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বিবর্ণ [ bibarṇa ] a discoloured; pale; wan; glum. fem. বিবর্ণা । ̃তা n. discoloration; pale ness; wanness; glumness.

বিবর্ত [ bibarta ] n rotation, revolution; change; trans formation; a changed or developed state; presence or existence in a particular manner; (phil.) illusory existence; illu sion, maya. বিবর্তন n. rotation, revolu tion; act of moving back, return; change, transformation; evolution. বিবর্তনবাদ n. the theory of evolution. ̃বাদ n. (phil.) the doctrine of illusion or maya. বিবর্তিত a. rotated, revolved; moved back, re turned; changed, transformed.

বিবর্ধক [ bibardhaka ] a magnifying; amplifying (ধ্বনি বিবর্ধক যন্ত্র = an amplifier). বিবর্ধক কাচ a magnifying lens.

বিবর্ধন [ bibardhana ] n thorough development, evolu tion; thorough enlargement or augmen tation; (phys.) magnification; amplifi cation.

বিবর্ধিত [ bibardhita ] a thoroughly developed or en larged or augmented (phys.); magni fied; amplified. বিবর্ধিত করা v. to de velop or enlarge or augment thor oughly; to magnify; to amplify.

বিবশ [ bibaśa ] a benumbed; stupefied or over whelmed; fatigued; utterly helpless; in consolable; divested of selfcontrol, be side oneself with; (ori.) beyond con trol. fem. বিবশা । ̃তা n. numbness; stu pefaction, insensateness.

বিবসন, বিবস্ত্র [ bibasana, bibastra ] a unclothed, undressed, na ked. fem. বিবসনা, বিবস্ত্রা ।

বিবস্বান [ bibasbāna ] n the sun or the sungod (cp. Sol.)

বিবাগী [ bibāgī ] a indifferent to worldly interests or pleasure; stoical; one who has re nounced domestic ties or has left one's home for good. বিবাগী হওয়া v. to re nounce worldly pleasures or interests; to go out into the world by renouncing worldy ties.

বিবাচক [ bibācaka ] n censor. বিবাচক-পর্ষদ n. board of censors. বিবাচন n. censorship.

বিবাদ [ bibāda ] n a quarrel, a brawl; altercation; a dispute; a conflict; strife, hostility; a fight; an action at law, litigation; a breach of friendly relation. বিবাদ করা v. to quarrel, to brawl; to altercate; to dis pute; to fight; to fight at law; to sever friendly relation. ̃প্রিয় a. quarrelsome; factious; litigious. ̃বিসংবাদ n. quarrels or brawls; disputes. ̃সূচি n. cause list. বিবাদী a. concerning a quarrel or dis pute; under dispute (বিবাদী সম্পত্তি); contending; contesting; litigant; oppos ing, hostile. ☐ n. a contestant; a liti gant; an opponent; the opposite party; the defendant (as opposed to the plain tiff); a note opposing the principal note of a musical mode. fem. বিবাদিনী (not in the musical sense).

বিবাহ [ bibāha ] n marriage, wedding, bridal, nup tials. বিবাহ করা v. to marry, to wed. বিবাহ দেওয়া v. to marry, to give in mar riage (to), to wed. ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. the legal dissolution of marriage, divorce. বিবাহবিচ্ছেদ করা v. to dissolve a mar riage; to divorce. ̃বিচ্ছেদকারী n. a di vorcee. ̃ভোজ n. a marriage feast, a bridal. ̃যোগ্য a. marriageable. fem. ̃যোগ্যা । ̃সভা n. the venue of a wed ding ceremony. বিবাহার্থী a. willing or ready to marry. বিবাহিত a. married. fem. বিবাহিতা । বিবাহোত্সব n. a wedding ceremony and festivity, nuptials.

বিবি [ bibi ] n. fem a Musalman or European lady; (Mus.) a wife; a foppish and ease-loving woman; (of playing-cards) the queen. ☐ a. fem. foppish and ease loving (বিবি বউ).

বিবিক্ত [ bibikta ] a detached; isolated; secluded; alone; lonely, solitary; auspicious.

বিবিজান [ bibijāna ] n. fem (Mus.) a term of endear ment to address one's wife; a European lady or a foppish and ease-loving woman.

বিবিধ [ bibidha ] a of many and different kinds, sundry, diverse, various; miscella neous. ̃পত্রী a. (bot.) heterophily.

বিবিয়ানা [ bibiẏānā ] n the style of living in ease and foppishness (as of a European lady); adoption of this style by a non-Euro pean woman.

বিবুধ [ bibudha ] n a learned man; a deity.

বিবৃত [ bibṛta ] a stated; narrated; explained; re vealed; expanded. বিবৃত করা v. to state; to narrate, to relate; to explain; to reveal; to expand. বিবৃতি n. a statement; narration; explanation; exposition; revelation; ex pansion. বিবৃতি দেওয়া to make a statement.

বিবৃত্ত [ bibṛtta ] a turned about, revolved; returned.

বিবেক [ bibēka ] n conscience; judgment, discre tion; knowledge about reality, spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃চালিত, ̃তাড়িত a. impelled or goaded by con science. ̃দংশন n. the sting of con science. ̃পীড়িত a. conscience-smitten. ̃বুদ্ধি n. conscientiousness; (loos.) con science; (loos.) judgment, discretion. ̃বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন a. conscientious. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. lacking in conscience or conscien tiousness; unscrupulous; devoid of judgment or discretionary power. বিবেকী a. conscientious.

বিবেচক [ bibēcaka ] a thoughtful; discreet; judicious, prudent; considerate.

বিবেচনা [ bibēcanā ] n deliberation; discretion; judi ciousness, prudence; considerateness; thoughtful opinion (আমার বিবেচনায় = in my opinion, to my mind, according to me). বিবেচনা করা v. to consider; to deliberate; to judge; to think. বিবেচনাধীন a. under consideration. ̃শক্তি n. power of deliberation; discretion; power of judgment. বিবেচনা-সাপেক্ষ a. subject to consideration, under consideration.

বিবেচিত [ bibēcita ] a deliberated; considered; judged; thought.

বিবেচ্য [ bibēcya ] a that which is to be considered or judged; worthy of consideration; un der consideration.

বিব্রত [ bibrata ] a embarrassed; encumbered. বিব্রত করা v. to embarrass; to encumber.

বিভক্ত [ bibhakta ] a divided; parted; partitioned; ap portioned. বিভক্ত করা v. to divide; to part; to partition; to apportion.

বিভক্তি [ bibhakti ] n (gr.) a case-ending (also = শব্দবিভক্তি) or a verb-inflection. (usu. ক্রিয়াবিভক্তি).

বিভঙ্গ [ bibhaṅga ] n method; plan or design or draft outline of a work.

বিভজ্যমান [ bibhajyamāna ] a that which is being divided or partitioned or apportioned.

বিভব [ bibhaba ] n wealth, riches, property; power; greatness; magnanimity; godhead, di vinity; godliness; sanctifying grace, unction. ̃শালী a. wealthy, rich; pow erful; great; magnanimous; unctuous. fem. ̃শালিনী ।

বিভা [ bibhā ] n glow; lustre; shine; a ray, a beam; light; beauty.

বিভাকর [ bibhākara ] n the sun.

বিভাগ [ bibhāga ] n division; partition: apportion ment; distribution; a division (of a country etc.); a part, a portion, a sec tion; department (বিচারবিভাগ). বিভাগ করা v. to divide; to partition; to appor tion; to distribute. বিভাগী a. fissile. বিভাগী-ছত্রাক n. a fission fungus. বিভাগী শৈবাল n. a fission alga. বিভাগীয় a. divi sional, sectional; departmental (বিভাগীয় কর্তা = the departmental head, বিভাগীয় বিপণি = a departmental store).

বিভাজক [ bibhājaka ] a dividing (বিভাজক গিরিশ্রেণি); parting; partitioning; apportioning; dis tributing. ☐ n. one who divides, a di vider; (math.) a divisor.

বিভাজন [ bibhājana ] n a division; parting; partition; apportionment; distribution; (mech.) resolution of velocity. পরমাণু-বিভাজন n. splitting of atoms. বিভাজিত a. divided; separated.

বিভাজিকা [ bibhājikā ] fem of বিভাজক ।

বিভাজ্য [ bibhājya ] a to be divided or partitioned or apportioned or distributed, dividable; (math.) divisible. ☐ n. (math.) a divi dend. ̃তা n. state of being dividable; (math.) divisibility.

বিভাব [ bibhāba ] n (rhet.) that element in the read ing matter, which excites magnanim ity, sorrow, surprise, resentment, ter ror, love, mirth, disgust or quietism; an excitant or determinant; a person in whom any of the aforesaid emotions resides.

বিভাবনা [ bibhābanā ] n deliberation; perception; (rhet.) an effect without cause.

বিভাবরী [ bibhābarī ] n the night.

বিভাবসু [ bibhābasu ] n the sun.

বিভাবিত [ bibhābita ] a deliberated, felt, perceived; ab sorbed in a feeling ('গোরাভাবে বিভাবিত').

বিভাষা [ bibhāṣā ] n a foreign language; an alterna tive; a dialect.