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বন্দেজ [ bandēja ] n arrangement; apportionment; distribution; allotment. বন্দেজ করা v. to arrange; to apportion; to distribute; to allot.

বন্দে মাতরম্ [ bandē mātaram ] v I salute thee, Mother. ☐ n. the first two words or (loos.) the title of the national song of India, Bandemataram.

বন্দোবস্ত [ bandōbasta ] n arrangement; preparation; pro vision; settlement; land settlement; tenure (জমির বন্দোবস্ত); a contract. বন্দোবস্ত করা n. to make arrangements; to make preparations (for); to provide for; to settle; to make a contract (with). বন্দোবস্ত দেওয়া v. to have tenure (of land etc.) settled on oneself. চিরস্হায়ী বন্দোবস্ত (hist.) The Permanent Settlement.

বন্ধ [ bandha ] n any device for binding or fastening (কোমরবন্ধ); a tie, a bond, bondage (প্রেমবন্ধ); a clasp, an embrace (ভুজবন্ধ); an obstacle (স্রোতোবন্ধ); construction (সেতুবন্ধ); composition (ছন্ধবন্ধ); re straint or stoppage (ইন্দ্রিয়বন্ধ). ☐ a. shut, closed (বন্ধ জানালা, বন্ধ অফিস); stopped, ceased, discontinued (কথাবার্তা বন্ধ); ob structed, confined, shut in (কারাগারে বন্ধ). বন্ধ করা v. to shut, to close; to stop, to cease, to discontinue; to obstruct; to confine, to shut in. গ্রীষ্মের বন্ধ the summar vacation. পূজার বন্ধ the Puja holidays, the Puja vacation.

বন্ধ্ [ bandh ] n a strike, a cease-work movement; closure.

বন্ধক [ bandhaka ] n pawning, mortgage, hypotheca tion; a pawn, a pledge. বন্ধক দেওয়া v. to pawn, to pledge, to mortgage, to hy pothecate. বন্ধক রাখা v. to lend money taking something in pawn or mortgage. ̃গ্রহীতা n. a pawnbroker; a pawnee; a mortgagee. ̃দাতা n. a pawner; a mortgager. ̃পত্র n. same as বন্ধকি দলিল । বন্ধকি a. of pawning or mortgage or hypothecation (বন্ধকি দলিল = a mort gage deed); carrying on pawnbroking (বন্ধকি দোকান = a pawnshop); pawned, mortgaged, hypothecated (বন্ধকি সম্পত্তি). বন্ধকি কারবার a pawnbroker's business. বল্ধকি দোকান a pawnshop.

বন্ধন [ bandhana ] n binding, fastening, tying; tether ing; a tie, a bondage (বন্ধনমোচন); clasping or embracing, a clasp or em brace (ভুজবন্ধন); obstruction, an ob stacle (স্রোতোবন্ধন); restraint, stoppage; confinement (কারাবন্ধন); composition (করবীবন্ধন); construction (সেতুবন্ধন); unification (হৃদয়ে হৃদয়ে বন্ধন). বন্ধন করা v. to bind, to tie, to fasten; to tether; to clasp, to embrace; to obstruct, to re strain, to stop; to confine, to shut in; to unite. ̃গ্রন্হি n. a knot. ̃দশা n. captiv ity; imprisonment, incarceration. ̃ফলক n. a splint. ̃মুক্তি n. freedom from bondage or captivity. ̃রজ্জু n. a rope for tying or fastening, a tether. ̃স্তম্ভ n. a tying post. ̃হীন a. without ties or fetters; united; unfettered; un controlled; unrestrained. বন্ধনী n. any device to bind or fasten, a tic, a band, a ligament; (print. & math.) a bracket. বন্ধনীভুক্ত a. bracketed.

বন্ধু [ bandhu ] n a friend; a well-wisher; a benefac tor, a patron; an ally; a comrade; an as sociate; a lover. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. friendship; amity; alliance. বন্ধুত্ব করা v. to make friends with. বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ a. friendly; ami cable. ̃নি n. fem. a female friend; a friend's wife. ̃প্রীতি n. love or affec tion toward a friend. ̃বর n. close or intimate friend; an affectionate way of addressing or referring to a friend. ̃বান্ধব n. friends and relations. ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. estrangement or separation from friends; estrangement or separation from a friend. ̃সুলভ a. friendly. ̃হীন a. friendless.

বন্ধুর [ bandhura ] a uneven, rugged; rough. ̃তা n. unevenness, ruggedness; roughness.

বন্ধুলি [ bandhuli ] n a variety of crimson flower or its plant.

বন্ধ্য [ bandhya ] a fit to be bound or tied; unproduc tive, barren, sterile; childless. fem. বন্ধ্যা । ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. fitness for being bound or tied; unproductivity, barren ness, sterility; childlessness.

বন্য [ banya ] a grown or growing or dwelling or roving in the forest, wild; of the forest, silvan; unfit for civilized society; un civilized; savage.

বন্যা1 [ banyā1 ] fem of বন্য ।

বন্যা2 [ banyā2 ] n a flood; an inundation; a deluge. বন্যার জল floodwater. ̃পীড়িত a. flood stricken. ̃প্লাবিত a. flooded. ̃বিধ্বস্ত a. devastated by the flood; flood-stricken.

বপক [ bapaka ] n a sower; a planter.

বপন [ bapana ] n sowing; planting, plantation. বপন করা v. to sow; to plant. ̃যন্ত্র n. a sow ing-machine.

বপা [ bapā ] n (poet.) to sow or plant.

বপু [ bapu ] n the body. ̃স্মান a. heavy-bodied, burly, corpulent, hefty. fem. ̃ষ্মিতী ।

বপ্র [ bapra ] n ground; a field; a wall; a rampart; ̃ক্রীড়া n. act of digging earth with the horn or trunk (as by a bull or an el ephant).

বমন [ bamana ] n vomiting; belching or ejecting (as by a volcano). বমন করা v. to vomit, to spew, to spue; to belch, to eject vio lently. বমনেচ্ছা n. nausea. বমনোদ্রেক n. nausea, retching. বমনোদ্রেককর a. nau seous, nauseating; vomitive; emetic. বমনোদ্রেককর ওষুধ an emetic.

বমাল [ bamāla ] adv together with the stolen or looted thing (বমাল ধরা পড়া).

বমি [ bami ] n vomited matter, vomit, spew, spue. গা বমি-বমি করা v. to have nausea. বমিত a. vomited; violently ejected (as by a volcano).

বয় [ baẏa ] n a servant or serving-lad (esp. one employed in a hotel etc.)

বয়ঃ [ baẏḥ ] n age; longevity or lifetime; youth or majority. ̃ক্রম n. age. ̃প্রাপ্ত, ̃স্হ a. one who has attained youth or (loos.) marriageable age; of age, grown-up. fem. ̃প্রাপ্তা, ̃স্হা । বয়ঃপ্রাপ্ত পুরুষ বা স্ত্রীলোক an adult, a major. ̃সন্ধি n. ado lescence. ̃সীমা n. age-limit.

বয়কট [ baẏakaṭa ] n boycott; (social or political) re fusal. বয়কট করা v. to boycott.

বয়ন1 [ baẏana1 ] n (poet. & obs.) the face.

বয়ন2 [ baẏana2 ] n weaving; knitting. বয়ন করা v. to weave; to knit. ̃বিদ্যা n. the art of weaving. ̃যন্ত্র n. a weaving machine; the loom. ̃শিল্প n. the weaving indus try. ̃শিল্পী n. a weaver.

বয়নামা [ baẏanāmā ] n a sale certificate; a deed of sale.

বয়লার [ baẏalāra ] n a boiler.

বয়স [ baẏasa ] n age; agedness (বয়স ঢাকা পড়া); youth or majority. বয়স হওয়া v. to come of age; to grow old, to become aged. বয়সের গাছ পাথর নেই (fig.) hoary with age. বয়সের ধর্ম the natural prop erty or tendency of age. ̃কাল n. youth; majority, adulthood; one's greener days. ̃-ফোঁড়া n. an acne. বয়সা n. breaking or cracking of voice on at taining adolescence. বয়সী a. of a par ticular age (বালকবয়সী); equal in age (আমার বয়সী); advanced in age, aged, old. বয়সোচিত a. right and proper for one's age, befitting one's age, natural to a particular age.

-বয়স্ক1 [ -baẏaska1 ] sfx of a particular age, aged, old (তিন বত্সর বয়স্ক = three years old; aged three years).

বয়স্য [ baẏasya ] n a friend of the same age; a boon companion; an intimate attendant or flatterer. fem. বয়স্যা ।

বয়া [ baẏā ] n a buoy; a life-buoy.

বয়ান2 [ baẏāna2 ] n a narration; a description.

বয়ান 3 [ baẏāna 3 ] n face, countenance ('হসিত বয়ানে চাহে মেঘপানে').

বয়াম [ baẏāma ] n a jar (usu. with a detachable lid and made of porcelain or glass).

বয়েত [ baẏēta ] n a couplet (esp. one in Arabic or Persian or Urdu).

বয়োগুণ [ baẏōguṇa ] n tendencies or propensities natural to a particular age.

বয়োজ্যেষ্ঠ [ baẏōjyēṣṭha ] a older, elder; elderly.

বয়োধর্ম [ baẏōdharma ] n same as বয়োগুণ ।

বয়োতীত [ baẏōtīta ] a past youth, past the prime of life.

বয়োবদ্ধ [ baẏōbaddha ] n age-bar.

বয়োবৃদ্ধ [ baẏōbṛddha ] a advanced in age, aged, old; older. fem. বয়োবৃদ্ধা । বয়োবৃদ্ধি n. increase of age. বয়োবৃদ্ধির সঙ্গে সঙ্গে with the in crease of age, as one grows old.

বর [ bara ] n a desire granted by a deity or a su perior person, a boon; a benison, a benediction, a blessing; a bridegroom; a husband. ☐ a. desired; greatest, most distinguished (নৃপবর); excellent, splen did, fine (বরতনু). বর দেওয়া v. to grant a boon. বর পাওয়া v. to obtain a boon. বরের ঘরের মাসি কনের ঘরের পিসি (fig.) one who hunts with the hound and runs with the hare. ̃কনে n. pl. the bride and the groom. ̃কর্তা n. the head of the bridegroom's party. ̃দ a. granting a boon; benedictory. ̃দা a. fem. of বরদ ।n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃দাতা a. & n. one who grants a boon. fem. ˜দাত্রী । বরদান করা v. to grant a boon. ̃দান n. act of granting a boon or prayer. ̃পক্ষ n. the bridegroom's party. ̃পণ n. a dowry in cash paid by the bride's parents or party to the bridegroom. ̃পুত্র n. a min ion (esp. of a deity), a darling, a favourite. ̃প্রদ same as বরদ । fem. ̃প্রদা । ̃বর্ণিনী n. an excellent woman; a woman of peerless beauty. ̃মাল্য n. a garland of flower which the bride puts ceremonially round the neck of the bridegroom whilst accepting him as her husband; a garland of highest honour. ̃যাত্রী, ̃যাত্র n. one who accompanies a bridegroom to a wedding.

বরং [ bara ] adv rather, in preference.

বরকন্দাজ [ barakandāja ] n a footman or follower carry ing a fire-arm.

বরখাস্ত [ barakhāsta ] a removed from service, dis missed; cashiered. বরখাস্ত করা v. to re move from service, to dismiss; to cash ier.

বরগা1 [ baragā1 ] n a rafter (কড়ি-বরগা).

বরগা2 [ baragā2 ] n a temporary lease of land on condition that a fixed portion of crop will be paid as revenue. ̃দার n. a les see holding a piece of land under the aforesaid condition, a sharecropper.

বরজ2 [ baraja2 ] n a plantation or (loos.) a plant of betel-leaves.

বরঞ্চ [ barañca ] adv rather, preferably.

বরণ2 [ baraṇa2 ] n devotional or respectful or cor dial (and esp. ceremonial) reception or acceptance or nomination or election, welcome (প্রতিমাবরণ, গুরুবরণ, বধূবরণ, সভপতিপদে বরণ); submissive or delib erate acceptance (দুর্ভাগ্যবরণ); appoint ment, employment. বরণ করা v. to re ceive or accept or nominate or elect devotionally or respectfully or cor dially (and esp. ceremonially), to wel come; to accept submissively or volun tarily; to appoint, to employ. ̃ডালা n. a wicker-tray holding articles with which one is received ceremonially. ̃পত্র n. a warrant. বরণীয় a. fit to be re ceived or accepted or nominated or elected devotionally or respectfully or cordially (and esp. ceremonially), fit to be welcomed; fit to be accepted sub missively or voluntarily; adorable; venerable; acceptable. fem. বরণীয়া ।

বরদার [ baradāra ] n a bearer, a carrier (আসাবরদার = a mace-bearer); one who carries out, a complier (হুকুমবরদার).

বরদাস্ত [ baradāsta ] n bearing or enduring, act of brooking; toleration; patience. ☐ a. en dured, tolerated, borne (বরদাস্ত হয় না). বরদাস্ত করা v. to bear, to bear with; to endure, to brook; to tolerate.

বরন [ barana ] n (poet. form of বর্ণ) colour; com plexion.

বরফ [ barapha ] n snow; ice. ̃জল n. ice-water. ̃তুল্য a. icy.

বরফট্টাই [ baraphaṭṭāi ] n bragging, tall talk; ostenta tious display or show. বরফট্টাই করা v. to brag; to make an ostentatious show.

বরফি [ baraphi ] n a kind of rhomb-shaped sweet meat made of condensed cowmilk.

বরবটি [ barabaṭi ] n a variety of kidney bean, Vigna sinensis; cow pea.

বরবাদ [ barabāda ] a utterly spoilt or wasted; cast away; (loos.) rejected. বরবাদ করা v. to cast away; (loos.) to reject; (rare) to spoil or waste.

বরয়িতা [ baraẏitā ] n one who receives or accepts or nominates or elects devotionally or respectfully or cordially (and esp. ceremonially), a welcomer; one who accepts submissively or voluntarily. fem. বরয়িত্রী ।

বরা2 [ barā2 ] n the boar, the hog.

বরাঙ্গ [ barāṅga ] n the best part of the body; the head. ☐ a. fine-limbed.

বরাঙ্গনা [ barāṅganā ] n an excellent lady.

বরাত [ barāta ] n charge, commission (কাজের বরাত); order (often pl.); necessity or business (এদিকে একটু বরাত ছিল); au thority to represent, assignment; order (to supply goods): fate, luck (মন্দ বরাত). বরাত দেওয়া v. to entrust a charge, to commission; to authorize or assign. ̃চিঠি n. a letter of authority or assign ment; (comm.) a bill of exchange. ̃গুণে adv. by virtue of good luck. ̃জোরে adv. through good luck, through a stroke of luck. বরাতি a. (of a task) entrusted.

বরাদ্ধ [ barāddha ] n fixation, allotment; estimate, budget; ration (বরাদ্ধ-অনুযায়ী বন্টন). ☐ a. fixed, allotted; estimated; rationed. বরাদ্ধ করা v. to fix beforehand, to allot; to estimate; to ration.

বরানুগমন [ barānugamana ] n act of accompanying a bride groom to a wedding.

বরাবর [ barābara ] adv always or each time (বরাবর ভুল করা); all through, all along (বরাবর জঙ্গলের ভিতর দিয়ে); straightway (বরাবর উত্তরে যাও). ☐ prep. to, towards, near, along (নদী বরাবর). ☐ a. equiva lent or similar to ('সুধা বিষে বরাবর'). বরাবরেষু prep. to, addressed to (used in Bengali letterwriting).

বরাভয় [ barābhaẏa ] n a particular sign made with fin gers indicating grant of desire and as surance of safety.

বরাভরণ [ barābharaṇa ] n dress and ornaments given as gifts to a bridegroom by the bride's party.

বরারোহা [ barārōhā ] a. fem having well-shaped and well-developed hips.

বরাসন [ barāsana ] n a seat for the bridegroom at a wedding; a seat of honour; highest seat; a dignified or beautiful seat.

বরাহ [ barāha ] n the boar, the hog; the third incar nation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) when he slew Bara (বরা) the demon. fem. বরাহী the sow.

বরিষ্ঠ [ bariṣṭha ] a best; greatest; most honourable; chief; seniormost; (loos.) senior. fem. বরিষ্ঠা । বরিষ্ঠ সেবক a staff nurse.

বরীয়সী [ barīẏasī ] fem of বরীয়ান ।

বরীয়ান [ barīẏāna ] a better; greater; more honourable; senior.

বরুণ [ baruṇa ] n (myth.) the Hindu seagod (cp. Neptune Poseidon).

বরেণ্য [ barēṇya ] a honourable; best; desirable; de serving honourable or cordial recep tion or welcome. fem. বরেণ্যা ।

বরেন্দ্র, বরেন্দ্রভূমি [ barēndra, barēndrabhūmi ] n ancient Gauda (গৌড়) or North Bengal.

বর্গ [ barga ] n a class, a tribe, a genus, a species (প্রাণীবর্গ); a collection, an aggregate (বন্ধুবর্গ); (math.) the product of a quan tity multiplied by itself, square (বর্গমূল); (gr.) any one of the five groups into which Bengali consonantal stops (that is, the letters from ক্ to ম্) are classified (ক্-বর্গ, চ্-বর্গ, ট্-বর্গ, ত্ বর্গ, প্-বর্গ); a chapter or section of a book; (theol.) any one of the four prin cipal pursuits of life (see চতুর্বর্গ). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a square area, a square. ̃ঘন n. (math.) the square of a cube. ̃ফল n. square. ̃মূল n. (math.) the square root. বর্গমূল নির্ণয় করা বা বার করা v. to find the square root of.

বর্গি [ bargi ] n (hist.) the Maratha cavalry notori ous for their free-booting inroads.

বর্গিয়, বর্গ্য [ bargiẏa, bargya ] a of a class, tribal, generic, specific; (math.) relating to a square; (gr.) of or classified into the groups of the Bengali stops. বর্গীয় বর্ণ (gr.) any one of the twenty five consonantal stops of the Bengali alphabet.

বর্জন [ barjana ] n act of giving up; abandonment; disownment (স্ত্রী-পুত্র বর্জন); boycott (বিদেশি দ্রব্য বর্জন). বর্জন করা v. to give up; to abandon; to disown; to boycott. বর্জনীয় a. fit to be given up or aban doned or disowned or boycotted. fem. বর্জনীয়া ।

বর্জাইস [ barjāisa ] n (print.) bourgeois.

বর্জিত [ barjita ] a given up; abandoned; disowned; boycotted; omitted, left out ('নি' বর্জিত); deprived of, devoid of (সুখবর্জিত). fem. বর্জিতা ।

বর্জ্য [ barjya ] a same as বর্জনীয় ।

বর্ণ [ barṇa ] n colour; complexion; a race; a letter of the alphabet (স্বরবর্ণ); any one of the four Hindu castes (চতুর্বর্ণ). ̃চোরা a. (chiefly of mangoes) of a deceptive colour; (fig.) hypocritical. বর্ণচোরা আম see আম4 । ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge of the alphabet; literacy. ̃জ্ঞানহীন a. illiterate. ̃জ্যেষ্ঠ n. a Brahmin. fem. ̃জ্যেষ্ঠা । ̃দৃক n. a chromoscope. ̃পরিচয় n. same as ̃জ্ঞান । ̃বিদ্বেষ n. hatred towards other (usu. lower) castes. ̃বিপর্যয় n. met athesis. ̃বিশ্লেষণ n. analysis or separa tion of the letters of a word. বর্ণবিশ্লেষণ করা v. to analyse or separate the letters of a word. ̃বৈচিত্র্য n. variety of colour. ̃মণ্ডল n. the alphabet. ̃রেখাচ্ছটা n. (phys.) line of spectrum. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ n. a Brahmin. ☐ a. belonging to the highest caste. fem. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠা । ̃সঙ্কর a. hybrid, half-bred; mongrel, crossbred. ☐ n. a hybrid, a half-caste, a half-breed; a mongrel; a cross-breed. ̃সাম্য n. re semblance or symmetry in colour. ̃হীন a. colourless; pale.

বর্ণন, বর্ণনা [ barṇana, barṇanā ] n description; narration; de lineation; depiction; a statement; col oration. বর্ণনা করা v. to describe; to nar rate; to delineate; to depict; to colour, to paint. বর্ণনা দেওয়া v. to give an ac count (of). বর্ণনাকুশল a. proficient in describing or narrating or delineating or colouring or painting. বর্ণনাতীত a. in describable. বর্ণনাতীত হওয়া v. to be in describable, to beggar or defeat de scription. বর্ণনাপত্র n. a written state ment describing or narrating some thing. বর্ণনীয় n. to be described or nar rated; describable.

বর্ণনুক্রম [ barṇanukrama ] n the alphabetical order. বর্ণানুক্রমিক a. arranged alphabetically. বর্ণানুক্রমে adv. in the alphabetical order, alphabetically.

বর্ণান্ধ [ barṇāndha ] a colour-blind.

বর্ণাপেরণ [ barṇāpēraṇa ] n (phys.) chromatic aberration.

বর্ণালি, বর্ণালী [ barṇāli, barṇālī ] n (phys.) a spectrum. শুদ্ধ বর্ণলি a pure spectrum. শোষণবর্ণালি n. spectrum absorption. সৌরবর্ণালি n. a so lar spectrum. বর্ণালিগত, বর্ণালিবিষয়ক a. spectroscopic. বর্ণালিবিশ্লেষণ n. spectrum analysis. বর্ণালিবীক্ষণ n. a spectroscope. সমক্ষবর্ণালিবীক্ষণ a. direct vision spectro scope. বর্ণালিমাপক n. a spectrometer. বর্ণালি-লিখন n. spectrography. বর্ণালি-লেখ n. a spectrograph. বর্ণালি-লেখী a. spec trographic.

বর্ণাশুদ্ধি [ barṇāśuddhi ] n misspelling, spelling mistake.

বর্ণাশ্রম [ barṇāśrama ] n the four stages of the life of a Hindu as enjoined in the Vedas (see চতুরাশ্রম). ̃ধর্ম n. duties of the aforesaid four stages of life.

বর্ণিত [ barṇita ] a described; narrated; delineated; stated; depicted; painted, portrayed.

বর্ণীয় [ barṇīẏa ] a relating to colour; (phys.) chro matic.

বর্ণে বর্ণে [ barṇē barṇē ] adv word for word; completely, totally; to the letter.

বর্তন [ bartana ] n a utensil, a vessel; livelihood, oc cupation.

বর্তনী [ bartanī ] n (phys.) a circuit. খন্ডিত বর্তনী an open circuit. সংহত বর্তনী a closed cir cuit. বর্তনী-ছেদক n. a circuit-breaker. বর্তনীপ্রবাহ n. a circuit-current.

বর্তমান [ bartamāna ] n the present time, the present; current times, modern times; (gr.) the present tense. ☐ a. present (opp. ab sent); of the present, present; present day, current, modern; now existing or living or alive. বর্তমান থাকা v. to be present; to be existing or living or alive (now). বর্তমান কাল same as বর্তমান (n.). ̃কালীন a. present-day, current; occur ring or being done when one is present or alive. বর্তমানতা, বর্তমানত্ব n. presence; existence; state of being alive. বর্তমানে adv. at present; when one is living or alive or present (পিতা বর্তমানে)..

বর্তা, বর্তানো [ bartā, bartānō ] v to devolve on (পিতার গুণ পুত্রে বর্তায়); to keep going (বেঁচেবর্তে থাকা); to be kept going or be gratified (এ চাকরি পেলে সে বর্তে যাব).

বর্তিকা [ bartikā ] n a lamp; a wick of a lamp; a brush (esp. of a painter).

-বর্তিনী [ -bartinī ] fem of -বর্তী ।

বর্তিষ্ণু [ bartiṣṇu ] a durable, lasting; stable.

-বর্তী [ -bartī ] a (used as a sfx.) present, located (অগ্রবর্তী); amenable to (বশবর্তী).

বর্তুল [ bartula ] a spherical. ☐ n. a sphere; a ball; a spherical solid iron projectile used in games, a shot. ̃নিক্ষেপ n. putting the shot.

বর্তুলাকার [ bartulākāra ] a spherical, round, circular.

বর্ত্ম [ bartma ] n a road, a path, a way; a set of rules of conduct or moral practice; (fig.) a means.

বর্ধক [ bardhaka ] a causing or promoting increase or growth or development or improve ment or prosperity or expansion, aug mentative, multiplicative.

বর্ধন [ bardhana ] n increase, augmentation, multipli cation, growth, development, expan sion. ☐ a. same as বর্ধক (গৌরববর্ধন কার্য). বর্ধন করা v. to increase, to augment, to multiply, to enhance; to develop, to ex pand. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of being in creased or augmented or multiplied or grown or developed or expanded. ̃শীল a. in a state of increase or aug mentation or enhancement or develop ment or expansion, growing, thriving, prosperous. বর্ধানাঙ্ক n. (phys.) power (of a lens).

বর্ধিত [ bardhita ] a increased, augmented, multi plied, enhanced; grown; developed, expanded; accelerated (বর্ধিত বেগ). বর্ধিত করা same as বর্ধন করা (see বর্ধন).

বর্না, বর্নানো [ barnā, barnānō ] v (poet.) to describe, to nar rate, to delineate, to depict.

বর্বর [ barbara ] n one of an uncivilised human race; a barbarian; a boorish fellow; a rude or ignorant or stupid or beastly or cruel man. ☐ a. uncivilized, barbarous, bar baric; boorish; rude; ignorant, stupid, beastly, atrocious, heinous (বর্বর হত্যা). বর্বরতা n. lack of civilization, barbarity, barbarism; boorishness; rudeness; ig norance, stupidity; beastliness; atroc ity. বর্বরোচিত a. barbarous; atrocious; heinous; beastly; uncivilized.

বর্ম [ barma ] n a coat of mail, an armour, a mail.

বর্মা [ barmā ] n Burmah. ☐ a. Burmese (বর্মা চুরুট).

বর্মি [ barmi ] n a Burmese, a Burman. ☐ a. Bur mese.

বর্শা [ barśā ] n a spear, a lance; a pike. ̃দন্ড n. the shaft of a spear; a pikestaff. তিমি ধরার বর্শা n. a harpoon. ̃ধারী a. armed with a spear or lance or pike. ☐ n. a spearman; a pikeman. ̃ফলক n. a spearhead. ̃বিদ্ধ a. pierced with a spear, speared, harpooned.

বর্ষ [ barṣa ] n a year; (myth.) any one of the nine divisions of Jambu (জম্বু) or Asia; rain; cloud; shower or fall (তুষারবর্ষ). ̃কাল n. a period of one year; a full calendar year. ̃জীবী a. lasting or living for a year only; annual. বর্ষজীবী উদ্ভিদ an an nual plant, an annual. ̃প্রবেশ n. New Year's Day (chiefly according to the Bengali calendar). ̃বলয় n. (bot.) the annual ring. ̃মান n. rain-gauge.

বর্ষণ [ barṣaṇa ] n rainfall; rain (বর্ষণহীন মেঘ); raining; act of falling down in a stream; shower ing; a shower; act of scattering or sprin kling or dispersing upon (আতরবর্ষণ কিরণবর্ষণ); (fig.) gracious bestowal (আশীর্বাদবর্ষণ, ধন্যবাদবর্ষণ, উপহারবর্ষণ). বর্ষণ করা v. to rain upon, to shower, to scatter or sprinkle or disperse upon; to bestow graciously (upon). ̃মুখর a. vibrant with the patter of rain. ̃শীল a. disposed to rain; raining. বর্ষণোন্মুখ a. on the point of coming down as rain; on the point of raining; (fig.) on the point of weeping, tearful (বর্ষণোন্মুখ আঁখি).

বর্ষা [ barṣā ] n the rainy season, the rains; rain; rainfall. ☐ v. poet. form of বর্ষণ করা (see বর্ষণ). ̃কালীন a. happening during the rainy season; rainy. ̃গম n. the break of the monsoon. ̃তি1 n. an umbrella; a raincoat, a mackintosh, a waterproof. ̃তি2 a. grown in the rainy season. ☐ n. a room on the roof. বর্ষাত্যয় n. termination of rain or of the rainy season, autumn. ̃ধৌত a. washed by rain. ̃বসান n. same as বর্ষাত্যয় ।

-বর্ষিণী [ -barṣiṇī ] fem of -বর্ষী ।

বর্ষিষ্ঠ [ barṣiṣṭha ] a oldest; eldest; very old, burdened with age.

বর্ষী [ barṣī ] a (used as a sfx.) raining, shower ing, scattering, sprinkling, dispersing (আলোকবর্ষী).

-বর্ষীয় [ -barṣīẏa ] a (used as a sfx.) of the age of, aged (ষোড়শবর্ষীয়). fem. -বর্ষীয়া ।

বর্ষীয়সী [ barṣīẏasī ] fem of বর্ষীয়ান ।

বর্ষীয়ান [ barṣīẏāna ] a older; elder; elderly; very old.

বর্ষোপল [ barṣōpala ] n hail-stone.

বল1 [ bala1 ] n a ball; a playing ball; a football. বল করা, বল দেওয়া v. (in cricket) to bowl. বল খেলা v. to play football. বলখেলা n. the game of football. বলবেয়ারিং n. ball-bearings.

বল2 [ bala2 ] n power, might; force; strength; ability; energy; an armed force; a man or piece in chess; support or help; a supporter or helper. ̃কর, ̃কারক a. strengthening, invigorating, (med.) tonic. ̃ক্ষয় n. loss or decay of strength; loss or decrease of soldiers or men (of an army etc.). (in chess) loss of pieces. ̃ক্ষয়কর a. weakening; caus ing loss of strength; causing loss of soldiers or men; (in chess) loss of pieces or men. ̃গর্ব same as বলদর্প । ̃গর্বিত same as বলদৃপ্ত । ̃তুল্যাঙ্ক n. (phys.) a mechanical equivalent (of heat.) ̃ত্রিভুজ n. a triangle of forces. ̃দর্প n. pride of strength or power. ̃দায়ক a. strengthening; invigorating; energizing. ̃দৃপ্ত a. proud of strength or power, conceited with strength or power. ̃পূর্বক adv. by force; by vio lence. ̃প্রদ same as বলকর । বল প্রদান করা v. to strengthen or invigorate. ̃প্রয়োগ n. exercise or application or use of force or violence. বলপ্রয়োগ করা v. to apply force; to force. ̃প্রয়োগে adv. by force; by violence. ̃বত্ a. opera tive, in force, intact. বলবত্ করা v. to put (a law etc.) into force. ̃বতী fem. of ̃বান । ̃বত্তর a. stronger; more force ful. ̃বত্তা n. powerfulness; (rare) force fulness; possession of strength. ̃বন্ত same as বলবান । ̃বর্ধক a. invigorating. ̃বর্ধন n. increase of strength or power; invigoration; acceleration of force. ☐ a. causing increase of strength or power; invigorating, (med.) tonic; ac celerating the force of. বলবর্ধন করা v. to increase strength or power; to invigo rate, (med.) to tone up; to accelerate the force of. ̃বান a. strong; powerful robust, sturdy. ̃বিদ্যা n. mechanics. ̃বিন্যাস n. arraying of troops; arraying of pieces in chess. ̃ভরসা n. strength and support; support and prop. ̃শালিতা same as বলবত্তা । ̃শালী same as বলবান । fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শূন্য same as ̃হীন । ̃শ্রেণি n. (phys.) system of forces. ̃সামান্তরিক n. (mech.) a parrallelogram of forces. ̃সাম্য, বলস্হিতি n. (phys.) equilibrium of forces. ̃হীন a. devoid of strength, weak; powerless, infirm; impotent. fem. ̃হীনা ।

বলক [ balaka ] n swelling up of milk by boiling. বলকা a. swelled up by boiling (এক বলকা দুধ = milk swelled up but once by boiling).

বলদ1 [ balada1 ] n the bull, the bullock; the ox.

বলন1 [ balana1 ] n speaking or narrating.

বলন2 [ balana2 ] n growth; increase; (bot.) nuta tion.

বল-নাচ [ bala-nāca ] n ball-dance. বল-নাচ নাচা v. to take part in a ball.

বলয় [ balaẏa ] n an ornament for the wrist, a bangle, a bracelet; an annulus, a circu lar region, a sphere; an orb or orbit; a belt (শান্তবলয়). ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) an annu lar eclipse. বলয়াকার, বলয়াঙ্কিত a. ring shaped, circular, annular. বলয়িত a. en circled, enclosed, surrounded (সাগর বলয়িত = sea girt); having a ring; ring shaped, circular, annular. বলয়ী a. (bot.-of roots etc.) annulated.

বলা [ balā ] v to say; to deliver a lecture, to speak; to mention (ও কথা আর বোলো না); to inform; to tell (এ খবর কাউকে বোলো না); to permit (ডাক্তার ভাত খেতে বলেছে); to order or request, to ask (আসতে বলো); to counsel or advise (কী করি বল); to invite, to call (বিয়েতে কাউকে বলিনি); to speak out, to express (মনের কথা বলা); to narrate, to relate (গল্প বলা); to rubuke or censure; to consider (ধন বল, মান বল, সবই দুদিনের).

বলাক [ balāka ] n a kind of small goose capable of flying high. fem. বলাকা । বলাকা n. a flight of geese.

বলা-কওয়া [ balā-kōẏā ] n earnest solicitation or re quest (অনেক বলা-কওয়ার পর রাজি হওয়া); without any mention even (বলা-কওয়া নেই, একটা কাজ করে বসল).

বলাত্কার [ balātkāra ] n doing forcibly; act of forc ing, violence, outrage; forcible out rage of modesty or chasity, rape, rav ishment. বলাত্কার করা v. to do forc ibly; to force, to outrage; to outrage one's modesty or chastity forcibly, to rape, to ravish.

বলাধান [ balādhāna ] n infusion of strength, invigora tion. বলাধান করা v. to infuse strength (into), to strengthen, to invigorate.

বলাধিক্য [ balādhikya ] n excess or abundance or in crease of strength or forces.

বলাধ্যক্ষ [ balādhyakṣa ] n the commander of an army; a commander-in-chief.

বলানো [ balānō ] v to make one say or speak or tell or confess or divulge.

বলান্বিত [ balānbita ] a powerful; strong; having armed forces or soldiers.

বলাবল [ balābala ] n ability and disability; strength and weakness.

বলাবলি [ balābali ] n conversation; talk; talking; dis cussion; repeated requests. বলাবলি করা v. to converse; to discuss; to request repeatedly.

বলি1 [ bali1 ] n a line or folding of the skin (ত্রিবলি); a wrinkle of the skin; a pro trusion of the large intestine as in piles.

বলা2 [ balā2 ] n a sacrifice; sacrificing, sacrifice, immolation; a sacrificial beast, a vic tim; (fig.) one subjected to forcible death or suffering; a victim. বলি দেওয়া v. to immolate, to sacrifice; to victim ize.

বলিত [ balita ] a marked with lines of folding of the skin, furrowed; wrinkled, wrinkly.

বলিদান [ balidāna ] n immolation, sacrifice. বলিদান দেওয়া v. to immolate, to sacrifice; to victimize.

বলিভুক [ balibhuka ] n the crow or any other bird, subsisting on orts of a meal.

বলিয়ে [ baliẏē ] a having good speaking power, eloquent; having the gift of the gab. বলিয়ে-কইয়ে a. having the gift of good talking, eloquent.

বলিষ্ঠ [ baliṣṭha ] a robust, stout, sturdy, burly; vig orous, forceful (বলিষ্ঠ রচনা), কায় a. having a strong-built body, burly. তা n. robustness, stoutness, sturdiness; vigour.

বলিহারি [ balihāri ] a (iron.) excellent (বলিহারি বুদ্ধি). ☐ adv. rendered speechless, dumb founded (বলিহারী যাই). ☐ int. excellent, bravo.

বলী2 [ balī2 ] a full of strength, powerful, strong; heroic, valorous.

বলীবর্দ [ balībarda ] n the ox; the bull.

বলীয়ান [ balīẏāna ] a very strong or powerful.

বলে [ balē ] v says; speaks; talks. ☐ adv. & conj. because, as, on the plea of, owing to (মা বকেছেন বলে খাবে না?). □ adv. shortly, presently (বৃষ্টি এল বলে).

বল্কল, বল্ক [ balkala, balka ] n the rind of a tree, bark. বল্কলধারী a. wearing bark (instead of a loincloth). fem. বল্কলধারিণী ।

বল্গা, বল্গা [ balgā, balgā ] n the mouthpiece of a bridle, bit; rein. বল্গা আঁটা v. (lit. & fig.) to bit. বল্গা-হরিণ n. the reindeer. ˜হীন a. reinless.

বল্মীক, বল্মিক [ balmīka, balmika ] n an ant-hill.

বল্লব [ ballaba ] n a milkman; a cook.

বল্লভ [ ballabha ] n a husband; a lover, a sweet-heart; a favourite. fem. বল্লভা, (inc.) বল্লভী ।

বল্লরি, বল্লরী [ ballari, ballarī ] n a spike; a creeper.

বল্লা [ ballā ] n (dial.) the wasp.

বল্লাল্লি [ ballālli ] a relating to king Ballal Sen. বল্লাল্লি প্রথা the order of nobility of certain families as introduced by Ballal Sen.

বল্লি, বল্লী [ balli, ballī ] n a creeper.

বশ [ baśa ] n will, order, command, control, hold, authority, domination (বশে থাকা); influence (মোহবশে). ☐ a. subject to another's will or command; subju gated; controlled; influenced; charmed (জাদুতে বশ); obedient; submissive; very much fond (of) and obedient (to) (বাচ্চাটি তার ভারি বশ). বশ করা, বশে আনা v. to bring under control; to same; to break (as a horse); to win over; to in fluence; to charm. বশ হওয়া, বশে আসা v. to be brought under control; to be tamed or won over or influenced or charmed. বংশবদ a. obedient; submis sive; at one's beck and call. ̃ত adv. on account of, owing to, because of. ̃তা n. subjection to another's will or com mand; subordination; subjection; state of being controlled or influenced or charmed; obedience; submissiveness, submission; great fondness and obedi ence. ̃বর্তী a. obedient; attached or ad dicted (to); influenced (by). fem. ̃বর্তিনী, ̃বর্তিতা n. obedience, attach ment or addiction; the state of being influenced (by).

বশিতা, বশিত্ব [ baśitā, baśitba ] n perfect continence (which is one of the eight divine graces of Shiva), attainable by men through as ceticism); the power to control or charm everybody.

বশী [ baśī ] a perfectly continent; free, indepen dent; (erron.) dependent.

বশীকরণ [ baśīkaraṇa ] n act of bringing under one's control, enslavement by enchantment or mesmerism or incantation; enchant ment, hypnotization; a weird process to bring somebody under one's control. বশীকরণ করা v. to bring somebody un der one's control (esp. by means of some mysterious and weird process); to enchant. বশীকরণ-মন্ত্র n. incantation believed to possess occult power of bringing others under control.

বশীকৃত [ baśīkṛta ] a brought under control; subju gated; tamed; enchanted; made obedi ent. fem. বশীকৃতা ।

বশীভূত [ baśībhūta ] a brought under control; at tached or addicted to; enchanted; fond of and obedient to. fem. বশীভূতা ।

বশ্য [ baśya ] a controllable; tamable; subduable; subjugated; dependent; obedient; sub missive; attached or addicted (to); in fluenced (by). fem. বশ্যা । ̃তা n. depen dence; obedience; submissiveness; at tachment or addiction; the state of be ing influenced (by); loyalty. বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা v. to surrender; to give in; to accept the suzerainty of; to yield (to).

বসন [ basana ] n cloth; a loincloth, a wearing cloth; dress. ̃ভূষণ n. clothings and or naments, dress and ornaments. বসনাঞ্চল, ̃প্রান্ত n. the hem or corner of a cloth.

বসন্ত [ basanta ] n the spring season, spring, the springtime; pox, small-pox, chicken pox; an Indian musical mode. ̃কাল n. the spring season, the spring time, spring. ̃কালীন a. of spring; vernal. ̃দূত n. the messenger of spring; the cuckoo. ̃পঞ্চমী n. the fifth lunar day of the light fortnight of Magh (মাঘ) when Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী) is worshipped. ̃বায়ু n. vernal breeze, the south wind. ̃সখ n. the friend of spring; the cuckoo. ̃সখা n. one attended upon by Spring; Madana (মদন) the Hindu god of love. বসন্তের কোকিল (fig.) a fair-weather friend. বসন্তোত্সব n. the spring festival; the festival of holi (হোলী).

বসবাস [ basabāsa ] n residing or dwelling perma nently, settling down. বসবাস করা v. to reside or dwell permanently, to settle down.

বসা1 [ basā1 ] n a substance found in adipose tis sue, fat; marrow; grease.

বসা2 [ basā2 ] v to sit, to take one's seat; to be in stalled (গদিতে বসা); to be established or founded (গ্রামে গ্রামে স্কুল বসা); to start, to commence (আমাদের স্কুল এগারোটায় বসে); to freeze, to congeal, to solidify (দই বসা); to accumulate or settle (বুকে সর্দি বসা); to fit (মাথায় টুপি বসা); to be imposed or levied (ট্যাকস বসা); to enter (পেরেক বসা); to pierce (ছুরি বসা দাঁত বসা); to stick or to get stuck (কাদায় গাড়ির চাকা বসা); to be im printed (দাগ বসা); to be soaked (in) (গায়ে জল বসা); to be applied closely, to be attracted (মন বসা); to be wizened, to look haggard (চোখমুখ বসা); to become hoarse (স্বর বসা); to wait (তুমি একটু বসো); to come to stay or re side (প্রজা বা ভাড়াটে বসা); to be en gaged in (বিচারে বসা); to do or commit something suddenly (করে বসা, বলে বসা) ☐ a. seated; frozen, congealed, solidified; wizened, haggard; hoars ened; sunken; depressed (বসা জমি); re quiring much sitting, sedentary বসা কাজ); unemployed (তার সব ছেলেই বসা). বসানো v. to cause to sit, to seat; to es tablish or found; to cause to congeal, to congeal, to freeze, to solidify; to im pose or levy; to drive into, to enter; to pierce with; to imprint; to cause to be soaked (in); to apply closely; to cause to stay or reside; to engage; to set or stud with, to inlay (আংটিতে পাথর বসানো); to place or put (উনুনে হাঁড়ি বসানো); to implant, to deal (চড় বসানো). একেবারে মায়ের মুখ বসানো to be the im age of one's mother. বসার ঘর a sitting room; a drawing room. বসে থাকা v. to be sitting; to remain sitting; to wait (for); to be unemployed; to be without work; to pass time in laziness, to laze. বসে পড়া v. to sit down; to be utterly disappointed (ফেল করে সে বসে পড়ল); to be ruined utterly (মামলায় হেরে সে বসে পড়ল). বসে বসে adv. by waiting for a long time (বসে বসে বেলা গেল); in an unemployed state, doing nothing; idly (বসে বসে খাওয়া). বসে যাওয়া v. (of land etc.) to sink, to become depressed; to be ruined; to desist or rest (আর খেলিস না-বসে যা); to stop (বাধা পড়েছে-বসে যাও).

বসু [ basu ] n one of a class of demigods; wealth, riches. ̃ধা n. the earth. ̃ধারা n. an auspicious symbol painted on the inner wall of a room by Hindus at wedding etc. বসুন্ধরা, ̃মতী n. the earth (often personified as mother-earth).

বস্তা [ bastā ] n a sack, a large bag; a bale. ̃পচা a. rotted or spoilt by being packed in a sack for a long time; (fig.) hackneyed. banal, trite. ̃বন্দি a. packed in a bale or sack.

বস্তি1 [ basti1 ] n quarters for the poor people (কুলি-বস্তি); a slum esp. one consisting of cutcha huts. ̃বাসী n. a slum-dweller, inhabitant of a slum.

বস্তি2, বস্তী [ basti2, bastī ] n the abdomen; the bladder. ̃শোধন n. a diuretic.

বস্তু [ bastu ] n a thing, a material; subject-matter (usu. বিষয়বস্তু); substance (তোমার শরীরে বস্তু নেই); truth; (phil.) matter; (phys.) mass. ̃গত a. relating to a thing or matter. ̃গত মান intrinsic value. ̃জগত্ n. the material world, the world of matter. বস্তুত adv. in fact, indeed, re ally. ̃তত্ত্ব n. physics. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. a physicist. ̃তন্ত্র n. realism. ̃তন্ত্রী, ̃তন্ত্রীয়, ̃তান্ত্রীক a. realistic, materialis tic. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. realistic; objective. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. realism; objectiveness. ̃বাদ n. realism; materialism. ̃বাদী a. & n. realist; ma terialist.

বস্ত্র [ bastra ] n cloth; loincloth; clothing, dress. ̃গৃহ n. a tent; a pavilion. ̃হরণ n. di vestiture of clothes (esp. of the loin cloth); denudation; stealing of (another's) clothes or loincloth. ̃হীন a. having no cloth or clothing to cover the body; naked, unclad. বস্ত্রাঞ্চল n. the hem or corner of a loincloth. বস্ত্রাবাস n. a tent; a pavilion. বস্ত্রাবৃত a. clothed; wrapped or covered by a cloth; draped. বস্ত্রালংকার n. clothes and ornaments. বস্ত্রালয় n. a cloth shop.

বহ [ baha ] a (used as a sfx.) carrying, bearing, conveying (বার্তাবহ, গন্ধবহ); complying with (আজ্ঞাবহ).

বহতা [ bahatā ] a flowing (বহতা নদী).

বহন [ bahana ] n carrying, bearing, conveying (যাত্রীবহন, সংবাদবহন); enduring, suffer ing (দুঃখবহন); flowing. বহন করা v. to carry, to bear, to convey; to endure or suffer. ̃যোগ্য, বহনীয় a. carriageable; bearable; conveyable; portable.

বহমান [ bahamāna ] a flowing, running (বহমান নদী); carrying; bearing, conveying.

বহর [ bahara ] n a collection or multitude (পোত বহর); a fleet (মিরবহর); width, breadth (বহরে বড়); ostentatious show, glam our (রূপের বহর, কাজের বহর).

বহা [ bahā ] v to bear, to carry, to endure or suf fer; to flow, to run; to elapse, to pass (সময় বহা); to keep active, to keep up (শরীর বহে না).

বহানো [ bahānō ] v to cause to bear or carry or con vey or flow or run.

বহাল [ bahāla ] a appointed, employed (চাকরিতে বহাল); installed, continuing in (পদে বহাল); (still) in force or effective (বহাল আদেশ বা চুক্তি); hale, healthy (বহাল তবিয়ত). বহাল করা v. to appoint, to em ploy; to instal; to bring in force, to make effective. বহাল থাকা v. to con tinue in; to be in force. বহাল রাখা v. to let (one) continue in; to keep in force; to keep up, to maintain (ঠাট বহাল রাখা). বহাল তবিয়তে in good or sound or per fect health.

বহিঃ [ bahiḥ ] n outside, the exterior. ☐ a. outer, exterior, external. ̃কর্ণ n. the external ear, the auricle. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an ex ternal or exterior angle. ̃প্রকাশ n. ex pression, external expression. ̃প্রকোষ্ঠ n. a room at the side of a house. ̃প্রকোষ্ঠাস্হি n. the outer bone of the fore arm, the radius. প্রকোষ্ঠাস্হিগত a. radial. ̃শত্রু n. external enemy; enemy from without. ̃শুল্ক n. customs duty. ̃সমুদ্র n. the high sea. ̃স্হ a. external; exte rior; outer.

বহিত্র [ bahitra ] n a ship, a boat, a vessel; a scull; an oar.

বহিরঙ্গ [ bahiraṅga ] a external; outer; superficial; un related. ☐ n. an external limb.

বহিরাগত [ bahirāgata ] a emerged, issued out; coming from outside; foreign; adventitious.

বহিরাগমন [ bahirāgamana ] n issuing out or issuing forth, emergence.

বহিরাবরণ [ bahirābaraṇa ] n an outer covering; an outside coating; a shell, a crust, a slough, a rind.

বহিরিন্দ্রিয় [ bahirindriẏa ] n any one of the five sense or gans, namely, the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the skin.

বহির্গত [ bahirgata ] a gone or come out, issued forth; emerged. বহির্গত হওয়া v. to go or come out, to issue, to issue forth; to emerge.

বহির্গমন [ bahirgamana ] n act of issuing forth, emer gence; act of going out. বহির্গমন করা v. to issue forth, to emerge; to go out.

বহির্গামী [ bahirgāmī ] a issuing forth, emerging; going out; outgoing.

বহির্গ্রহ [ bahirgraha ] n (astr.) a superior planet.

বহির্জগত্ [ bahirjagat ] n the outer or external world; the visible or phenomenal world; the material world.

বহির্জনিষ্ণু [ bahirjaniṣṇu ] a (bot.) exogenous.

বহির্দ্বার [ bahirdbāra ] n the front-door (of a building); the gate, the main gate, (as of a town, village or building).

বহির্দ্বিখন্ডক [ bahirdbikhanḍaka ] n (geom.) an external bisec tor.

বহির্বাটি [ bahirbāṭi ] n an outhouse; a parlour or draw ing-room.

বহির্বাণিজ্য [ bahirbāṇijya ] n foreign trade, external trade; export.

বহির্বাস [ bahirbāsa ] n a thin scarf or wrapper for the upper body; an outer-garment.

বহির্বৃত্ত [ bahirbṛtta ] n (geom.) an ex-circle.

বহির্ভাগ [ bahirbhāga ] n an outer or external or exterior portion; outskirts (as of a village or town).

বহির্ভূত [ bahirbhūta ] a issued forth, emerged; lying outside or beyond (দেশবহির্ভূত); beyond the range of (দৃষ্টিবহির্ভূত); contravening (বিধিবহির্ভূত).

বহির্মুখ [ bahirmukha ] a facing outwards; (physiol.) out carrying, efferent (বহির্মুখ নার্ভ); (bot.) extrose; wordly-minded; (chiefly phil.) extrovert. fem. বহির্মুখী । বহির্মুখ ব্যক্তি a worldly-minded man, an extravert, an extrovert. ̃তা n. the state of facing outside; the state of being efferent; ex troversion; worldly-mindedness.

বহির্লিখিত [ bahirlikhita ] a (geom.) escribed.

বহিশ্চর্ম [ bahiścarma ] n epidermis, cuticle.

বহিষ্করণ, বহিষ্কার [ bahiṣkaraṇa, bahiṣkāra ] n expulsion; removal; ejectment, banishment; extraction; drainage. বহিষ্করণ করা বহিষ্কার করা v. to drive out, to expel; to remove; to eject; to banish; to extract; to drain; to draw out.

বহিষ্কৃত [ bahiṣkṛta ] a driven out, expelled; removed; ejected, banished; extracted; drained.

বহিষ্ক্রান্ত [ bahiṣkrānta ] a gone or come out, issued forth.

বহিস্ত্বক [ bahistbaka ] n epidermis, cuticle.

বহু2 [ bahu2 ] v (poet. & obs.) blows, let blow ('মলয় পবন বহু মন্দা').

বহু3 [ bahu3 ] a many, numerous; much, mani fold, diverse; profuse, abundant; long; more than one, poly-, multi-. ̃কষ্টে adv. with great difficulty. ̃কাল n. a long time. বহুকাল ধরে for a long time. for long. বহুকাল পরে after a long time. বহু কাল পূর্বে long ago. ̃কালব্যাপী a. long continued or long-lasting; very old. ̃কেলে a. very old, antique. ̃কেশর a. (bot.) polyandrous. ̃কোষ্ঠ a. (bot.) multilocular. ̃ক্ষণ n. a long while, a long time. ̃গর্ভপত্রী a. (bot.) polycarpellary. ̃গুচ্ছ a. (bot.) polyadelphous. ̃গুণ a. multiplied many times; many times over; many more, much more. ̃জাতিক a. multina tional. ̃জ্ঞ a. polymathic, having var ied or vast experience. বহুজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath; a man of varied or vast ex perience. ̃তর a. many more; too many; too much; diverse, various; manifold; many, numerous; much, pro fuse. ̃তল a. multi-storeyed. ̃তলক n. (geom.) a polyhedron. ̃তা same as বহুত্ব । ̃ত্ব n. numerousness; muchness; profusion, abundance; excessiveness; diversity. ̃ত্র adv. at or in many or di verse places. ̃দর্শিতা n. varied or wide or vast experience. ̃দর্শী a. having seen much; having varied experience or vast experience. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দূর a. very far, far-away, far-off, distant. ☐ adv. very far, far off, far away, at a great distance. ☐ n. a great distance, a far cry. ̃দূরবর্তী a. far-off, remote. ̃ধা adv. in many and diverse modes or methods or ways or directions or parts; di versely; many times. ̃পতিত্ব n. polyan dry. ̃পত্মীক a. having many wives, ploygamous. ̃পদ a. (alg.) polynomial; (zoo.) polypod. পদ প্রাণী a ploypod, a multiped. ̃বহুপার্শ্বীয় a. (bot.) multipa rous; multilateral. ̃প্রসবিনী a. fem. bearing many children; prolific; fertile. প্রান্তীয় a. parietal. ̃ফলকপত্র n. (bot.) a compound leaf. ̃বচন see বচন । ̃বর্ষজীবী a. (bot.) perennial; (of man) long-lived. ̃বল্লভ n. one beloved of many women; Krishna. (কৃষ্ণ). fem. ̃বল্লভা a woman beloved of many men; a flirt; a prostitute. ̃বিধ a. of many and diverse sorts. ̃বিবাহ polygamy. ̃বিবাহকারী a. polygamous. ☐ n. a polygamist. ̃বিবাহকারিণী a. polyandrous. ☐ n. a polyandrist. ̃বিস্তীর্ন a. spread over a wide or large area, far-flung. ̃বীজপত্রী (bot.) a. polycotyledon. ̃ব্যয়সাধ্য a. very expensive or costly. ̃ব্যয়ে adv. at a great cost or expense. ̃ব্রীহি n. (gr.) mode of forming compound words (a compound word formed by this mode gives a meaning which neither of the constituent words implies). ̃ভর্তৃক a. having many husbands. ̃ভাগ, ̃ভাগ্য, a. very fortunate. ☐ n. a great fortune. ̃ভাষিতা n. speaking many languages; garrulity, talkativeness. ̃ভাষী a. speak ing many languages, polyglottic; gar rulous, talkative. বহুভাষী ব্যক্তি a poly glot; a garrulous or talkative person. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) polygonal; (bio.) polypous. ☐ n. a polygon; a polyp. ̃ভুজক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) a polygon. ̃ভ্রূণবীজতা n. (bot.) polyembryony. ̃ভ্রূণবীজী a. (bot.) polyembryonic. ̃মত a. highly esteemed; greatly honoured. ̃মান n. high esteem; great honour. ̃মানাস্পদ a. highly esteemed or re vered. ̃মুখ a. multifaced; multifari ous; multiplex (বহুমুখ টেলিগ্রাফ); (of a school or co-operative society) multi purpose. fem. ̃মুখী । ̃মূত্র n. diabetes. ̃মূত্রগত a.diabetic. ̃মূত্রপীড়িত a. dia betic. ̃মূর্তি a. multiform. মূল্য a.very costly; very precious. ̃যৌগিক a. (bot.) decompound. ̃রাশিক n. (arith.) the double rule of three. ̃রূপ1 a. diverse. multifarious. ̃রূপ2, বহুরূপী a. assuming different forms; polymorphic, multi form. ☐ n. the chameleon; an itinerant showman who amuses people by as suming various forms. fem. a. ̃রূপিনী । ̃রূপতা a. polymorphism. ̃শ adv. many times, many a time and oft; in a great measure, to a great extent. ̃শাখ a. having many branches. ̃শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ a. polymathic. ̃বহুশাস্ত্রজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath. ̃শিরাল a. (bot.) multicostate. ̃শ্রুত a. profoundly or vastly learned, erudite, well-versed in many disciplines. ̃স্বামিক a. having to serve many mas ters; having many owners.

বহুড়ি [ bahuḍ়i ] n (obs.) a newly married woman, a childwife.

বহুত [ bahuta ] a much or many. বহুত আচ্ছা int. very good, excellent.

বহুল [ bahula ] a much, profuse, abundant, plenti ful. ̃পরিমাণে adv. in a great or large measure, profusely. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. muchness, profusion, abundance. plenty. বহুলীকরণ n. multiplication. বহুলীকৃত a. multiplied.

বহেড়া [ bahēḍ়ā ] n the beleric myrobalan.

বহ্নি [ bahni ] n fire. ̃জ্বালা n. a flame; glow or heat of fire. ̃মান a. flaming, blazing. ̃শিখা n. a tongue of fire, a flame. ̃সংস্কার n. cremation of a dead body.

বহ্বাড়ম্বর [ bahbāḍ়mbara ] n excessive pomp or éclat; great fuss.

বহ্বারম্ভ [ bahbārambha ] n a grand or fussy preparation. বহ্বারম্ভে লঘুক্রিয়া much cry but little wool.

বা2 [ 2 ] con or ☐ adv. possibly, perhaps (হবেও বা); alternatively (তুমিই বা গেলে); used to emphasize a question (হবেই বা না কেন ?).

বাই1 [ bāi1 ] n a title affixed to the names of Marathi or Rajput women.

বাই2 [ bāi2 ] n neurosis; a mania (শুচিবাই); a strong hobby, a crotchet, a craze (খেলা দেখার বাই).

বাই3, বাইওয়ালি [ bāi3, bāiōẏāli ] n. fem a professional dancing-girl and songstress.

বাইচ, বাইচখেলা [ bāica, bāicakhēlā ] n a boat-race, a regatta.

বাইনাচ [ bāināca ] n the dance of a professional dancing girl.

বাইবেল [ bāibēla ] n the Bible.

বাইল [ bāila ] n a stalked leaf of the coconut tree, palm-tree, etc,; a leaf of a door esp. of a folding door.

বাইশ [ bāiśa ] n. & a twenty-two. বাইশে n. the twenty-second day of a month, the twenty-second. ☐ a. twenty-second.

বাইস1 [ bāisa1 ] n a (carpenter's) chisel.

বাইস2 [ bāisa2 ] n a gripping tool, a vice.

বাইসিকল, বাইসিকেল, বাইসাইকেল [ bāisikala, bāisikēla, bāisāikēla ] n a bicyle, a cycle. বাইসিকলে চড়া v. to ride a bi cycle. বাইসিকলে চড়ে যাওয়া v. to cycle. বাইসিকল-আরোহী n. a cyclist.

বাউটি [ bāuṭi ] n a kind of bracelet.

বাউন্ডুলে [ bāunḍulē ] a regarding nobody or nothing as one's own; Bohemian, vagabond. ☐ n. a vagabond; a tramp.

বাউরা [ bāurā ] a mad, insane.

বাউরি [ bāuri ] n a lowly Hindu caste; a member of this caste.

বাউল [ bāula ] n one of a class of Hindu stoical devotees singing songs in a special mode illustrating their doctrine; their song or mode of singing.

বাওয়া1 [ bāōẏā1 ] v to row; to steer, to propel; to paddle; to pass over; to cover; to go or ply or move along (পথ বেয়ে যাওয়া); to climb up or down (সিঁড়ি বেয়ে নামা).

বাওয়া2 [ bāōẏā2 ] a not containing any embryo, barren, addle (বাওয়া ডিম = an addle egg, a wind-bag).

বাংলা1 [ bāṃlā1 ] n Bengal, the land or state of Bengal; the Bengali language. ☐ a. written in Bengali (বাংলা বই); relating or pertaining to or of Bengal or of Bengali (বাংলা সাহিত্য).

বাংলা2, বাংলো [ bāṃlā2, bāṃlō ] n a bungalow.

বাঃ [ bāḥ ] int denoting: an exclamation in praise, wonder, taunt, disgust etc., ah, (cp. bah).

বাঁও2 [ bām̐ō2 ] n a fathom.

বাঁওড় [ bām̐ōḍ় ] n the bend of a river where the current is obstructed, (cp.) an eddy, a whirlpool.

বাঁওয়া [ bām̐ōẏā ] a (dial.) left-handed.

বাঁক [ bān̐ka ] n curvature; a curve; a bend, a turn (as of a road or river); a piece of long and bent pole borne on one's shoulder for carrying loads fastened to its ends. ̃নল n. a blowpipe; a u-tube; (bot.) a bent tube. ̃মল n. a kind of twisted bangle for the ankle.

বাঁকা [ bān̐kā ] v to bend, to curve (রেখাটি বেঁকেছে); to turn (পথটি এখানে বেঁকেছে); to be come reluctant or unfavourable or un gracious or antipathetic (কর্তা বেঁকেছেন). ☐ a. bent, curved (বাঁকা বাঁশ); stopping, hunched (বাঁকা পিঠ); slanting, aslant (খুটিখানা বাঁকা); winding, tortuous, sinu ous, spiral, roundabout (বাঁকা পথ); fur tive, squint, oblique (বাঁকা চাহনি); cyni cal or unfriendly (বাঁকা দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি); crooked (বাঁকা মন); rude, harsh (বাঁকা কথা); insinuating; sly (বাঁকা উক্তি); re luctant, unfavourable, antipathetic. ̃চোরা a. having many curves and twists; not straightforward, crooked (বাঁকাচোরা কথা). বাঁকানো. v. to bend; to make reluctant or unfavourable or anti pathetic. বেঁকে বসা v. to be placed or fixed slantingly; to become reluctant or unfavourable or antipathetic; to revise or retract one's previous opinion, de sire, resolve etc., to refuse to fall in with or accede to.

বাঁচন [ bān̐cana ] n living, keeping alive, subsisting; resuscitation, revival; rescue or relief; state of remaining unimpaired, free dom from involvement.

বাঁচা [ bān̐cā ] v to live, to keep alive; to subsist (বাঙালি ভাতে বাঁচে); to get back life, to be resuscitated, to revive (বিশল্যকরণীর গুণে লক্ষণ বাঁচলেন); to be saved or res cued or relieved; to remain unim paired, to be kept up or maintained or protected (স্বাস্হ্য বাঁচা, মান বাঁচা); to es cape, avoid or to be spared (লোকসান বাঁচা, খরচ বাঁচা); to become surplus (ভোজের শেষে অনেক সন্দেশ বেঁচেছে). বাঁচানো v. to give back life, to resuscitate, to revive; to save or rescue or relieve; to keep up, to maintain, to protect; to es cape, to save, to cut, to curtail (খরচা বাঁচানো); to save from being consumed (খাবার বাঁচানো); to carry on, to maintain (চাকরি বাঁচানো). কারও পরে বেঁচে থাকা to outlive a person. কিছুর পরে বা কিছু এড়িয়ে বেঁচে থাকা to survive something.

বাঁচোয়া [ bān̐cōẏā ] n rescue, relief, escape; safety; (rare) protection of life;

বাঁজা, বাঁঝা [ bān̐jā, bān̐jhā ] a (of a woman) barren, sterile, unproductive.

বাঁট1 [ bān̐ṭa1 ] n an udder, a teat, a dug.

বাঁট2 [ bān̐ṭa2 ] n a haft, a handle.

বাঁটকুল [ bān̐ṭakula ] n a dumpy, a very short man, a short-statured man; a man of short height. ☐ a. short. see also বেঁটে ।

বাঁটন [ bān̐ṭana ] n dividing, apportionment, allot ment; distribution.

বাঁটা [ bān̐ṭā ] v to divide; to share out, to appor tion, to allot; to distribute. বাঁটানো v. to cause to divide or apportion or allot or distribute.

বাঁটুল [ bān̐ṭula ] n a small ball (usu. of iron and used as a missile); (iron.) a short and fat man, a dumpy.

বাঁদর [ bān̐dara ] n the monkey; the ape; (dero.) a mischievous person. fem. বাঁদরি । ̃মুখো a. having a face as ugly as that of a monkey. fem. বাঁদরমুখি । বাঁদরামি, বাঁদরামো n. mischievousness; a monkey-trick; monkeyism. বাঁদুরে a. monkeyish.

বাঁদরলাঠি [ bān̐daralāṭhi ] n the drumstick tree, Cassia fis tula.

বাঁদিপোতা [ bān̐dipōtā ] n a chequered cloth having multi-coloured stripes.

বাঁদি [ bān̐di ] n maidservant, a handmaid; a woman slave.

বাঁধ [ bān̐dha ] n a dam; a breakwater, a bulwark; (geog.) a dyke. বাঁধ দেওয়া v. to dam. (fig.) to restrain. বাঁধ নির্মান করা, বাঁধ বাঁধা v. to build a dam or breakwater or dyke.

বাঁধন [ bān̐dhana ] n binding or fastening; a tie, a knot (বাঁধন খুলে দাও); damming; obstruc tion; stopping or parking (as of a ve hicle); restraining or appeasement (as of one's mind); composition; forma tion; construction, building, setting up; turning, attunement; unification; re duction or rendering; compactness (কথার বাঁধন). ̃হারা a. free, unbridled, unrestrained. বাঁধনি n. binding or fas tening; a tie, a knot; due arrangement, methodicalness, order (কাজের বাঁধনি); compactness.

বাঁধা1 [ bān̐dhā1 ] n pawning or mortgaging. ☐ a. pawned, pledged, mortgaged. বাঁধা দেওয়া v. to pawn, to pledge; to mort gage. বাঁধা রাখা v. to give or take in pledge.

বাঁধা2 [ bān̐dhā2 ] v to bind, to tie, to fasten; to ob struct (স্রোত বাঁধা); to dam (খাল বাঁধা); to stop or park (গা়ড়ি বাঁধা); to restrain or appease (মন বাঁধা); to compose (গান বাঁধা); to form, to do (খোঁপা বাঁধা); to build or set up (ঘর বাঁধা); to attune (বীণা বাঁধা); to unite (প্রাণে প্রাণে বাঁধা); to be reduced to or rendered into, to turn into (জমাট বাঁধা, দান বাঁধা). ☐ a. bound; tied, fastened, obstructed; dammed; composed; formed, done; built, set up; attuned; routine (বাঁধা কাজ); regular (বাঁধা খদ্দের); stock (বাঁধা গত্); rigid (বাঁধা নিয়ম); fixed (বাঁধা মাইনে); brick-built or stone-built, pucka (বাঁধা ঘাট). বাঁধাই n. binding or cost of binding esp. a book; enframing or cost of enframing (as a picture). ̃কপি n. cabbage. বাঁধা গত্ a stock phrase; a rigid rule or system. ̃ছাদা n. rolling up and tying as a baggage. বাঁধাছাদা করা v. to pack. ̃ধরা a. fixed; rigid; routine; stock; monotonous, trite. ̃ঝুলি n. a catchphrase, a catchword, a slogan. বাঁধানো v. to bind (as a book); to enframe (as a picture); to fix or manu facture artificial ones (দাঁত বাঁধানো); to inlay (হিরে দিয়ে বাঁধানো); to plate (সোনা দিয়ে বাঁধানো); to pave, to macadamize (রাস্তা বাঁধানো); to build with stone or brick (ঘাট বাঁধা); to dam (খাল বাঁধানো); to cause to compose (গান বাঁধানো); to cause to build or set up (ঘর বাঁধানো); to cause to attune (বীণা বাঁধা); to reduce to or render into (জমাট বাঁধানো). ☐ a. bound; enframed; artificial (বাঁধানো দাঁত = a set of artifi cial teeth, denture); inlaid; plated; paved, macadamized; brick-built or stone-built, pukka; dammed; built or set up. ̃বাঁধি a. fixed, hard and fast, unalterable. ☐ n. a rigid rule or system; strictness.

বাঁয়া [ bām̐ẏā ] n a small semi-circular musical in strument of percussion played along with the tabla (তবলা). ঢাকের বাঁয়া (fig. & derisively) a useless accompani ment, a mere nothing; someone else's ditto.

বাঁশ [ bām̐śa ] n the bamboo. বাঁশ দেওয়া (sl.) to take the wind out of one's sails; to ruin. বুকে বাঁশ দেওয়া to make a person lie at full length in between two bamboo-poles and then roll the poles oppressively as a punishment; (fig.) to torment se verely. বাঁশের চেয়ে কঞ্চি দড় (fig.) the chip is harder than the old block, the greenhorn is tougher than the veteran. বাঁশ বনে ডোম কানা (fig.) one cannot see the wood for the trees. ̃গাড়ি n. (law) planting a bamboo-pole in the ground of an estate as a sign of taking posses sion of it. ̃ঝাড় n. a bamboo-clump.

বাঁশি, বাঁশরি [ bām̐śi, bām̐śari ] n a flute made of a kind of slender bamboo, a reed; a flute, a pipe. বাঁশি বাজানো v. to play on a flute, to pipe.

বাক্ [ bāk ] n speech, language; learning; the or gan of speech. ̃চাতুরি, ̃চাতুর্য, n. clever ness of speech; gift of the gab; artful or wheedling language, a quibble. ̃চাপল্য n. flippancy in speech; flippant speech; loquacity, talkativeness. ̃ছল n. artful ness or wheedlesomeness of speech; equivocation; a quibble. ̃জাল same as বাগজাল । ̃পটু same as বাগ্বিদগ্ধ । ̃পটুতা, ̃পটুত্ব same as বাগ্বৈদগ্ধ । ̃পারুষ্য n. rudeness of speech; insulting words. ̃প্রণালী n. mode of speaking; an idiom. ̃প্রপঞ্চ n. elaborate speech; eloquence. ̃রোধ inc. but pop. var. of বাগ্রোধ । ̃শক্তি n. power or faculty of speaking. ̃শক্তিরহিত, ̃শক্তিহীন a. dumb; unable to speak; rendered speechless; dumb founded. ̃সংযম n. exercise of restraint in speech, sparingness in use of words, reticence, taciturnity. ̃সর্বস্ব a. excel ling only in words and incapable of ac tion. বাক্সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a person of mere words, a wind-bag. ̃সিদ্ধ a. having the power to utter infallible words. fem. ̃সিদ্ধা । ̃স্ফূর্তি n. utterance of words. ̃স্বাধীনতা n. freedom of speech.

বাকস [ bākasa ] n a medicinal plant, Justicia gandrussa.

বাকি [ bāki ] a remaining (বাকি জীবন); outstand ing (বাকি কাজ); unrealized or unpaid, overdue (বাকি পাওনা). ☐ n. the remain der, the balance; arrears (বাকি শোধ); credit (বাকিতে বেচা). বাকি পড়া v. to fall into arrears, to be overdue. বাকি খাজনা arrears of rent. বাকি জায় a list of unre alized rent or revenue. ̃তে adv. in ar rears; on credit (বাকিতে জিনিস কেনা). ̃বকেয়া n. dues. বাকি রাখা v. to keep ar rears; to default; to keep unpaid.

বাক্য [ bākya ] n speech, language; (gr.) a sen tence; an expression; a saying. ̃জ্বালা n. tormenting language, a talking-to. বাক্যদান করা v. to give one's word, to promise. ̃বাগীশ a. having the gift of the gab; eloquent; voluble, glib, talk ative, garrulous; excelling in words but incapable of action. ̃বাণ n. (lit.) a shaft of words; piercing words. ̃বিন্যাস n. (gr.) syntax; (loos.) skilful use of words, praiseworthy oration. ̃বিশারদ same as বাক্যবাগীশ । ̃ব্যয় n. speaking, talking. বাক্যব্যয় করা v. to speak, to talk. বৃথা বাক্যব্যয় করা v. to talk in vain; to throw away words. বিনা বাক্যব্যয়ে adv. without using a word, without speak ing a word. ̃স্ফূর্তি n. utterance of words. ̃হারা, ̃হীন a. speechless; dumb; mum. বাক্যার্থ n. the meaning of a sentence. বাক্যালাপ n. conversation (বাক্যালাপে মগ্ন); speaking terms (তাদের বাক্যলাপ নেই = they are not on speaking terms). বাক্যালাপ করা v. to converse; to talk together (usu. familiarly); to speak with.

বাক্স, বাক্সো [ bāksa, bāksō ] n a box; a case. ̃জাত, ̃বন্দি a. kept into a box. বাক্সজাত করা, বাক্সবন্দি করা v. to put into a box, to box.

বাখান [ bākhāna ] n praise, eulogy; description.

বাখানা [ bākhānā ] v (poet.) to narrate or describe or delineate or praise.

বাখারি [ bākhāri ] n a piece of split bamboo, a bam boo-slip.

বাখারি চুন [ bākhāri cuna ] n unslaked lime, quick-lime.

বাগ1 [ bāga1 ] n a garden (গোলাপবাগ).

বাগ2 [ bāga2 ] n bridle (বাগডোর); control (বাগে পাওয়া); device or mode (কাজের বাগ); opportunity or advantage (বাগ পেয়ে); (dial.) a way or route (সে কোন বাগে গেল ?). বাগ মানানো, বাগে আনা v. to bring under control.

বাগ্জাল [ bāgjāla ] n a web or mesh or trap of words; wheedling language; rigmarole; circumlocution; grandiloquence. বাগ্জাল বিস্তার করা v. to weave a web or set a trap of words; to speak wheedlingly; to circumlocute.

বাগড়া [ bāgaḍ়ā ] n (coll.) an obstacle, a hindrance, a hitch. বাগড়া দেওয়া v. to create a hitch, to hinder; to make a bottleneck; to take the wind out of one's sails.

বাগডোর [ bāgaḍōra ] n rein.

বাগ্দত্তা [ bāgdattā ] a. fem betrothed; affianced. ☐ n. fem. a betrothed girl.

বাগদা, বাগদা-চিংড়ি [ bāgadā, bāgadā-ciṇḍ়i ] n the prawn.

বাগ্দান [ bāgdāna ] n betrothal; giving word; making a promise.

বাগদি [ bāgadi ] n a lowly Hindu caste; one of this caste. fem. বাগদিনি ।

বাগ্দেবী [ bāgdēbī ] n Saraswati, the goddess of speech.

বাগ্ধারা [ bāgdhārā ] n a manner or mode of using words in speech, an idiom. ̃গত a. idiomatic.