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পর্পটি [ parpaṭi ] n an Ayurvedic (আয়ুর্বেদীয়) drug made from a herbal plant.

পর্ব [ parba ] n a holy day; a fiesta; a feast, a festi val; a knuckle, a joint (as of a finger); (bot.) a node; (of books) a canto, a chapter.

পর্বত [ parbata ] n a mountain; a hill; a rock; a hill ock; a mount. ̃কন্দর, ̃গুহা n. a moun tain-cave, a cave, a cavern. ̃চূড়া n. a peak (of a mountain); a hill-top. ̃পার্শ্ব n. mountain-side, hillside. ̃প্রমাণ a. moun tain-high, high as a mountain; moun tainous; huge. ̃বাসী a. living on hills or mountains; highland. ☐ n. a hillman; a highlander. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃শিখর, ̃শৃঙ্গ same as ̃চুড়া । ̃শ্রেণি n. a mountain range. ̃সংকুল a. mountainous, having many mountains; hilly. পর্বতাকার a. look ing like a mountain; mountainous, huge. পর্বতারোহী n. a mountaineer. ☐ a. climb ing a mountain. পর্বতীয় a. of or grown in or living on mountains or hills; moun tainous, highland.

পর্বমধ্য [ parbamadhya ] n (bot.) an internode.

পর্বাস্ফোট [ parbāsphōṭa ] n act of snapping a knuckle or knuckles of one's finger(s).

পর্বাহ [ parbāha ] n a day of festival; a holy day; a fiesta; a festival.

পর্যঙ্ক [ paryaṅka ] n a costly bedstead or cot; a couch, a divan; (geog.) a basin (of a river).

পর্যটক [ paryaṭaka ] n a traveller, a perigrinator, a tourist.

পর্যটন [ paryaṭana ] n (wide) travel, perigrination, tour. পর্যটন করা v. to travel (widely), to perigrinate, to tour.

পর্যন্ত [ paryanta ] n limit, end, extremity. ☐ prep. to (মাথা থেকে পা পর্যন্ত); up to (এই সীমা পর্যন্ত); till or until (ট্রেন আসা পর্যন্ত, বৃষ্টি না থামা পর্যন্ত). ☐ adv. too, also, even (তিনি পর্যন্ত অনাচারমুক্ত নন).

পর্যাবসান [ paryābasāna ] n end, close, termination, con clusion; result; reduction. পর্যাবসান হওয়া v. to end, to terminate, to conclude; to result in; to be reduced to.

পর্যবসিত [ paryabasita ] a ended, terminated, concluded; resolved (into); reduced (to); resulting in.

পর্যবেক্ষক [ paryabēkṣaka ] a watching; observing. ☐ n. a watcher; an observer.

পর্যবেক্ষণ [ paryabēkṣaṇa ] n watching; observation. পর্যবেক্ষণ করা v. to watch; to observe. পর্যবেক্ষণিকা n. an observatory; a watch tower.

পর্যবেক্ষিত [ paryabēkṣita ] a watched; observed.

পর্যসন [ paryasana ] n removal; act of throwing all round; scattering.

পর্যন্ত [ paryanta ] a removed; thrown all round; scat tered; turned upside down, overturned; reversed.

পর্যাণ [ paryāṇa ] n saddle; a panel; a caparison.

পর্যাপ্ত [ paryāpta ] a ample, abundant; sufficient, ad equate, enough; moderate, temperate; capable, competent. পর্যাপ্তি n. ampli tude, abundance, plenty; sufficiency, adequacy, moderateness, moderation, temperance; capability, competence, competency.

পর্যাবরণ [ paryābaraṇa ] n environment; surroundings; the environs.

পর্যাবৃত্ত [ paryābṛtta ] a periodic. পর্যাবৃত্তি n. periodicity.

পর্যায় [ paryāẏa ] n a turn; serial order; succession; state, condition, shape, form, series (নবপর্যায়); a generation (আদিপুরুষ থেকে সাতাশের পর্যায়); a synonym (usu. পর্যায়শব্দ); (chiefly in sc.) a period (usu. পর্যায়কাল). ̃ক্রমে adv. by turns; serially; successively; alternately. ̃চ্যুতি, ̃ভঙ্গ n. a break in the series, a break in peri odicity; inversion. ̃শব্দ n. synony mous words; related or cognate words. ̃সম a. rhyming alternately. ̃সারণি n. (chem.) a periodic table.

পর্যালোচন, পর্যালোচনা [ paryālōcana, paryālōcanā ] n thorough discus sion or study or review. পর্যালোচনা করা v. to discuss or study or review thor oughly.

পর্যালোচিত [ paryālōcita ] a thoroughly discussed or studied or reviewed.

পর্যাস [ paryāsa ] n topsyturvy; upset, reverse, a great change; a revolution.

পর্যুদস্ত [ paryudasta ] a utterly defeated, routed, crushed; completely baffled; prevented or repulsed; totally forbidden; foiled, marred. পর্যুদস্ত করা v. to defeat utterly, to rout, to crush; to baffle completely; to prevent or repulse; to forbid totally; to foil, to mar.