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নিরুপায় [ nirupāẏa ] a having no means or expedi ents; resourceless, destitute; helpless.

নিরূপক [ nirūpaka ] a ascertaining, determining; fix ing; realizing.

নিরূপণ [ nirūpaṇa ] n ascertainment, determination; fixation; realization. নিরূপণ করা v. to ascertain, to determine; to fix; to real ize. নিরূপণীয় a. that which is to be ascertained or determined or fixed or realized, ascertainable, determinable.

নিরূপিত [ nirūpita ] a ascertained, determined; fixed, appointed; realized. নিরূপিত মূল্যে at fixed or settled price. নিরূপিত সময়ে at the appointed time or hour.

নিরেট [ nirēṭa ] a not hollow or liquid; solid or hard; (sarcas.) dull-headed, doltish, stu pid; thorough, utter, downright (নিরেট মূর্খ). ☐ n. (coll.) a dunce, a dolt, a blockhead, a numskull (সে একটা নিরেট).

নিরেস [ nirēsa ] a inferior.

নিরোধ, নিরোধন [ nirōdha, nirōdhana ] n siege; counteraction, ob struction, opposition, prevention; re straint, control, repression; (phys.) chocking. নিরোধ করা v. to besiege, to counteract, to obstruct, to oppose, to prevent; to check, to restrain, to control, to repress; (phys.) to choke. নিরোধক a. besieging; counteracting, obstructing; opposing, preventing; restraining, con trolling, repressing; choking.

নির্গত [ nirgata ] a emerged, issued, ejected, flowed out. নির্গত করা v. to bring or send out, to emerge, to issue, to eject, to cause to flow out. নির্গত হওয়া v. to come or go out, to emerge, to issue, to be ejected, to flow out.

নির্গন্ধ [ nirgandha ] a scentless, inodorous, odourless.

নির্গম, নির্গমন [ nirgama, nirgamana ] n act of coming or going out; emergence, act of issuing out, ejection, outflow. নির্গমকোণ n. (sc.) an angle of emergence. নির্গমনিবন্ধ n. out ward register. নির্গমপথ n. an outlet. নির্গমবাণিজ্য n. export trade. নির্গমশুল্ক n. export duty.

নির্গলন [ nirgalana ] n melting; exudation; filtration.

নির্গলিত [ nirgalita ] a melted; exuded; filtrated. নির্গলিত করা v. to melt; to cause to ex ude; to filtrate. নির্গলিত হওয়া v. to be melted, to melt; to exude; to be fil trated. নির্গলিতার্থ n. an obscure implica tion that has been squeezed out with effort, the real import (got after reject ing verbiage, superfluity etc.); (loos.) the essence, the quintessence; the sub stance.

নির্গুণ [ nirguṇa ] a having no qualities; having no good qualities or qualification (নির্গুণ লোক); having none of the primordial qualities of created beings, namely, সত্ত্ব রজঃ and তমঃ (নির্গুণ ব্রহ্ম).

নির্গুঢ় [ nirguḍh় ] a extremely hidden or secret or mysterious or occult.

নির্গৃহ [ nirgṛha ] a shelterless, homeless.

নির্গ্রম্হ [ nirgramha ] a (of string, cloth, mind etc.) hav ing no knot; having no attachment or interest, disinterested, unattached. ☐ n. a Jaina or Buddhist friar.

নির্ঘন্ট [ nirghanṭa ] n a table of contents, an index; a programme, a bill of fare.

নির্ঘাত [ nirghāta ] n the sound of winds clashing to gether violently; the violent conflict of two air currents; the sound of a con cussion; a thunder-stroke. ☐ a. violent, terrible; cruel; heart-rending; unfailing, hitting the mark (নির্ঘাত আঘাত). adv. surely (নির্ঘাত করবে).

নির্ঘৃণ [ nirghṛṇa ] a having no aversion or feeling of disgust towards filthy things; shame less, impudent, brazen-faced.

নির্ঘোষ [ nirghōṣa ] n a loud noise or report.

নির্জন [ nirjana ] a desolate; lonely, solitary. ☐ n. a lonely place; solitude. ̃তা n. desolateness, desolation; loneliness; solitude; seclusion.

নির্জর [ nirjara ] a unageing, not subject to old age or decay. ☐ n. an immortal, a god.

নির্জল [ nirjala ] a waterless; not diluted with wa ter, raw (নির্জল মদ); having no permis sion to drink even a drop of water (নির্জল উপবাস); anhydrous; dehy drated. নির্জল কোহল absolute alcohol. নির্জলা a. fem. of নির্জল ।a. (sarcas.) unmixed, absolute, downright (নির্জলা দুঃখ, নির্জলা মিথ্যা).

নির্জিত [ nirjita ] a defeated, vanquished, crushed, subdued, subjugated.

নির্জীব [ nirjība ] a lifeless, dead; inanimate (নির্জীব পদার্থ); devitalized, effete; spiritless, languid, inert; exhausted, fatigued; very feeble, faint; dull. ̃তা n. lifeless ness; inanimation; lack of vitality or vigour; effeteness; languor, inertia, spiritlessness; exhaustion, fatigue; feebleness, faintness; dullness.

নির্ঝঞ্ঝাট [ nirjhañjhāṭa ] a untroubled; unencumbered; unimpeded; peaceful, smooth. নির্ঝঞ্ঝাটে adv. without trouble or encumbrance or impediment; peacefully, smoothly.

নির্ঝর [ nirjhara ] n a fountain, a spring; a waterfall, a cascade, a cataract; a mountain brook, a rivulet.

নির্ঝরিণী [ nirjhariṇī ] n. fem a river, a stream.

নির্ণয় [ nirṇaẏa ] n discernment; ascertain-ment; de termination; decision; resolution. নির্ণয় করা v. to discern, to descry; to ascer tain, to determine; to decide; to re solve.

নির্ণায়ক [ nirṇāẏaka ] a discerning; ascertaining; decid ing; resolving. ☐ n. a criterion, নির্ণায়ক মত, নির্ণায়ক ভোট n. a casting vote. নির্ণায়ক সভা n. a jury. নির্ণায়ক সভ্য n. a juror.

নির্ণীত [ nirṇīta ] a discerned; ascertained, deter mined; decided; resolved.

নির্ণেতা [ nirṇētā ] a. & n one who discerns or ascer tains or determines or decides or re solves. fem. নির্ণেত্রী ।

নির্ণেয় [ nirṇēẏa ] a that which is to be or can be dis cerned or ascertained or decided or re solved; discernible, ascertainable, de terminable; decidable.

নির্দয় [ nirdaẏa ] a merciless, hard-hearted; cruel; extremely severe. ̃তা n. merciless ness, hard-heartedness; cruelty; ex treme severity.

নির্দল [ nirdala ] a without any party; having no party; (in pol.) unaligned or indepen dent.

নির্দায় [ nirdāẏa ] a having no liability or responsi bility.

নির্দিষ্ট [ nirdiṣṭa ] a pointed out, indicated; demon strated; ascertained, determined; de cided; fixed, settled, appointed; par ticular; definite; defined; ordered; en joined, directed. নির্দিষ্ট করা v. to point out, to indicate; to demonstrate; to as certain, to determine; to decide or re solve; to fix, to settle, to appoint; to particularize; to define; to order, to en join, to direct.

নির্দেশ [ nirdēśa ] n indication; demonstration; ascertainment, determination; decision; fixation, appointment; definition; an order or directive; direction. নির্দেশ করা, নির্দেশ দেওয়া v. to point out, to demon strate; to ascertain, to determine; to de cide; to fix, to appoint; to define; to or der or enjoin; to direct. নির্দেশক, নির্দেষ্টা a. & n. one who or that which indi cates or demonstrates or ascertains or determines or decides or fixes or de fines or orders or directs. ˜নামা n. a di rective. ̃পত্র n. a written directive or order. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. in receipt of a directive or order; enjoined; directed.

নির্দোষ [ nirdōṣa ] a faultless, guiltless, immaculate (নির্দোষ চরিত্র); not guilty, innocent (নির্দোষ ব্যক্তি); flawless (নির্দোষ কাজ); harmless (নির্দোষ খেলা). নির্দোষ আমোদ প্রমোদ innocent amusements or diver sion or pastime. নির্দোষ a. (pop.) not guilty, innocent. ☐ n. (pop.) an inno cent person. নির্দোষিতা n. innocence; guiltlessness; flawlessness.

নির্দ্বন্দ্ব [ nirdbandba ] a free from opposition, free from severity of cold and heat or from anger and malice; free from incompatibility; free from duel or strife; peaceful; ami cable.

নির্দ্বিধ [ nirdbidha ] a unhesitant, unwavering; without hesitation; certain; sure.

নির্ধন [ nirdhana ] a having no wealth; not rich; poor; indigent. ̃তা n. poverty; indigence; lack of wealth. নির্ধনীকৃত a. made a pau per, impoverished.

নির্ধারণ [ nirdhāraṇa ] n ascertainment; discernment; determination; fixation; decision; as sessment. নির্ধারণ করা v. to ascertain; to discern; to determine; to fix, to ap point; to decide; to assess. নির্ধারক a. & n. one who or that which ascer tains or discerns or determines or fixes or decides or assesses. নির্ধারিত a. ascertained; discerned; determined; fixed, appointed; decided; assessed.