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পরলোক [ paralōka ] n the abode of the dead, the world beyond death, the beyond; death. ̃গত, ̃প্রাপ্ত a. gone to heaven, dead, deceased. ̃গমন, ̃প্রাপ্তি n. death. পরলোকগমন করা v. to die.

পরশপাথর, পরশমণি [ paraśapāthara, paraśamaṇi ] n a philosopher's stone.

পরশু1 [ paraśu1 ] n. & adv day after tomorrow; day before yesterday.

পরশু2 [ paraśu2 ] n a battle-axe; a scimitar. ̃রাম n. the sixth incarnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) who carried a battle-axe with which he exterminated kshatriyas (ক্ষত্রিয়) from the face of the earth for twenty-one times.

পরশ্ব [ paraśba ] n. & adv (for.) day after tomorrow; day before yesterday.

পরশ্রমজীবী [ paraśramajībī ] a living upon the labour of others; living by exploitation; parasitic.

পরশ্রীকাতর [ paraśrīkātara ] a mortified at another's good or prosperity, pained at another's good fortune or weal, envious. fem. পরশ্রীকাতরা । ̃তা n. envy.

পরসঙ্গ2 [ parasaṅga2 ] n association with others, fel lowship, company.

পরস্পর [ paraspara ] a reciprocal, mutual, one an other, each other. ☐ adv. reciprocally, mutually, one another, each other. ☐ pro. one another; each other. ̃বিরোধ n. mutual opposition; contradiction, an tagonism. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. mutually opposed or contradictory, antagonistic. ̃বিরোধিতা n. same as পরস্পরবিরোধ ।

পরস্ব [ parasba ] n another's property or wealth or money, what belongs to another. ̃হরণ, পরস্বাপহরণ n. act of robbing what belongs to another; misappropriation of another's property or money. ̃হারী, পরস্বাপহারী a. given to or guilty of rob bing what belongs to another; given to or guilty of misappropriating another's property or money.

পরস্মৈপদ [ parasmaipada ] n (Sans. gr.) any of the verb-inflections used in the active voice; (hum.) another's money or wealth or property. পরস্মৈপদী a. (Sans. gr.) used in the active voice or having an inflec tion used in the active voice; (hum.) done for another (পরস্মৈপদী ঝামেলা); transferring or transferred to another, entrusted to another belonging to an other (পরস্মৈপদী টাকা).

পরহস্তগত [ parahastagata ] a passed into another's posses sion; possessed by another.

পরহিংসক [ parahiṃsaka ] a malicious, spiteful; envious.

পরহিংসা [ parahiṃsā ] n malice, spite, envy.

পরহিত [ parahita ] n the good of others; (loos. but pop.) public welfare; philanthropy, be nevolence. ̃কামী a. wishing good to others, doing good to others; philan thropic, benevolent. ̃ব্রত n. devotion to the welfare of others, benevolence. ̃ব্রতী a. devoted to doing good to others; working for public welfare; altruistic. ̃সাধন n. act of doing good to others; so cial service; philanthropy, benevolence.

পরহিতৈষণা [ parahitaiṣaṇā ] n an effort to do good to oth ers; an effort for public welfare; altru ism.

পরহিতৈষী [ parahitaiṣī ] a willing and endeavouring to do good to others; endeavouring for public welfare; altruistic.

পরা-1 [ parā-1 ] pfx denoting; excessiveness, con trariety, opposition etc. (পরাজয়).

পরা2 [ parā2 ] fem of -পর3 and পর4

পরা3 [ parā3 ] a. fem supreme, primordial (পরা প্রকৃতি); highest; final (পরা বিদ্যা); (elec.) positive.

পরা4 [ parā4 ] v to put on, to wear (জামা পরা); to put, to paint (টিপ পরা, কাজল পরা); to tie ঘড়ি পরা. ☐ a. wearing, dressed in; bearing, painted with; having tied or fastened (to).

পরাকরণ [ parākaraṇa ] n act of looking down on, con tempt, slight, neglect.

পরাকাষ্ঠা [ parākāṣṭhā ] n highest excellence; extreme altitude or limit; acme, zenith; (often iron.) culmination.

পরাকৃত [ parākṛta ] a looked down on, despised, slighted, neglected.

পরাক্রম [ parākrama ] n strength, power, might; prow ess, valour; heroism.