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প্রগত [ pragata ] a departed; past; gone, gone off; uplifted.

প্রগতি [ pragati ] n progress, advancement; (arith.) a progression.

প্রগতিবাদী [ pragatibādī ] n theory of progress. প্রগতিবাদী a. progressive. ☐ n. advocate or cham pion or supporter or votary of progress. প্রগতিশীল a. progressive; modern. প্রগতিশীলতা n. progressive outlook, pro gressiveness; modernity.

প্রগল্ভ [ pragalbha ] a boastful, bragging; voluble; impertinent, saucy, impudent; unhesi tating; smart; intrepid, bold; speaking unhesitatingly or smartly. প্রগল্ভা a. fem. of প্রগল্ভ । ☐ n. a very sportive and wanton young woman. ̃তা n. boasting; bragging; volubility; imperti nence, sauciness, impudence; absence of hesitation; smartness; intrepidity; unhesitating or smart talk.

প্রগাতা [ pragātā ] n a singer of Vedic hymns; a reciter of Vedic prayers; a singer or an nouncer.

প্রগাঢ় [ pragāḍh় ] a very thick or deep or dense; very severe; profound. ̃তা n. great thick ness or depth or density; great severity; profundity.

প্রগাহ্য [ pragāhya ] a (law) cognizable.

প্রচণ্ড [ pracaṇḍa ] a furious, fierce, terrible; formi dable; violent, severe. ̃তা n. furiousness, fierceness; terribleness; formidability; severity.

প্রচয় [ pracaẏa ] n culling; collection; accumulation; a multitude; increase; multiplication.

প্রচল [ pracala ] a current. ☐ n. a convention. ̃ন n. act of bringing into practice, introduc tion usage, practice; currency. প্রচলন করা v. to bring into practice or cur rency; to introduce. প্রচলন হওয়া v. to be introduced or practised; to gain cur rency. প্রচলিত a. introduced; current, in vogue or prevailing taste; customary.

প্রচার [ pracāra ] n introduction; currency; an nouncement, proclamation; circulation; propaganda, publicity; preaching; dis closure; publication. প্রচার করা v. to in troduce; to give currency (to); to an nounce, to proclaim; to circulate; to propagate; to give publicity to, to pub licize; to preach; to disclose; to pub lish; to make public. প্রচার হওয়া v. to be introduced; to gain currency; to be an nounced or proclaimed or circulated or propagated; to get publicity; to be preached or disclosed or published; to become public. প্রচারক a. introducing; giving currency (to); announcing; cir culating; giving publicity to; preach ing; disclosing; publishing. ☐ n. an in troducer; one who gives currency (to); an announcer, a proclaimer; a circula tor; a missionary; a propagandist, a publicist; a preacher; a discloser; a publisher. প্রচারণ n. same as প্রচার and— a communique. প্রচারণা same as প্রচার । প্রচার-অধিকর্তা n. director of publicity. ̃পত্র n. a pamphlet; a propaganda magazine. ̃মাধ্যম n. medium for pub licity; mass media. ̃যন্ত্র n. same as প্রচারমাধ্যম । প্রচারিত a. introduced; that which has gained currency, current; announced, proclaimed; circulated; propagated; publicized; preached; dis closed; published.

প্রচুর [ pracura ] a great in amount or degree or number; plentiful, abundant; profuse; ample; numerous; enough; sufficient. প্রচুর পরিমাণে adv. in abundance or in abundant quantity.

প্রচেতা [ pracētā ] a having a mind never to be per turbed; wise. ☐ n. Varuna (বরুণ) the Water-god.

প্রচেষ্টা [ pracēṣṭā ] n (repeated or unflagging) effort, endeavour, application, persistent at tempt.

প্রচ্ছদ, প্রচ্ছদপট [ pracchada, pracchadapaṭa ] n a cover or a jacket (esp. of a book).

প্রচ্ছন্ন [ pracchanna ] a covered; hidden, concealed; se cret; invisible; (esp. in bot.) latent. ̃তা n. covertness; concealment; secrecy; invisibility; latency; coverture, dis guise. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise, incog nito. ̃ভাবে adv. covertly; secretly; in visibly; stealthily; latently.

প্রচ্ছাদন [ pracchādana ] n a cover; a thin wrapper for the upper body. প্রচ্ছাদিত a. covered, wrapped.