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প্রকীর্তন [ prakīrtana ] n wide celebrity; publicity (নামযশ প্রকীর্তন).

প্রকীর্তি [ prakīrti ] n great fame, wide celebrity.

প্রকীর্তিত [ prakīrtita ] a greatly famed or famous or renowned, widely celebrated.

প্রকুপিত [ prakupita ] a deeply enraged or angered, in censed, infuriated; excited. fem. প্রকুপিতা ।

প্রকৃত [ prakṛta ] a true, real; genuine, pure; ac tual; right, correct; veritable (প্রকৃত বদমাশ). ̃পক্ষে, ̃প্রস্তাবে adv. in fact; actually; really, truly. ̃রূপে adv. re ally; rightly.

প্রকৃতার্থ [ prakṛtārtha ] n true significance, real mean ing; inner significance.

প্রকৃতি [ prakṛti ] n nature (শান্তপ্রকৃতি); behaviour, habit, instinct (অসত্প্রকৃতি); natural qualities, nature (বস্তুপ্রকৃতি); the exter nal world, nature; the power that cre ates and regulates the world, Nature; the primordial female energy; (phil.) illusion, maya; people or subjects; (gr.) a root word. ̃গত a. pertaining to one's nature; instinctive, habitual; pertaining to physical nature, natural. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. natural; inborn, innate, inherent, na tive; instinctive. ̃দত্ত a. given by na ture, natural; innate. ̃পুঞ্জ n. pl. people or subjects. ̃পূজা n. nature-worship, animism. ̃বাদ n. naturalism, material ism; (gr.) consideration of the root meaning of words, use of words in the root-meaning only, purism. ̃বাদী a. naturalistic, materialistic; (gr.) puristic. ☐ n. a naturalist, a materialist; (gr.) a purist. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. physics; natural sci ence; natural philosophy. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. a naturalist; a physicist. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. con trary to nature. ̃স্হ a. in one's natural or normal state; come to one's senses; recovered. প্রকৃতিস্হ হওয়া v. to come to one's senses; to regain one's mental balance; to recover.

প্রকৃষ্ট [ prakṛṣṭa ] a best, excellent (প্রকৃষ্ট উপায়); most auspicious or favourable or suit able (প্রকৃষ্ট সময়). fem. প্রকৃষ্টা । ̃তা n. the state of being the best, excellence; aus piciousness, suitability.

প্রকোপ [ prakōpa ] n virulence, severity (জ্বরের প্রকোপ); excess (পিত্তের প্রকোপ); vio lent outbreak (কলেরার প্রকোপ); great anger, rage; great excitement. ̃ন n. excitation, excitement; provocation; enragement. প্রকোপিত a. excited; pro voked; enraged; (of a disease etc.) grown virulent, aggravated; (of an epi demic etc.) violently broken out. প্রকোপিত হওয়া v. to be excited or pro voked or enraged; to grow virulent, to aggravate; to break out violently.

প্রকোষ্ঠ [ prakōṣṭha ] n the part of the hand from the el bow to the wrist, the fore-arm; a room, a cabin, a compartment; a room near the gate.

প্রকৌশল [ prakauśala ] n technique; procedure.

প্রক্রম [ prakrama ] n beginning, commencement.

প্রক্রয় [ prakraẏa ] n chartering.

প্রক্রান্ত [ prakrānta ] a begun, commenced; surpassed.

প্রক্কণ [ prakkaṇa ] n sound of a lute or a vina (বীণা).

প্রক্রিয়া [ prakriẏā ] n a process, a procedure, a mode, a method.

প্রক্রীত [ prakrīta ] a chartered.

প্রক্ষালন [ prakṣālana ] n washing. প্রক্ষালন করা v. to wash.

প্রক্ষালিত [ prakṣālita ] a washed.

প্রক্ষিপ্ত [ prakṣipta ] a flung, thrown, cast; placed within or inside; interpolated. প্রক্ষিপ্তাংশ n. an interpolated part, an interpola tion.

প্রক্ষুদ্ধ [ prakṣuddha ] a impassioned; agitated; excited.

প্রক্ষেপ, প্রক্ষেপণ [ prakṣēpa, prakṣēpaṇa ] n flinging or casting, a throw; act or an instance of placing in side or within; an interpolation. প্রক্ষেপক a. flinging, casting, throwing, placing inside or within; interpolating. ☐ n. a thrower; one who places inside or within; an interpolator. প্রক্ষেপ করা v. to hurl, to throw; to interpolate.

প্রক্ষোভ [ prakṣōbha ] n emotion; impulse; an outburst of passion.

প্রখর [ prakhara ] a very sharp or cutting; very acute or keen (প্রখর বুদ্ধি); severe (প্রখর তাপ); harsh (প্রখর বাক্য); very strict (প্রখর শাসন). fem. প্রখরা । ̃তা n. great sharp ness or keenness; severity; harshness; excessive strictness.

প্রখ্যাত [ prakhyāta ] a famous, renowned, celebrated. ̃নামা a. one whose name is famous.

প্রগণ্ড [ pragaṇḍa ] n the upper arm.