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বিধাতৃদত্ত [ bidhātṛdatta ] a God-gifted, God-given; be stowed by Providence.

বিধান [ bidhāna ] n a scriptural prescript or ruling; a prescript, a ruling (সভাপতির বিধান); a prescription (পথ্যবিধান); provision, ar rangement (আনন্দবিধান); legislation; a law; a rule; a system (নববিধান). বিধান দেওয়া v. to prescribe; to issue a ruling, to rule. ̃কর্তা n. a director (fem. directress, directrix), a regulator, a controller; a law-giver; a legislator. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃তন্ত্র n. a code of laws; a system of legislation. বিধান-পরিষদ n. a legislative council. ̃শাস্ত্র n. jurispru dence, law. ̃সংসদ n. the Parliament. ̃সংহিতা n. a treatise on jurisprudence, a law-book. ̃সভা n. a legislative as sembly.

বিধানিক [ bidhānika ] a legislative. বিধানিক ক্ষমতা legis lative power. বিধানিক প্রণালী legislative procedure.

বিধায় [ bidhāẏa ] prep (leg.) on account of, because of, owing to, for (অসুস্হতা বিধায়).

বিধায়ক, বিধায়ী [ bidhāẏaka, bidhāẏī ] a legislating; enacting; di recting, controlling, regulating; issuing a rule; prescribing; making provision or arrangements for; causing to hap pen, bringing about. ☐ n. a member of a legislative assembly, an MLA. fem. বিধায়িকা, বিধায়িনী ।

বিধি [ bidhi ] n a prescript, an edict; a prescrip tion; a rule; a regulation; a law, an act; a means; a procedure; a method; a sys tem; destiny, fate; God, Providence; Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). বিধি-অধিকারিক n. law officer. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with laws or rules; versed in scriptures. ̃নির্দেশক n. legal remembrancer. ̃নির্দিষ্ট a. regu lated or prescribed or determined by rules or regulations. ̃নিষেধ n. restric tions or inhibitions. ̃প্রয়োগ n. applica tion of a rule or law. ̃বদ্ধ a. regulated; enacted, codified; in keeping with form or established mode, formal. বিধিবদ্ধ করা v. to enact, to codify. ̃বিড়ম্বনা n. deception by fate; irony of fate. ̃বিড়ম্বিত a. beguiled by fate; suf fered or suffering from irony of fate. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. unlawful; irregular; informal. ̃বিহিত a. lawful; law-abiding; regular; formal. ̃ভঙ্গ n. breaking the rules or regulations; infringement or violation of a rule or law. ̃মতো a. in keeping with scriptural prescripts or edicts or rules; in keeping with rules or laws; just, rightful (বিধিমতো শাস্তি); (loos.) adequate; formal; (loos.) utmost (বিধিমতো চেষ্টা). ̃লিপি n. the prescript of Providence; destiny, fate. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. in keeping with scriptural prescripts or edicts or rules; lawful, rightful; formal.

বিধিত্সা [ bidhitsā ] n desire to make provision or ar rangements for, desire to provide for.

বিধিত্সু [ bidhitsu ] a desirous of making provision or arrangements for.

বিধু [ bidhu ] n the moon.

বিধুত [ bidhuta ] a set trembling; shaken; vibrated. বিধুত করা v. to set trembling; to shake; to vibrate.

বিধুনন [ bidhunana ] n act of causing to tremble; shak ing; vibration.

বিধুবদন, বিধুমুখ [ bidhubadana, bidhumukha ] a moon-faced. fem. বিধুবদনা, বিধুমুখী ।

বিধুর [ bidhura ] a afflicted (বিরহবিধুর); frightened; bewildered; overwhelmed, redolent of, surcharged with (গন্ধবিধুর); beside oneself with (আনন্দবিধুর). fem. বিধুরা । ̃তা n. affliction; fright; bewilderment; overwhelmed state, state of being be side oneself.

বিধৃত [ bidhṛta ] a firmly caught or seized or ar rested; grasped, realized, preserved; embalmed.

বিধেয় [ bidhēẏa ] a lawful, rightful; proper; that should be done or undertaken; predi cable. ☐ n. (gr. & log.) a predicate; (phil.) a predicable.

বিধেয়ক [ bidhēẏaka ] n a draft of a proposed law, a bill.

বিধৌত [ bidhauta ] a washed well, profusely washed.

বিধ্বংস [ bidhbaṃsa ] n complete ruin or destruction; devastation; demolition; বিধ্বংসী a. thoroughly ruining or destroying; dev astating; demolishing.