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বিদুর [ bidura ] n a character of the Mahabharata. বিদুরের খুদ an extremely small offering given in deep devotion, (cp.) a widow's mite.

বিদুষী [ biduṣī ] a. fem learned, erudite. ☐ n. fem. a learned woman.

বিদূর [ bidūra ] a remote (বিদূর সম্পর্ক). ☐ n. a re mote place (দূরে-বিদূরে).

বিদূরিত [ bidūrita ] a driven away; removed; ex pelled.

বিদূষক [ bidūṣaka ] n (in dramas) a clown, a jester, a buffoon.

বিদে [ bidē ] n a harrow, a rake. বিদে দেওয়া v. to harrow, to rake.

বিদেশ [ bidēśa ] n a foreign land or country. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. grown or produced in a for eign land, exotic, foreign. ̃ভ্রমণ n. travels abroad. ̃বাস n. staying or liv ing in a foreign country, living abroad. ̃যাত্রা n. starting on a journey abroad. ̃স্হ a. of a foreign land, foreign. বিদেশাগত a. coming from or imported from a foreign land. বিদেশি a. foreign, exotic, (arch.) outlandish, alien. ☐ n. a foreigner; an alien. fem. বিদেশিনি । বিদেশি পুঁজি foreign capital. বিদেশি মুদ্রা foreign currency. বিদেশীয় a. same as বিদেশি (a). বিদেশে adv. in or to a foreign land, abroad.

বিদেহ1 [ bidēha1 ] n modern Mithila (মিথিলা).

বিদেহ2 [ bidēha2 ] a bodiless, incorporeal. fem. বিদেহা, (inc.) বিদেহী ।

বিদ্ধ [ biddha ] a pierced; pricked; perforated; bored. বিদ্ধ করা v. to pierce; to prick; to perforate; to bore. ̃পত্র n. (bot.) a perfoliated leaf.

বিদ্বত্কল্প [ bidbatkalpa ] a appearing to be learned (though not really so); near learned, just short of being learned.

বিদ্বান [ bidbāna ] a learned; erudite. ☐ n. a learned or erudite man, a savant, a scholar.

বিদ্বষ্ট [ bidbaṣṭa ] a held in malice, maligned; en vied; grudged.

বিদ্বেষ [ bidbēṣa ] n malice, malignity; envy; grudge; animosity, animus. বিদ্বেষ করা v. to bear malice (against), to malign; to envy; to grudge; to treat with animosity. ̃পরায়ণ same as বিদ্বেষী । ̃প্রসূত a. caused or generated by malice or ma levolence. ̃বুদ্ধি n. malicious or envi ous or spiteful disposition. ̃বুদ্ধি প্রণোদিত, ̃বুদ্ধিপ্রসূত a. actuated by mali cious or envious or spiteful inclination or disposition. ̃ভাজন n. an object of malice or envy or animosity. ̃মূলক a. malicious; malevolent; actuated by malice or malignity; spiteful. বিদ্বেষানল n. extreme malice, great malice. বিদ্বেষী, বিদ্বেষ্টা a. malicious, malignant; envi ous; grudging; full of animosity.

বিদ্যমান [ bidyamāna ] a existent; present; in esse; alive, living. ̃তা n. existence; presence; state of being alive.

বিদ্যা [ bidyā ] n learning; erudition; scholarship; skill; a subject of study (সর্ববিদ্যা বিশারদ); a science (পদার্থবিদ্যা); an art (জাদুবিদ্যা, চুরিবিদ্যা); philosophy. বিদ্যার জাহাজ a prodigy of learning; (cp.) a walking encyclopaedia. বিদ্যার বহর (facet.) range of knowledge, extent of learning. ̃গম n. acquirement of learn ing. ̃চর্চা n. culture or cultivation of learning; practice of learning; acquisi tion of knowledge. ̃দাতা n. a teacher; a preceptor (fem. a preceptress), a guru. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. imparting of knowledge or learning. বিদ্যাদান করা v. to teach; to impart learning gratu itously. ̃দেবী n. Saraswati (সরস্বতী) the goddess of learning. ̃ধন n. knowl edge conceived as wealth. ̃ধর n. one of an order of demi-gods famous for their personal beauty and skill in mu sic. fem. ̃ধরী । ̃নিধি n. an ocean of learning: a title conferred on a scholar. বিদ্যানুরাগ n. love of learning, attach ment to learning. বিদ্যানুরাগী a. fond of or attached to learning. fem. বিদ্যানুরাগিণী । বিদ্যানুশীলন same as ̃চর্চা । বিদ্যানুশীলন করা v. to cultivate learning or a science; to study. ̃পীঠ n. a centre of learning; an academy; a school. ̃বতী fem. of বিদ্যাবান ।̃বত্তা n. posses sion of learning, scholarship. ̃বল n. power or force of learning. ̃বান a. learned. ̃বিনোদ n. delight of Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী): a title conferred on a scholar. ̃বিশারদ a. vastly learned. ☐ n. a title conferred on a scholar. ̃ব্যবসায়ী a. & n. one who teaches pro fessionally. ˜ভূষণ n. an ornament of learning: a title conferred on a scholar. বিদ্যাভ্যাস same as বিদ্যাচর্চা । বিদ্যাভ্যাস করা v. to learn an art or science; to study; to learn one's lessons. ̃মন্দির, বিদ্যায়তন n. a temple of learning; a school. ̃রত্ন n. a jewel of learning; a title conferred on a scholar. বিদ্যারম্ভ n. initiation into one's studies (esp. with religious so lemnities). বিদ্যারম্ভ করা v. to commence one's studies (esp. with religious so lemnities). বিদ্যার্জন same as বিদ্যালাভ । বিদ্যার্থী a. desirous of acquiring learn ing; (loos.) engaged in studies. ☐ n. one who is desirous of acquiring learn ing; (loos.) a student, a scholar, a pu pil, fem. বিদ্যার্থিনী । ̃লব্ধ a. gained or earned by learning. ̃লয় n. a school; an academy; (rare) a college; an insti tution; an institute; a seminary. বিদ্যালয়ের ছুটির দিন a school holiday. বিদ্যালয়ের ছুটির সময় closing time of a school; school vacation. বিদ্যালয়ের সময় school time; school hours. ̃লাভ n. ac quisition of learning; act of receiving education. বিদ্যালাভ করা v. to acquire learning; to receive education, to have one's education. ̃শিক্ষা n. learning; act of receiving education. বিদ্যাশিক্ষা করা v. to learn; to receive education. ̃শূন্য a. unlearned, uneducated; ignorant. ̃সাগর same as বিদ্যানিধি ।̃হীন same as বিদ্যাশূন্য । fem. বিদ্যাহীনা ।

বিদ্যুত্ [ bidyut ] n lightning; electricity. ̃গর্ভ a. impregnated with electricity; charged with electricity. ̃প্রবাহ n. an electric current. ̃প্রভ a. as dazzlingly bright as a flash of lightning. fem. ̃প্রভা । ̃স্পন্দন, ̃স্ফুরণ n. electric vibration. ̃স্পৃষ্ট a. struck by lightning. ̃স্ফুলিঙ্গ n. an electric spark. বিদ্যুদ্দাম n. a flash of lightning; a garland-like series of lightning flashes. বিদ্যুদ্বর্ষী a. discharg ing electricity. বিদ্যুদ্বেগ n. lightning speed. বিদ্যুদ্বেগে adv. as speedily as lightning. বিদ্যুন্মালা same as বিদ্যুদ্দাম । বিদ্যুল্লতা n. a streak of lightning.

বিদ্যোত্সাহী [ bidyōtsāhī ] a encouraging or patronizing promotion of learning or spread of education. fem. বিদ্যোত্সাহিনী । বিদ্যোত্সাহিনী সভা a society for promo tion or spread of learning or education.

বিদ্রব [ bidraba ] n fleeing, flight; melting or being melted; dissolving; thaw.

বিদ্রাবণ [ bidrābaṇa ] n turning into liquid, liquefac tion. বিদ্রাবিত a. liquefied.

বিদ্রুম [ bidruma ] n ruby; coral; a young shoot.

বিদ্রোহ [ bidrōha ] n revolt, rebellion, insurrection, insurgence, insurgency; (loos.) treason; a coup, a coup d'etat; mutiny. বিদ্রোহ করা v. to rise in rebellion, to revolt, to rebel, to mutiny. বিদ্রোহচারণ করা v. to revolt; to become hostile or disloyal. বিদ্রোহাত্মক, ̃মূলক a. rebellious; muti nous; insurgent; recalcitrant. বিদ্রোহী a. rebellious, insurgent; mutinous; hos tile; disloyal. ☐ n. a rebel; an insur gent; a disloyal person. (loos.) a traitor. fem. বিদ্রোহিণী ।

-বিধ [ -bidha ] sfx sort, kind, type etc. (বহুবিধ = of many kinds.)

বিধবা [ bidhabā ] n. fem a widow. বিধবা করা v. to be reave of a husband, to widow. ̃বিবাহ n. widow marriage.

বিধর্মা, বিধর্মী [ bidharmā, bidharmī ] a professing a different reli gion or creed; heretic. ☐ n. one pro fessing a different religion; a heretic; an infidel.

বিধা [ bidhā ] n sort, kind, variety, type; manner, mode; arrangement (সুবিধা).

বিধাতা [ bidhātā ] n a director, a controller, a regu lator (ভাগ্যবিধাতা); God; Providence; Brahma (ব্রহ্ম). ̃পুরুষ n. Providence personified (who is believed to write down the future of a newborn baby on its forehead).