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বারইয়ারি, বারোয়ারি [ bāriẏāri, bārōẏāri ] a performed by the public for the public, public; joint, combined. ☐ n. a public function orga nized by the public.

বারংবার [ bārambāra ] adv again and again, time and again, repeatedly.

বারক [ bāraka ] a prohibitive; prohibitory; preven tive; resistive.

বারকোশ [ bārakōśa ] n a large wooden tray.

বারণ1 [ bāraṇa1 ] n the elephant.

বারণ2 [ bāraṇa2 ] n prohibition; prevention; resis tance. বারণ করা v. to prohibit; to pre vent; to resist. বারণীয় a. capable of be ing prohibited; preventible; resistible. বারণোপায় n. a preventive measure.

বারদরিয়া [ bāradariẏā ] n the open ocean, high seas.

বারফটকা [ bāraphaṭakā ] a given to dissipated frolicking away from one's dwelling-place; given to absenteeism.

বারফট্টাই [ bāraphaṭṭāi ] n bragging; ridiculous ostenta tiousness, pomposity. বারফট্টাই করা v. to brag; to indulge in pompous display.

বারবরদার [ bārabaradāra ] n a porter; a traveller's lug gage-carrying attendant. বারবরদারি n. porterage; service of a traveller's lug gage-carrying attendant.

বারবেলা [ bārabēlā ] n (astrol.) a part of the day re garded as inauspicious for undertaking any important work (religious or other).

বারব্রত [ bārabrata ] n holy rites.

বারমুখ্যা [ bāramukhyā ] n a leading prostitute; (loos.) a courtezan.

বারয়িতা [ bāraẏitā ] n a prohibiter, a prohibitor; a preventer. fem. বারয়িত্রী ।

বারশিঙ্গা, বারশিঙা [ bāraśiṅgā, bāraśiṅā ] n a kind of deer having six branches in either of its two horns.

বারা [ bārā ] v (poet.) to prohibit; to prevent; to ward off; to resist.

বারাঙ্গনা [ bārāṅganā ] n a public woman, a harlot, a prostitute, a whore.

বারান্তর [ bārāntara ] n another time, a different occa sion. বারান্তরে adv. at another time; on a different occasion.

বারান্দা [ bārāndā ] n a (roofed or open) portico or corridor, a veranda, a verandah; a bal cony.

বারি [ bāri ] n water. ̃দ n. cloud. ̃ধারা n. a shower or stream or torrent of rain. ̃ধি, ̃নিধি n. the sea; the ocean. ̃পাত n. rainfall; a shower of rain. ̃প্রবাহ n. a stream or current of water. ̃বাহ n. cloud. ̃মণ্ডল n. the hydrosphere. ̃রাশি n. a mass of water (esp. of a sea or a river).

বারিত [ bārita ] a prohibited; prevented; warded off; resisted; (chiefly law) barred (তামাদিদোষে বারিত = barred by limita tion).

বারীন্দ্র, বারীশ [ bārīndra, bārīśa ] n the occean.

বারুজীবী [ bārujībī ] n a Hindu caste occupied in growing and selling betel-leaves; one of this caste.

বারুণী [ bāruṇī ] n a variety of wine; wine; the west; a bathing festival held on the eve of the fourteenth lunar day of the dark fortnight of Chaitra (চৈত্র); the wife of the sea god (cp. Tethys).

বারুদ [ bāruda ] n gunpowder, powder. ̃খানা n. a room for storing gunpowder, a maga zine.

বারেক [ bārēka ] adv (chiefly poet.) once, only once, but for once.

বারেন্দ্র [ bārēndra ] n a native of ancient Gauda গৌড় or North Bengal; one of a class of Bengali Brahmans.

বারে বারে [ bārē bārē ] adv off and on; frequently; time and again.

বারো [ bārō ] n. & a twelve. বারো হাত কাঁকুড়ের তেরো হাত বীচি an instance of unseemly overmuchness. ̃ই n. the twelfth day of a month. বারো মাস ত্রিশ দিন adv. ev ery day; throughout the year. বারো মাসে তেরো পার্বণ overnumerousness of reli gious festivities.

বারোমাসী, বারোমাস্যা [ bārōmāsī, bārōmāsyā ] n the versified ac count of the weal and woe (usu.) told by a woman; the tale of weal and woe.