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বক্তা [ baktā ] a lecturing; speaking; having the gift of the gab, eloquent. ☐ n. a speaker, a lecturer; an orator. বক্তার a. eloquent; made eloquent by divine in spiration; garrulous. ☐ n. such a per son.

বক্তৃতা [ baktṛtā ] n a speech, a lecture; a prattling; cloquence; (facet.) a rigmarole. বক্তৃতা করা, বক্তৃতা দেওয়া v. to deliver a speech. to speak. to lecture; to prattle; to in dulge in a rigmarole. বক্তৃতা থামাও, বক্তৃতা রাখো stop talking, stop your harangue or garrulity. ̃শক্তি n. speaking power.

বক্ত [ bakta ] n the mouth.

বক্র [ bakra ] a bent, curved, tortuous; oblique; squint: crooked; (chiefly astrol.) antipatheitc. ☐ n. a bend, a turn. ̃গতি a. having a curved or sinuous or tortu ous motion. ̃গামী a. curvedly or sinu ously or tortuously moving crooked. ̃চ্ছেদ n. (geom.) an oblique section. ̃তা n. curvedness; sinuosity; oblique ness; squintness; curvature; crooked ness. (chiefly astrol.) antipathy. বক্রতা কেন্দ্র n. (phys.) a centre of curvature. ̃দৃষ্টি a. squint-eyed, cock-eyed; look ing askance; squinting. ̃নাস a. having a curved or aquiline nose. ̃পৃষ্ঠ a. con vex; arch-backed. ̃রেখা n. curved line, a curve. ̃শিরাল a. (bot.) curvi veined. ̃সংঘাত n. (mech.) an oblique impact. বক্রাংশুরেখা n. (phys.) a caustic curve. বক্রাংশুস্পর্শ n. (phys.) causticity.

বক্রী [ bakrī ] a curved; tortuous, sinuous; (chiefly astrol.) antipathetic. ̃করণ n. curvation. ̃কৃত a. curved. ̃ভূত a. curved; turned antipathetic.

বক্রোক্তি [ bakrōkti ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to pun and erotesis; (loos.) a sarcasm; a sarcastic utterance.

বক্ষ [ bakṣa ] n the breast, the bosom; the chest; (fig.) the heart. বক্ষঃস্হ a. lying on the breast or chest or in the heart. বক্ষঃস্হল n. the region of the chest. ̃স্পন্দন n. palpitation or throbbing of the heart.

বক্ষ্যমাণ [ bakṣyamāṇa ] a to be spoken of hereafter; (loos.) under discussion.

বখরা [ bakharā ] n a share. বখরা করা v. to divide into shares, to share, to apportion. বখরা দেওয়া v. to give a share, to share. বখরা পাওয়া v. to get a share, to share. বখরা নেওয়া v. to take a share, to share. ̃দার n. a sharer, a shareholder, a partner.

বখা [ bakhā ] v to be spoilt by bad association; to sow one's wild oats: to go to the bad. ☐ a. spoilt by bad association; dissipated; gone to the bad; (euph.) saucy. বখাটে a. same as বখা (a.). বখানো v. to make one sow one's wild oats, to cause to go to the bad, to deprave. বখামি, বখামো n. dis sipation, depravity; (euph.) sauciness.

বখিল [ bakhila ] a miserly, parsimonious, stingy, niggardly.

বখেড়া [ bakhēḍ়ā ] n a hindrance; a trouble, a quar rel, dispute.

বগল [ bagala ] n the armpit; the flank; neighbourhood, proximity. বগলদাবা করা v. to carry or conceal under one's arm pit; (fig.) to appropriate secretly to oneself; (fig.) to take possession of or to bring under one's control. বগল বাজানো v. to rap one's armpit by putting a palm in it as a mark of mad delight; (fig.) to rejoice madly. বগলে adv. in the armpit; near, beside.

বগলা [ bagalā ] n one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা)

বগলি [ bagali ] n a purse made of cloth or woven with thread.

বগা [ bagā ] n (sarcas. or dero.) the egret, the heron, the crane; anything as un shapely as the egret (কাগাবগা)

বগি1 [ bagi1 ] n a hooded buggy.

বগি2 [ bagi2 ] n railway carriage, (cp.) a bogie.

বগি3 [ bagi3 ] n a high-rimmed metal dish (also বগিথালা).

বঙ্ক, বঙ্কা [ baṅka, baṅkā ] a (poet. & obs.) bent, curved, hunchbacked.

বঙ্কিম [ baṅkima ] a bent; curved; slightly bent; squint; oblique (বঙ্কিম চাহনি). ̃বিহারী n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ)

বঙ্গ, বঙ্গদেশ [ baṅga, baṅgadēśa ] n Bengal; the ancient name of East Bengal. ̃জ a. born or pro duced in Bengal. ☐ n. a section of kayasthas (কায়স্হ) of Bengal (also বঙ্গজ কায়স্হ). ̃দেশীয় same as বঙ্গীয় । ̃ভাষা n. Bengali. ̃বিভাগ, ̃ভঙ্গ n. the partition of Bengal. বঙ্গাধিপ same as বঙ্গেশ্বর । বঙ্গানুবাদ n. translation or rendering into Bengali. বঙ্গাব্দ n. the Bengali era (counted from 693 A.D.). বঙ্গীয় a. of Bengal; born or produced in Bengal; Bengali. বঙ্গেশ্বর n. a king of Bengal.

বচ [ baca ] n the sweet-flag.

বচন [ bacana ] n speech; utterance; a saying, an adage, an apophthegm, a maxim; (gr.) number (একবচন = the singular number; দ্বিবচন = the dual number; বহুবচন = the plural number). ̃বাগীশ a. having the gift of the gab; eloquent, very talk ative. ̃বিন্যাস n. art or mode of speak ing; eloquence; arrangement of words or speech. বচনসর্বস্ব ব্যাক্তি a person of mere words, a wind-bag. বচনীয় a. speakable; blamable.

বচসা [ bacasā ] n altercation; a brawl. বচসা করা v. to altercate, to wrangle, to bandy words; to brawl.

বজরা [ bajarā ] n a large pleasure or state boat; a man-of-war; a barge.

বজায় [ bajāẏa ] a in force or intact or in position. বজায় থাকা v. to be in force or intact or in position. বজায় রাখা v. to keep up, to keep going, to maintain.

বজ্জাত [ bajjāta ] a (lit. & rare) base-born; wicked; naughty; mischievous. বজ্জাতি n. wick edness; naughtiness; mischievousness, mischief-making.

বজ্র [ bajra ] n thunderbolt, thunder; the weapon of Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods; (loos.) lightning; (astrol.) a cross-sign (×) on the palm or sole of a person; diamond. বজ্র আঁটুনি ফসকা গেরো the more laws, the more flaws; (cp.) summum jus summum injustitia. ̃কঠিন, ̃কঠোর a. extremely hard, adamantine. ̃কীট n. the pangolin. ̃গম্ভীর a. deep and loud as thunderclap. বজ্রগম্ভীর স্বরে in a voice as deep as thunder, in a thunderous voice. ̃গুণন n. (alg.) cross-multiplica tion. ̃তুল্য a. adamantine; fatally se vere; thunderous. ̃ধর same as বজ্রপাণি । ̃ধ্বনি, ̃নাদ, ̃নির্ঘোষ n. thunderclap; thunder-peal; (fig.) a voice or noise as deep and loud as thunderclap. ̃পাণি n. one whose weapon is thunder, the thunderer; Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods. ̃পাত n. a crash of thunder; thunder bolt. ̃বহ n. (phys.) a lightning con ductor. ̃বারক n. (phys.) a lightning ar rester. বজ্রাগ্নি n. lightning. বজ্রাঘাত n. a thunder-stroke; (fig.) a sudden and fa tal calamity. বজ্রাহত a. thunder-struck.

বঞ্চক [ bañcaka ] a. & n a deceiver; a swindler; one who deprives (another).

বঞ্চনা, বঞ্চন [ bañcanā, bañcana ] n deception; deceit; fraudulence; a fraud; deprivation. বঞ্চনা করা v. to deceive; to defraud; to de prive (of.). বঞ্চনাপূর্বক adv. deceitfully; fraudulently; craftily. বঞ্চনাময় a. decep tive; illusory.

বঞ্চা [ bañcā ] v (poet.) to deceive, to beguile; (poet.) to deprive (of); (poet.) to spend or pass ('সুখে বঞ্চিবে দিন'); (poet.) to live, to lead one's life.

বঞ্চিত [ bañcita ] a deceived; beguiled, defrauded; deprived. fem. বঞ্চিতা ।

বট [ baṭa ] n the banyan tree. ̃পত্র n. a banyan leaf. ̃মূল n. the base or foot of a ban yan tree.

বটকেরা, বটখেরা [ baṭakērā, baṭakhērā ] n banter, taunt.

বটঠাকুর [ baṭaṭhākura ] n an elder brother of one's hus band.

বটতলা [ baṭatalā ] n the foot of the banyan tree; Grub Street.

বটা [ baṭā ] v to be (সে চালাক বটে).

বটিকা, বটী [ baṭikā, baṭī ] n a pill, a globule.

বটু, বটুক [ baṭu, baṭuka ] n (obs.) a Brahmin lad.

বটুয়া [ baṭuẏā ] n a small purselike bag made of cloth.

বটে [ baṭē ] int just so (তাই বটে); exactly (বটেই তো); is it (বটে, এমন কথা?); well (কী বলছ বটে); (sarcas.) no doubt (বীরেরাই পালায় বটে; take care (বটে রে). বটে বটে oh yes, just so, there you are.

বটের [ baṭēra ] n a species of small partridge akin to the quail.

বডিস [ baḍisa ] n a bodice; bra.