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নিরালোক [ nirālōka ] a without light, lightless; dark. ☐ n. lightlessness; darkness.

নিরাশ [ nirāśa ] a hopeless; dejected, despondent; despairing; disappointed. নিরাশ করা n. to disappoint. নিরাশ হওয়া v. to lose hope; to be dejected, to despair; to de spond; to be disappointed. নিরাশা n. loss of hope; dejection, despondency, despondence; despair; disappointment.

নিরাশ্বাস [ nirāśbāsa ] a despairing, sunk in despair; dejected, despondent.

নিরাশ্রয় [ nirāśraẏa ] a shelterless, homeless; helpless, destitute. fem. নিরাশ্রয়া ।

নিরাসক্ত [ nirāsakta ] a indifferent, apathetic; detached; disinterested; without attachment (usu. to worldly or mundane things).

নিরাহার [ nirāhāra ] n fasting; starvation. ☐ a. fast ing; starving. নিরাহারে adv. (going) without food, fasting, starving.

নিরিখ [ nirikha ] n rate of price.

নিরিন্দ্রিয় [ nirindriẏa ] a having no sense-organ; (fig.) deprived or devoid of sense-percep tion.

নিরিবিলি [ niribili ] a solitary, lonely, secluded. ☐ n. a lonely place. ☐ adv. in or at a lonely place (নিরিবিলি বসা); privately (নিরিবিলি কথা বলা).

নিরীক্ষক [ nirīkṣaka ] a observing, seeing; auditing. ☐ n. an observer or onlooker; an auditor.

নিরীক্ষণ [ nirīkṣaṇa ] n observation, seeing; observing closely; examine carefully; auditing or audit. নিরীক্ষণ করা v. to observe, to see; to audit.

নিরীক্ষমাণ [ nirīkṣamāṇa ] a engaged in observing or see ing or auditing. fem. নিরীক্ষমাণা ।

নিরীক্ষিত [ nirīkṣita ] a observed, seen; audited.

নিরীক্ষ্যমাণ [ nirīkṣyamāṇa ] a that which is being observed or noticed or seen or audited.

নিরীশ্বর [ nirīśbara ] a godless; atheistic, atheistical. ̃বাদ n. atheism. ̃বাদী a. atheistic, atheistical; ☐ n. an atheist.

নিরীহ [ nirīha ] a unoffending, inoffensive, harm less, innocent; gentle, meek. ̃তা n. in nocence, harmlessness; gentleness, meekness; disinterestedness.

নিরুক্ত [ nirukta ] n a Vedic glossary or concordance prepared by Yaska. ☐ a. categorically spoken or stated. নিরুক্তি n. a categorical speech or statement; an assertion; etymological notes; an enunciation; a Vedic glossary or concordance com piled by Yaska.

নিরুচ্চার [ niruccāra ] a speechless, silent; mute; mum.

নিরুত্সাহ [ nirutsāha ] a lacking in or deprived of zeal or enthusiasm; lackadaisical; discour aged; disheartened, dejected. ☐ n. lack or loss of zeal or enthusiasm; discour agement; dejection. নিরুত্সাহ করা v. to discourage; to dishearten, to deject.

নিরুত্সুক [ nirutsuka ] a disinterested, callous; incuri ous; uninquisitive; (rare) extremely cu rious or inquisitive.

নিরুত্তর [ niruttara ] a unanswering, unresponding, irresponsive; silent; unprotesting.

নিরুত্তেজ [ niruttēja ] a unexcited; calm and com posed.

নিরুদ [ niruda ] a waterless; (chem.) anhydrous; dehydrated. নিরুদক a. anhydrous. নিরুদন n. dehydration.

নিরুদ্দিষ্ট [ niruddiṣṭa ] a missing, traceless.

নিরুদ্দেশ [ niruddēśa ] a having no destination (নিরুদ্দেশ যাত্রা); missing, traceless (নিরুদ্দেশ লোক).

নিরুদ্ধ [ niruddha ] a confined; besieged; bolted, closed (নিরুদ্ধ দ্বার); choked (নিরুদ্ধ কন্ঠ); obstructed (নিরুদ্ধ পথ); checked, stopped, halted (নিরুদ্ধ গতি).

নিরুদ্বিগ্ন [ nirudbigna ] a same as নিরুদ্বেগ (a.).

নিরুদ্বেগ [ nirudbēga ] a unperturbed; unworried; calm. ☐ n. unperturbedness, unworriedness; calmness. নিরুদ্বেগে adv. without worries and anxieties, calmly.

নিরুদ্যম [ nirudyama ] a unenterprising, effortless; cal lous; lethargic; slothful; lackadaisical.

নিরুপদ্রব [ nirupadraba ] a free from troubles or distur bances or dangers; untroubled, undis turbed; peaceful; safe; secure. নিরুপদ্রবে adv. without troubles or dangers; undisturbedly; peacefully, safely.

নিরুপম [ nirupama ] a unparalleled, matchless, peer less, unrivalled, nonpareil; incompa rable; unique. fem. নিরুপমা ।

নিরুপাধি, নিরুপাধিক [ nirupādhi, nirupādhika ] a having no title or surname; diplomaless; having none of the primordial qualities of a created being, namely সত্ত্ব র়জঃ and তমঃ (নিরুপাধি ব্রহ্ম).