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পটকা [ paṭakā ] a extremely weak or feeble (রোগাপটকা). ☐ n. a cracker; a squib; the bladder of a fish.

পটকানো [ paṭakānō ] v (coll.) to fling to the ground, to knock down; to defeat, to vanquish; to be overpowered.

পটপটি2 [ paṭapaṭi2 ] n over-fastidiousness about pu rity; making too much of anything, ex aggeration, tall talk, bragging (মুখেই পটপটি); a kind of tiny crackling fire work; a kind of crackling toy; crackling noise; the air-bladder of fish; a kind of small creeper or its berry.

পটভূমি [ paṭabhūmi ] n background.

পটমন্ডপ [ paṭamanḍapa ] n a canopied pavilion.

পটল2 [ paṭala2 ] n a collection, a multitude('নব জলধরপটল'); (of a book) a chapter, a section, a canto; a roof (পটলপ্রান্ত); an eye-disease, cataract অচ্ছোদপটল.

পটহ [ paṭaha ] n a drum, a war-drum, a kettle drum; a tabor; the ear-drum, the tym panum (usu. কর্ণপটহ). ̃নিনাদ n. noise of drum-beat, fanfare.

পটা [ paṭā ] v to be on terms with, to be friendly with (তোমাতে আমাতে পটে); to be fa miliar with or to be in (usu. illicit) love with (মেয়েটা তার সঙ্গে পটেছে); to come to terms, to agree, to give in.

পটানো [ paṭānō ] v to bring to terms; to persuade; to cause to agree or give in; to win over; to lure, to seduce (মেয়ে পটানো).

পটাবাস [ paṭābāsa ] n a tented accommodation; a tent; a canopied pavilion.

পটাশ [ paṭāśa ] n potash.

পটাস [ paṭāsa ] int expressing: a loud পট্ sound.

পটি1 [ paṭi1 ] n a small strip or band of cloth, a bandage (জলপটি); a pleat of cloth for tucking with, a tuck; a strip of cloth wound round the leg (as by soldier), a puttee, a puttie (বুটপটি). পটি দেওয়া, পটি লাগানো v. to place a strip of cloth on; to bandage; to tuck with a pleat of cloth. পটি পরা v. to put on puttees. পটি মারা v. to tuck with a pleat of cloth.

পটি2 [ paṭi2 ] n a section of a market, a market (সুতাপটি, লোহাপটি); a locality or quarters or township (চীনাপটি = a China-town).

পটীয়সী [ paṭīẏasī ] fem of পটু & পটীয়ান ।

পটীয়ান [ paṭīẏāna ] a very expert or adroit; more ex pert or adroit.

পটু [ paṭu ] a expert, adroit, skilful, dextrous; ef ficient, proficient, adept; able; clever; experienced. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. expertness, adroitness, skill, dexterity; efficiency, proficiency; ability; cleverness; experi ence.

পটোল [ paṭōla ] n a kind of a kitchen-vegetable shaped like a cylinder tapering at both ends. পটোল চেরা a. (of eyes) shaped like a longitudinal half of the aforesaid kitchen-vegetable, very wide and beau tiful. পটল তোলা v. (sarcas.) to die, to kick the bucket. ̃লতা n. the bitter tasting edible creeper bearing the aforesaid kitchen-vegetable.

পট্ট [ paṭṭa ] n a plank, a slab; a plate (তাম্রপট্ট); a wooden seat for sitting upon squattingly; a seat (রাজপট্ট); a throne (পট্টমহিষী); jute; silk, linen (পট্টবস্ত্র); a town, a city; a village (esp. a large one); a port; a turban; a scarf. ̃দেবী same as পট্টমহিষী । পট্টন n. a city, a town; a port. ̃বস্ত্র n. silk-cloth, linen. ̃মহিষী, ̃রাজ্ঞী n. the chief queen of a king, a queen consort.

পট্টাবাস [ paṭṭābāsa ] n a tent.

পট্টি2 [ paṭṭi2 ] n a fib. পট্টি দেওয়া, পট্টি মারা v. to fib, to spoof. ̃বাজ n. a fibster.

পট্টিশ, পট্টিস [ paṭṭiśa, paṭṭisa ] n a kind of ancient sword used in fighting.

পট্টু [ paṭṭu ] n a kind of coarse linen.

পাঠদ্দশা [ pāṭhaddaśā ] n student life, studentship.

পঠন [ paṭhana ] n act of reading, perusal; study; recitation. পঠনীয় a. that which is to be or can be read or studied or recited; prescribed for reading or study or reci tation; readable; recitable. ̃শীল a. reading, studying; in the process of reading.

পঠিত [ paṭhita ] a that which has been read; pe rused; studied; recited.