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পোতাধিপাল [ pōtādhipāla ] n shipping master.

পোতাধ্যক্ষ [ pōtādhyakṣa ] n a captain or master of a ship; (rare) a pilot of an aeroplane.

পোতারোহী [ pōtārōhī ] a sailing in a ship. ☐ n. a pas senger of a ship.

পোতাশ্রয় [ pōtāśraẏa ] n a harbour, a haven.

পোদ [ pōda ] n a socially depressed caste amongst Hindus.

পোদ্দার [ pōddāra ] n a professional examiner of the genuineness of coins; a money changer; a pawn-broker; a banker, a money-lender. পোদ্দারি n. the profession of a coin-examiner or money-changer or pawn-broker or banker or money lender; (sarcas.) display of false au thority or power. পরের ধনে পোদ্দারি see পর3

পোনা [ pōnā ] n young of fish (esp. of a larger one like trout etc.). ̃মাছ n. a fish of the species of rui (রুই), katla (কাতলা), mrigel (মৃগেল) etc.

পোনি [ pōni ] n a pony, a tattoo.

পোয়া [ pōẏā ] n a fourth part, a quarter; one fourth of a seer (সের); half-a-mile. ☐ a. one-fourth, quarter. চারপোয়া a. com plete, full. ̃বারো n. a particular throw at dice; (sarcas.) an extraordinary piece of luck, success in everything, a run of luck, a lucky hit.

পোয়াতি [ pōẏāti ] a pregnant (পোয়াতি বউ); re cently delivered of a child (প্রসবের পরে পোয়াতি সুস্হ আছে). ☐ n. a pregnant woman; a woman recently delivered of a child. পোয়াতি হওয়া to conceive, to be in the family way.

পোয়াল [ pōẏāla ] n straw.

পোর্টম্যানটো [ pōrṭamyānaṭō ] n a portmanteau.

পোলা [ pōlā ] n (vul. & dial.) a son.

পোলাও [ pōlāō ] n a highly spiced dish of rice and meat boiled in clarified butter, pilau.

পোলা2 [ pōlā2 ] n polo.

পোশাক [ pōśāka ] n dress, garment, clothes; ap parel; outfit. পোশাক ছাড়া, পোশাক খোলা v. to undress oneself. পোশাক ছাড়ানো, পোশাক খোলানো v. to cause to undress. পোশাক পরা v. to dress oneself, to put on one's dress. পোশাক-পরা a. dressed (in.) পোশাক পরানো v. to dress. পোশাকি a. be fitting fashionable society, fashionable (পোশাকি কথাবার্তা); official (পোশাকি নাম); elegant, refined (পোশাকি ভাষা); worn on formal or festive occasions (পোশাকি জামাকাপড়); merely formal, in sincere, hypocritical (পোশাকি ভদ্রতা).

পোষ2 [ pōṣa2 ] n taming, domestication; act of bringing under one's control, subdual. পোষ-মানা a. tame, domesticated; brought under control, subdued; ha bituated to obedience. পোষ মানা v. to become tame or domesticated; to come under control, to be subdued; to be ha bituated to obedience; (of a horse) to be broken. পোষ মানানো v. to tame, to domesticate; to bring under one's con trol, to subdue; to habituate to obedi ence; to break (as a horse).

পোষক [ pōṣaka ] a cherishing; nourishing; aiding; upholding; supporting; countenancing or abetting. ☐ n. one who or that which cherishes or nourishes; an aider; an up holder; a supporter; a countenancer or abettor. ̃তা n. aiding; upholding, sup port, countenancing, abetment. পোষকতা করা v. to aid; to uphold, to support; to countenance, to abet. পোষক স্তর (bot. & zoo.) tapetum.

পোষণ [ pōṣaṇa ] n upbringing; feeding; mainte nance (পরিবার-পোষণ); cherishment; nourishment; act of supporting. পোষণ করা v. to bring up; to maintain; to cher ish; to nourish; to support. পোষণীয় var. of পোষ্য ।

পোষা [ pōṣā ] v pop. var. of পুষা । ☐ a. tame, do mesticated; pet; obediently following. পোষা কুকুর an obedient dog; a servilely obedient follower.

পোষানো [ pōṣānō ] v to be sufficient for, to serve one's purpose, to suffice (এ টাকায় পোষাবে না); to agree with, to pull on well with (তার সঙ্গে আমার পোষাবে না); to cause to bring up or rear; to pay for or compensate (লোকসান পোষানো); to be able to bear or tolerate (এ শরীরে এত খাটুনি পোষায় না). পোষানি n. act of making another rear one's domestic animals.

পোষ্টা [ pōṣṭā ] a one who or that which brings up or rears or nourishes.

পোষ্টাই [ pōṣṭāi ] a nutritious, nourishing. ☐ n. nu trition, nourishment.

পোষ্য [ pōṣya ] a worthy of being brought up or fed or maintained or cherished or nour ished or supported; dependent for maintenance. n. ̃পুত্র n. an adopted son. ̃বর্গ n. pl. one's dependants (esp. those who live in the same family).

পোস্ট1 [ pōsṭa1 ] n the postal system, post; mail (আজকের পোস্টের চিঠি); an office or ap pointment, a post (ক্লার্কের পোস্ট).

পোস্ট2 [ pōsṭa2 ] n a pillar, a post (ল্যাম্প-পোস্ট).

পোস্ট-অফিস [ pōsṭa-aphisa ] n a post-office.

পোস্টকার্ড [ pōsṭakārḍa ] n a post-card.

পোস্ট-গ্র্যাজুয়েট [ pōsṭa-gryājuẏēṭa ] a post-graduate.

পোস্টমাস্টার [ pōsṭamāsṭāra ] n a postmaster.

পোস্টাপিস [ pōsṭāpisa ] n a post-office.

পোস্ত1, পোস্তদানা [ pōsta1, pōstadānā ] n mawseed, poppyseed.

পোহানো [ pōhānō ] v to dawn, to end (রাত পোহানো), to bask (রোদ পোহানো); to warm up oneself (আগুন পোহানো); to suffer or undergo (ঝামেলা পোহানো).

পৌঁছ [ paun̐cha ] n reach (পৌঁছ না মেলা); arrival (পৌঁছ খবর = news of arrival.)

পৌঁছা [ paun̐chā ] v to arrive at, to reach (বাড়ি পৌঁছাল, হাত পৌঁছেছে); to come within reach; to come to hand (চিঠি পৌঁছায়). ̃নো v. to arrive at, to reach; to come within reach; to come to hand; to escort; to convey or carry (to); to bring to hand.

পৌত্তলিক [ pauttalika ] a idolatrous. ☐ n. an idolater. পৌত্তলিকতা n. idolatry.

পৌত্র [ pautra ] n a son's or nephew's son, a grand son. fem. পৌত্রী a son's or nephew's daughter, a grand-daughter.

পৌনঃপুনিক [ paunḥpunika ] a recurring. পৌনঃপুনিক দশমিক recurring decimal. পৌনঃপুনিকতা, পৌনঃপুন্য n. recurrence; recurrency.

পৌনে [ paunē ] a three quarters of, three-fourths (পৌনে এক দিন); a quarter to (পৌনে বারোটা).

পৌর [ paura ] a living in a particular city or house; relating to a city, urban, mu nicipal; relating to house, indoor; civic. পৌর-অধিকার n. civic rights. ̃কর n. municipal tax. পৌর চিকিত্সক civil sur geon. ̃জন n. citizens; inmates (of a house). ̃নিগম n. municipal corpora tion. ̃পদ n. citizenship. ̃পিতা n. a chairman or a mayor (fem. a mayoress). ̃প্রতিষ্ঠান n. same as পৌরসংঘ । ̃বর্গ same as পৌরজন । ̃বিজ্ঞান n. civics. ̃মুখ্য n. an alderman (of a municipal corporation). ̃সংঘ n. a mu nicipality. ̃সংঘ-করণিক n. a municipal clerk. ̃সংঘ-বিচারক n. a municipal mag istrate. ̃সভা n. a municipal corpora tion. ̃স্ত্রী same as পুরনারী (see পুর2).

পৌরব [ pauraba ] a descending from King Puru (পুরু).

পৌরাণিক [ paurāṇika ] a pertaining to or versed in Hindu puranas (পুরাণ) or mythology, mythical; mythological; ancient. পৌরাণিক কাহিনি a mythological or Puranic tale or episode; a legend. পৌরাণিক চরিত্র a mythological character; a Puranic character. পৌরাণিক নাটক a mythological drama.

পৌরুষেয় [ pauruṣēẏa ] a (rare) pertaining to a man, masculine; man-made.

পৌরোহিত্য [ paurōhitya ] n the office or profession of a priest, priesthood; presidentship, presi dency (সভার পৌরোহিত্য). পৌরোহিত্য করা v. to act as a priest; to preside over (a meeting); to lead (as a movement).

পৌর্ণমাসী [ paurṇamāsī ] n the full-moon.

পৌর্ব [ paurba ] a past; of the east, eastern. ̃দেহিক, ̃দৈহিক a. relating to the body of a pre vious; of a previous birth.

পৌর্বাপর্য [ paurbāparya ] n due order or succession; se quence.

পৌর্বাহিক [ paurbāhika ] a relating to the previous day.