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নিধান [ nidhāna ] n a store, a repertory, a house or abode, a receptacle or treasure-house (করুণানিধান); a fund; act of placing or depositing; that which is deposited, de posit; (math.-of logarithm) a base. নিধানীয় a. (math.-of logarithm) natural.

নিধি [ nidhi ] n a store, a fount or repertory (গুণনিধি); a treasury; wealth, treasure; wealth deposited; a fund; Kuvera's (কুবের) treasure; (fig.) a very rich trea sure. নিধি আবণ্টন n. allotment of funds.

নিধুবন1 [ nidhubana1 ] n sexual union, copulation; sports; amusements.

নিধুবন2 [ nidhubana2 ] n a garden in Brindaban which was the meeting-place or trysting-place of Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

নিধেয় [ nidhēẏa ] a worthy of being deposited or placed.

নিনাদ [ nināda ] n a sound; a noise; a report (esp. a loud one); a roar. নিনাদ করা v. to roar. নিনাদিত a. sounded; (of flutes etc.) blown or played or beaten or rung; roared.

নিন্দন [ nindana ] n upbraiding, reproaching, blam ing, slandering, animadversion, repre hension; reflection; condemnation, vilification.

নিন্দা [ nindā ] n animadversion, upbraiding, rep rehension; reflection; reproach, cen sure, blame, condemnation; slander, calumny, vilification; disrepute, dis credit. ☐ v. (poet.) same as নিন্দা করা । ̃কর same as নিন্দাজনক । নিন্দা করা v. to animadvert, to upbraid, to reprehend, to reflect upon, to reproach, to censure, to blame, to condemn, to slander, to calumniate, to vilify, to speak ill of; (poet.) to bring discredit upon, to put to shame. ̃কারী same as নিন্দুক । fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃জনক a. discreditable, dis graceful, slanderous, scandalous, shameful. ̃বাদ n. censure, censorious utterance or comments. ̃ভাজন a. (of a person) deserving censure or reproach. ̃যোগ্য, ̃র্হ a. deserving to be censured; condemnable; blamable, blameworthy; discreditable; disreputable. ̃সুচক a. condemnatory, slanderous, calumniatory. নিন্দাসূচক প্রস্তাব censure motion. ̃স্তুতি n. censure and praise.

নিন্দিত [ nindita ] a animadverted, reprehended, re proached, blamed, condemned, slan dered, calumniated, discredited, dis graced; looked down upon, hated, des picable. ☐ in comp. (used as a sfx.) put ting to shame, excelling (বীণানিন্দিত). fem. নিন্দিতা ।

নিন্দুক [ ninduka ] a. & n one who upbraids or reprihends or blames or reproaches or animadverts or condemns or vilifies.

নিপট1 [ nipaṭa1 ] a excessive, overmuch, extreme (নিপট অন্ধকার, নিপট দুঃখ); real, genu ine, absolute (নিপট সত্য); downright (নিপট মিথ্যা).

নিপট2 [ nipaṭa2 ] a lewd, licentious, dissolute ('নিপট কপট তুয়া শ্যাম'). নিপট লম্পট liber tine to the backbone.

নিপতন [ nipatana ] n act of falling down, fall; down fall.

নিপতিত [ nipatita ] a fallen down; fallen. নিপতিত হওয়া v. to fall down; to fall.

নিপাট [ nipāṭa ] a without a crease or fold; abso lute, complete (নিপাট ভদ্রলোক).

নিপাত [ nipāta ] n death, ruin, destruction. নিপাত যাওয়া v. to die, to be killed or ruined or destroyed, to go to rack and ruin; to be damned. নিপাত যাও to hell with you.

নিপাতিত [ nipātita ] a destroyed, killed; thrown down; overthrown. নিপাতিত করা v. to destroy, to kill; to throw down; to overthrow.

নিপীড়ক [ nipīḍ়ka ] a. & n one who oppresses or persecutes or harries or afflicts or re presses or presses or quells.

নিপীড়ন [ nipīḍ়na ] n oppression, persecution; harry ing, affliction; repression; act of caus ing severe suffering, torture; pressing; quelling. নিপীড়ন করা v. to oppress, to persecute, to tyrannize over, to harry, to afflict; to repress; to press; to quell.

নিপীড়িত [ nipīḍ়ita ] a oppressed, persecuted; har ried, afflicted; repressed; pressed; quelled. নিপীড়িত করা same as নিপীড়ন করা (see নিপীড়িন).

নিপীত [ nipīta ] a drunk to the dregs, drunk off or up, drained to the leas.

নিপুণ [ nipuṇa ] a skilful, dextrous, adept, adroit, deft, clever (নিপুণ কাজ); skilled, ex pert, efficient (কর্মনিপুণ). fem. নিপুণা । ̃তা n. skilfulness, dexterity, adroit ness, deftness; skill; expertness, effi ciency.

নিব [ niba ] n a nib.

নিবদ্ধ [ nibaddha ] a bound, tied, fastened; attached, affixed, adhering to; worn, put on; placed or deposited or thrust into; planted; put in, inserted, entered (লিপিনিবদ্ধ); fixed, settled, (of a gaze) firm and unchanging (নিবদ্ধদৃষ্টি); strung or arrayed (মাল্যনিবদ্ধ); registered. নিবদ্ধীকরণ n. fixation; planting; registra tion.

নিবন্ত [ nibanta ] a (of a light etc.) about to be extin guished, about to go out; (fig.) about to be exhausted, about to die out (নিবন্ত উত্সাহ); (fig.) exhausted; (fig.) dying; (fig.) dead. see also নিবুনিবু ।

নিবদ্ধ [ nibaddha ] n an essay, a dissertation, a thesis, a literary composition; a treatise, a book; a means; an arrangement; a sys tem, a rule; fixation, determination; a tie, a bond; a song, a lay. নিবন্ধক n. a registrar. নিবন্ধন n. a tie, a bond; fixa tion, determination. registration. ☐ in comp. (used as a sfx.) owing to, due to, because of (নথিনিবন্ধন, কার্যনিবন্ধন). ̃ভুক্ত a. entered in a register. নিবন্ধভুক্ত করা v. to register. নিবন্ধিত a. composed; writ ten; bound; strung.

নিবর্ত [ nibarta ] a desisted or refrained; stopped. নিবর্তক a. & n. one who or that which prevents or dissuades or stops; preven tive, dissuasive, stopping. নিবর্তন n. act of giving up, desisting, refraining, ces sation, stopping, closing; prevention; supersession; return, recession. নিবর্তনমূলক a. preventive. নিবর্তিত a. caused to give up or desist; stopped, ceased; caused to return or recede, re turned or receded; prevented.

নিবসই [ nibasi ] v (obs. poet.) dwells or dwell, lives or live, resides or reside.

নিবসতি, নিবসন [ nibasati, nibasana ] n act of dwelling or liv ing, residence; an abode, a dwelling house, a home.

নিবহ [ nibaha ] n a collection, a multitude ('স্নেচ্ছনিবহ').

নিবা [ nibā ] v (of a light or fire) to go out, to be extinguished or quenched. ☐ a. extin guished; quenched. নিবানো v. to put out, to extinguish; to quench. ☐ a. extin guished; quenched.

নিবাত [ nibāta ] a airless; stuffy; not flickering as there is no air (নিবাত প্রদীপ); motion less, still, steady (নিবাত নিষ্কম্প).

নিবাপ [ nibāpa ] n an offering of food etc. to the manes (নিবাপ-অঞ্জলি).

নিবারণ, নিবার [ nibāraṇa, nibāra ] n prevention; warding off; prohibition; stopping; mitigation, allay ing. নিবারণ করা v. to prevent; to ward off; to prohibit; to stop; to mitigate, to allay. নিবারণ হওয়া v. to be prevented or warded off; to stop or be stopped; to be mitigated or allayed. নিবারক a. prevent ing or preventive; warding off; prohib iting or prohibitory; stopping; mitigat ing, allaying. ☐ n. a preventer; one who wards off; a prohibitor; one who stops; an allaying agent. নিবারণীয় same as নিবার্য । নিবারা poet. form of নিবারণ করা নিবারিত a. prevented; warded off; pro hibited; mitigated, allayed. নিবারিত করা same as নিবারণ করা ।

নিবার্য [ nibārya ] a preventible; resistible; mitigable; capable of being warded off or opposed or allayed; avoidable.

নিবাস [ nibāsa ] n a dwelling-place, an abode, a home; a dwelling-house, a residence; act of residing (নিবাস করা). নিবাসী a. in habiting. ☐ n. an inhabitant. fem. নিবাসিনী ।

নিবিড় [ nibiḍ় ] a extremely close (নিবিড় বন্ধুত্ব); very dense or thick or deep (নিবিড় বন, নিবিড় অন্ধকার); tight (নিবিড় আনলিঙ্গন); plump, heavy (নিবিড় নিতম্ব). নিবিড়তা n. extreme closeness, excessive density or thickness or depth; tightness; plumpness, heaviness.

নিবিদ [ nibida ] a relating to the ancient sayings about deities.

নিবিষ্ট [ nibiṣṭa ] a deeply engaged, engrossed, ab sorbed, concentrated; arrayed, placed in an orderly manner; entered. fem. নিবিষ্টা । নিবিষ্ট করা v. to engage deeply, to engross, to absorb, to concentrate; to array, to place in an orderly manner; to enter. ̃চিত্ত a. having one's mind deeply engaged or engrossed or ab sorbed or concentrated, intently atten tive. ̃চিত্তে adv. with close or undi vided or rapt attention. ̃তা n. engross ment, absorbedness, concentration.

নিবীত [ nibīta ] n a cotton or linen scarf; a holy thread slung by a Brahmin over the up per part of his body, or round his neck.

নিবুনিবু [ nibunibu ] a (of fire, light etc.) about to go out or be extinguished. নিবুনিবু হওয়া v. to be on the point of going out or being extinguished.

নিবৃত্ত [ nibṛtta ] a desisted, given up, refrained, ceased, stopped; warded off; pre vented; returned, receded. নিবৃত্ত করা v. to cause to desist from or give up or dissuade; to cause to cease, to stop; to ward off; to prevent; to cause to return or recede. নিবৃত্ত হওয়া v. to desist or re frain from, to give up; to cease, to stop; to be warded off or prevented; to return or recede. নিবৃত্তি n. desisting, act of going up, refraining; cessation, stop page; return or recession; renunciation (of earthly pleasures and interests.) নিবৃত্তিমার্গ n. the path of attaining salva tion by renouncing earthly pleasures and interests, the path of renunciation.

নিবেদক [ nibēdaka ] a. & n one who narrates and states or represents or submits or in forms or petitions humbly or politely; one who dedicates or offers devot edly.

নিবেদন [ nibēdana ] n humble or polite narration or statement or representation or submis sion or petition; dedication or offering in devotion. নিবেদন করা v. to narrate or state or represent or submit or petition humbly or politely; to dedicate or offer in devotion. ̃পত্র n. a memorandum or memorial, a petition. নিবেদনীয় same as নিবেদ্য ।

নিবেদিত [ nibēdita ] a narrated or stated or repre sented or submitted or petitioned hum bly or politely; dedicated or offered in devotion.

নিবেদ্য [ nibēdya ] a fit to be or intended to be nar rated or stated or represented or sub mitted or petitioned humbly or po litely; fit to be or intended to be dedi cated or offered in devotion.

নিবেশ [ nibēśa ] n encampment or a camp (সেনা নিবেশ); act of placing in an orderly manner; arraying (বূহ্যনিবেশ); placing, emplacement; insertion; interpolation; application, engaging (মনোনিবেশ); en trance; act of sitting. নিবেশক a. & n. one who or that which encamps or ar rays or places or inserts or interpolates or applies or engages or enters or causes to enter or sits or causes to sit; one who records. ☐ n. a recorder. নিবেশন n. entrance; act of sitting; plac ing, emplacement; a dwelling-house, an abode, a house; a place; act of re cording (in a book); interpolation. নিবেশিত a. encamped; placed in an or derly manner, arrayed; placed, put; in serted; interpolated; applied, engaged; entered; seated; recorded; transited; in fected; domiciled.

নিবেশী [ nibēśī ] a. & n domiciled; a domiciled person.

-নিভ [ -nibha ] sfx denoting: similarity or likeness or equality (পদ্মনিভ, দুগ্ধফেননিভ).

নিভাঁজ [ nibhān̐ja ] a bearing no crease or foldingline or wrinkle; plane, smooth, unadulter ated, pure, genuine.

নিভৃত [ nibhṛta ] a secret, private (নিভৃত আলাপ); lonely, solitary (নিভৃত স্হান). ̃কক্ষ n. a private room; a closet. ̃চিন্তা n. medi tations in solitude. ̃স্হান n. a lonely or solitary place, a lonely retreat, soli tude. নিভৃতে adv. secretly, privately; in a solitary place; in solitude.