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বড়, বড়ো [ baḍ়, baḍ়ō ] a large, big; high, tall, lofty; long; lengthy; fat; loud; excessive; se vere; magnanimous, great; respectable, noble; older; elder; eldest; senior in position; rich, aristocratic; most impor tant, principal, chief; leading; eminent; highly contested. ☐ adv. very thor oughly (বড় মন্দ) ☐ int. denoting: slight contempt (চাকরি তো বড়); amazement (বড়ো যে এলে). বড়ো করা v. to make one flourish; to extol usu. unduly; to en large (as a photograph); to lengthen (as a story); to expand (রাজ্য বড়ো করা) to increase (নামযশ বড় করা); to magnify, to exaggerate (বড় করে দেখা বা বলা); to elevate or edify (চরিত্র বড়ো করা); to liberalize (মন বা হাত বড় করা); to make louder, to raise (গলা বড় করা); to dilate (চোখ বড় করা); to heighten (আশা বড় করা); to bring up (ছেলে বড়ো করা). বড় দেখানো v. to look large or big; to loom large; to magnify. বড় হওয়া v. to grow up; to come of age; to flourish; to be expanded; to be edified; to be liberal ized; to be glorified (মুখ বড় হওয়া). বড় একটা না not much, not at all; hardly; rarely; seldom; once in a blue moon. বড় কথা the most important word, chief words; tall-talk. ̃কর্তা n. a master or head of a family; the chief or boss of an organization; a headman. ̃কুটুম্ব, ̃কুটুম n. a wife's brother, a brother-in-law. বড় খেলা a highly contested match; a big or important match; a great game. বড় গলা loud voice (বড় গলায় গান); proud or arrogant tone (বড় গলায় ঘোষণা). বড় গল্প a long story. বড় গাছে নৌকা বাঁধা (fig.) to resort to a great pa tron. বড় ঘর a large or spacious room; a hall; a high or aristocratic or noble family. বড় জোর at most, at best. বড় জ্বালা a great or severe affliction. বড় ঝড় a great or violent storm. ̃ত্ব n. senior ity in age or position; greatness; mag nanimity. বড় দরের লোক a man of high status. ̃দাদা (coll.) ̃দা n. the eldest brother. বড় দাম a high or exorbitant price. ̃দিদি (coll.) ̃দি n. fem. the el dest sister. ̃দিন n. (astr.) the winter solstice; (pop.) the Christmas Day. বড় দুঃখ deep or intense sorrow. বড় দুর্দিন terribly hard times. বড় পেট a large belly; voracious appetite; (fig.) exorbi tant demand or tremendous greed. বড় বড় বানরের বড় বড় পেট (fig.) the more one has, the more one demands; the wealthier a man, the greater is his de mand. বড় বই an enormous book, a fat volume; (fig.) magnum opus. বড় বংশ a high or respectable or noble family. ̃বাবু n. a head clerk; the seniormost male member of a family. বড় বোন n. fem. an elder sister, the eldest sister. বড় ব্যাপার a great affair. বড় ভাই n. an elder brother, a big brother, the eldest brother. বড় মোকদ্দমা a big or leading case. বড় মজা a great fun. বড় মন a mag nanimous heart; a high mind; a master mind; an optimistic outlook. ̃মানষি n. ostentatious display or wealthiness or riches. ̃মানুষ n. a rich man; a great man. বড় মুখ elated or proud in speech (বড় মুখে বলা); nourishing a great hope (বড় মুখ দিয়ে আসা); dignified counte nance; prestige; renown. বড় মুখ ছোট হওয়া to feel disgraced; to be put out of countenance. ̃রানি n. the chief queen (of a king who has several wives). বড় লড়াই a hard fight; a great battle. ̃লাট see লাট2 । ̃লোক same as বড়মানুষ । বড়লোকি same as বড়মানষি । বড় শরিক the senior partner of an estate. বড় শিকার a big game; big game hunting. বড় শীত severe cold. বড় সাহেব n. the senior partner of a firm; the boss of an office. বড় হাজরি see হাজরি ।

বড়বা [ baḍ়bā ] n (myth.) a sea-horse vomiting fire constantly; the mare. ̃গ্নি, ̃নল n. the fire vomited by the aforesaid sea-horse.

বড়শি, বঁড়শি [ baḍ়śi, ban̐ḍ়śi ] n a fish-hook.

বড়া [ baḍ়ā ] n a kind of cake fried in oil (ডালের বড়া, ডিমের বড়া); a cake-like juicy sweet-meat (তালের বড়া).

বড়াই1 [ baḍ়āi1 ] n boast, bragging. বড়াই করা v. to boast, to brag.

বড়াই2, বড়ায়ি [ baḍ়āi2, baḍ়āẏi ] n an old woman named Yogamaya (যোগমায়া) who acted as a go-between in the affaire de coeur of Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); a de crepit old woman; a great grandmother.

বড়ি [ baḍ়i ] n a pill, a globule; a tablet, a ball (কালির বড়ি); a small conical ball made of the paste of pigeon-pea and dried in the sun (this ball is eaten after being fried or cooked).

বড়ু [ baḍ়u ] n (obs.) a son of a Brahmin.

ব়ড়ে, বোড়ে [ b়ḍ়ē, bōḍ়ē ] n (in chess) a pawn. বড়ের চাল (in chess) the move of a pawn; (fig.) a very unassuming and yet a danger spelling move.

বণিক [ baṇika ] n a merchant, a trader; a banian; a vaishya or trader by caste.

বণিকসংঘ [ baṇikasaṅgha ] n a corporation or association of the traders; a guild.

বণিকসভা [ baṇikasabhā ] n chamber of commerce, asso ciation of traders or merchants.

বণিগ্বৃত্তি [ baṇigbṛtti ] n trade; traffic; trading; com mercial spirit, commercialism.

বন্টক [ banṭaka ] n a distributor, one who appor tions or divides.

বন্টন [ banṭana ] n distribution; apportionment, di vision. বন্টন করা v. to distribute; to ap portion, to divide.

বন্টিত [ banṭita ] a distributed; apportioned, di vided.

-বত্ [ -bat ] sfx denoting: equivalent to, resem bling, like, as (পিতৃবত্).

বত্স [ batsa ] n the young of the cow (or of any animal), a calf; (in affectionate ad dress) a dear boy.

বত্সতর [ batsatara ] n a bull-calf; a steer. fem. বত্তরী a cow-calf; a heifer.

বত্সর [ batsara ] n a year; an era. বত্সরান্তে adv. at the end of a year; at year-ending.

বত্সল [ batsala ] a (used as a sfx.) affectionate, lov ing. fem. বত্সলা । বত্সলতা n. affectionateness, affection, love.

বত্সা [ batsā ] n (rare) (in affectionate address) a dear girl.

বত্সাদনী [ batsādanī ] n a medicinal plant, Menispermum glabrum.

বতারিখ [ batārikha ] adv date by date; datewise.

-বতী [ -batī ] fem of -বান্ ।

বত্রিশ [ batriśa ] n. & a thirty-two.

বদ [ bada ] a bad; evil, wicked; offensive (বদ গন্ধ); peevish (বদমেজাজ); infected, contaminated, defiled (বদরক্ত). ̃খদ a. ugly; troublesome or unmanageable or unwieldy. ̃খেয়াল a. wicked inclina tion or desire; evil intention or design; perverse propensity. ̃জবান n. abusive or filthy language. বদজবান করা v. to use abusive or filthy language. ̃জাত same as বজ্জাত । ̃নাম n. discredit; bad repu tation; infamy; calumny. বদনাম করা v. to calumniate; to slander; to speak ill of. ̃বু, ̃বো n. bad or foul smell, stink. ̃ভ্যাস n. bad or evil habit; indecent habit. ̃মতলব n. evil design, evil pur pose. ̃মেজাজ n. illhumour, bad tem per; petulance, peevishness. ̃মেজাজি a. ill-humoured, bad-tempered; petulant, peevish, cross-grained. ̃রসিকতা n. base or unrefined or indecent or vulgar humour or joke. ̃রাগী a. short-tem pered, choleric. ̃হজম n. indigestion; dyspepsia.

বদন [ badana ] n face, countenance; mouth; ap pearance. ̃কমল n. a lotus-like face; a face conceived as a lotus. ̃ভরে adv. with full-throated ease. ̃মন্ডল n. face, countenance.

বদনা [ badanā ] n a kind of small pitcher with a slender spout.

বদমাশ, বদমাইশ, বদমায়েশ [ badamāśa, badamāiśa, badamāẏēśa ] a wicked; rogu ish, mischievous; profligate; (in affec tion) naughty. বদমাশি, বদমায়েশি n. wick edness; roguery, mischief; profligacy; naughtiness. বদমাশি করা v. to indulge in wickedness or roguery or profligacy; to be naughty.

বদর1 [ badara1 ] n the full moon; a Muslim saint (whose name is uttered by boatsmen to ensure a safe voyage).

বদর2, বদরিকা, বদরী [ badara2, badarikā, badarī ] n jujube.

বদল [ badala ] n exchange (মালবদল); barter; sub stitution; change, alteration (ভোলবদল); transfer (অফিস বদল). বদল করা v. to ex change; to barter; to substitute; to change, to alter; to transfer. বদলা n. a thing or person seized or killed in re taliation; requital, retaliation; a substi tute. বদলা নেওয়া v. to seize or kill in retaliation; to requite, to retaliate; to accept a substitute. বদলানো same as বদল করা । বদলা-বদলি n. exchange; change; mutual transfer. বদলি a. substi tuting; given or taken in exchange; bartered; substituted; transferred. ☐ n. substitution; a substitute; transfer; change. বদলি করা same as বদল করা । বদলে adv. in exchange of, in lieu of, in place of, instead, instead of.

বদান্য [ badānya ] a generous, bountiful, munificent, liberal, charitable. ̃তা n. generosity, bounty, munificence, liberality, charity.

বদ্ধ [ baddha ] a tied, bound, fastened; bound by an obligation (প্রতিজ্ঞাবদ্ধ); interwoven, dressed, put up (বদ্ধকবরী); shut, closed (বদ্ধদ্বার); confined, imprisoned, encaged (বদ্ধসিংহ); entrapped, en snared (বদ্ধ মৃগ); caught in (পাশবদ্ধ); clasped (আলিঙ্গনে বদ্ধ); restrained, ar rested (বদ্ধ স্রোত); stagnant (বদ্ধ জল); joined together (বদ্ধপাণি, একতাবদ্ধ); placed, put, arrayed, well-ordered (শ্রেণিবদ্ধ); firm (বদ্ধমূল); deep-rooted, deep-seated (বদ্ধ ধারনা); downright, thorough, confirmed, stark (বদ্ধ পাগল); (arith.) concrete (বদ্ধসংখ্যা). ̃দৃষ্টি n. a fixed or steadfast look, a gaze. ̃পরিকর n. firmly resolved; determined; reso lute; girdled. বদ্ধ পরিকর হওয়া v. to be firmly resolved; to gird up one's loins, to gird oneself up. বদ্ধ পাগল crazy to the extreme. ̃মুষ্টি a. having closed or clenched one's palm; (fig.) close-fisted, niggardly, miserly. ̃মূল a. deep rooted, deep-seated. বদ্ধাঞ্জলি হওয়া v. to fold or join one's palms. বদ্ধাধান n. (phys.) a bounded charge.

বদ্বীপ [ badbīpa ] n a delta. ̃শীর্ষ n. head of the delta.

বধ [ badha ] n killing, slaughter. বধ করা v. to kill, to slay; to slaughter. ̃কর্তা n. a killer, a slayer; a slaughterer. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃দণ্ড n. capital punishment. ̃স্হলী, ̃স্হান n. a place of execution or slaughter; a slaughter-house. বধার্থ adv. for killing or slaughter. বর্ধাহ same as বধ্য ।

বধির [ badhira ] a deaf; (fig.) refusing to listen. বধির করা v. to deafen. বধির হওয়া v. to be come deaf; (fig.) to turn a deaf ear (to). বধিরতা, বধিরত্ব n. deafness.

বধূ [ badhū ] n a wife; a newly married woman; a bride; a married woman; a daughter-in-law (usu. বধূমাতা). ̃জন n. a married woman esp. one whose husband is alive. ̃বরণ n. ceremoniously welcom ing a bride or a daughter-in-law. ̃মাতা n. the daughter-in law. ̃হত্যা n. killing or murder of a married woman (usu.) in the husband's or father-in-law's house.

বধোদ্যত [ badhōdyata ] a on the point of killing or slay ing or slaughtering, ready to kill.

বধ্য [ badhya ] a (fit.) to be killed or slain or slaughtered. ̃পাল n. the supervisor of an execution. ̃ভূমি n. a place of execu tion or slaughter.

বন [ bana ] n a forest, a jungle, a wood; an arbour, a bower, a grove. ̃কপোত n. the wood-pigeon, the cushat. ̃কর n. forest revenue; a forest cess. ̃কর্মী n. a forester; a worker in the forest depart ment. ̃কুক্কুট n. the wild-fowl; the jungle-fowl; the wood-cock. ̃কৃত্যক n. forest service. ̃গোলাপ n. the briar, the briar-rose; the sweet briar. ̃চর, ̃চারী a. living in a forest; wild; silvan. ̃জ a. forest-grown. ̃জঙ্গল n. thickets, underwood; woodlands. ̃দেবতা n. a wood-god, a silvan. fem. বনদেবী । ̃পথ n. a forest path, a jungle path. ̃পরি n. a wood-nymph, a dryad. ̃পাল n. a conservator of forests. ̃ফুল n. a wild flower. ̃বাদাড় same as বনজঙ্গল । ̃বাস n. living in a forest; banishment to the forest. বনবাসে দেওয়া, বনবাসে পাঠানো v. to banish or exile (one) to the forest. বনবাসে যাওয়া v. to go to live in a forest as a punishment; to be exiled to the forest. ̃বাসী a. & n. living in a forest, a forest dweller. fem. ˜বাসিনী । ̃বিড়াল n. the wild-cat; the tiger-cat, the bush-cat, the serval; the cougar, the puma. fem. বনবিড়ালী । ̃বিহার n. wandering in a for est (for pleasure etc.). ̃বিহারী a. roving in forests and groves esp. for pleasure. ☐ n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃বৃক্ষ n. a forest tree, a dryad. ̃ভোজ, ̃ভোজন n. a pic nic. ̃মধু n. wood-honey. ̃মল্লিকা n. the wild jasmine. ̃মহোত্সব n. the festival of tree plantation. ̃মানুষ n. any anthro poid ape such as the gorilla, the chim panzee etc. ̃মালা n. a garland of wild flowers. ̃মালী n. one wearing a gar land of wild flowers; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃মোরগ same as বনকুক্কুট । ̃রক্ষক n. a forest-ranger. ̃রক্ষী n. a forest-guard. ̃শূকর n. a wild hog. ̃শ্রী n. the beauty of the forest; the forest; the beautiful forest. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. of a forest; situated in a forest; forest-grown, wild; silvan (বনস্হ জীবন). ̃হংসী n. the wild-duck; the wild-goose.

বনবন1 [ banabana1 ] n bonbon.

বনবন2 [ banabana2 ] int denoting: a swift whirling motion. বনবন করে ঘোরা v. to rotate or whirl swiftly.

বনস্পতি [ banaspati ] n a tree that bears fruit appar ently without blossoms (such as, the fig tree); a very large tree.

বন [ bana ] v to get on together, to agree; to be on good terms (তাদের বনে না); to be reduced to or to be proved (বোকা বনা)..

বনাত [ banāta ] n broad-cloth; baize.

বনানী [ banānī ] n a great forest; an extensive for est.

বনানো [ banānō ] v to cause to get on together, to cause to agree.

বনান্ত [ banānta ] n the outskirts or end of a forest.

বনান্তর [ banāntara ] n another forest.

বনাবনি [ banābani ] n mutual agreement, amity, con currence, concord.

বনাম [ banāma ] prep versus.

বনিতা [ banitā ] n a woman; a wife.

বনিয়াদ [ baniẏāda ] n foundation, base, groundwork. বনিয়াদি a. traditional; traditionally aris tocratic or noble (বনিয়াদি বংশ); basic (বনিয়াদি শিক্ষা).

বনীকরণ [ banīkaraṇa ] n afforestation.

বনোয়ারি [ banōẏāri ] n one wearing a garland of wild flowers; an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

-বন্ত [ -banta ] sfx denoting: possession or endow ment (লক্ষ্মীবন্ত, রূপবন্ত).

বন্দক [ bandaka ] a singing in adoration, hymning; extolling; saluting; worshipping. ☐ n. one who sings in praise, a hymnist; one who extols; one who salutes; a worshipper, a votary; one employed to glorigy (esp. a prince) in songs (usu. at fixed hours and on particular occa sions).

বন্দন, বন্দনা [ bandana, bandanā ] n singing in adoration, hymning; a song of praise, a hymn; extolment; salutation; a salute; wor ship, adoration. বন্দনা করা v. to sing in adoration, to hymn; to extol, to salute; to worship, to adore. বন্দনীয় a. worthy of being glorified in songs; deserving obeisance; worshipful, adorable. fem. বন্দনীয়া ।

বন্দর [ bandara ] n a port. ̃পাল n. an overseer of the port, port commissioner. মুক্ত বন্দর a free port.

বন্দি [ bandi ] a imprisoned; confined; captivated. ☐ n. a prisoner; a captive. বন্দি করা v. to imprison; to capture, to take one pris oner.

বন্দিত [ bandita ] a glorified in songs, hymned; lauded, extolled; saluted; worshipped, adored. fem. বন্দিতা ।

বন্দিনী [ bandinī ] fem of বন্দী1

বন্দিপাল [ bandipāla ] n a jailor, a jailer, a gaoler.

বন্দিমুক্তি [ bandimukti ] n release or liberation of prison ers.

বন্দিশালা [ bandiśālā ] n a prison, a jail, a gaol; a guard-house, a guard-room.

বন্দিশ [ bandiśa ] n (in music) style; style of compo sition.

বন্দী2 [ bandī2 ] a alt. spell. of বন্দি ।

বন্দুক [ banduka ] n a gun, a rifle, a bundook, a mus ket, a matchlock; a pistol, a revolver. ̃ধারী a. armed with or carrying a gun or rifle. বন্দুকধারী লোক a gunman; a musketeer, a rifleman.

বল্দেগি [ baldēgi ] n (Mus.) humble salutation. বন্দেগি জনাব I humbly salute you, sir; I bow to thee, sir.