক ।) নতুনত্ব n. newness; novelty; freshness, the state or quality of being young or fresh. see also নতুন ।

নতুবা [ natubā ] con else, otherwise, or.

নতোদর [ natōdara ] a concave.

নতোন্নত [ natōnnata ] a undulating.

নত্তা [ nattā ] n a sacrament observed on the ninth day from birth of a baby.

নথ [ natha ] n a nose-ring. নথ নাড়া দেওয়া v. (fig.) to scold or snub (usu. of a husband by a wife).

নথি [ nathi ] n a collection of papers arranged for reference, a file; a record or docu ment; a list, a roll; (in law) documents or a plaint (মোকদ্দমার নথি). ̃পট্ট n. file board. ̃পত্র n. pl. records and papers collectively. ̃ভুক্ত a. accepted as a document or included in the records, filed, recorded, on the record. নথিভুক্ত করা v. to file. ̃নিবন্ধ n. a file-register. ̃নিবন্ধক n. a file-registrar. ̃নিস্পত্তি পত্রী n. a file disposal slip. ̃প্রাপক n. a record-finder. ̃রক্ষক n. a record keeper.

নদ [ nada ] n (used rather arbitrarily as masc. of নদী) a large river (সিন্ধুনদ). ̃নদী n. pl. rivers and streams of all descriptions large and small.

নদী [ nadī ] n a stream, a river. নদীর বাঁক the bend of a river. ছোট নদী a rivulet. ̃কুল same as নদীতীর । ̃গর্ভ n. the bottom of a river; a river-bed. ̃তট, ̃তীর n. riverbank, riverside. তীরবর্তী, ̃তীতস্হ a. riparian, riverain. ̃তীরবাসী a. & n. riverain. fem. ˜তীরবাসিনী । ̃পথ n. river-way. ̃পথে adv. by river. ̃প্রবাহ same as নদীস্রোত । ̃বক্ষ n. the bosom or surface of a river. ̃বক্ষে adv. on or upon the river. ̃বন্দর n. a river port. ̃বহুল a. abounding in rivers, rivery. ̃মাতৃক a. irrigated or watered by riv ers. ̃মুখ n. a river-mouth, an estuary. ̃স্রোত n. river-tide; the flowing stream of a river.

নদ্ধ [ naddha ] a fastened, tied, bound.

নধর [ nadhara ] a succulent, juicy, delicious; lovely; plum, rolypoly; buxom; well-shaped, shapely, well-proportioned; fresh.

ননি, ননী [ nani, nanī ] n cream (of milk). ননির পুতুল (lit.) a puppet made of cream; (fig. & usu. sarcas.) one who is physically too delicate to stand any toil. ˜চোর, ̃চোরা n. one who steals (and eats) cream; an appellation of (infant) Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

নন্দদুলাল [ nandadulāla ] n a beloved son of Nanda (নন্দ); an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); (sarcas.) an over-indulged worthless son.

নন্দন [ nandana ] n a son; Paradise, Eden. ☐ a. de lightful, pleasing (নয়ননন্দন). ̃কানন n. Paradise, Eden. নন্দনন্দন n. son of Nanda, an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

নন্দা1 [ nandā1 ] n Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (astr. & astrol.) the first, the sixth and the elev enth lunar day of either fortnight.

নন্দি1 [ nandi1 ] a delightful, pleasant.

নন্দি2, নন্দিকেশ্বর [ nandi2, nandikēśbara ] n the chief attendant of Shiva (শিব).

নন্দিত [ nandita ] a delighted, pleased; congratu lated, felicitated. fem. নন্দিতা ।

নন্দিনী [ nandinī ] n. fem a daughter; a mythological wishing-cow. ☐ a. fem. delightsome, giving delight; pleasing, charming.