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1 [ pa1 ] n the twenty-first consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

2 [ pa2 ] a (used as a sfx.) breeding or keep ing (গোপ), drinking (মধুপ)..

পইছা [ pichā ] n a kind of bangle or bracelet.

পইঠা [ piṭhā ] n a step or a flight of stairs.

পইপই [ pipi ] adv repeatedly, again and again (usu. পইপই করে বলেছি).

পঁচাত্তর [ pan̐cāttara ] n. & a seventy-five.

পঁচাশি [ pan̐cāśi ] n. & a eighty-five.

পঁচিশ [ pan̐ciśa ] n. & a twenty-five. পঁচিশে a. (of the days of a month) twenty-fifth. ☐ n. the twenty-fifth day of a month, the twenty-fifth.

পঁয়তাল্লিশ [ pam̐ẏatālliśa ] n. & a forty-five.

পঁয়ত্রিশ [ pam̐ẏatriśa ] n & a. thirty-five.

পঁয়ষট্টি [ pam̐ẏaṣaṭṭi ] n. & a sixty-five.

পকেট [ pakēṭa ] n a pocket. পকেট কাটা, পকেট মারা v. to pick someone's pocket. পকেট ভরা, পকেটে পোরা v. to put in the pocket, to pocket. ঝুল-পকেট n. a side-pocket. পিছনের পকেট a hip-pocket. বুক-পকেট n. a breast-pocket. ভিতরের পকেট an inside pocket. ̃ঘড়ি n. a pocket-watch. ̃বই n. a pocket-book. ̃মার n. a pick pocket; a cut-purse. ̃স্হ a. put or kept in the pocket. পকেটস্হ করা v. to put or keep (a thing) in the pocket.

পকোড়া, পকৌড়া [ pakōḍ়ā, pakauḍ়ā ] n a chop of onion fried usu. in oil.

পক্ক [ pakka ] a for. form of পাকা (a.). ̃কেশ n. grey hair. ☐ a. grey-haired; aged, old. ̃তা n. ripeness; greyness; maturity; precocity; digestion. ̃বিম্বাধরোষ্ঠী a. & n. (for.) one whose or of one whose lips are beautifylly red. পক্কাশয়, পাকাশয় n. the stomach.

পক্ষ [ pakṣa ] n a lunar fortnight (কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, শুক্লপক্ষ); a period of fifteen days, a fortnight (দুই পক্ষকাল); (of birds) a wing, a feather; (of fish) a fin; (of an arrow) a feather; a team, a party, a side (পক্ষভুক্ত); a direction or side or hand (পক্ষান্তরে); a flank, a side (পক্ষাঘাত); question or answer in a debate, support or opposition, a thesis or an antithesis (পূর্বপক্ষ, উত্তরপক্ষ); behalf (তার পক্ষে উকিল দাঁড়ায়নি); state or condition (পারতপক্ষে); (of a person married, more than once) marriage (দ্বিতীয় পক্ষের স্ত্রী); a husband or wife, spouse (এটি তার তৃতীয়পক্ষ). ̃ক n. (bot.) a. a pinule. ̃গ্রহণ same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. act of cutting off or clipping one's wings; (fig.) act of making powerless; refutation of one's argument. পক্ষচ্ছেদ করা, পক্ষচ্ছেদন করা v. to cut off or clip one's wings; (fig.) to render powerless. ̃ধর a. winged. ☐ n. a bird; the moon. ̃পাত, ̃পাতিতা, ̃পাতিত্ব n. partiality; unreasonable love or fondness (for), favouritism, bias, preference (ছেলের প্রতি মায়ের পক্ষপাত). ̃পাতদুষ্ট a. biased, partial; corrupted with partiality or favouritism. পাতশূন্য a. impartial, un biased. পক্ষপাতী a. partial, prejudicial; biased, prejudiced; inclined to favouring, prone or leaning to. fem. ̃পাতিনী । ̃পুট n. the inner part or in side of a wing. ̃পুটে adv. under cover of wings, within the wings; (fig.) under one's protection. ̃ভুক্ত a. included in a side or team. ̃ভেদ n. act of distin guishing one side from another; (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party; differentiation of the two opposing sides of an argument. ̃ল a. winged; having a fin or fins; (bot.) pinnate. ̃শিরাবিন্যাস n. (bot.) pinnate venation. ̃শিরিত a. (bot.) pinnately veined. ̃সঞ্চালন n. act of flapping or moving one's wings (as by a bird). ̃সঞ্চালন করা v. to flap or move one's wings. ̃সমর্থক same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । ̃সমর্থন same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃সমর্থনকারী same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । fem. ̃সমর্থনকারীণী ।

পক্ষাকার, পক্ষাকৃতি [ pakṣākāra, pakṣākṛti ] a wing-shaped, feather-shaped; fin-shaped; pinnate.

পক্ষাঘাত [ pakṣāghāta ] n paralysis, palsy. ̃গ্রস্হ a. paralysed, palsied.

পক্ষান্ত [ pakṣānta ] n the end or termination of a lu nar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; (loos.) termination of a fort night or a period of fifteen days.

পক্ষান্তর [ pakṣāntara ] n the other side or condition. পক্ষান্তরে adv. on the other side, on the other hand, contrary-wise.

পক্ষাপক্ষ [ pakṣāpakṣa ] n the other fortnight; one's friends and foes or supporters and an tagonists. ̃বিচার n. discrimination be tween one's friends and enemies. ̃বিচারহীন a. impartial (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীন মন্তব্য); indiscriminate (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীন হত্যা).

পক্ষাবলম্বন [ pakṣābalambana ] n act of siding with or follow ing or standing for or supporting or de fending a particular (contending) party or person; partisanship; act of playing for a particular team. পক্ষাবলম্বন করা v. to side with; to follow, to adhere to; to stand for, to support, to defend; to play for. পক্ষাবলম্বী a. siding with; following, adhering to; standing for, supporting, defending; playing for a particular team. ☐ n. a party-man; a partisan; a follower, an adherent; a supporter, a defender; a player of a particular team. fem. পক্ষাবলম্বিনী ।

পক্ষিণী [ pakṣiṇī ] fem of পক্ষী ।

পক্ষিপালক [ pakṣipālaka ] a employed in aviculture. ☐ n. a bird-fancier, an aviarist.

পক্ষিপালন [ pakṣipālana ] n aviculture. পক্ষিপালন করা v. to collect, keep and breed birds, to be engaged in aviculture. ̃শালা a. an avi ary.

পক্ষিবিদ্যা [ pakṣibidyā ] n ornithology.

পক্ষিরাজ [ pakṣirāja ] n a king of birds; an appellation of Garuda (গরুড়); (myth.) a winged horse.

পক্ষিশাবক [ pakṣiśābaka ] n the young ones of a bird; young of a bird (collectively).

পক্ষিশালা [ pakṣiśālā ] n an aviary.

পক্ষিশিকার [ pakṣiśikāra ] n killing or shooting of birds, fowling.

পক্ষী [ pakṣī ] n the bird.

পক্ষীমার [ pakṣīmāra ] n a fowler.

পক্ষীয় [ pakṣīẏa ] a of or concerning a side or group or party; belonging to a party.

পক্ষোদ্গম, পক্ষোদ্ভেদ [ pakṣōdgama, pakṣōdbhēda ] n fledging. পক্ষোদ্গম হওয়া, পক্ষোদ্ভেদ হওয়া v. to be fledged.

পক্ষ্ম [ pakṣma ] n eyelash; a feather.

পগার [ pagāra ] n a ditch or drain marking the boundary of tract or land. পগার পার হওয়া v. (lit.) to leap over or cross a ditch; (fig.) to scamper off or to run away beyond reach.

পঙ্ক্তি [ paṅkti ] n a row, a line. ̃ভোজন n. dining together sitting in a row, dining in company, community-dining; commu nity dinner.

পঙ্ক [ paṅka ] n soft mud, clay; filth; (geog.) silt; (bio.) protoplasm; a paste (চন্দনপঙ্ক); (fig.) vice; (archi.) finial. ̃জ a. born of or grown in soft mud, clay-born. ☐ n. the lotus, the water-lily. fem. ̃জা । ̃নয়ন, ̃নেত্র a. lotus-eyed. fem. ̃নয়না । ̃জিনী n. a pond in which lotuses grow, a lotus-pool; a clump or cluster of lo tuses, a collection of lotuses. ̃ময়, পঙ্কিল a. full of soft mud, miry, muddy; turbid; filthy; vicious. ̃রুহ n. lotus. পঙ্কিলতা n. muddiness, miriness; turbid ity; filthiness; viciousness. পঙ্কোদ্ধার n. dredging (as a river) (fig.); cleansing or purification; correction; act of bringing into order out of an intoler able or intricate mess; (fig.) reclama tion from vice. পঙ্কোদ্ধার করা v. to dredge; (fig.) to bring into order out of an intolerable or intricate mess; (fig.) to reclaim from vice.

পঙ্খ [ paṅkha ] a (dial.—archi.) finial.

পঙ্খী [ paṅkhī ] n (vul.) a bird; (vul.) a ganjasmoker and teller of cock-and-bull stories (পঙ্খীর দল). ☐ a. shaped like a bird (ময়ূরপঙ্খী).

পঙ্গপাল [ paṅgapāla ] n a swarm of locusts; a locust; (fig.) a huge crowd.

পঙ্গু [ paṅgu ] a lame; crippled; deprived of the power of movement; rendered power less. ̃তা n. lameness; crippledom, crippled state or condition; deprivation of the power of movement; deprivation of power.

পচ [ paca ] n putrefaction, rotting. পচ ধরা v. to begin to rot or putrefy or decay.

পচন [ pacana ] n cooking; digesting, digestion; pu trefaction, rotting; (med.) sepsis. ̃ নিবারক a. counteracting putrefaction: (med.) antiseptic. ̃শীল a. easily putre fied; putrescent, rotting; (med.) getting septic.

পচা [ pacā ] v to rot, to putrefy, to decompose; (med.) to become septic; (fig.) to be come too old or hackneyed. ☐ a. rotten, putrefied, decomposed; (med.) that which has become septic; (fig.) too old or hackneyed (পচা খবর). পচা ভাদ্র (ভাদ্দর) the humid and sweltering month of Bhadra.

পচাই [ pacāi ] n a spirituous liquor distilled from rice, arrack.

পচানো [ pacānō ] v to cause to rot, to rot, to pu trefy, to decompose etc.; to ret (jute etc.); (med.) to make septic. ☐ a. that which has been putrefied or decom posed.

পচাল [ pacāla ] n (dial.) useless garrulous or idle talk or scandal. পচাল পাড়া v. to indulge in useless garrulous talk or scandal, to be talkative, to have a long tongue.

পচ্য [ pacya ] a worth cooking; digestible.

পছন্দ [ pachanda ] n choice; liking; selection; appro bation. ☐ a. chosen; liked; selected; ap proved. পছন্দ করা v. to choose; to like; to select; to approve. ̃সই a. to one's liking; choice, select.

পঞ্চ [ pañca ] n. & a five. ̃ক n. a set of five, a quintette, a quintet, a pentad (গীতপঞ্চক). ̃কোণ, ̃কোণী a. pentagular. ̃গব্য n. the five articles derived from the cow, namely, curd, milk, clarified butter, cow's urine and cowdung. ̃গুণ n. the five qualities or attributes, namely, beauty, exudation or juice, smell, touch and sound. ☐ a. five times, five fold. ̃গৌড় n. a collective name for the ancient regions of Gaud (গৌড়), Mithila (মিথিল), Utkal (উত্কল), Kanauj (কনৌজ), and the region situated on the bank of the river Saraswati. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-five. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ n. & a. forty-five. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-fifth. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃তপা a. one who prac tises severe religious austerities with the blazing sun overhead and enkin dling four huge fires on four sides. ̃ত্রিংশ n. thirty-five. ̃ত্রিংশত্ n. & a. thirty-five. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-fifth. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । পঞ্চত্ব n. death. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্ত a. dead. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to meet with death, to give or yield up the ghost, to die. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্তি n. death. ̃দল a. having five petals, quinquepetalous; pentam erous; quinquepartite. ̃দল পুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃দলীয় a. pentamerous; per taining to or consisting of five parties, quinquepartite. ̃দশ n. & a. fifteen. □ a. fifteenth. ̃দশী a. fem. fifteenth; fif teen years old. ☐ n. the ultimate day of a lunar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; one of the Vedantas (বেদান্ত). ̃দেবতা n. five deities or Gods receiving oblation before one's meal. ̃নদ n. the Punjab (it is inundated by five rivers). ̃পান্ডব n. the five Pandava( পান্ডব). brothers of the Mahabharata, the Pandava quintette. ̃পাত্র n. a vessel used in Hindu religious service: it consists of four small metal cups placed on a metal tray. ̃পিতা n. one's progenitor, deliverer from fear, father-in-law, preceptor and maintainer col lectively. ̃প্রদীপ n. a metal lamp with room for five wicks. ̃বটী n. a sacred place with the assemblage of five banyan trees. ̃বাণ n. the five arrows of Kam (কাম) the god of love, namely, enchantment, excitement, absorption, heating and stupefaction; Kama the god of love. ̃বায়ু n. the five vital airs (or breaths) that are drawn into or sent out from the body. ̃বিংশ a. twenty-five. ̃বিংশতি n. & a. twenty-five. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-fifth. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃ভূজ n. (geom.) a penta gon. ☐ a. pentagonal. ̃ভূত n. the five vital elements collectively, namely, earth, water, heat, air and atmosphere or space. পঞ্চভূতে মেশা v. (lit.) to be dis solved into the five vital elements; (fig.) to die. পঞ্চম a. fifth. ☐ n. same as পঞ্চমস্বর । ̃মকার n. wine, meat, fish, posture and sexual intercourse collec tively, five essential tantric (তান্ত্রিক) practices or rites. পঞ্চমবাহিনী n. the fifth column; the group of soldiers support ing and working for the enemy within the country. পঞ্চমস্বর n. (mus.) the major fifth of the C-scale; the cuckoo's note. ̃মহাপাতক n. the five mortal sins ac cording to Hindu scriptures. পঞ্চমী a. fem. fifth. ☐ n. fem. the fifth lunar day of either fortnight. ̃মুখ a. having five faces or mouths, five-faced; eloquent (প্রশংসায় পঞ্চমুখ). ☐ n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃মুখী a. fem. five-faced; pentapetalous; having five surfaces (পঞ্চমুখী নীলা); having five bores or holes (পঞ্চমুখী রুদ্রাক্ষ); having five parts or sections, pentamerous, five pronged. ̃মুখী পুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃রঙ্গ ̃রং n. (in chess) one of the systems of checkmating. ̃রত্ন n. the five gems collectively, namely, sapphire, dia mond, ruby, pearl and coral. ̃রাশিক n. (arith.) the double rule of three. ̃শর same as ̃বাণ । ̃শস্য n. the five princi pal grains collectively, namely, paddy, kidney-bean or oat, barley, sesame and pigeon-pea.

পঞ্চাঙ্ক [ pañcāṅka ] a having five acts, five-act (পঞ্চাঙ্ক নাটক).

পঞ্চানন [ pañcānana ] a having five faces. ☐ n. an ap pellation of Shiva (শিব).

পঞ্চানন্দ [ pañcānanda ] n a traditional deity of Bengal; (loos.) Shiva (শিব).

পঞ্চামৃত [ pañcāmṛta ] n the five sweet edible things collectively, namely, curd, milk, clari fied butter, sugar and honey; the sacra ment of feeding a woman with these five sweet things in the fifth month of her pregnancy.

পঞ্চায়েত [ pañcāẏēta ] n a village council (ori. consist ing of five members), a panchayet. পঞ্চায়েতি n. work or arbitration of a panchayet; councilship of a panchayet. ☐ a. relating to a panchayet.

পঞ্চালিকা, পঞ্চালী [ pañcālikā, pañcālī ] n a doll, a puppet.

পঞ্চাশ, পঞ্চাশত্ [ pañcāśa, pañcāśat ] n. & a fifty. পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fif tieth. fem. পঞ্চাশত্তমী । পঞ্চাশবার adv. fifty times; (fig.) many times, (cp.) thou sand and one times, times without number.

পঞ্চাশীতি [ pañcāśīti ] n. & a eighty-five. ̃তম a. eighty-fifth. fem. ̃তমী ।

পঞ্চেন্দ্রিয় [ pañcēndriẏa ] n the five sense-organs collec tively, namely, the eye(s), the nose, the tongue, the skin.

পঞ্জর [ pañjara ] n the ribs; the thor; the skeletal frame of the chest; a flank; a cage. পঞ্জরাস্হি n. a rib-bone, a rib.

পঞ্জাবি [ pañjābi ] a or born in the Punjab. ☐ n. a native of the Punjab; the language of the Punjab; a loose-fitting upper-gar ment with no collar.

পঞ্জি, পঞ্জী, পঞ্জিকা [ pañji, pañjī, pañjikā ] n an almanac, a calen dar, an ephemeris; a chronicle, a jour nal, a diary (ঘটনাপঞ্জি). পঞ্জিকর, পঞ্জিকাকার n. the maker of an almanac.

পট1 [ paṭa1 ] n cloth or canvas (পটমন্ডপ); a can vas for painting on, a canvas with a painting on, a painting (চিত্রপট); a painted earthen pot of convex shape; a painted slide as displayed on the stage, a scene (দৃশ্যপট). ̃কার n. a painter; a weaver.

পট2, পট্ [ paṭa2, paṭ ] int expressing: crackling noise; noise of bursting, splitting or snapping; suddenness; quickness. পট করে adv. with a crackling or snapping noise; suddenly; quickly. পটাপট adv. making such a noise in quick (and often sud den) succession; suddenly; quickly.