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নন্দিভৃঙ্গি [ nandibhṛṅgi ] n. pl Nandi (নন্দি) and Bhringi (ভৃঙ্গি), the two chief attendants of Shiva (শিব); (sarcas.) mischievous flatterers, undesirable lieutenants or as sociates.

নন্দী [ nandī ] n same as নন্দি2a. delighted. নন্দীভৃঙ্গী same as নন্দিভৃঙ্গি

নন্দোত্সব [ nandōtsaba ] n the festival to celebrate lord Krishna's birth.

নন্দ্য [ nandya ] a worth rejoicing; deserving felici tation.

নপুংসক [ napuṃsaka ] n a eunuch; a hermaphrodite; a castrated man or animal. ☐ a. her maphroditic; castrated; neuter; (fig.) impotent or futile (নপুংসক ক্রোধ).

নফর [ naphara ] n a man-servant; a menial; a ten ant-at-will. নফরালি n. office or state of a menial.

নব1 [ naba1 ] a new; novel; young; modern, re cent; new-born; newly grown; early; fresh. ̃কারিকা n. a newly-married wife. ̃কার্তিক n. infant Kartikeya (কার্তিকেয়); (sarcas.) a very ugly man; (hum.) a foppish gallant. ̃কুমার n. a new-born son. ̃গঠিত a. newly-formed, newly constructed or composed. ̃জলধর n. a newly-formed cloud, a fresh cloud. ̃জলধরপটল n. a heap of fresh clouds, cumulus. ̃জলধরশ্যাম a. as charmingly dark as a fresh rain-bearing cloud. ̃জাগরণ, ̃জাগৃতি n. resurgence, new awakening; rebirth, regeneration, re naissance. ̃জাত a. new-born; newly grown or produced. ̃জাতক n. a new born baby. ̃জীবন n. a new life; young life; a fresh lease of life; (fig.) rejuve nation or renascence. ̃ত্ব n. newness; novelty; modernity; freshness; novelty. ̃দম্পতি, ̃দম্পতী n. a newly married couple. ̃দল n. a fresh or new or tender leaf of a lotus. ̃নিযুক্ত a. newly ap pointed. ̃পল্লব n. a young leaf or twig or shoot or sprout. ̃বধূ n. a newly married wife or bride. ̃বর্ষ n. New Year. ̃বসন্ত n. early spring; a new spring. ̃বিধান n. a new law or system; a new order of the Brahma Samaj founded by Keshabchandra Sen; (Christ.) the New Testament. ̃মল্লিকা, ̃মালিকা n. a variety of jasmine. ̃যুবক n. a young man; (cp.) a greenhorn. fem. ̃যুবতী a young woman. ̃যৌবন n. early youth, the first flush of youth, the prime of youth; a fresh lease of youth; rejuvenation, rejuvenescence. ̃যৌবন সম্পন্ন a. in the prime of one's youth. fem. নবযৌবনসম্পন্না, নবযৌবনা ।

নব2 [ naba2 ] a. & n nine. ☐ a. ninth. ̃গুণ same as নবলক্ষণ । ̃গ্রহ n. (astr. & astrol.) the nine planets (collectively), namely the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, the Dragon's head or ascending node, and the Dragon's tail or descending node. ˜চত্বারিংশ a. forty-nine. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ n. & a. forty-nine. ˜চত্বা রিংশত্তম a. forty-ninth. fem. ̃চত্বা রিংশত্তমী।i ̃দুর্গা n. the nine manifesta tions collectively of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃দ্বার n. nine vents or inlets or outlets in the human body. ̃ধা a. nine times, ninefold; of nine kinds. ☐ adv. by nine times; in nine ways. ̃নবতি n. & a. ninty-nine. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-ninth. fem. ̃নবতিতমী । ̃পত্রিকা n. the image of a female deity formed with leaves of nine plants. ̃বিংশতি n. & a. twenty-nine. fem. ˜বিংশতিতমী । ̃রত্ন n. the nine most precious gems, namely, pearl, ruby, chrysoberyl or cat's eye, zircon or jacinth, diamond, (red) coral, beryl, emerald, and sapphire; (hist.) the nine courtiers of King Vikramaditya famous for their learning, wisdom and mastery in arts and letters. ̃রত্নসভা n. the court of King Vikramaditya con sisting of the aforesaid nine courtiers. ̃রস n. the nine poetical flavours or re actions, namely love, heroism, pathos, amazement, anger, fright, comicality, disgust and quietude. ̃শায়ক, (coll.) ̃শাক, (coll.) ̃শাখ n. the spicedealer, the garland-maker, the weaver, the milkman, the barber, the grower of be tel-leaves, the black-smith, the potter and the confectioner: these nine Hindu communities collectively.

নবতি [ nabati ] n. & a ninety. ̃তম a. ninetieth. fem. ̃তমী ।