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পরিমন্ডিত [ parimanḍita ] a well-ornamented, well-deco rated, well-adorned; endowed.

পরিমল [ parimala ] n fragrance caused by being anointed (with sandal-paste etc.); fra grance, perfume, sweet scent; (pop.) nectar of flowers ('পরিমল লোভে অলি আসিয়া জুটিল').

পরিমাণ [ parimāṇa ] n measure, weight, amount, quantity, number, degree; extent. পরিমাণ করা v. to measure, to weigh; (rare) to count; to survey (as land); to assess (as importance). পরিমাণে হওয়া v. to measure, to weigh; to be adequate in proportion to. ̃ফল n. result of mea surement or counting; (arith.) area measure, square measure.

পরিমাত্রা [ parimātrā ] n (mech.) intensity.

পরিমাপ [ parimāpa ] n measurement; weighing; counting; (fig.) assessment (জ্ঞানের পরিমাপ); measure, weight, amount, quantity, number, degree; land-mea sure, survey. পরিমাপ করা same as পরিমাণ করা (see পরিমাণ). পরিমাপক a. measur ing; weighing; counting; surveying; as sessing. ☐ n. a measurer; weigher; counter; a surveyor (of land); an asses sor; a measuring or weighing or count ing or surveying machine. পরিমাপন n. measuring or weighing or counting or surveying (as land) or (fig.) assessing.

পরিমার্জন [ parimārjana ] n scouring or cleansing; refin ing or chastening. পরিমার্জনা n. scouring or cleansing; refining; (of a book, a dictionary etc) correction, editing and making up-to-date.

পরিমার্জিত [ parimārjita ] a scoured; cleansed; refined; corrected and revised; chastened. পরিমার্জিত করা v. to scour; to cleanse; to refine; to correct and revise; to chas ten.

পরিমিত [ parimita ] a moderate; temperate, abstemi ous; measuring or amounting (চারহাত পরিমিত); measured; mensurated; (rare) sufficient, adequate. ̃ব্যয়ী a. eco nomic, frugal. পরিমিতাচার n. modera tion, temperance. পরিমিতাচারী a. temper ate.

পরিমিতি [ parimiti ] n measurement; measure; (math.) mensuration.

পরিমেয় [ parimēẏa ] a measurable; finite.

পরিমেল [ parimēla ] n an association. ̃নিয়মাবলি n. articles of association. ̃বন্ধ n. a memo randum of association.

পরিম্লান [ parimlāna ] a very pale or jaded or worn out; glum or sombre.

পরিযাণ [ pariyāṇa ] n traffic; migration. পরিযাণ নির্বাহক, পরিযাণ ব্যবস্হাপক n. a traffic manager. পরিযাণ আরক্ষী n. traffic po lice.

পরিযায়ী [ pariyāẏī ] a trafficking; itinerant; migra tory.

পরিরক্ষণ [ parirakṣaṇa ] n preservation; protection; guarding; careful custody or guardian ship.

পরিরক্ষিত [ parirakṣita ] a preserved; protected; guarded; kept under careful custody or guardianship.

পরিরম্ভ, পরিরম্ভণ [ parirambha, parirambhaṇa ] n close embrace; sexual intercourse.

পরিলক্ষিত [ parilakṣita ] a noticed; observed.

পরিলিখিত [ parilikhita ] a (geom.) circumscribed.

পরিলেখ [ parilēkha ] n an outline; an outline sketch.

পরিশিষ্ট [ pariśiṣṭa ] a remaining. ☐ n. an appendix, a supplement (as of a book).

পরিশীলন [ pariśīlana ] n practice, study, cultivation; an embrace; anointment. পরিশীলিত a. practised, studied, cultivated; refined; sophisticated; embraced; anointed.

পরিশুদ্ধ [ pariśuddha ] a meticulously refined or puri fied or sanctified. পরিশুদ্ধ করা v. to re fine or purify or sanctify meticulously. পরিশুদ্ধি n. meticulous refinement or pu rity or sanctity.

পরিশুষ্ক [ pariśuṣka ] a very dry; pale; shrivelled.

পরিশেষ [ pariśēṣa ] n remainder; end; the last stage; conclusion; the concluding part. পরিশেষে adv. at last, in the end; finally, ultimately; in the long run.

পরিশোধ [ pariśōdha ] n repayment (as of a debt); (fig.) revenge or retaliation. পরিশোধ করা v. to repay, to pay off, to pay back; (fig.) to avenge or retaliate.

পরিশোধন [ pariśōdhana ] n meticulous refinement or pu rification or sanctification.

পরিশোধ্য [ pariśōdhya ] a that which is to be or can be repaid, outstanding or repayable.

পরিশ্রম [ pariśrama ] n labour, toil; diligence, indus try; effort, endeavour. পরিশ্রম করা v. to work hard, to labour, to toil; to work diligently; to endeavour. ̃কাতর, ̃বিমুখ a. averse to hard work, lazy. পরিশ্রমী a. hardworking, laborious; diligent, in dustrious.

পরিশ্রান্ত [ pariśrānta ] a fatigued, exhausted; tired; wearied. পরিশ্রান্তি n. fatigue, exhaus tion; tiredness, weariness.

পরিষদ, পরিষত্ [ pariṣada, pariṣat ] n an association, an as sembly, a society; a council; (pol.) a legislative council. পরিষদীয় a. pertain ing or relating to or concerning a coun cil or assembly; legislative; parliamen tary.

পরিষেবক [ pariṣēbaka ] n a sicknurse, a nurse.

পরিষেবা [ pariṣēbā ] n care of the sick, nursing.

পরিষেবিকা [ pariṣēbikā ] fem of পরিষেবক ।

পরিষ্করণ [ pariṣkaraṇa ] n cleansing or refining.

পরিষ্কার [ pariṣkāra ] n cleanliness; tidiness; neatness; clarity (as of water). ☐ a. clean; cleansed; clear; tidy; spruce, neat, or derly (পরিষ্কার কাজ); legible (পরিষ্কার লেখা); clearcut, outspoken, unambigu ous, unequivocal (পরিষ্কার কথা); beau tiful, bright, fair (পরিষ্কার আলো বা আবহাওয়া); cloudless (পরিষ্কার আকাশ); free from angularity, frank, straightfor ward, candid, open-hearted, sincere (পরিষ্কার মন); intelligent, free from confusion (পরিষ্কার মাথা); free from morbidity, healthy (পরিষ্কার বুক); mu sical, sweet (পরিষ্কার গলা); keen (পরিষ্কার দৃষ্টি). পরিষ্কার করা v. to cleanse; to clean; to clear; to tidy; to free from morbidity or angularity; to wash (কাপড় পরিষ্কার করা). ̃ক a. cleansing. ☐ n. a cleaner; a cleansing agent. পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্ন a. neat and clean, clean and tidy, spick and span.

পরিষ্কৃত [ pariṣkṛta ] a cleansed; cleaned; cleared; ti died; refined; washed (পরিষ্কৃত বস্ত্র).

পরিসংখ্যা [ parisaṅkhyā ] n especially enumerated or tabulated number; statistics. পরিসংখ্যাত a. especially enumerated or tabulated; statistical. পরিসংখ্যান n. statistics. পরিসংখ্যায়ক n. statistician.

পরিসমাপ্ত [ parisamāpta ] a ended, finished, concluded, completed. পরিসমাপ্তি n. end, termina tion; conclusion; completion.

পরিসম্পত্ [ parisampat ] n assets.

পরিসর [ parisara ] n extent; area; limit, boundary, end; width, breadth.

পরিসীমা [ parisīmā ] n limit, bounds; perimeter; end.

পরিস্হিতি [ parishiti ] n circumstances, situation.

পরিস্ফুট [ parisphuṭa ] a clearly revealed or expressed; well-developed; manifest, obvious; blossomed, blooming.

পরিস্ফুরণ [ parisphuraṇa ] n vibration; effervescence; manifestation.

পরিস্রব [ parisraba ] n (biol.) placenta.

পরিস্রাবণ, পরিস্রবণ, পরিস্রুতি [ parisrābaṇa, parisrabaṇa, parisruti ] n filtration. পরিস্রুত a. filtered (পরিস্রুত জল).

পরিসহনীয় [ parisahanīẏa ] a laughable, ridiculous; fit to be derided or mocked.

পরিহার [ parihāra ] n giving up; abandonment; avoidance; act of casting off; neglect, disregard; slight. পরিহার করা v. to give up; to abandon; to avoid, to shun; to cast off; to neglect, to disregard, to slight.

পরিহার্য [ parihārya ] a avoidable; that which can be given up or renounced or abandoned, renounceable.

পরিহাস [ parihāsa ] n a joke, a jest; ridicule; mock ery, derision. পরিহাস করা v. to poke fun at, to joke; to ridicule; to mock, to de ride, to laugh, to scorn. ̃চ্ছলে, ̃ভরে adv. jokingly. ̃প্রিয় a. given to jesting, jestful; witty; fond of joking. ̃প্রিয়তা n. jestfulness; jocular; jocoseness; jocos ity; playfulness.

পরিহিত [ parihita ] a clothed, clad, dressed, wear ing; that which is put on or worn (পরিহিত পোশাক). fem. পরিহিতা ।

পরীক্ষক [ parīkṣaka ] n a tester; an examiner; a trier; an investigator; an experimenter; a foreteller, a diviner. ভগ্যপরীক্ষক n. a fortune-teller; a soldier of fortune, an adventurer.

পরীক্ষণ [ parīkṣaṇa ] n act of testing or examining or trying or investigating or foretelling or divining. পরীক্ষণীয় a. that which or one who is to be tested or examined or tried or investigated or experimented upon or divined; examinable.

পরীক্ষা [ parīkṣā ] n a test; an examination; a trial; an ordeal (অগ্নিপরীক্ষা); a cross-exami nation; an investigation; an experi ment; foretelling, divination, reading (হস্তরেখা পরীক্ষা) ; অদৃষ্টপরীক্ষা, ভাগ্যপরীক্ষা n. fortune-telling; act of seeking for tune. পরীক্ষা করা v. to test; to examine; to try; to test by an ordeal; to cross ex amine; to investigate; to experiment; to divine. পরীক্ষা দেওয়া v. to appear at an examination; to take an examination; to undergo a trial; to submit to an or deal. পরীক্ষা নেওয়া v. to examine, to test; to hold an examination; to test by an examination. পরীক্ষায় উতরে যাওয়া v. to stand a test or scrutiny. ̃গার, ̃গৃহ, ̃ভবন, ̃মন্দির, ̃শালা n. an examina tion-hall; a laboratory. ̃ধীন a. subject to or under examination or trial or test or investigation or experiment. ̃র্থী a. appearing at an examination. ☐ n. an examinee. fem. পরীক্ষার্থিনী ।

পরীক্ষামূলক [ parīkṣāmūlaka ] a experimental.

পরীক্ষামূলকভাবে [ parīkṣāmūlakabhābē ] adv by way of experi ment, experimentally.

পরীক্ষিত [ parīkṣita ] a tested; examined; tried; inves tigated; experimented.

পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণ [ parīkṣōttīrṇa ] a passed at an examination; successful in an examination; one who has come through a test or ordeal suc cessfully; found suitable or good on trial or test. fem. পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণা । পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণ হওয়া v. to come through or pass an examination or test or ordeal; to stand a test or ordeal; to be found suitable or good on test or trial.

পরুষ [ paruṣa ] a harsh, rough, rude, haughty, ar rogant, cruel (পরুষ বচন). ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. harshness, rudeness, haughtiness, arro gance, cruelty.

পরে [ parē ] adv. & prep after, afterwards (সে পরে আসছে); thereafter, then (পরে যেখানে গেলাম); in future (পরে কী হয় বলা যায় না); after the occurrence of, after that (ট্রেন ছারার পরে স্টেশনে পৌঁছলাম); at the back of (রামের পরে শ্যাম যাচ্ছে); below (আমার নামের পরেই তার নাম); born later (এই ভাইটি আমার পরে). পরের দিন n. the day after. ☐ adv. on the following day.

পরোক্ষ [ parōkṣa ] a imperceptible or unseen but known or true, not known directly, cir cumstantial (পরোক্ষ প্রমাণ); indirect (পরোক্ষ উক্তি); roundabout (পরোক্ষভাবে). পরোক্ষ কর an indirect tax. পরোক্ষে, ̃ভাবে adv. behind one's back, in one's absence. পরোক্ষে নিন্দা করা to slander somebody in his absence, to backbite.

পরোটা [ parōṭā ] n a kind of thin bread fried in oil or clarified butter.

পরোপকার [ parōpakāra ] n the good of others; philan thropy, benevolence; (loos. but pop.) public welfare. পরোপকার করা v. to do good to others, to do a good turn (to a person). ̃ক, পরোপকারী a. doing good to others; philanthropic, benevolent. fem. পরোপকারিণী । পরোপকারিতা n. act of doing good to others; philanthropy, be nevolence.

পরেপজীবী, পরোপজীব্য [ parēpajībī, parōpajībya ] a living on an other; depending or hanging on an other for subsistence; parasitic.

পরোয়া [ parōẏā ] n heedfulness, care (উপদেশের পরোয়া); fear, daunt; concern, anxiety. পরোয়া করা v. to pay heed to; (esp. in neg.) to care; to be afraid of, to fear; to be concerned or anxious about. কুছ পরোয়া নেই no fear; no matter; never mind.

পর্কটি, পর্কটী [ parkaṭi, parkaṭī ] n a kind of fig-tree.

পর্জন্য [ parjanya ] n thunder-cloud, nimbus; Indra (ইন্দ্র) the thunder-god.

পর্ণ [ parṇa ] n a tree-leaf, a leaf (পর্ণকুটির); betel leaf (পর্ণকারী); a feather, a plume (সুপর্ণ). ̃কারী n. a grower of betel-leaves (by trade or caste). ̃কুটির n. a hut thatched with tree-leaves; (loos.) a hut. ̃ভোজী a. feeding on tree-leaves; (loos.) gramini vorous. ̃মোচী a. (bot.) deciduous. ̃শয্যা n. a bed made of tree-leaves; (loos.) a pallet. ̃শালা same as পর্ণকুটির । পর্ণী a. leafed, leaved; leafy. ☐ n. a tree.